Congrats on your son, fredskov9! I understand exactly what you're going through, man, so I hear ya on the insanity.
If your bride wasn't like this before your son arrived, it is almost certainly some form of post-partum depression. Some women experience it worse than others. Even if she's not having depression from her hormones re-balancing, she probably feels overwhelmed, inadequate, scared that she won't be a good mother. And if you're like me, you were feeling overwhelmed, tired, and scared you won't be a good father.
My wife did the same things after each of our 2 kids were born. All your bride's anxiety usually ends up being aimed at you because you're the only adult she sees and can express things to. She's probably just needs to express her feelings and in her current state she doesn't have a better way. Doesn't make it right and no, you don't deserve the abuse. All you can do is help her as much as you can and communicate with her as good as you know how. Whenever you can, give her a chance to get out of the house and be an adult. If your bride is like mine, she'll really appreciate it.
It is not easy to man up and stay, but your son needs his father. Things are hard in the beginning with losing sleep and the stress of being a new parent, but it does get better. Hang in there, man. The people suggesting divorce in here probably aren't married and immediately look to the easy way out. Many times love is sticking around even when things suck and the relationship takes work. Sometimes it's that way even after the kids get older because relationships take consistent attention. Romance and warm fuzzies are good, but they aren't love, they're a byproduct of love.
I just got through a period in my life where I felt the same way you do. I loved my wife deep down, but I didn't like her very much so it felt like my love was dissolving. Our marriage almost died and we were days from divorce. But I made a decision that I wasn't going to let things fall apart. Hard as it was to swallow my pride, I took a hard look at myself rather than pointing at what she was doing. I'm not saying that's what you're doing here, just sharing my situation. When I was honest with myself I found things I could do better and my bride responded to those changes and the effort I was making. Doesn't happen overnight, but keep at it. Your marriage and family are worth fighting for. Best of luck man. Thus endeth this book of a post.
Feel free to PM me if you want. Be glad to chat.
Last edited by Stingray24 (2007-11-26 15:38:49)