Hats off to the "TERRA DO =CNM= clan for a lame ass server.  My first ban in over 1,000 hrs of play.  Why was I banned...Exessive killing.  I was in the Uncap on Surge as a Spec Opps, blowing the assets.  Yeah, I was owning the other team, had 70 points between kills and  c4ing the assest(was not spawncamping the uncap).  The enemy commander was dumb enough to be parked next to the UAV with his tank, I blew it and got banned.  Lamest thing that I've ever seen.  I've played the Brazilian server before, but this is BS.
your not going to get one from them.  I was only half way into the match as well.  I guess they just got pissed that I was blowing their stuff.  The only way that they were catching up was with use of arty, so I hung around.  Figured if it was important enough, they'd get out and hunt me.  Guess a ban was easier.  Biaaches, lol.

update: Apparently, it was a 1 day ban, as it has registered as a kick on my stats.  Regardless, I still feel that it was very much out of line.

Last edited by howler_27 (2007-08-03 06:19:39)

The Anti-Sniper
+12|6845|Las Vegas

mtb0minime wrote:

I've played on this server before and haven't seen anything fishy, but then I enter this one and check out their amazing scores. I stayed for a few minutes and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, however, but I'm still very suspicious. And you should be, too, considering these guys have some amazing scores and are all in the same clan.

It's =HR= Heartbreak Ridge, IP: Port: 16567
HR member's response in our forums to this screenshot. LMMFAO

"And for yur info that screen shot of those points ,that map lasted 3 hours , due to they even'd the flags  !"
+145|6617|Keller, Tx

Snipingruven wrote:

mtb0minime wrote:

I've played on this server before and haven't seen anything fishy, but then I enter this one and check out their amazing scores. I stayed for a few minutes and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, however, but I'm still very suspicious. And you should be, too, considering these guys have some amazing scores and are all in the same clan.

It's =HR= Heartbreak Ridge, IP: Port: 16567
HR member's response in our forums to this screenshot. LMMFAO

"And for yur info that screen shot of those points ,that map lasted 3 hours , due to they even'd the flags  !"

Was playing Surge tonight on xXx. I had played the server earlier and everything seemed ok. However, they did react fiercely to some minor trash-talking that is just part of the game.

In this particular round, someone asked, "hey isn't 187 a hacking clan?", to which a member of xXx (who happened to have 187 in his name) replied with "hey why don't you shut the fuck up?". Other guy says, "No I was just asking, I'm being serious." Then I asked, "Why 187? This is xXx." Another xXx guy said to me "he has 187 in his name dumbass!!!" I then say "Oh sorry, didn't see that... dumbass." After my remark the whole clan just about flipped out and was asking who I was calling a dumbass and whatever. I told them that they shouldn't be calling their server patrons dumbasses, especially after asking a simple question. Someone else told everyone to stfu and just play. And this is how the admins reacted.
Got pissed at him and warned him. After I left the "wow the server is run by 10-year olds" comment, they banned me.

I think warning, kicking, and banning is important in running a server, but overuse of it will make sure that no one ever returns to the server, and they'll be wasting their money just playing with themselves. I guess my comment was a little bit over the line, but I was pissed off at these tards, and so were the few other non-xXx people in the server. I think I only should've gotten kicked, but at least with the ban I'll be guaranteed not to have to deal with these 5-year-olds anymore.
Darth I miss you.

Snipingruven wrote:

mtb0minime wrote:

I've played on this server before and haven't seen anything fishy, but then I enter this one and check out their amazing scores. I stayed for a few minutes and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, however, but I'm still very suspicious. And you should be, too, considering these guys have some amazing scores and are all in the same clan.

It's =HR= Heartbreak Ridge, IP: Port: 16567
HR member's response in our forums to this screenshot. LMMFAO

"And for yur info that screen shot of those points ,that map lasted 3 hours , due to they even'd the flags  !"
Please tell me you blurred my name out in the ss. I haven't been back there since that round, but there are times when I do join their server when it's full and they can't get away with padding. Haha, but good job mentioning it to them. I was going to do the same but got lazy.

Snipingruven wrote:

Heartbreak Ridge Server Pu$$y adminning

heartbreak ridge banned me a bit ago (7-29-07)for ownin thier ass, I posted in thier forums with a couple screenies, check it out, pretty funny stuff. … hp?id=1758 … hp?id=1762 … hp?id=1765
ahahahahahaha. these guys are a bunch of pussies, i couldn't even read the thread because they deleted them all!

Ok, now I'm never going back. Forget what I said earlier!
+77|6938|The Netherlands

Mr.Warner wrote:

Hello all, I have a rant!!!

     It seems that no matter what game you play (FEAR, Half-Life2, CS:Source, BF2) at least half of the servers out there have somebody running it that has fascist server rules in place; I will explain.

     Now there are many rules that are out there for BF2 servers, and several of them are stupid as all get-up, many of which go against the EA regs for "valid server rules"; however some just rub me the wrong way.  I understand the ones that are intended on making the game a team-play event; like, "don't stat pad".  I can also digest the "no glitching" rules.  Don't glitch to the top of the hotel, or use C4 to blow yourself up onto a building.  I even understand the "don't attack the uncap base (as in the ones with the red circle and a line through it) unless you have all other flags."  That makes since, give people a fighting chance.  But all the following are ones that I have seen out and about make me just scratch my head.

     =Karkand Factory is an uncap base  (no it is not, there is no little ghost busters sigh on the flag)
     =Don't Tank Whore (what dose that mean, really.  If I get shot by a guy in a tank I spawn AT, or somewhere else)
     =Don't abuse admins (I think this means don't shoot them)
     =Can't drive to plane / helicopter (am I to float through the air to get to the plane, If I could do that....)
     =Admins get first dibs on vehicles (OOH I am an admin, I get the armored personal carrier and you don't)
     =No Profanity (I wish to cover this in more detail)

     It seems that when I go out there to get some gamin' time in I will about half the time end up on some server that has a language filter on it.  Now I understand that the admin of the server wants it to be clean for his kids to play on and he doesn't want me to teach Jr. to say hell, ass  or fuck or any of that shit but lets take a step back for a second, and think about this logically, (it is what I do at work so stick with me here)

     Now lets say that there is a server called "Boise Special Forces Killers (BSFK) Ranked BF2" and the people in charge of the server are a little to into the "stats" aspect of the game. 

     I was on a game similar to this and stared up a squad.  I was using the VOIP headset and I got to talking with my squad mates.  I was being a good squad leader and chillin' next to any flag owned by the other team allowing my guys to use me a spawn, so we could cap it.  The round ended and the admin with the highest score was not on top, they were in a clump starting around sixth place, but all above me.  They kicked all players that were above them at the end of the round, 5 in total.  The next round we were the same squad and I VIOP them, "why did you kick them?"  They say "they were not following server rules"   I say, "what rule(s) did they break?"  to which they replied, "They were using unclean language."  With that answer I felt compelled to say "They didn't cuss as far as I could tell.  They just had a higher score than you guys at the end of the round"  They argued really hard saying that that I was wrong and that nothing could be further from the truth  That reply was "Yes!!!"  So I say, just before I leave, because by now I am pissed off "So it's OK to shoot somebody with a huge gun, and blow their lifeless body across the map but you can't say shit or ass or  anything like that, and why did you wait till the round was over?"  I was warned and told to refrain, but also that "we are trying to change the trend of society and cleanse it by ending intolerance."

     Now by this time I was so pissed I could barley see, but I kept my cool.  I asked: "Why do you feel that it is your right to police society in this way?  What give you the right and why are you inconsistent?  I have already said Shit and Ass and you didn't boot me, you only just booted 5 guys who beat you on your server."  I also added "What in the fuck are you doing saying that it is your right to judge people?"

     I was so pissed I left the server immediately sent EA games a nasty hate mail about the server and withing two days it was shut down.( I guess I was not the only one who was treated so well by the BSFK.)

     Now the point of this story is that if you are to have a language filter on it then please use it as such.  If someone uses naughty words and it is a server rule, then yes warn and then kick.  But I was truly insulted as a person  when the server Administrators chose to hide behind it as a mask of self-righteous,  hypocritical puritanical propaganda.  You know it's people like that which make the world hate Americans.  That is the worst example of a server rule I have ever seen, it was not even a server rule.

     "Horrible deplorable violence is OK as long as there is no naughty language"  Sheila Broflovski

Thanks for hearing me out,  I feel better now.

High Angle Hell
+182|6502|Schofield Barracks
once again me and my clan mates got bannedfor owning
this time  from = DC= server
they banned us for "disrespect"
why cant peopel just get that otehr players are better than they are

Last edited by MAGUIRE93 (2007-08-10 14:32:12)

+2|6458|Clemson, South Carolina

*=]AD[=*Pro_NL wrote:

Mr.Warner wrote:

Hello all, I have a rant!!!

     It seems that no matter what game you play (FEAR, Half-Life2, CS:Source, BF2) at least half of the servers out there have somebody running it that has fascist server rules in place; I will explain.

     Now there are many rules that are out there for BF2 servers, and several of them are stupid as all get-up, many of which go against the EA regs for "valid server rules"; however some just rub me the wrong way.  I understand the ones that are intended on making the game a team-play event; like, "don't stat pad".  I can also digest the "no glitching" rules.  Don't glitch to the top of the hotel, or use C4 to blow yourself up onto a building.  I even understand the "don't attack the uncap base (as in the ones with the red circle and a line through it) unless you have all other flags."  That makes since, give people a fighting chance.  But all the following are ones that I have seen out and about make me just scratch my head.

     =Karkand Factory is an uncap base  (no it is not, there is no little ghost busters sigh on the flag)
     =Don't Tank Whore (what dose that mean, really.  If I get shot by a guy in a tank I spawn AT, or somewhere else)
     =Don't abuse admins (I think this means don't shoot them)
     =Can't drive to plane / helicopter (am I to float through the air to get to the plane, If I could do that....)
     =Admins get first dibs on vehicles (OOH I am an admin, I get the armored personal carrier and you don't)
     =No Profanity (I wish to cover this in more detail)

     It seems that when I go out there to get some gamin' time in I will about half the time end up on some server that has a language filter on it.  Now I understand that the admin of the server wants it to be clean for his kids to play on and he doesn't want me to teach Jr. to say hell, ass  or fuck or any of that shit but lets take a step back for a second, and think about this logically, (it is what I do at work so stick with me here)

     Now lets say that there is a server called "Boise Special Forces Killers (BSFK) Ranked BF2" and the people in charge of the server are a little to into the "stats" aspect of the game. 

     I was on a game similar to this and stared up a squad.  I was using the VOIP headset and I got to talking with my squad mates.  I was being a good squad leader and chillin' next to any flag owned by the other team allowing my guys to use me a spawn, so we could cap it.  The round ended and the admin with the highest score was not on top, they were in a clump starting around sixth place, but all above me.  They kicked all players that were above them at the end of the round, 5 in total.  The next round we were the same squad and I VIOP them, "why did you kick them?"  They say "they were not following server rules"   I say, "what rule(s) did they break?"  to which they replied, "They were using unclean language."  With that answer I felt compelled to say "They didn't cuss as far as I could tell.  They just had a higher score than you guys at the end of the round"  They argued really hard saying that that I was wrong and that nothing could be further from the truth  That reply was "Yes!!!"  So I say, just before I leave, because by now I am pissed off "So it's OK to shoot somebody with a huge gun, and blow their lifeless body across the map but you can't say shit or ass or  anything like that, and why did you wait till the round was over?"  I was warned and told to refrain, but also that "we are trying to change the trend of society and cleanse it by ending intolerance."

     Now by this time I was so pissed I could barley see, but I kept my cool.  I asked: "Why do you feel that it is your right to police society in this way?  What give you the right and why are you inconsistent?  I have already said Shit and Ass and you didn't boot me, you only just booted 5 guys who beat you on your server."  I also added "What in the fuck are you doing saying that it is your right to judge people?"

     I was so pissed I left the server immediately sent EA games a nasty hate mail about the server and withing two days it was shut down.( I guess I was not the only one who was treated so well by the BSFK.)

     Now the point of this story is that if you are to have a language filter on it then please use it as such.  If someone uses naughty words and it is a server rule, then yes warn and then kick.  But I was truly insulted as a person  when the server Administrators chose to hide behind it as a mask of self-righteous,  hypocritical puritanical propaganda.  You know it's people like that which make the world hate Americans.  That is the worst example of a server rule I have ever seen, it was not even a server rule.

     "Horrible deplorable violence is OK as long as there is no naughty language"  Sheila Broflovski

Thanks for hearing me out,  I feel better now.

Mr.Warner …
I love the "disrespect to admins" one.  Personally, our clan gets a kick out of someone going postal and laying out a string of profanity or throwing the ever popular "hack" card.  For )HTH(, stuff like that makes two things happen...We get a laugh and the comment get Printscreened for our website.  The Only times we kick for "disrespect" is if...A) You drop a racial blast (There's no call for that).  Or B) You run your mouth for sooooo long that the other players start to complain.  Even then we warn the individual in question to lay off before we take action. 

So, yeah...I agree with your rant 100%.  There are a ton of lame servers/rules floating around out there.  People tend to forget, it's a game and it is supposed to be FUN.  Ooops...Just dropped the F-word.  Hope I don't get banned.
This topic seems to have no actual posts
Accused of aimbotting.I have just been recently accused of aimbotting on Ghostgamers uk server.What really pisses me off is people making accusations against other players just beacaues they r getting their arses kicked.
The clan has even made a nice video of my fancy footwork.
My nickname is Sasreddawn and i consider myself a good infantry player who is cleannnnn,i hate knobs who make accusations which just aint true.
With being ex military i approach the game i bit diffrently than a lot of other players.Quick turning and always on the move which then knobs watch the video at the end and say""""""look hes hacking...i got my arse kicked so ill say hes using an aimbot".
For Fucks sake grow up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can stream me with anything to prove i don't cheat and it will show u that i am clean.
If u want on the 17.12.07 you can come over to sunny not so Germany ...doors r open and u can watch me play!!!!!!!

English phrase LOOK BEFORE U LEAP.

Another thing is that people r playing this game with such a shitty bandwith and rig and then they wonder why they can't compete.
Get urself at least Dsl 6,000...a computer with 2gb,8800 Graphics card,Dualcore 2.4 do 2 5 years army training and then maybe u can play better and react and think more tactically minded.
I should really take it as a compliment especially when i know its not true!!!!!!!

Infantry i am good..planes and helis i suck and i must admit i am a G36 medic knob.

You are probaly 16-20 years old ghost making such accusations.
I am 36 years old and play for fun and i am not interested in getting hacks to play a fucking computer game u knob!!!!!!!!!!
As you will see from my stats i'm an ok player, especially when it comes to gunning in the old choppers, not bad in a plane also. I and a mate were recently playing on the BBQ server, some swiss guys i think? Pretty tough battle ragging with the yanks constantly trying to take the air, we as usual were defending it with a selection of AT MINES and the like before take off and keeping a close eye on the place when all of a sudden some toss pot called ACMILAN74 puts up, and i quote, "BANNING DAN1942 FOR CHEATING" and then puff i'm kicked, try to get back in, i'm banned. Now its fair to say i'm a bit pissed at this and need some help!!!!!!!!
My mate who i was in with asked said ACMILAN74(soreloosertosser) why, to which he said, and i quote "to make room for admin" ok he said so why is he banned?????????? Of course no answer to this!!!!!!!!!!! Now i want this on the record that 1. I never cheat, never have never will 2. I wanna take this all the way!!! How many of you guys out there have had the same? What can we do about it?? How can we stop a small amount of arse's spoiling a great game because "Its my server and i'll cry if i want to" So get in touch people lets STOP this crap now!!!!!!!!!!

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" = Cruise control to cool.
The following conversation took place in the ban appeals section of the Heartbreakridge forum: … hp?id=2630


Who is really cheating or stat padding here?
Me because I have spent enough time in a tank to destroy aircraft in flight?
Or the server admins who admit in the conversation that they are
controlling who can play in their ranked server by consensus?
Is the reasoning and actions taken by these admins considered acceptable practice by EA?

In case they restrict access, Here is the conversation:

Safrguns initial post in =HR= Ban appeals forum:

On December 4th, Approximately 8:10 pm EST
I was banned from your server IP:
Game map: Oman
Reason given for ban:  Cheating/Stat padding
There was no way for me to identify who banned me.

I get accused of cheating a lot.
Sometimes I can understand the suspicion, because I can pull off
some extremely rare shots in a tank.
However, I cannot understand why an admin is not willing
to confront me with the charge before rendering a decision with a ban.
I was given absolutely no warning whatsoever.
Nobody said anything in game about even being suspicious.
I don't really mind being accused of cheating... its kind of a compliment.
However, I Do really mind getting arbitrarily banned for something I havn't done.
So much so, that I went to the trouble of putting a video together
that demonstrates my skills for the primary purpose of proving that
I'm not a hacker.   Since the release of this movie, I have not been banned
again until now.  Once others were able to see it, they retracted their charge.
I hope you will do the same, and modify your banning procedures as well.

Here is that proof:

Also full screen divx: … n's-Animal

BlackDeath wrote:

I have seen this video..

I have been playing this game 2 1/2 year.. I play tank more than anything else also..  and how many poeple do vids. to show he is full of it..

the BF2player for him is. … p;show=all

I think our server will be better off without him.  Play somewhere else.
Is Blackdeath the Banning admin???
Is He speaking for HR?
Is his response HR's official position?
Am I to understand from BlackDeath that I have been banned because I spend too much time in a tank?

Lokie3037 wrote:

I also watched the vid and don't feel that a bunch of staged shots prove anything.

It is my recommendation that the ban stays.
So I'm guilty of hacking until proven innocent based on suspicion?

Lokie3037 wrote:

I am the banning admin and we went over your stats and myself and three other admins decided that the video does not prove that you are not hacking. One by your own admission the shots were staged and two video can easily be photo shopped to get of signs of hacking. And why make a video to prove that you are not hacking you have been banned kicked from 96 different servers for some reason or another and it is my opinion the ban should not be lifted
This is exactly what I needed.
Thank you very much.
Oh... and make sure you have your PB screenshots ready.
You WILL need them.
+250|6719|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.
HB Ridge admins get pissed easily. I'm permed from there too, cause apparently counter-soloing an HB admin is against the rules.
I know I'm not alone.
I'm always hearing from and about fellow players who get banned for "suspected" cheating.
And I, like so many others frequently just blew it off.... but blowing it off DOES have it's negatives as you can see here.
Now I have a record of over 96 kicks or bans which everybody sees, and the immediate reaction by those
who investigate my stats for purposes such as these is that I'm the one at fault.

I tolerated it for quite a while.
Then I made a movie to show my first person views... I know it's not absolute proof,
but proving a negative has never been possible anyway.
How is one supposed to prove they are NOT hacking?  They cant.  One can only prove that you are.
I believe at this point I have done everything in my power to prove the unprovable.
This is obviously the wrong approach to take.

As for me, an unjustified ban should no longer be taken lightly.
The more you get, the worse it will be for you down the road.
And besides... its not just a game at stake here... Character HAS been assulted!

And here is the real irony of it all...
If it happened to me, how many other players as good or better than me have been banned as well?
What do you call it when server admins by consensus determine who plays on their servers and who doesnt?

I would submit that many ranked server providers use this practice of unjustified banning
as their own means of stat padding... and they successfully hide behind their reasoning,
because the true victims rarely make an issue of it.

Clans such as Heart Break Ridge are what I would refer to as Stealth Padders.

One of the best ways to steal something and get away with it is to conceal your actions with an accusation.
Stealth Padders have turned it into a real art.

I gave them every opportunity to correct it in private.
Now I'm fighting back.
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6457|San Antonio, Texas
I guess their ego was bruised when their sorry behinds sitting cozy in jets and planes were destroyed by a tank.

After watching your video Safrguns, I started predicting the movement of helis, and I've actually killed four to date with the main cannon of a tank. I've even killed admins with it, and they didn't ban me. =SF=, keeping it cool.

Cyrax-Sektor wrote:

I guess their ego was bruised when their sorry behinds sitting cozy in jets and planes were destroyed by a tank.

After watching your video Safrguns, I started predicting the movement of helis, and I've actually killed four to date with the main cannon of a tank. I've even killed admins with it, and they didn't ban me. =SF=, keeping it cool.
Hey!... This is great!... I'm honored and grateful to hear that my video has proven to be useful...
I cant tell you how much it pleases me when I see other tankers taking down AC too.
I was quite serious about my opening comments in "Animal", and I'm fully devoted at this point in
training anyone who wants to learn how to do it.
Before yesterday, I was seriously taking the direction of working on a new comedy. (not tank vs aircraft)
Now, I will be shifting back over to my Tutorial project.... THIS IS WAR!
I know darn well that there are many tankers out there who are just as capable as I am, if not more so.
I want to make a lot more of them.  My reactions are not that of a teenager anymore... but I do have the knowhow.

I agree that there are many more good server admins out there than bad, who are mature and responsible about their duties.
I applaud them.

Keep up the great work!... stick with it...  you'll get yours.
And when you do, please screen shot it (the ban) so that I can add you to my "B.O.T" club roster. (Banned for Owning in a Tank)
Think i'll start a new thread on that... so keep an eye out.

Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6457|San Antonio, Texas
Keep up the ownage, Safr! In time, we'll show the crybabies tanks are not only for ground attack. This could be a chain reaction to get more players to use tanks for AA purposes! Then plenty will eat crow.
Thanks man... sounds like a plan.
+2|6458|Clemson, South Carolina
I know exact what you you're talking about.  I have been kicked a grand total of twice.  Once from my own server for Idle, and the other because of my mouth.  The reason I don't get kicked or banned more for my tank shots is because I play (for the most part) with my clan on our server.  Though, I get accused of hacking on a regular basis due to my ground to air tank shots.  So, you're not alone there.  Do I take it personal?  Yep, sure do...But I take it as a compliment.  You work someone so badly that you got in their dome...I find that totally hilarious.  If you are that good with a tank that they kick and/or ban you...GREAT!!!  You probably don't want to play with them anyways, and you get the satisfaction of having whipped the snot out of them.

Oh, and for all the chopper whores out there that kick/ban for getting shot from the sky by a tank, you should look at a shotgunning handbook.  "Tail...Belly...Beak...Bang."  It's called leading your target.  Anyone that becomes a decent bird hunter is a good judge of speed and distance.  As in the real world, these same principles carry over to gaming.  So, before you kick or ban, try evaluating what YOU might have done wrong. Flying straight and level might get you from point A to point B in short order, but be aware...Point B might be the spot where you wreckage lands.
pub hero!
+603|6690|the land of bourbon
i was banned from the SF server "Come get some."  Reason:  "your clan is not welcome here."  I had enough time to type, "it's not a clan."  I guess the [BF2s] tag is not accepted everywhere.

steelie34 wrote:

i was banned from the SF server "Come get some."  Reason:  "your clan is not welcome here."  I had enough time to type, "it's not a clan."  I guess the [BF2s] tag is not accepted everywhere.
Sovereign Forces or a different SF? That's weird. There's a few people that play there with the tag. Maybe I should wear it and see what happens.

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