about the reviving and getting killed over and over again, OK, you don't get the death count, but I hate medic when they revive you and you get killed instantly , those are stupid medics, and you just can't do nothing, sometimes it's better to die so you can respawn , instead of looking at the face of a moron medic reviving you every time
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True however it depends on how many times this occurs. If you get killed right after being revived and the medic takes the guy out and re-revives you for the third time, what is the problem?rombaft wrote:
about the reviving and getting killed over and over again, OK, you don't get the death count, but I hate medic when they revive you and you get killed instantly , those are stupid medics, and you just can't do nothing, sometimes it's better to die so you can respawn , instead of looking at the face of a moron medic reviving you every time
From personal experiance of me dying (which happens a hell of a lot of the time) I keep my map zoomed in as far as possible and watch for medics, when one comes near me I get ready to crouch(gets you up quicker) then sprint to safety. Take cover, don't sit in the same spot you just died, and contemplate what you are going to do with the rest of your life now that you have been given a second chance.
I have been in rounds in warlord where there are 5 SAS medics around the bottom left spawn. Those medics kept the 10-15 guys around them alive for a good 5 minutes of defense which was impenetrable I may add.
The reason some people hate being revived is that if they die again instantly, that's another 15 seconds for the mto wait until the can actually do anything. This is incredibly annoying, especially when you're almost respawned and you're in the middle of a firefight.
Also, I revive standing up, and it CAN be a lot better than proning. Proning is slow and in a firefight you don't have time. If you revive standing up, sure they'll see you, but the amount of times I've whippedout my rifle and sprayed a load of bullets into 2 men, 1 of which has just been revived and the medic is prone. If you revive standing then it does not take so much time toget up and get the hell out of there. DO NOT put your life at risk if you KNOW they will die again and that you stand no chance. It's pointless. Well, you do get points, but heh.
Also, I revive standing up, and it CAN be a lot better than proning. Proning is slow and in a firefight you don't have time. If you revive standing up, sure they'll see you, but the amount of times I've whippedout my rifle and sprayed a load of bullets into 2 men, 1 of which has just been revived and the medic is prone. If you revive standing then it does not take so much time toget up and get the hell out of there. DO NOT put your life at risk if you KNOW they will die again and that you stand no chance. It's pointless. Well, you do get points, but heh.
Last edited by tehmoogles (2006-01-15 05:05:11)
It depends on your goals, if you're out to build up heal/revive points, you'll probably want to be in a squad. Also, if you get lucky enough to get in a *good* teamworking squad, you can be quite useful.NZDeathBoy wrote:
Also as a lone wolf you can do quite well as a medic as its a little harder to die as you have the med pack. So after you take out an ememy you can heal your slef and keep going, and just biff out med packs too sohopefully your team if following behind can pick them up. Though the ememy could take them....
I do agree however that a medic is a solid lone wolf since you can heal yourself.
Good job with this guide... thank you... appreciate the work.
I've gotten some great scores as Medic in the past by joining randon squads and looking for my teammates with less than 100% health. On several occasions, I end up running after them for several minutes. I can't stand it when they are low on health and don't even know to look behind them to see a Medic. These guys probably get stabbed all the time in the back cause they don't check their rear.
Several times, I notice someone with low health up on a roof, obviously a sniper. After making my way up the ladder, (VERY CAREFULLY = watching for claymores), I throw a med pack to my team mate. Its pretty obvious that his position is already known since his health is low. This is on SF:Ghost Town where the building overlooks one of the South Side Helicopter spawn points. As I was about to throw him another med pack and take off, he must have taken a head shot cause he was dead, so out comes the shock paddles. This is when I realize that my G63C? also has a decent shot to the another spawn point so I start zooming in and taking people out. Within a few seconds, I'm out of ammo and several points higher for Kills and Med Support.
Well my sniper team mate must also have been low on ammo cause suddenly a support guy on our squad appeared and threw us some ammo. Oh, he was also low on health so I threw him a med pack too. From there the 3 of us stayed on the roof, me and the sniper were picking off people and I think the support guy was watching the ladder and took out someone looking for an easy knife kill. I must have revived those guys at least 4 - 7 times each. There was another sniper around picking them off while I hid in a corner and just ran out to revive them or throw out a med pack when needed. All the fun ended when an attack helicopter swung around a building and took us all out. Personally, I racked up about 45 points sitting up on the roof top in 5 minutes. I know some of my friend can't even rack up half that score an entire round!
That my fine fellowed forum friends is how team work is supposed to be played. VOIP wasn't working on that server and I never really typed a work to either player, however we all knew that is how the game was meant to be played. I just wish there were more players like those 2 guys and I never got their ID's to join servers they play on.
If anyone else feels the same, look for me and join my squad.
Several times, I notice someone with low health up on a roof, obviously a sniper. After making my way up the ladder, (VERY CAREFULLY = watching for claymores), I throw a med pack to my team mate. Its pretty obvious that his position is already known since his health is low. This is on SF:Ghost Town where the building overlooks one of the South Side Helicopter spawn points. As I was about to throw him another med pack and take off, he must have taken a head shot cause he was dead, so out comes the shock paddles. This is when I realize that my G63C? also has a decent shot to the another spawn point so I start zooming in and taking people out. Within a few seconds, I'm out of ammo and several points higher for Kills and Med Support.
Well my sniper team mate must also have been low on ammo cause suddenly a support guy on our squad appeared and threw us some ammo. Oh, he was also low on health so I threw him a med pack too. From there the 3 of us stayed on the roof, me and the sniper were picking off people and I think the support guy was watching the ladder and took out someone looking for an easy knife kill. I must have revived those guys at least 4 - 7 times each. There was another sniper around picking them off while I hid in a corner and just ran out to revive them or throw out a med pack when needed. All the fun ended when an attack helicopter swung around a building and took us all out. Personally, I racked up about 45 points sitting up on the roof top in 5 minutes. I know some of my friend can't even rack up half that score an entire round!
That my fine fellowed forum friends is how team work is supposed to be played. VOIP wasn't working on that server and I never really typed a work to either player, however we all knew that is how the game was meant to be played. I just wish there were more players like those 2 guys and I never got their ID's to join servers they play on.
If anyone else feels the same, look for me and join my squad.
Last edited by harleyds (2006-01-18 16:41:49)
Tip: They cant revive you if you have the map out, this solves the "annoying medics" only concerned with thier own point accumulation.
my advice:
Streamline your guide better
*Add bullet points
*use color(don't use yellow plz yuck)
*Separate things into paragraphs. Separate the paragraphs too.
*Fill dead space and spaces between paragraphs with pictures
This is much more appealing than....

*Try not to make your paragraphs too long, because people tend to be turned away from a lot of bunched up text, looks too dense and often gets looked over. I hate it when people write huge, enormous blocks of text that are like ten lines long, it drives me mad. You know how teachers ask for double-spaced papers? well there's a very good reason for that: IT'S EASIER TO READ! Also, use color; it's been proven that color make things easier to read[/color] not to mention more professional looking. But the biggest thing is again breaking stuff down into smaller pieces.
Streamline your guide better
*Add bullet points
*use color(don't use yellow plz yuck)
*Separate things into paragraphs. Separate the paragraphs too.
*Fill dead space and spaces between paragraphs with pictures
This is much more appealing than....

*Try not to make your paragraphs too long, because people tend to be turned away from a lot of bunched up text, looks too dense and often gets looked over. I hate it when people write huge, enormous blocks of text that are like ten lines long, it drives me mad. You know how teachers ask for double-spaced papers? well there's a very good reason for that: IT'S EASIER TO READ! Also, use color; it's been proven that color make things easier to read[/color] not to mention more professional looking. But the biggest thing is again breaking stuff down into smaller pieces.
Good info! Happens to me often.I have run into this situation a number of times if a save a guy two or three times in a row during a heated firefight. He may complain and say something to the effect of: STOP REVIVING ME!!!! I KEEP GETTING KILLED!!!!
LOL.. Proning is in fact faster. you just have to be good. goes somthing like, sprint jump prone in air, hit body and shock the jump up and sprint away, you get a revive and rarely die in the process, if the revived person dies again you can revive them agian. sometimes people dont like your re-reviving but as long as they come out of it without a death they shouldnt complain, its when you revive and both die or revive then run away while they die agian which is annoying. But whats most annoying is when your dead and you see medics around you doing nothing, just standing there or running away (not fightung or reving others but NOTHING!!).tehmoogles wrote:
Also, I revive standing up, and it CAN be a lot better than proning. Proning is slow and in a firefight you don't have time. If you revive standing up, sure they'll see you, but the amount of times I've whippedout my rifle and sprayed a load of bullets into 2 men, 1 of which has just been revived and the medic is prone. If you revive standing then it does not take so much time toget up and get the hell out of there. DO NOT put your life at risk if you KNOW they will die again and that you stand no chance. It's pointless. Well, you do get points, but heh.
I agree with the originals posting about where to put medic packs as those where there is not fighting is usless. I also like to leave them at choke points (holes in fences, stairways etc) and when capturing flags with people proned (hiding) drop some on the body and 1 for yourself, because if a grenade comes over or you start to get shot you will instantly be healed and then have a much better chance of killing them.
Also its up to the non medics to activly seek health when time permits. What pisses me off the most is when someone asks for a medic and im running behind them but they just keep running away and then complain the medics are usless. When ever you ask for somthing (medic, ammo, repair) a symbol will be shown on the minimap to where everyone of that class is, move to them and dont expect them to follow you half way across the map.
13 revives 6 heals is an average round for me. with something like 13:11 K ratio.
Thats 56 points without flag captures or kill assists. its why medics are allways up the top of the points (with c4 throwers)
1. When possible revive from a standing position.
-Any real marksman will hit you either way.
-You actually have a higher probability of reviving this way
2. Reviving someone over and over should always be productive unless they are a complete and utter n00b.
-When you revive someone they do not get a death score.
-If they are being shot, then they should know where they are being shot from.
-Please don't borrow a medics kit to revive them unless there is another kit nearby
3. Medics pwn in combat.
-the L85A1 is not perfect, but the 2x scope really helps by creating this equation Medic > Sniper
-Medics can heal themselves, get used to the medic kit and you won't be able to stand the crappiness of losing the ability to heal
- Medics can stay outside the combat area for alot longer, get a squad together grab a vehicle and be impenetrable en route (This is also why jet pilots are often medics)
4. Shock paddle kills are infact difficult and should be a fluke.
- This one time I had 2 dead squadmembers nearby and was like, right I have to dive in there revive one kill he guy around the corner and revive the other, so I leap in, the guy pops right out from the corner and and I shock paddle him to death.
5. You are an Olympic athlete compared to most classes, this can be used to:
- Get in the first chopper over from he carrier.
- Be first into a spawn so than you can whore up those precious 2 extra points
- Get the best vehicle, the tortoise never wins the race
That's all I can think of right now, but I'll probably add more later.
1. When possible revive from a standing position.
-Any real marksman will hit you either way.
-You actually have a higher probability of reviving this way
2. Reviving someone over and over should always be productive unless they are a complete and utter n00b.
-When you revive someone they do not get a death score.
-If they are being shot, then they should know where they are being shot from.
-Please don't borrow a medics kit to revive them unless there is another kit nearby
3. Medics pwn in combat.
-the L85A1 is not perfect, but the 2x scope really helps by creating this equation Medic > Sniper
-Medics can heal themselves, get used to the medic kit and you won't be able to stand the crappiness of losing the ability to heal
- Medics can stay outside the combat area for alot longer, get a squad together grab a vehicle and be impenetrable en route (This is also why jet pilots are often medics)
4. Shock paddle kills are infact difficult and should be a fluke.
- This one time I had 2 dead squadmembers nearby and was like, right I have to dive in there revive one kill he guy around the corner and revive the other, so I leap in, the guy pops right out from the corner and and I shock paddle him to death.
5. You are an Olympic athlete compared to most classes, this can be used to:
- Get in the first chopper over from he carrier.
- Be first into a spawn so than you can whore up those precious 2 extra points
- Get the best vehicle, the tortoise never wins the race
That's all I can think of right now, but I'll probably add more later.
Last edited by kR4MR (2006-01-29 19:16:51)
kr4mr.... in response to your point about shock paddle kills being difficult and rare.... look at my stats: <OGG>Comet241 ..... this is what i was talking about. a *REAL* medic should be able to use what he has to get the revive, and stay alive, including your shock paddles.... 284 kills is no fluke and it isn't rare if you use it right.....
very nice, youir pretty good with them things, but still, people shouldn't be trying to get defib kills just to be 1337
i dont do it for the stats or to be 1337, especially considering that there is no award for it or even a ranking of people who have the most kills with it, i simply have killed with it when i needed to. in situations where i have just revived someone and somebody is right near me, or in situations where it has delved into a knive fight between a friendly and an enemy, i will go with the paddle because it cannot teamkill and i can revive my partner in a moments notice if he goes down. you gotta use everything in your kit, they put it there for a reason.
you know that since they revive you, your death count doesnt go up so its not a problem it does get a little irritating but say your anti tank and you get revived then you spin around and blow up the tank and poetentialy save a bunch of lives i think its worth it. the medics job is to save you its your job to get out of there when he does.
Man, all you are saying is common sense and somewhat obvious. Waste of time!
It is YOUR fault, not the medic's that keeps reviving you. He is simply doing his job. All you have to do is repeatedly hit ENTER when you die and the medic wil be unable to revive you.DUFFKING wrote:
"Mistake #2) If you revive somebody, they still get a death score
I have run into this situation a number of times if a save a guy two or three times in a row during a heated firefight. He may complain and say something to the effect of: STOP REVIVING ME!!!! I KEEP GETTING KILLED!!!! ……. I always explain that if you get revived, it doesn’t count as a death. The guy that killed you gets a kill, and the two points, but you don’t have a death against you. The usual response is: Oh…. I’m surprised more people out there aren’t aware of this simple fact. Spread the word people. Even if you revive them and you get that nasty surprise ‘nade a second later taking you both out, it only counts as one death for the guy, so don’t feel bad, hey, at least you tried. And that’s your job as a medic, to risk your life to save other people’s lives. While you may not be always out there killing people and reducing their tickets, every time you revive somebody and he gets another chance to get out there and do some damage, you saved your team from losing a ticket. So don’t look at it like you aren’t having a HUGE impact on the outcome of the game, you are. I have seen numerous games come down to a difference of 10 tickets or less….. 10 revives in a round isn’t hard to do, and it could mean the difference between a win or a loss."
Disagreed. If i'm just getting repeatedly killed, without the medic being bothered to try to find the person that killed me, it's furstrating. I got revived 6 times in a row in Karkand once, by the same medic, and killed by the same tank. If a guy dies, theres a reason he is dead. People don't like being revived then shot repeatedly - it's no fun. They want to get up and play, rather than be stuck not being able to do anything.
i like to revive the same guy over & over till they work thier way back to where my hiding spot is and back to saftey.
You forgot to say that medics make the best Blackhawk pilots, by virtue of healing anybody riding it, as well as those who took falling damage while bailing out at 10 feet to quickly grab a flag. Yes, chopper flagging is still possible. You also forgot to mention that if you can time it right, you can sprint to a body, slow down a bit to revive while looking down, then continue running with very little pause.
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-02-11 18:36:05)
an important addition to make to the thread has to do with the new 1.2 patch. since they made a time limit between going prone and standing back up again, this makes diving on your teammate to revive hime a dangerous thing as you will be there for a second waiting to stand up, making a perfect target all the while. stay standing up or practice crouching if you want to get closer to the downed man. a few other things about the new patch that has affected gameplay that I will update later about.
I've always revived from standing -- I find it easier to hit the chest.
I think after 1.2 when you toss the third medkit the shock paddles go to zero charge. Can anybody confirm or refute this?
Confirmed... the shock paddles and med kit are now linked... means you can either revive 3 people, or you can throw three med kits, but you can't toss three, and hit the paddles right away. it is a shame...
The plus side to this is for the defib killa's out there. They now have three shots in a row to defib the enemy squad trying to cap a flag... I tested this yesterday in single player mode, and it is pretty funny to watch the three bodies flying away from you, and getting the "defended flag" notice from the kills.
The plus side to this is for the defib killa's out there. They now have three shots in a row to defib the enemy squad trying to cap a flag... I tested this yesterday in single player mode, and it is pretty funny to watch the three bodies flying away from you, and getting the "defended flag" notice from the kills.
There is one thing im missing in the guide and all these posts...
When you throw out your med bags, the nearby enemies are able to see those bags!! So when you see a med bag magicly appearing somewhere, you know there is an enemy medic nearby.
When you see a guy -who is in need of your med bag- crouching, proning or stealhy moving in whatever direction and there are enemies nearby... DO NOT TOSS BAGS TOWARDS HIM!!
If you must heal the guy, just pull out your bag and walk within a few feet from him... As soon as you toss that bag, you will give away your -And your teammate's- position!!
It happened too many times that -in Wake Island- im spawning at the beach and im walking along the coastline to get to the airfield only to get med bags thrown at me and enemies approaching like moths to a flame
When you throw out your med bags, the nearby enemies are able to see those bags!! So when you see a med bag magicly appearing somewhere, you know there is an enemy medic nearby.
When you see a guy -who is in need of your med bag- crouching, proning or stealhy moving in whatever direction and there are enemies nearby... DO NOT TOSS BAGS TOWARDS HIM!!
If you must heal the guy, just pull out your bag and walk within a few feet from him... As soon as you toss that bag, you will give away your -And your teammate's- position!!
It happened too many times that -in Wake Island- im spawning at the beach and im walking along the coastline to get to the airfield only to get med bags thrown at me and enemies approaching like moths to a flame
Bro in my opinion your post is meaning less.. Pubbies all use unlocks, they take no skill.. If you were to go into competition you CANT use them, so practicing with unlocks is meaning less. Always use stock weapons they are better especially the M16 only two bursts will kill somone, and 2 head shots in single shot will kill the opponent.
In my opinion DONT listen to him
In my opinion DONT listen to him
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