I am all that is MOD!

This link says that Moses didn't write the bible.  But it also says that Adam was alive in 3500 b.c.  Hahahaha!  By the way, that was the first result when I searched "who wrote the book of genesis".

Most likely, the Old Testament (in particular the first five books or the Torah or Pentateuch) was a conglomeration of old Pagan creation stories/life lessons and family histories formed over many (perhaps hundreds) years.
but still you say so many things without any proof

lol, yeah thats some good proof.

Last edited by stef10 (2007-08-06 11:07:07)

Nymphomaniac Treatment Specialist
+302|6711|Florida, United States

Havok wrote:

stef10 wrote:

Havok wrote:

Because we all know everything you read on the internet is true.  I request links of proof, because I'm 99% sure that you're wrong.

That is also wrong.  God supposedly carved the original 10 commandments with lightning.  Then Moses shattered the stones when he saw his people worshiping a golden bull or something.  Then he went back up on the mountain and carved them himself.
and you say that im entirely wrong, hmmm, lol
I say you are wrong because you are wrong.  I'm taking passages directly from the Bible which you so dearly believe.  How about you read the holy book of your religion before you try to convince others that it is the correct religion.

EDIT: I stand corrected on the Genesis chapter.  As Jewish tradition considers it to have been written by Moses, it is sometimes also called The First Book of Moses.
Here is more evidence for the part about the 10 commandments. After receiving the commandments and returning to Mount Sinai, Moses saw that the Israelites had "defiled themselves", and that his brother, Aaron, had made a Golden Calf and an altar in front of it. Moses, in terrible anger, broke the tablets. God later had Moses carve two other tablets, to replace the ones he smashed.  The passage does not say how Moses received the original commandments, but to be scientific, God could not have merely given large hunks of stone to Moses due to the Law of Conservation of Mass.  If God actually did give Moses the 10 commandments, then he could only do so by carving them with lightning.

Last edited by Havok (2007-08-06 11:19:36)

I am all that is MOD!

stef10 wrote:

but still you say so many things without any proof

lol, yeah thats some good proof.
How can I prove the origin of a document written by numerous people over hundreds (perhaps thousands) of years?  You (stef10) would have to be naive to think such a document (the bible, both New and Old Testaments) has not been altered over the course of its existence.

The fact is, there is proof out there.  I am far from the first (or only) person who has done scholarly research into the origins of the bible.  I could spend time looking up historical analysis of the writing styles of the different books to show that the verbiage and writing styles change from book to book, even within some books themselves, but I can't be bothered.  Since you seem to love google as omniscient, why don't you do some research on your own?

How can you prove any of what you are saying?  By linking to websites which promote the Christian agenda (and by extension your own ideologies)?  Hardly proof that will stand up to logic and reason.

Believe what you want, by all means.  Just don't try to convince me (with links to Christian websites) to follow your fundamentalist (and ignorant) religious thought.
. . .
Moses never existed - he's a mythical character - the exodus is a fictional event. How can a fiction author a fiction?


stef10 wrote:

but still you say so many things without any proof

lol, yeah thats some good proof.
How can I prove the origin of a document written by numerous people over hundreds (perhaps thousands) of years?  You (stef10) would have to be naive to think such a document (the bible, both New and Old Testaments) has not been altered over the course of its existence.

The fact is, there is proof out there.  I am far from the first (or only) person who has done scholarly research into the origins of the bible.  I could spend time looking up historical analysis of the writing styles of the different books to show that the verbiage and writing styles change from book to book, even within some books themselves, but I can't be bothered.  Since you seem to love google as omniscient, why don't you do some research on your own?

How can you prove any of what you are saying?  By linking to websites which promote the Christian agenda (and by extension your own ideologies)?  Hardly proof that will stand up to logic and reason.

Believe what you want, by all means.  Just don't try to convince me (with links to Christian websites) to follow your fundamentalist (and ignorant) religious thought.
lol, hahaha, links.

well. lets see why I got my reasons. For the first I do believe that parts for the christian bible have been altered with but not the Torah because it has been perserved so well for many years. and this other reason may make me look stupid I do not care. The bible code. All of this I have seen where?


and one more thing. I think that people who do not believe in anything. That the world was an accident that just happent and there is no supreme creature are just fricking dumb idiots.

Last edited by stef10 (2007-08-06 11:25:02)

Nymphomaniac Treatment Specialist
+302|6711|Florida, United States

topal63 wrote:

Moses never existed - he's a mythical character - the exodus is a fictional event. How can a fiction author a fiction?
I agree, but I want to play stef's game before I can completely prove him wrong.

Havok wrote:

topal63 wrote:

Moses never existed - he's a mythical character - the exodus is a fictional event. How can a fiction author a fiction?
I agree, but I want to play stef's game before I can completely prove him wrong.
you cant prove me wrong since you dont have any faith in this and also because nobody knows who has done it. as u believe.

so actually by saying that you have lost.

Last edited by stef10 (2007-08-06 11:28:14)

+133|6332|Bloomington Indiana

stef10 wrote:

well. lets see why I got my reasons. For the first I do believe that parts for the christian bible have been altered with but not the Torah because it has been perserved so well for many years. and this other reason may make me look stupid I do not care. The bible code. All of this I have seen where?


and one more thing. I think that people who do not believe in anything. That the world was an accident that just happent and there is no supreme creature are just fricking dumb idiots.
because the history channel obviously never makes mistakes.

btw...thanks for calling me a fricking dumb idiot.

you believe what you do because it suits you,just like we do.   you cant force us to change and you shouldnt be judging us because of what we believe.  thanks
Nymphomaniac Treatment Specialist
+302|6711|Florida, United States

stef10 wrote:

Havok wrote:

topal63 wrote:

Moses never existed - he's a mythical character - the exodus is a fictional event. How can a fiction author a fiction?
I agree, but I want to play stef's game before I can completely prove him wrong.
you cant prove me wrong since you dont have any faith in this and also because nobody knows who has done it. as u believe.

so actually by saying that you have lost.
You can't prove anything with faith, so it doesn't really matter than I have none now does it?  And you think I'm a frikin dumb idiot?  I'm not the one believing in 2,000 year old text written by anonymous authors of debatable existence.

Let me ask you a question, and before you answer it, I want you to think long and hard about it.  What makes your religion more truthful than any other religion.  You think I'm stupid because I disagree with you, so tell me why you think you're so smart for believing in Christianity.  Is it better than Islam, than Greek mythology, than the thousands of pagan religions that Christianity is built from?  I don't want to hear about how certain Muslims blow things up and how Greek men used to molest children, I want to know why you think your God is better and more truthful than Allah, Zeus, and other deities.  If you say it is because you have faith, that doesn't make you smart at all, because smarts are derived from the way you think.  If you just assume, which is the basis of faith, then you're not thinking at all.

stef10 wrote:

so actually by saying that you have lost.
And the most child-like statement of the week goes to...

Last edited by Havok (2007-08-06 11:34:44)

of course I will never try to change someones mind. its their problem or win if they do not believe. but im not gonna stand here why atheists keep on assaulting people who do believe in this. and thx ken for calling an extremist. so schwarzer dont u think extremist is a harsh word?
. . .

stef10 wrote:

... the Torah ... has been perserved so well for many years.
That is demonstrably a false statement. The masoretic texts (Jewish/Hebrew text of the Old Testament) are extremely corrupted when compared to the Septuagint sources (that are older). The variant texts (corruptions) in the masoretic tradition (are very numerous) and show editing all the way up to (about) the 6th-10th century CE (more or less, I'd need to look that up).
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
This thread has been derailed beyond believe. Only God himself can turn this thread back into its original purpose.

Havok wrote:

stef10 wrote:

Havok wrote:

I agree, but I want to play stef's game before I can completely prove him wrong.
you cant prove me wrong since you dont have any faith in this and also because nobody knows who has done it. as u believe.

so actually by saying that you have lost.
You can't prove anything with faith, so it doesn't really matter than I have none now does it?  And you think I'm a frikin dumb idiot?  I'm not the one believing in 2,000 year old text written by anonymous authors of debatable existence.

Let me ask you a question, and before you answer it, I want you to think long and hard about it.  What makes your religion more truthful than any other religion.  You think I'm stupid because I disagree with you, so tell me why you think you're so smart for believing in Christianity.  Is it better than Islam, than Greek mythology, than the thousands of pagan religions that Christianity is built from?  I don't want to hear about how certain Muslims blow things up and how Greek men used to molest children, I want to know why you think your God is better and more truthful than Allah, Zeus, and other deities.  If you say it is because you have faith, that doesn't make you smart at all, because smarts are derived from the way you think.  If you just assume, which is the basis of faith, then you're not thinking at all.

stef10 wrote:

so actually by saying that you have lost.
And the most child-like statement of the week goes to...
no, they are not better. why should they be when we dont have evidence. but its something in me that chooses that. i have seeb many things over and over the more and more reaches and grabs me from this holy book and this god. and why should they be better. and why should all the atheist in this forum be allowed to say that christians are idiots or even just imply it so strongly. its so hypocritical.
I am all that is MOD!

stef10 wrote:

lol, hahaha, links.

well. lets see why I got my reasons. For the first I do believe that parts for the christian bible have been altered with but not the Torah because it has been perserved so well for many years. and this other reason may make me look stupid I do not care. The bible code. All of this I have seen where?


and one more thing. I think that people who do not believe in anything. That the world was an accident that just happent and there is no supreme creature are just fricking dumb idiots.
"the conclusion which virtually all modern scholars are willing to accept, is that the Pentateuch was in reality a composite work, the product of many hands and periods."

Speiser, E.A., "Palil and Congeners: A sampling of apotropaic symbols," ASSYRIOLOGICAL STUDIES.

The "J" source, from "Jahweh," the German Christian rendering of Yod-He-Vav-He, the word for God used almost exclusively by that source, and which generally presents humans in various situations in which their actions and words convey the meaning.
The "E" source, for "Elohim," the word for God most commonly used in that source, in which the focus is on events more than on the individuals involved.
The "P" source, for "Priestly," which focusses on the formal relations between God and society, including the genealogies which document the chain of transmission of God's message and authority from Creation to Moses. "P" uses both Elohim and El Shaddai.
The "D" or "Dtr" source, for the Deuteronomist, source of the book of Deuteronomy and likely in addition the books of Joshua, Judges, I and II Samuel and I and II Kings. Generally speaking, the Deuteronimist emphasizes centralization of worship and governance in Jerusalem.
The documentary hypothesis also uses the shorthand "R" for the Redactor or editor who brought together the J, E, P and Dtr material into a single set of writings we know as the Torah.

But liberal Jews – Conservative, Reform or Reconstructionist – would answer this question differently. We believe that the Torah is the work of human beings. The most common theory today among Jewish and Christian scholars was developed in the 19th century and is called the Documentary Hypothesis. It argues that the Torah is composed of several ancient source documents that were written by various unknown authors. Later these documents were combined and edited into the form in which we have it today. It’s generally thought that the Torah was completed by the 5th century BCE, following the Jews’ return to the land of Israel after having been exiled in Babylonia

OMG Links!!

Keep watching that History Channel.
. . .

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

This thread has been derailed beyond believe. Only God himself can turn this thread back into its original purpose.
It has no purpose - this thread. Please elaborate - what is the purpose of this thread?
+133|6332|Bloomington Indiana

stef10 wrote:

of course I will never try to change someones mind. its their problem or win if they do not believe. but im not gonna stand here why atheists keep on assaulting people who do believe in this. and thx ken for calling an extremist. so schwarzer dont u think extremist is a harsh word?
im not sure i see where Ken called you an extremist....
although i do see him calling you a fundamentalist... … ristianity
theres a bit of a difference.

and for the record i wasnt calling you an extremist if you felt that way, i understand why you believe in god....but all i would like is to be able to believe what i do without constantly being told i will be cast into the fiery pits of hell for it. accused us of assaulting your views? not to be a jerk but its been going both ways.  remember you did call us non-believers "fricking dumb idiots"

Last edited by Schwarzelungen (2007-08-06 11:42:08)

well, i dont want to convert anybody, people must convert themself. and what I have said is what I think the world works. and of course nobody can tell you that you will be cast into hell. why do they know that. keep it for themselves.

yeah you are non-believers. not for not believing in the jewish-christian god, but for not believing in something more greater that us and which has more power in the universe, and imo that is foolish and ignorant.

Last edited by stef10 (2007-08-06 11:45:09)

I am all that is MOD!

stef10 wrote:

well, i dont want to convert anybody, people must convert themself. and what I have said is what I think the world works. and of course nobody can tell you that you will be cast into hell. why do they know that. keep it for themselves.
I want to be cast into plaster and immortalized.


stef10 wrote:

well, i dont want to convert anybody, people must convert themself. and what I have said is what I think the world works. and of course nobody can tell you that you will be cast into hell. why do they know that. keep it for themselves.
I want to be cast into plaster and immortalized.

and havoc you call that statement childish.

well, then you clearly dont understand what u did.

Last edited by stef10 (2007-08-06 11:47:56)

Nymphomaniac Treatment Specialist
+302|6711|Florida, United States

stef10 wrote:

Havok wrote:

stef10 wrote:

you cant prove me wrong since you dont have any faith in this and also because nobody knows who has done it. as u believe.

so actually by saying that you have lost.
You can't prove anything with faith, so it doesn't really matter than I have none now does it?  And you think I'm a frikin dumb idiot?  I'm not the one believing in 2,000 year old text written by anonymous authors of debatable existence.

Let me ask you a question, and before you answer it, I want you to think long and hard about it.  What makes your religion more truthful than any other religion.  You think I'm stupid because I disagree with you, so tell me why you think you're so smart for believing in Christianity.  Is it better than Islam, than Greek mythology, than the thousands of pagan religions that Christianity is built from?  I don't want to hear about how certain Muslims blow things up and how Greek men used to molest children, I want to know why you think your God is better and more truthful than Allah, Zeus, and other deities.  If you say it is because you have faith, that doesn't make you smart at all, because smarts are derived from the way you think.  If you just assume, which is the basis of faith, then you're not thinking at all.

stef10 wrote:

so actually by saying that you have lost.
And the most child-like statement of the week goes to...
no, they are not better. why should they be when we dont have evidence. but its something in me that chooses that. i have seeb many things over and over the more and more reaches and grabs me from this holy book and this god. and why should they be better. and why should all the atheist in this forum be allowed to say that christians are idiots or even just imply it so strongly. its so hypocritical.
I respect your decision if you have actually looked into other religions instead of just staying with the one you were brought up with.  As long as you keep yourself informed, you're taking steps in the right direction.

To answer your other comment, people are allowed to express their beliefs on these forums freely.  Christians and other religious people are more than welcome to question the beliefs of atheists; however, those threads never succeed due to flaming.
People can believe whatever they want to believe, i think the idea of an Omnipotent being is quite nice actually. Whether or not there is one we will never know until we die.
. . .


stef10 wrote:

well, i dont want to convert anybody, people must convert themself. and what I have said is what I think the world works. and of course nobody can tell you that you will be cast into hell. why do they know that. keep it for themselves.
I want to be cast into plaster and immortalized.
I want to be cremated. Then have my ashes placed into a vile with this label on it:
"Rhino Horn Dust - Beware: causes extreme sexual arousal."

Last edited by topal63 (2007-08-06 11:52:32)


Havok wrote:

stef10 wrote:

Havok wrote:

You can't prove anything with faith, so it doesn't really matter than I have none now does it?  And you think I'm a frikin dumb idiot?  I'm not the one believing in 2,000 year old text written by anonymous authors of debatable existence.

Let me ask you a question, and before you answer it, I want you to think long and hard about it.  What makes your religion more truthful than any other religion.  You think I'm stupid because I disagree with you, so tell me why you think you're so smart for believing in Christianity.  Is it better than Islam, than Greek mythology, than the thousands of pagan religions that Christianity is built from?  I don't want to hear about how certain Muslims blow things up and how Greek men used to molest children, I want to know why you think your God is better and more truthful than Allah, Zeus, and other deities.  If you say it is because you have faith, that doesn't make you smart at all, because smarts are derived from the way you think.  If you just assume, which is the basis of faith, then you're not thinking at all.

And the most child-like statement of the week goes to...
no, they are not better. why should they be when we dont have evidence. but its something in me that chooses that. i have seeb many things over and over the more and more reaches and grabs me from this holy book and this god. and why should they be better. and why should all the atheist in this forum be allowed to say that christians are idiots or even just imply it so strongly. its so hypocritical.
I respect your decision if you have actually looked into other religions instead of just staying with the one you were brought up with.  As long as you keep yourself informed, you're taking steps in the right direction.

To answer your other comment, people are allowed to express their beliefs on these forums freely.  Christians and other religious people are more than welcome to question the beliefs of atheists; however, those threads never succeed due to flaming.
of course I have looked into other religions but they dont suit the style I think the world works and also other things in the bible just convinces me to a degree that is scary.

and I talked to other christians and they were not haveing the idea of being accepted or liked if they expressed their feelings.

Last edited by stef10 (2007-08-06 11:53:22)

Nymphomaniac Treatment Specialist
+302|6711|Florida, United States

stef10 wrote:

and havoc you call that statement childish.

well, then you clearly dont understand what u did.
Please inform me what I have done.  If you mean becoming an atheist, then I have no regrets.

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