Official lame Crysis fanboy.
+84|6692|Netherlands tbh
I found this http://www.incrysis.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=15173 on the InCrysis fansite forums. It seems it is a config that optimizes the game, and looking at the comments, it boosts your FPS and your graphics. Isn't that amazing?! I'm gonna check it out right now, I hope I helped you guys with this.
I tried it myself too, follow the steps described in the topic at incrysis, but when he tells you to put the config in "C:/Program Files/Electronic Arts/Crysis" You should put it in "/Electronic Arts/Crysis/Bin32 or Bin64 depending on if you play Crysis in 32 or 64 bit.
And it works perfectly!!! I can now play it on high settings with more fps than before. Download this!
Not that anyone feels like reading this I guess, but there's another config which worked better for me, yet it made the sky dark in 'Contact' when it's supposed to be bright. Anyway, here's the linky: http://www.incrysis.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=14544 This one works a lot better for me and it's showing sunrays through tree's and other Very High setting stuff too, yet I get 40-60 fps!! except in snow levels it gets to 30 there, but playable really well.

Last edited by xGj (2007-12-01 00:53:23)

sweet, good deal dude. Im downloading once I get my comp up and running

btw what did you run it on before and what was ur FPS?
Your lord and master
+36|6721|Leuven, Belgium
Hmm, not sure if it'd help on aging machines, as they enabled a couple of DX10 things that I don't want >=/
+1,716|7052|St. Andrews / Oslo

Great thread!
https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/flickricon.png https://twitter.com/phoenix/favicon.ico
Official lame Crysis fanboy.
+84|6692|Netherlands tbh

tittles wrote:

sweet, good deal dude. Im downloading once I get my comp up and running

btw what did you run it on before and what was ur FPS?
I quote my other thread:
I myself play on a
Core 2 Duo E6850
4GB OCZ DDR2 800 MHz
A single 8800GTX Club 3D
And Gigabyte P35-DS4 mobo.. Well and all the other high-end crap you can imagine.
On a Samsung 206BW which has a native 1650x1080 resolution but I play the game in 1024x768.
Settings on all high, directx10, and 16XQAA. If I set the resolution to 1650x1080 I can play on high, post processing medium, and 2X AA.
In both cases it looks beautiful. (Btw I find the game awesome)
Which got me on native resolution about 25 fps, and 1024x768 about 30-35, but it was unplayable in snow levels.
With this config I get around 40-60 fps steady, with very high custom settings, and in snow levels not below 30. Although it can still get a bit choppy with massive fights in the snow going on.
Now do not worry about any shader bugs you see, cause Ive encountered a few, and some weird glitches, but its your choice if you want to deal with them. They don't annoy me as the rest of the game is fookin pretty and runs smooth now, but on the end level 'Carrier' shadows are like.. fucked.
Well thats maybe not even the case on any system but Id say check this out if you don't like it you can always just remove the configuration files.
Maple Syrup Faggot
+362|6476|Vancouver | Canada
..I think I did something wrong.

The flashlights are huge balls of light, and a lot of light sources/reflections are over-saturated.

My average FPS is 15...

will this do anything for a low end machine such as...6800GT, Pentium 2.8GHz, 1.5GB RAM?
Official lame Crysis fanboy.
+84|6692|Netherlands tbh
It will do for low end machines, just pick the low end configs. Preferably from the 2nd link. Download the package and follow the instructions, choose a very low, or low config.
DefCon, read the thread in which you downloaded it. There's a FAQ with troubleshooting there, also the lighting problem (flashlight especially).
Blademaster's bottom bitch
+387|6540|Phoenix, AZ
What config do you think 3GB ram, 7800 GT OC (256MB), 1440x900 resolution, and an AMD Athlon 3.01 GHz Dual Core processor would be?

I just got my system up so I think I will wait and see if the new 8800 640MB Superclocked card im getting will require this new config... But might as well get ready for it...

But im pretty sure I cant support the higher MED+ because my 256MB Video RAM isnt allowing a 1440x900 resolution get higher... cause RAM + Processor isnt getting strained...
---hates you
+1,137|7076|Hell, p.o box 666

7880GT OC, AMD X2 @ 3 GHz, 3GB RAM (useless use 2GB only!) will run 1024x768 in overall medium settings. Maybe in 1200x960 too.
Blademaster's bottom bitch
+387|6540|Phoenix, AZ
damn.   And what do you think about an 8800 640 MB instead of the 7800 GT OC 256MB?
+521|7059|Toronto | Canada

Does this work for the demo?  I want to see if my performance is good before I buy it.
maximum bullshit
+50|6651|teh alien spaceshit
How do you paste the code for the first performance boost?
The second one didn't work for me.
---hates you
+1,137|7076|Hell, p.o box 666

GodFather wrote:

damn.   And what do you think about an 8800 640 MB instead of the 7800 GT OC 256MB?
Maybe a little better, but not too much and absolutley not in all high Personally I´d wait for G92 8800GTS 512MB (release today), and upgrade to 4GB RAM
Official lame Crysis fanboy.
+84|6692|Netherlands tbh
On a sidenote, I use yet another config now. It can be found here: http://www.incrysis.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=15745 and is underrated imo.. The other configs got really popular topics but this one gives me the same fps.. Yet without the bugs! So basically it looks awesome very high now and I can play @ 1650x1080 with fps about 25. It isn't much but playable for me and a lower resolution gives you higher fps.
+521|7059|Toronto | Canada

Winston_Churchill wrote:

Does this work for the demo?  I want to see if my performance is good before I buy it.
Official lame Crysis fanboy.
+84|6692|Netherlands tbh
Think it works yes, try it.
Blademaster's bottom bitch
+387|6540|Phoenix, AZ

Slayer wrote:

7880GT OC, AMD X2 @ 3 GHz, 3GB RAM (useless use 2GB only!) will run 1024x768 in overall medium settings. Maybe in 1200x960 too.
I have Ultimate x64 so its using the 3GB
+488|6890|Portland, OR, USA

GodFather wrote:

Slayer wrote:

7880GT OC, AMD X2 @ 3 GHz, 3GB RAM (useless use 2GB only!) will run 1024x768 in overall medium settings. Maybe in 1200x960 too.
I have Ultimate x64 so its using the 3GB
get another gb for dual channel
+145|6628|Keller, Tx
I'm probably going to be getting this for Christmas this year. How does my sys stack up?

2.4ghz athlon
2gb ram
geforce 7800gtx 256mb
7500rpm raptor
Official lame Crysis fanboy.
+84|6692|Netherlands tbh
I'd say use a config yes. The 7800gtx will not keep up with stock high settings on a decent resolution (is that a dual or single core proc?)
+145|6628|Keller, Tx
Single core, I think. Where can I check if it's a duel? Though, I doubt it's a duel.

I just want to be able to play it with possibly mid-lvl settings on 1024x768, if possible.
Official lame Crysis fanboy.
+84|6692|Netherlands tbh
Type start > run dxdiag (or just check in device manager) it will tell you if that's a dual core or not. And yes you can play on mid level/high settings on 1024x768, maybe even on higher reso.. Check out the configs and find out what suits you most.
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
Single core - bad, get a dual core CPU.
+145|6628|Keller, Tx
Where can i look to see my exact system specs? Like model numbers and everything? Sadly, I bought an alienware a few years ago, and while i can play crysis on medium settings @ 800x600, it'd be nice to upgrade without going w/ a new mobo/case if possible.

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