+27|7080|Atlanta, GA USA

Rosse_modest wrote:

MrPlatinum wrote:

I think no one should show respect or acknowledge them until they get into the 21st century and respect the rest of the world IMO.
Hmm, then they still have at least 1500 years to go. Now, I consider myself a patient man, but I can't possibly wait THAT long.
That is the truth!  Maybe they'll invent a time machine!
+76|7085|Antwerp, Flanders

atlvolunteer wrote:

Rosse_modest wrote:

MrPlatinum wrote:

I think no one should show respect or acknowledge them until they get into the 21st century and respect the rest of the world IMO.
Hmm, then they still have at least 1500 years to go. Now, I consider myself a patient man, but I can't possibly wait THAT long.
That is the truth!  Maybe they'll invent a time machine!
If they would ever be capable of building such a device, I'm pretty sure they'll choose to travel back in time. That is how determined they are to progress...

Last edited by Rosse_modest (2006-02-06 13:02:55)

+27|7080|Atlanta, GA USA

Rosse_modest wrote:

atlvolunteer wrote:

Rosse_modest wrote:

Hmm, then they still have at least 1500 years to go. Now, I consider myself a patient man, but I can't possibly wait THAT long.
That is the truth!  Maybe they'll invent a time machine!
If they would ever be capable of building such a device, I'm pretty sure they'll choose to travel back in time. That is how determined they are to progress...
LOL true true
+31|6997|Phoenix, AZ
this is what pisses me off:

some ppl somewhere print 'offensive' cartoons of some prophet/wiseguy/god.

then these muslims go and think they can kill everyone because of that.





Right.... So you're saying I'm a screwed up, nonsensical moron too?

Last edited by Hero764 (2006-02-06 14:42:51)

+302|7045|Salt Lake City

Hero764 wrote:

Right.... So you're saying I'm a screwed up, nonsensical moron too?
If you're a Muslim, I would pretty well say yes, that sums it up.
i seen one of you dumb mother fuckers write sumat bwt "its ok to insult the jews and christians in the west" hey you hick cocksucking gay fukin asshole, what the fuck is wrong with you?who first came out with the JEWISH JOKES? stupid fukin wanker you know what your fucking grandad who "fought bravely in the war" or his fucking dad was probably the fucker who came oput with the jewish jokes and muslims dont take the piss outta your religion, we diss you mother fuckers coz your fuckin gay, you get pissed, either shaggin yar sister or sum fukin gay guy or shaggin fukin sheep. its different when you swear AT SOMEONE and its different when you diss some1z religion. wtf wen ever a normal guy is stabbed by sum british guy yh, no1 will no bowt it till 2 fuckin years later coz your mum has to screw one of the private investigators for him to help, orelse he couldnt give a fuck about you dumb fuckers! but if a muslim stabz some body else, then ITS FUCKIN TERRORISTS!ARGH WER ALL GONNA DIE! SHIT WER ALL FUCKED! you bunch of wankers, you rteally need to sort your lives out yh and stop drinkin.

p.s. stop screwin ya own blood aswell thick desperate fuckz!
yow ilyandor, you wrote that we muslims can take a life over a cartoon? crazy mother fucker what the fuck, you draw pictures of our prophet what you want us to do, give you flowers???!!! we love our prophet more then you love your mother asshole, me may not be perfect in the way we should be but we love our prophet. he was the greatest man to have walked this planet, you remember the romanz>???? they took over britain wen your great great great fukin great uncle john was shaggin his sister after his rum yh. we beat the romans, remeber sumat missing in history? your history teacher ever told you bwt the big fuck of 800 years missing outta history? the dark ages? we ruled spain for 800 years, we brought you the first fuckin library, we gave you education you smelly bastrds we also brought cleanliness to europe yh? go shag your dad you gay bstrd
agent_dumb_bong, i dont really need to say shit to you, your fuckin name sayz it all you gay fuck, dumb_bong...hahaha DUNB_FUCKIN BONG!!! you might aswell as wrote 'ASSHOLE' bt ne way, lol your name does suite you, lol wtf
dumb_bong HAHAHAHAHA
Hahahaha Dumb_bong Plays His Mumz Fuckin Bongo_drum Hahahahaha
ilyandor, have you read what you wrote??? i mean, look at the way you wrote that shit, bet you had a dictionary right in your fuckin lap huh?hahahaha 'THE WHOLE PERCEPTION ....' ARE YOU FUCKING GAY?YOUR TALKIN LIKE YOUR SAT IN FUCKIN PARLIAMENT?!!! GAY MOTHER FUCKER cant say much bwt you ILYONDOR...hahah ILYONDOR.....well ilyondor....tonight....IL_BE_ONDOR_UR_MOTHOR!!!
hey *ToRRo*cT| , you started this shit didnt you? and you say you want an appology for our misbehavior??? wtf...hahaha ok i'm sorry...please dont tell your mummy over me yh?please...!
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7026|Riva, MD
Well, they better not try anything stupid or else us Western nations will unite with our brethren across the water and kill all of the bad Muslims.  That's going to eventually happen anyway though.  Those retards made a HUGE mistake by messing with the U.S., and like the countries that brought harm to us before them, Britain 300 years ago, Japan 50 years ago, they're going to pay a very hefty price.
+76|7085|Antwerp, Flanders
A true literary masterpiece.

"will unite with our brethren..." hahahah wtf listen you mango bastard, this isnt tolkiens, LORD OF THE RINGZ, you talkin like that aint gona put us down and scare us, mother fucker i bet your the first to run when you see a muslim walk past you with A BAG. gay fukin pussy, go shag your grandma if shez still livin with ya,
rose_modest...are you related to shakespeare by any chance???
i CANNOT believe that crap that i am hearing on this forum. You people talk of freedom of speech, yet in America, the so called 'leader of the free world', you can sue and win against someone who slandered your name. So what, you talk about being able to say whatever you want, but as soon as you do, you get hit with a multimillion dollar lawsuit. its amazing the hypocracy that you believe in.

Not all Muslims believe in a war against the West. However, the danish cartoon went as far as to say that the whole religion is based on it. Which is absolutely absurd and incorrect.

Have some respect for what you dont understand.

One last thing. The Oklahoma Bomber what White.

_j5689_ wrote:

Well, they better not try anything stupid or else us Western nations will unite with our brethren across the water and kill all of the bad Muslims.  That's going to eventually happen anyway though.  Those retards made a HUGE mistake by messing with the U.S., and like the countries that brought harm to us before them, Britain 300 years ago, Japan 50 years ago, they're going to pay a very hefty price.
hmmm...look, america has lived its dreamz...yh n nothing stays forever hasnt your mom taught you that??? so much for brethren across the water, the only reason why most countries 'support america' is coz america has a problem with other countries having nuclear power  when it has nuclear missles and shit of its own, it doesnt like competion so its UN to allow em to fuck up other countries...hey lets see you say america is powerful in what?5 yearz time? youl have your BALLZ cut off and stuffed into your fukin kidneyz boy
Big Up Havazn!!!!

B.Schuss wrote:

I am telling you, the Leopard 2A6 is one hell of a MBT
true, so true! And the Swedish version is even better! Stridsvagn 122. I did my military service driving tank in Sweden. I almost miss that time - and of course the tanks...
If you can read this, your already dead
+33|6991|Stillwater, Ok
Sgk479....Well it seems your not helping the case for your religion.  While yes your prophet was muhammed alot of the world does not see him as being so.  But you forget that America has strong family ties to most of the nations in Europe.  But where did you get the bomb in a hand bag thing from.  They make vests that are like giant claymores strapped to themselves or use car bombs.  I'm sorry that you are all pissed off about this but you can't honestly expect to for there to be two sets of rules.  And I am pretty sure that both the Sunni and Shi'ite muslims claim to be descendants of Muhammed. If thats the case then at some point someone had to fuck their mom,sister, daughter to allow everyone to be descendants of him.  And for the record there maybe some sick fucks who screw sheep.

BUT I KNOW THERE ARE PEOPLE IN YOUR RELIGION WHO FUCK DONKEYS.  I watched one guy do it live on our security camera at my deployed location.  There were two of was holding the donkey in place while the other one was screwing the damn thing.  The donkey didn't like it either becuase it kicked the fuck out of the guy then he bitch slapped the donkey and continued to fuck it.  Lol I bet he became a suicide bomber after that one...none the less the following mortar attack didn't hit shit. So you can shutup now in the fact that every single religion has hypocrits.  Yeah so you ruled spain at one point but I am pretty sure that you got kicked out of Spain eventually and never managed to make it back.  Your religion is still one of the largest in the world yes but Christianity is the largest including 33% of the worlds population. Yours is only 18-19% of the worlds pop.  So we do outnumber you almost 2-1.  And if your fanatics keep doing what they are then yeah at some point there will be a huge clash of religions for another round of Crusades.  But this time we will also have the Jews on our side.
Flavius Aetius
+3|6979|Stalking Chuck Norris

sgk479 wrote:

yow ilyandor, you wrote that we muslims can take a life over a cartoon? crazy mother fucker what the fuck, you draw pictures of our prophet what you want us to do, give you flowers???!!! we love our prophet more then you love your mother asshole, me may not be perfect in the way we should be but we love our prophet. he was the greatest man to have walked this planet, you remember the romanz>???? they took over britain wen your great great great fukin great uncle john was shaggin his sister after his rum yh. we beat the romans, remeber sumat missing in history? your history teacher ever told you bwt the big fuck of 800 years missing outta history? the dark ages? we ruled spain for 800 years, we brought you the first fuckin library, we gave you education you smelly bastrds we also brought cleanliness to europe yh? go shag your dad you gay bstrd
When did the muslims fight the romans? I love my flag and yet people burn it. Want me to give you flowers for that? how do you think I feel, I have to bite my lip every  time something like that happens and hold it in, but I don't go buring down buildings or demanding apologies from governments.
Aaan Abu Shaklak is all I have to say.

Last edited by Hero764 (2006-02-06 16:22:47)

If you can read this, your already dead
+33|6991|Stillwater, Ok

Flavius Aetius wrote:

sgk479 wrote:

yow ilyandor, you wrote that we muslims can take a life over a cartoon? crazy mother fucker what the fuck, you draw pictures of our prophet what you want us to do, give you flowers???!!! we love our prophet more then you love your mother asshole, me may not be perfect in the way we should be but we love our prophet. he was the greatest man to have walked this planet, you remember the romanz>???? they took over britain wen your great great great fukin great uncle john was shaggin his sister after his rum yh. we beat the romans, remeber sumat missing in history? your history teacher ever told you bwt the big fuck of 800 years missing outta history? the dark ages? we ruled spain for 800 years, we brought you the first fuckin library, we gave you education you smelly bastrds we also brought cleanliness to europe yh? go shag your dad you gay bstrd
When did the muslims fight the romans? I love my flag and yet people burn it. Want me to give you flowers for that? how do you think I feel, I have to bite my lip every  time something like that happens and hold it in, but I don't go buring down buildings or demanding apologies from governments.
You got a point Islam is a relatively new religion and didn't come to be untill after the Roman Empire had fallen.  Unless he is talking about the Byzantine empire which was technically the Eastern Roman Empire or Holy Roman Empire at that.  But they were not Roman blood or under the rule of a Ceasar so at no point did the Islamic armies ever fight the true Roman Empire.
you really think half the world is gonne be on your side? you dumd fuckin asshole 33%are christians out of which half dont even know what to believe,you walk down the road, come across a muslim, ask him who his prophet is, garunteed he will tell you its muhammed, walk down the road ask a 'christian' who his prophet is, lol he'l probably say sumthin like "MICHEAL JACKSON!" or since hez a paedo you might hear some1 say david chapelle yh,look forget half the christians hw much do you no about your religion???you believe jesus is the son of god???do you? well in that case if jesus is, then y isnt mohammed?y isnt abraham??? they were all prophets, no jesus was NOT the son of god fella we believe jesus as our prophet, we also believe the bible has been changed soo many times that you cant get two copies of a bible which have the same words made from different bible writters edittors whereas the quran hasnt been changed, it cant be changed you no why?coz 1 fifth of the muslim population know the quran with out looking at it.

so much as you watchin a guy screwin a donkey gay mother fucker wondor y you were watchin shit like that? you got no sisters to fuck ugly mother fucker?jst gonna pull ur dick out n jerk off over a guy screwin a donkey?wtf u myt aswell stick your dick into your fuckin dysonz hoover gay mother fucking sister shaggin queer bstrd and we bein the decendatns of the prophet does not mean we have to have an affair with our sister thick fucker the prophet had cousins obviously right? well f a cousin did marry then is that marrying your sister??? gay fucker you know you've been bustid starin at your mamz ass haha bet you learnt how to fuck by lookin at your dad shaggin your mumz sister thru the key hole then when your mum gets home you tell her the story no wonder y half you fuckers are divorced within several yearz of marraige!!!

Last edited by sgk479 (2006-02-06 16:28:25)

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