
In RealLife The Better Tank is ?

T722%2% - 9
T8010%10% - 35
M1A Abrams62%62% - 220
others24%24% - 86
Total: 350

Sh1fty2k5 wrote:

Major_Spittle wrote:

Only a retard would think that the T-72, T-80, or T-90 is better than the Leo, challenger, or abrams...  I've been on Soviet tanks and spent years serving in an M1A2.  The Soviet's would pour their turrets out of a cast.... talk about no protection. I have mowed down troop targets with the coax at 800 meters with deadly accuracy, clover leafed 3 sabot rounds in a target at 1500 meters, and had no problem hiting small PCs at 1700+ meters while going 40mph across moderate terrain.  I know for a fact that the T-72 couldn't hit shit with a sabot round at 1500 meters while moving, its fire control system was shit, and had crap stabilization for the gun.  Hell the T-72 wasn't even designed to be accurate on the move.

Yep the Soviets make great weapons on paper..... Name One Battle that proved these weapons were great. 

And please don't even respond if you are < 18 and just read about crap in your latest tank sim game.

As for the Anti-America crap, If it wasn't for the US spending Billions each year on the Military and standing up to SmackTards like Sadam, all these other countries that put down America would need to bankrupt themselves building a Military or be taken out by the likes of North Korea, Iraq, Iran, China, and the Soviets that would still exist.  As an American I am all for Isolating our nations and not spending billions on the Military and Pulling our troops out of Europe/Korea.  It must be nice for France and Canada not to have to spend money on a military and instead spend it on their social programs all the while poking at America with a stick while hiding behind its military. How Rich could America be if it didn't have to police the world and spend Billions on the Military.  God Bless the Brits, Aussies and Americans.  Three of the last countries you don't have to be ashamed to be from...... I'd have thrown in Ireland, but it would have pissed them off to be grouped with the English.
i'd be ashamed if i were british, England is the shabbiest country on earth. And it wouldn't be better to be an ignorant redneck aussie, i'll tell u that
lol.. they do have the worst food in the world and worst weather. but the merkava (sp?) isreali tank pwns coz the crew can escape from the back, but the abrams have explosive sumthing armour
Horseman 77
Shift key is a moron I played Karkand with him. dkhd
+276|6809|United States of America
Good Point cyborg_ninja-117, while I was in the service (89-99), a lot of fellow tankers felt that Israeli's Merkava was the best tank in the field.  Israeli's designed and built it with battle field knowlege from the 1967 war.  In fact one of the most famous tankers in Military circles was an Israeli that refused to abandon his tank that lost mobility and became a one man crew, loading and gunning on his own (no room to miss)... He got many a kill and held HIS ground until reinforcements arrived.

cyborg_ninja-117 don't take shit from China. 

In Operation Desert Storm, America's Big Cats Owned the Night

Definition of pwnd- Iraqi tankers would flee their tanks because they would all just start exploding.

Last edited by Major_Spittle (2006-02-07 17:32:14)

England has the worst food?

That's rich coming from someone from Tailand ROFL...
Horseman 77
i love Tai Food,  but talk about filthy Restaruants Ugh. I cant eat it anymore

Major_Spittle wrote:

Good Point cyborg_ninja-117, while I was in the service (89-99), a lot of fellow tankers felt that Israeli's Merkava was the best tank in the field.  Israeli's designed and built it with battle field knowlege from the 1967 war.  In fact one of the most famous tankers in Military circles was an Israeli that refused to abandon his tank that lost mobility and became a one man crew, loading and gunning on his own (no room to miss)... He got many a kill and held HIS ground until reinforcements arrived.

cyborg_ninja-117 don't take shit from China. 

In Operation Desert Storm, America's Big Cats Owned the Night

Definition of pwnd- Iraqi tankers would flee their tanks because they would all just start exploding.
As I noted before, the Merkava would make an uber tank for BF2.  With room for the rest of your squad, coupled with mortars and anti-copter shells, two of these moving together would be near unstoppable.

Going on tangent, who here thinks the Armored Assault booster pack will be a planewhores dream?  The A-10 will destroy any hopes for anyone wanting to replay the Patton/Rommel scenarios.  It'll be a killfest like that infamous road in Iraq.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+563|6868|Purplicious Wisconsin

Sinyukov wrote:

oberst_enzian wrote:

BEE_Grim_Reaper wrote:

You might say, that Iraq used T-72 tanks agains US M1A2, but consider this: those tanks where mostly not the modernized variant, they where not properly maintained, the crews where not properly trained and the morale was below the freezing point, metaphorically speaking.
the most interesting and relevent point in this thread so far. superior technology alone will never win the day. you have to believe in what you're fighting for. all the recent american military successes will never erase the memory of vietnam.
Not to be a buzzkill or anything, with whats going on in Iraq, we are looking at the second Vietnam.
you are being dumb, if it was a second Vietnam then howcome it isn't a jungle out there in iraq right now?
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
TaNk WhOrE
+1|6790|Charlotte N.C.

Sinyukov wrote:

Medic875 wrote:

Sinyukov wrote:

How can you say some stupid shit like that.
20,000,000+ lives have been lost from Soviet Union in WWII so what they don't matter or anything? How can you claim that it was just US that came and destroyed the nazis. As far as I remember reading in books and hearing from people who lived through those times (i.e. my grandmother, grandfather, and my late great grandmothers), by the time US landed for the D-day USSR had already turned the tide and was marching toward Berlin. I personally think that you're comments are offensive to me as a Russian and a great grandson of a Person who went through the entire WWII, Nazi concentration camps and post war imprisonment for allegendly being a traitor. It was not US that won the war, it was not USSR that won the war, It was the world that won that war together. US fought Japan while Europe fought Germany. Later they combined after Japan posed no real threat. Just an FYI.

P.S. By the time US started bombing Germans for the first time, Russians had already turned the tide and were freeing captured cities.

here's a link of the timeline: http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/t … w2time.htm

One more little edit. Just a thought, but for all of you who actually think US won WWII. The only reason why D-Day or any other onland operation was a success was because Germany was fighting TWO fronts. They were fighting Russia or USSR at that time which was advancing massively with arguably the BEST Medium tanks in that war period T-34/76 and T-34/86s and they were fighting US and Britain on the Western front. Now imagine if USSR fell victim then you guys would have to face Germany in its full might which would not be so easy to Defeat US had three biggest disadvantages in that war. It is a different continent which did not allow imediate resupplies was the first and the second was their armor power (not air power but armor) was weak German SuperTigers would have owned almost anything dished out at them and by the time reinforcements arrived they would have had new tanks waiting. Also Remember the Luftwafe (don't know about the spelling) airpower of Germans? It was the best airforce of WWII and is still considered the defining force of the 20th century. You put this together and Germany was way to powerful for US and Britain to take by themselves which automatically means that US DIDN'T win this war. Plus US was divided fighting to Countries at once. This war was won by All COUTRIES EQUALLY.
Well you got me there!!! 20 Million + Now that is a stat that any country would be proud of stating… except you don’t mention what number of the USSR soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines that died because the government only gave ammo to every other man. Also what about the commissars that shot men for retreating?

As to you being the relative of a “Hero of the Motherland”, you must be the only person alive that had someone from your family to fight in the war. Oops, that’s right I had one or two dozen from my family that fought in the war. Also I am sorry that your Great Grandfather was imprisoned for being a traitor. What was he in favor of? One man on vote. Freedom. Not the curshing boot of Uncle Joe?

I don’t think I stated anything against the USSR in my original post. What I was answering was your and most revisionist idea that the US were bastards for using the bomb. I think that most historians would agree that MILIONS of common folks in Japan would have died as lead catchers for the Emperor.

As to your assertion that the US was the loser of WWII, well I think that any right thinking person will see and know that you are mistaken and will feel pity on you and your communist backed education.

Another ignorant moron. Lets start from the begining all this bullshit about every other man is very hilarious. Every man was given a rifle back then and every man had ammo. Not a lot I think around 5 or six rounds because there wasn't enough to give more. Now You stated that US won the war for everyone. That is what I was disagreening with I clearly stated that IT WAS NOT JUST US BUT ALL COUNTRIES. And third I NEVER SAID THAT US LOST THE WAR. And last but not least my COMMUNIST BACKED EDUCATION is far more superior then your second grade education so go read some history books before going into a topic which you apperantly have no idea how to answer.
that is a perfect exapple of your education, the history books in your counrty stated that every rifle had ammo when in fact that BECAUSE they were short on ammo the leading russians decided since that there were so many men rushing stanligrad that if a man had ammo he would be able to grab a rifle, and that there were pairs of 2 men, one with ammo and one with a rifle. and i agree that as a group WE all won the war, but i don't think that if the russians could have sent me to help us on H-hour the wouldn't have because Stalin was a moronic leader seeing that he told his officers to SHOOT THIER OWN MEN IF THEY STEPPED BACK, but they could run and get a clear line a passage
m1 has a large heat signature +high fuel useage = not so good.
Horseman 77
USSR Sucked worse than Nazis And killed more people and more Jews and the M1a1 is unstopabale
GunSlinger OIF II
this is like saying a musket is better than an m-16
+271|6909|United States of America

silentsin wrote:

from what i hear, the M1A2 Abrams owns any other tank. in the gulf war M1A2s kicked the shit out of those T-72s. i believe the ratio was about 20 T-72s per one M1A2 Abrams. thats a fucking ratio for you.
Wrong! Sorry, but in the Gulf War, the U.S. lost 4 tanks due to mechanical problems. Those were the only lost tanks, against the thousands Iraq threw at us. They have many advantages to them.  Better armor, curves, they're hand loaded, and have the US technology.

BEE_Grim_Reaper wrote:

As a matter of fact both the T-72 and the T-80 are smaller in size and weight, giving them a lower profile (good for using terrain as cover).
You've got to be kidding. Have you read up on hull-down positions?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Hull … iagram.png

Summary for those of you who like your own opinion and don't want anything destroying it: T-72 has lowest depression of -5 degrees. M1A2? -9 or more. Hell, even a 60-year oldSherman (-10 degrees) can do better than that. Which means more exposure. Which means one thing. BOOM. Kthxbai.
i only have one thing to say. can a t-90 fire accurately while moving hitting a target also moving. i personally know an m1a2 can seen it first hand. but then i dont know much about the t 90 on board computers.also i think the m1a2 has the longest confirmed kill. if im wrong plz tell me

Horseman 77 wrote:

Reaper.. You say, that russian technology was 20 years behind? Get real... they might have built their planes computers not with microelectronic chips but that made the electronic systems easier to maintain and interestingly enough more resistant to EMP*. Also.... the T-72 and T-80 tank is superior to the M1A2 in many things...

Horseman Responds..Really... Really. ? are you serious ?  Here I must take exception. This deserves its own Post. Its just not true.

I really cant agree with this statement at all except maybe catastrophic turret failure.

I know the current Brit and German tanks are very much on par  " I think " but that was not the argument.
are you on drugs dude????

M1A2 is the best tank in the world....

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

this is like saying a musket is better than an m-16
Horseman 77
I think i blew his Ass clean out of the Water,,, No  ?  Abrams Wins over any russian piece of crap

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

this is like saying a musket is better than an m-16
Thank you! I know does it matter? It always seems that the M1A1 wins like in the real world! I flew an  F-15C in the Gulf War I got 5 sorties and 1 confirmed kill  with a UGB  and my kill was a T-80. T-80 are big, black beasts is what I remember. I saw them at FL 130 spotted all over the southern desert. GD A-10s just ripped them apart before we got  a chance to join in on the fun. F-15C > T-80

ApacheCobra wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

Reaper.. You say, that russian technology was 20 years behind? Get real... they might have built their planes computers not with microelectronic chips but that made the electronic systems easier to maintain and interestingly enough more resistant to EMP*. Also.... the T-72 and T-80 tank is superior to the M1A2 in many things...

Horseman Responds..Really... Really. ? are you serious ?  Here I must take exception. This deserves its own Post. Its just not true.

I really cant agree with this statement at all except maybe catastrophic turret failure.

I know the current Brit and German tanks are very much on par  " I think " but that was not the argument.
are you on drugs dude????

M1A2 is the best tank in the world....
He is right there.
"No Abrams tank has ever been destroyed as a result of fire from an enemy tank"

"The M1A2/M1A1 can survive multiple hits from the most powerful tank munitions (including depleted uranium 120mm APFSDS) and anti-tank missiles"

Source from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M1a2

Last edited by ApacheCobra (2006-03-03 20:21:44)

+240|6819|Austin, TX
Just a matter of curiousity to all of you tank experts out there.  Where did you pick up your amazing knowledge on tank capabilities and vulnerabilities?  How many of you have experiences with these tanks that goes past video games and staring at stats pages?  How many of you have seen a tank in person instead of on TV?  How many of you have touched one?  Had a tour through one at a fairgrounds show?  Ridden in one at a community event? 

How many of you are tankers?  How many of you have had to rip the treads apart and put them back together in the rain and mud?  How many of you have been on your hands and knees replacing a busted road wheel?  How many of you have boiled the water for your coffee in your engine exhaust?  How many of you truely understand the tankers saying of "Never Get Off the Tank?"

Sorry about a bit of a rant there.  It is justy wearying to have the lot of you ripping and comparing vehicles most of you have never even seen with your own eyes, and actually think you know what you are talking about.

EDIT**  Sorry, had to put thses in here:

TC:  Gunner, SABOT, tank!
G: Identified!
G: <BOOM> On The Way!
TC:  Low- Reengage
L:  UP!
G: On The Way!
TC: TARGET!  Cease Fire!

TC:  Gunner, HEAT, PC!
G: SABOT loaded!
G: On The Way <BOOM>
L: HEAT Loaded!
G: HEAT indexed!
L: UP!
G: On The <BOOM> Way
TC: TARGET!  Cease fire!

And on a lighter note:

"Gunner, Beehive!  Nail em to the trees!"
"Shit fed, beer cooled, automatic humping machines- fuck rats, baby!"
"Load another pointy one, Bubba!"
"Um, fire, yeah, uh, fire, yeah, um, uh, go ahead and fire."

Tanker insider quiz for the M1 series tank:
-What is the difference between LOADED and UP?
-What happens if you index HEAT and fire SABOT?
-What is the Minimum arm range on the 120mm HEAT round (NATO standard?)
-Go to max EL, hit EL uncouple, go to max depress, re-engage EL Uncouple switch.  What happens?
-How many cranks does it take on the Master Blaster?
-Who has the manufacturing contract for the Gunners control yoke?
-Have you EVER loaded the coax ammo box up the the lid and how long did it take you?
-Have you ever done a boom check?
-Have you ever gotten locked in the air filter box?
-Have you ever locked up the brakes while airborne, and what happened then?

I will proudly listen to the opinion of anyone who can ace that quiz!

Last edited by imortal (2006-03-03 20:47:31)

GunSlinger OIF II

imortal wrote:

Just a matter of curiousity to all of you tank experts out there.  Where did you pick up your amazing knowledge on tank capabilities and vulnerabilities?  How many of you have experiences with these tanks that goes past video games and staring at stats pages?  How many of you have seen a tank in person instead of on TV?  How many of you have touched one?  Had a tour through one at a fairgrounds show?  Ridden in one at a community event? 

How many of you are tankers?  How many of you have had to rip the treads apart and put them back together in the rain and mud?  How many of you have been on your hands and knees replacing a busted road wheel?  How many of you have boiled the water for your coffee in your engine exhaust?  How many of you truely understand the tankers saying of "Never Get Off the Tank?"

Sorry about a bit of a rant there.  It is justy wearying to have the lot of you ripping and comparing vehicles most of you have never even seen with your own eyes, and actually think you know what you are talking about.

EDIT**  Sorry, had to put thses in here:

TC:  Gunner, SABOT, tank!
G: Identified!
G: <BOOM> On The Way!
TC:  Low- Reengage
L:  UP!
G: On The Way!
TC: TARGET!  Cease Fire!

TC:  Gunner, HEAT, PC!
G: SABOT loaded!
G: On The Way <BOOM>
L: HEAT Loaded!
G: HEAT indexed!
L: UP!
G: On The <BOOM> Way
TC: TARGET!  Cease fire!

And on a lighter note:

"Gunner, Beehive!  Nail em to the trees!"
"Shit fed, beer cooled, automatic humping machines- fuck rats, baby!"
"Load another pointy one, Bubba!"
"Um, fire, yeah, uh, fire, yeah, um, uh, go ahead and fire."

Tanker insider quiz for the M1 series tank:
-What is the difference between LOADED and UP?
-What happens if you index HEAT and fire SABOT?
-What is the Minimum arm range on the 120mm HEAT round (NATO standard?)
-Go to max EL, hit EL uncouple, go to max depress, re-engage EL Uncouple switch.  What happens?
-How many cranks does it take on the Master Blaster?
-Who has the manufacturing contract for the Gunners control yoke?
-Have you EVER loaded the coax ammo box up the the lid and how long did it take you?
-Have you ever done a boom check?
-Have you ever gotten locked in the air filter box?
-Have you ever locked up the brakes while airborne, and what happened then?

I will proudly listen to the opinion of anyone who can ace that quiz!
dont forget to check for soft spots in the armor.  or get an exhaust sample.  Have you utilized a box of grid squares or found a prick esevn.  or how about that blank adapter for the 25mm (bradley guy here) or jumping on the hull to check the shocks.  Cant forget to check the air in  the road wheels.

Get me chemlight batteries...am i forgetting anything else

Esker wrote:

England has the worst food?

That's rich coming from someone from Tailand ROFL...
this is what make americans look bad... u cant spell thailand and u cant fucking read... it says TAIWAN wtf has that got to do w/ thailand? its 2000 km away...

back on topic, the explosive armour on the m1 lets it have a HUGE advantage, making it safer for the crew and have more time to escape when shit happens, and i heard from the news that 1 tank driver said his tank got shot 100+ bullets in a day, and couple of rpg rounds... and tank is still moving, now thats real ultimate tank to u
GunSlinger OIF II
I am almost certain tanks abrahms arent fitted with reactive armor, which is what you are describing.  I am only saying this because the M2 series bradley (which is not a tank) does get fitted with this armor.  Oh yeah and that reactive armor shit, 9 times out of 10 is worthless.  Dont believe all the war stories you hear
+240|6819|Austin, TX
Yeah, there were a couple fun ones in there.  I still remember a time in Kuwait, we were havinga  battalion meeting in the TOC, and we heard a Clang, Clang, CLANG as a private was checking for soft spots in the armor of our M1068 Command and Control track.

Let's see....
-Boom Check on the Gun
-Getting cherry juice from the mess hall for the hydrolic system
-Checking the air pressure in the road wheels
-Going to the Platoon Sergeant for a prick E7 (all the commo gear has a PRC prefix in the nomenclature)
-Getting a sample bottle for an exhaust sample
-Getting an inventory of the T-R- double Es in the area
-Going to the clerk for a form 1 Delta 10 Tango (1D10T)
-Going to supply for a box of grid squares
-...or chemlight batteries
-blank adapter for the 25mm
-blank adapter for the M203
-checking for soft spots in the armor (using a ball peen hammer, of course)
-Checking the shocks

Oh, yes.  How fun Heavy units are to their privates.  I was never in the Light Army.  I wonder how they torture their noobs?

And to answer my own silly armor quiz:

-What is the difference between LOADED and UP?
> Loaded means the bullet is in and the breech is up; UP means that the system is loaded AND the master arm lever is in the 'armed' position, which is the UP position.

-What happens if you index HEAT and fire SABOT?
>You launch the SABOT round about 12 miles.  Since the HEAT round is heavier, the computer aims the tube higher to hit a target at range than a SABOT would need.  And the SABOT is a LOT faster.

-What is the Minimum arm range on the 120mm HEAT round (NATO standard?)
>350 meters

-Go to max EL, hit EL uncouple, go to max depress, re-engage EL Uncouple switch.  What happens?
>tube goes from MAX EL to MIN EL in about 0.1 seconds.  Bad idea to be under the tube when this happens, since if it hit you in the head it would compress the vertibre in your neck and crush your skull.  It is a really mean trick.

-How many cranks does it take on the Master Blaster?
>IF you crank it hard, the round goes off halfway through the first crank.  They just teach you to do it three times for redundancy, just like the claymore clacker.

-Who has the manufacturing contract for the Gunners control yoke?
>Cadillac.  In fact, we just call them 'cadillacs'

-Have you EVER loaded the coax ammo box up the the lid and how long did it take you?
>Never have.  It holds 5000 rounds, after all, the the weight of the ammo belt tends to seperate the rounds.  Plus, the rounds come in 100 round belts.  Takes a while to hook together 50 belts.  Even worse to take them back apart if you need to turn the ammo back in!

-Have you ever done a boom check?
>Once, but I knew it was a joke.  Sometimes, you just have to do something stupid to fit in.

-Have you ever gotten locked in the air filter box?
>Nope, but I did do the locking once.  I am on the tall side for a tanker (6'1"), he was an easier target.  And yes, you can fit an entire soldier in the air filter box.  It really is THAT big.  Turbine needs a lot of clean air.

-Have you ever locked up the brakes while airborne, and what happened then?
>I didn't, but my wingman did once.  He was pissed at his Tank Commander.  Well, he was airborne and locked up his brakes before he hit the ground... Results?  Tank commander; Broken Jaw on the .50 mount, and 4 broken ribs.  Gunner; black eye from the sight and 2 cracked ribs.  Loader; broken arm and one broken  rib.  Driver; Article 15 for insubordnate behavior, and summary court martial for the personal injuries.  Spent 90 days in lockup.

There ya go!

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