Certified Twat
+296|6830|Bournemouth, South England
Girls can play games, but only on Wii and GayCube.  Thats the rules in my household.  Just unfortunate I refuse to buy a Wii or GamePube.
Donald O' Brien

Penetrator wrote:

GayCube, GamePube.
Any more clever names?

krazed wrote:

RoosterCantrell wrote:

My girlfriend thinks gaming is an incredible waste of time.  I tried to explain to her the fun factor of gaming and how its not JUST playing video games, its about doing something that is alot of fun.

I asked her about life in general.  Isn't life about having fun, no matter what it is?  We  got into this debate about doing things that make you happy.  My point was that even though there are more memorable ways to spend spare time, gaming was just one thing ALOT of people do to have fun.  Plus, it doesnt cost money (time wise).

Anyway we were talking about things we both like to do, and I have tried, just for the hell of it, to get her to try BF2.  When I asked her, she had a look on her face like I just asked her to eat my shit.

So, anyway, Who here has a girlfriend/Wife/whatever that they game with?
i turned the tables on her
i think sports are a huge waste of time... yet she loves them
i win

although i have gotten her to start playing some of my games, like black and white 2, and some of the other non-combat related games for now
lol mine likes sports as well we watch hockey and F1 together, then when she wanna hv the tv and watch some junk she says dont ya feel like playing some BF2?
and how could i say No!?!?
Cheeky Keen
+329|6878|Kent, UK
Jeez, don't get me started. I was in the internet cafe last night, playing BF2 for the first time in 6 months on a crappy computer with a keyboard on which neither Space Bar or Ctrl work and the headset is naffed, not forgetting the game being in German (of which i speak only a little). Started off on Kark (of course) and did pretty well, going 23 for 10 with assault and AT, then the server switched to Kubra. I  Hop in the chopper, and take off only to find that some twat has turned invert mouse off for the chopper, so instead of flying forward, the chopper tries a backflip. at this VERY moment, my missus decided to ring me cuz some asshole boyfriend of her mates was talking about how dreams predict the future (she keeps dreaming that she's pregnant ) and she gets all freaked out and HAS to call me and moan at me for 10 minutes.

So there's me, mobile pinned between shoulder and ear, trying to pilot a chopper of which the controls are inverted (ie pushing the mouse forward causes the damn nose to go UP!). In the end I dropped the mouse on the floor and go for pure keyboard flying, manage to kill a tank and a jeep, then my damn hour is up and i got to log off and pick up my laundry.


AND the bastard internet cafe, for some reason, only have their BF2 install patched to 1.02... something, so it was unranked ANYWAY.


Oh yeah, she don't like me playing too much either. Back in England, if she was at my place, i just let her fall asleep in my bed in the evening then went and gamed for a couple hours.

Spider1980 wrote:

suomalainen_äijä wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

thats why you don't have a girlfriend ?
LOOOOOOOOOOOL NO my mother doesn't play games.

what I meant to say was that my father and mother told me to reduce playing
#1 Commander
G.i. Joeeeeeeeeeee................
O' HAL naw!
+470|6900|Columbus, OH
Some people think video games are a waste there is no sense in reasoning it to them. Point-Blank TELL them it is what you like and what you want to do on YOUR spare time. It's a hobby no more or less than amateur photography.

I have a girlfriend and she knows I play video games. She prefers I do not but accepts it, much like I accept watching a TV show or chick-flick that she prefers to watch. I suggest finding the right-balance of play games and spending time with her and do not neglect any resposibilities....i usually clean up or organize my place before playing.
Haha, my girlfriend comes over alot which means I disappear from BF2 for a while .
She doesn't mind at all. She was amazed when she found out cause she didn't pick me for much of a gamer lol.
She is hell good at the games on the Wii at her place and always wallops me so I'm sure she plays that alot more than she lets on.
+1|6480|In front of my PC...
Hee Hee, MY grilfiriend plays video games : COD, CS 1.6 and Battlefield 2 also . She also enjoyed playing with me and my friends in a LAN recently . I know this sounds strange, but YES, it does exist !
Say wat!?

loubot wrote:

Some people think video games are a waste there is no sense in reasoning it to them. Point-Blank TELL them it is what you like and what you want to do on YOUR spare time. It's a hobby no more or less than amateur photography.

I have a girlfriend and she knows I play video games. She prefers I do not but accepts it, much like I accept watching a TV show or chick-flick that she prefers to watch. I suggest finding the right-balance of play games and spending time with her and do not neglect any resposibilities....i usually clean up or organize my place before playing.
Exaclty I realy dont get people that moan about games but watch tv all the time... seriously.. how is playing a game NOT more constructive than watching TV, atleast your bloody interact rather than just siting there.
Battlefield 2 killa'
+128|6650|SHAPE, Belgium
My girlfirend almost wanted to break up with me, but I told her how much gaming means to me.
I wanna be on you
+116|6849|So Cal
I have a lady in my life and I won't dare choose a video game over her.  Not because i'm afraid of her getting mad, but it's because she's more important and life is good when we're together...
My wife plays a fair amount of video games. We had dual accounts on EQ2 for 2 years which is were I got her started. She even plays BF2, just started a new account as Lady_Wolfe72. Yeah she sucks but she has fun and she's getting better....sorta. She games online for maybe 8 hours a week, or she plays Ratchet and Clank on the old ps2. I'm lucky she's so understanding about gaming.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7101|Great Brown North

KrisPOLANDnorwida wrote:

My girlfirend almost wanted to break up with me, but I told her how much gaming means to me.
because you were ignorning her or because she has a psychotic hatred for games?
+1|6528|TARDville, USA

Ricerckt93 wrote:

Man, ALL you guys got girlfriends!

You are sooooooo lucky.

Ever since I got married, the wife won't let me "date" anymore! 

And she hates the game too.
ROFL ... +1 for making me laugh on a Monday!!
The Artist formerly known as GraphicArtist-J
+196|6448|So Cal

Vilham wrote:

Some people think video games are a waste there is no sense in reasoning it to them....
Games(BF2) are a waste of time? I don't think so... Well according to a recent study that I heard in the news... People who play video games tend to have better eyesight than others that don't play. Reason is because they have the eyeball moving around and excersing it's cornea or something like that... Giving the eyeball more strength to see all the little details in it's field of vision. My wife doesn't play, but she just doesn't want my 2½ yr old son watching the violence in the game.

Last edited by GraphicArtist J (2007-08-06 10:14:01)
+80|6908|Hoosier Mama
Its so annoying when my man bitches at me for playing too much. Which is nothing compared to how much he plays. Im lucky if I can get an hour in before he expects me to quit playing. I think its mainly because Im consuming up his game time. Since we only have one PC.  He expects me not to get pissed when he plays C&C3 for 3 or 4 hours straight, or whatever game he is into atm. WTF!?  He has mentioned he cant wait until we get another PC so we can game together.  It will be sweet owning his sexy ass. LOL
#1 Commander

Mennechet wrote:

Hee Hee, MY grilfiriend plays video games : COD, CS 1.6 and Battlefield 2 also . She also enjoyed playing with me and my friends in a LAN recently . I know this sounds strange, but YES, it does exist !
A 2 year old baby can play these games too, doesn't mean there any good at it.

MetalMaiden wrote:

Its so annoying when my man bitches at me for playing too much. Which is nothing compared to how much he plays. Im lucky if I can get an hour in before he expects me to quit playing. I think its mainly because Im consuming up his game time. Since we only have one PC.  He expects me not to get pissed when he plays C&C3 for 3 or 4 hours straight, or whatever game he is into atm. WTF!?  He has mentioned he cant wait until we get another PC so we can game together.  It will be sweet owning his sexy ass. LOL
Yes... MetalMaiden ownz

I sat my GF down behind a game of CoD. She enjoyed herself for as long as it lasted.
Cheeky Keen
+329|6878|Kent, UK

MetalMaiden wrote:

Its so annoying when my man bitches at me for playing too much. Which is nothing compared to how much he plays. Im lucky if I can get an hour in before he expects me to quit playing. I think its mainly because Im consuming up his game time. Since we only have one PC.  He expects me not to get pissed when he plays C&C3 for 3 or 4 hours straight, or whatever game he is into atm. WTF!?  He has mentioned he cant wait until we get another PC so we can game together.  It will be sweet owning his sexy ass. LOL
OT: hey maiden, how's it going?

On Topic: That's the big problem with having a significant other who is into gaming, rationing out the PC time and bandwidth
I got my g/f to play Bf2 a couple times, but instead of fragging she just walked around looking at the scenery...
Anouk, Slayers little bitch

=DeF=Damage wrote:

I got my g/f to play Bf2 a couple times, but instead of fragging she just walked around looking at the scenery...
I hope you play on high settings then. otherwise the scenic walk wasnt that nice
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6795|6 6 4 oh, I forget

suomalainen_äijä wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Say "What" again! C'mon, say "What" again! I dare ya, I double dare ya motherfucker, say "What" one more goddamn time!

When I play, the bitch stays silent on the sofa. Unless she's offering secks, when I suddenly get problems with connection and I has to go-go But seriously when she's there I don't play coz quality time is always quality time, unless there's them Housewives or some goddamn weddingprograms on the telly...
I met my girlfriend playing BF2.. we play all the time

Oh, yah, we are both over 18..

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