SenorToenails wrote:
Flecco wrote:
Lord Richard, wouldn't mind knowing where you got the info that we have definitive proof or a sound theory on how the universe was created. All we have is a few theories which are constantly debated and a rather massive particle accelerator experiment that should be performed soon.
The Big-Bang theory is an accepted theory based on the current observed evidence. However, the origin of original speck of matter that has become everything we know, is unknown. The large particle accelerator experiments (I assume you mean the Large Hadron Collider at CERN) are meant to look for more fundamental particles and building blocks of nature. These have to do with testing string theory and the validity of the standard model, and some of its variants.
Spot on. It is an accepted theory
(I accept it too so far, as all current evidence does point to it, and I'm religious... go figure).
I mentioned the Collider because part of String Theory offers an explanation for the big bang beyond just saying "In the beginning there was just energy, and it went bang." (yeah I know, tis a bit of a simplistic explanation but meh, I need a coffee)
As Turq again said; sience's main strength is it's ability to change, adapt, accept new ideas and new evidence and rethink itself to account for them. Religious fundamentalists, including a friend of mine, lack this ability.
Am I the only one here who thinks Scientology has to be renamed?