I found a site a 2 months ago, they distribute anti-punkbuster cheats for bf2 those things are private they even make people pay 20$ a week to use it... today i went to cheak if EA or punkbuster took the site down but NO and now they have 59,724 members WOW !!!! Someone got to do something about this its taudly ruining the game....On the main page you see that in january 14 they released a new aimbot..And weirdly since Mid-january i get headshoted in game from long range 50% more make me wonder how many cheaters are out there. The probability now are that everytime you play on one server there is at least one cheater....What do you think could be done to shot them down !!!
And dont tell me to stop talking about it to help shot them down they allready have 59,724 members spreading the desease arround !!!

Edit : Now those Bitch are making millions out of the cheats business !!!

Last edited by J0hn.F.Kenedy (2006-02-04 06:15:09)

I agree, I've been one shot killed under some surreal circumstances lately.

Last edited by Mason4Assassin444 (2006-02-04 06:50:52)

Destroy Noob Cannons
on citymaps I get one shotted a lot.. most of the time, I'm sure it's just luck. I've oneshotted a few people. run around the corner, shoot once and somehow kill them. It happens.

But I know there are many players out there that cheat. It's obvious jsut through how many people glitch now, you can only guess how many people are using actual cheat programs.. Sadly, there is no way to stop them. You can take down their sites, you can update PB, but they will always be one step ahead of the anti-cheat programs. That's why people will put out money for such things.

Last edited by =[4th]=SlayThem (2006-02-04 06:56:31)

i would never cheat in a online game, i buy the game to have fun and progress, not to cheat my way up to the leaderboards or to hack my way to fame..
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6955|Marathon, Florida Keys
if theres 50k cheaters, adn theres about a million accounts, that means 1 out of every 20 people cheat...i dont beleive that for a second
[]D [] []\/[] []D
+177|6887|United States

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

if theres 50k cheaters, adn theres about a million accounts, that means 1 out of every 20 people cheat...i dont beleive that for a second
I believe it.
Not even 1/20 people cheat in Counter-Strike... There is no way 5% of all players hack/cheat
+86|6920|New Zealand
you're a twat kennedy and you're the really only 1 out of 1 million people.
+101|6822|Southern California

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

if theres 50k cheaters, adn theres about a million accounts, that means 1 out of every 20 people cheat...i dont beleive that for a second
In fact this statistic is lower than real society with practicing criminals which is more like 1 out of 10. It is very believable and probably low. There are websites, books even TV programs on how to cheat why wouldn't it be the goal of many misguided people to achieve bragging rights? Very sad.
Well the problem is there are obvious cheaters and then there are the ones who aren't obvious. CS is a prime example of this. Coming out with statistics is pure rubbish, you can only place the obvious cheaters into a statistic. Any halfwit can recognise a guy spinning round getting headshots or a guy moving fast stabbing everyone is cheating, they're not a problem as they can be dealt with promptly.

Unfortunately there are people who play with wall hacks, configured aimbots and show all cheats etc who can hide them fairly well. Because of the doubt no one can do anything about it, there is always that slight doubt that "This guy could simply be just that good".

You could well be playing with these kind of people every day, even have them in your clan and only a few people would notice but are often dissregarded as "Noobs".

These cheaters are the worst in my opinion. They are pure scum. Even fools like Nitro can hide these cheats, it's only due to his pure stupidity he was caught, how many others like Nitro do you think exsist that haven't been caught out?

It's very worrying...

Last edited by Esker (2006-02-04 12:14:53)

+557|6879|Oslo, Norway
man they must realy suck because i still own them
Some people are just plain stupid, take these guys for instance.


Not only was they perfect fodder for the enemy commander who just so happened to be my friend, look in the top left...

Last edited by Esker (2006-02-04 12:39:22)

punkbuster needs to be updated constantly in order for it to keep up with the latest cheat. the problem is that the autoupdate feature rarely works so the majority of installed base of punkbuster applications are old versions that could not stop cheating. sad, very sad indeed...

MB.nZ wrote:

you're a twat kennedy and you're the really only 1 out of 1 million people.
Stop doing projections of your own problems...

What im saying come from facts not illusions i wont post the link but there are still 59,724 people abboned to a private undetectable auto-updating cheat... Those are the real numbers !!
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6955|Marathon, Florida Keys
1 in 20 people cant cant be cheating because 99/100 people blow ass at this game
remember nitro 91 he was a shitty player using cheats the cheat dont make people good or smarter only give them unfair advantage most of them probably cant even use cause they are stupid period !!
And there are 59 724 probably more right now lol and about 1000000 bf2 player2 so about 1 every 200 use cheats...not 1 on 20..where did you learn your maths lol...

Last edited by J0hn.F.Kenedy (2006-02-04 15:43:48)


.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

1 in 20 people cant cant be cheating because 99/100 people blow ass at this game
Nitro sucked, he still cheated though.

Esker wrote:

Well the problem is there are obvious cheaters and then there are the ones who aren't obvious. CS is a prime example of this. Coming out with statistics is pure rubbish, you can only place the obvious cheaters into a statistic. Any halfwit can recognise a guy spinning round getting headshots or a guy moving fast stabbing everyone is cheating, they're not a problem as they can be dealt with promptly.

Unfortunately there are people who play with wall hacks, configured aimbots and show all cheats etc who can hide them fairly well. Because of the doubt no one can do anything about it, there is always that slight doubt that "This guy could simply be just that good".

You could well be playing with these kind of people every day, even have them in your clan and only a few people would notice but are often dissregarded as "Noobs".

These cheaters are the worst in my opinion. They are pure scum. Even fools like Nitro can hide these cheats, it's only due to his pure stupidity he was caught, how many others like Nitro do you think exsist that haven't been caught out?

It's very worrying...
I can tell u that there  are some  Clans that hack and one of those is the "WF" clan.  Ive been playing on the Gamespy #5 pub and seen things like ther members spawn out in the middle of no where,and kill them turn the flag white and 2sec later they shoot me in the back, ive evan rolled up on a flag that has a UAV over it and there be 4to5 members of there clan around the flag, ive also been killed by one of there memebers and  before i could Re-spawn 1 guy took the flag in like 5sec.   

They have evan been known to hack the game and change the weapons they use like  the "RPG7" ive seen people killed with this in the regular BF2 game.
+69|6855|th3 unkn0wn

Esker wrote:

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

1 in 20 people cant cant be cheating because 99/100 people blow ass at this game
Nitro sucked, he still cheated though.
Esker hax! I've played with him before and seen him kill people with ONE shot using a shotgun. F*cking hacker!
Funnily enough that's one of the things I got kicked for today, aswell as jumping over a wall.

Multiplay servers are getting way too uptight recently, the admins are kicking for stupid shit.

Last edited by Esker (2006-02-04 16:46:24)

+69|6855|th3 unkn0wn

Esker wrote:

Funnily enough that's one of the things I got kicked for today, aswell as jumping over a wall.
There you go. He just admitted using hax although it's the first time I've heard of a jumping over a wall hack
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6955|Marathon, Florida Keys

J0hn.F.Kenedy wrote:

And there are 59 724 probably more right now lol and about 1000000 bf2 player2 so about 1 every 200 use cheats...not 1 on 20..where did you learn your maths lol...
where did you learn YOUR math, multiply 50000 by 20 and see what you get.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|6917|AUS, Canberra
i went to the same site during the nitro era, and that 50,000 is just the amount of people signed up in there forums, anyone can sign up.

to get cheats you need to sign up and pay to be a vip, the rates are 20 for one week 30 for a month 60 for 6 months and 90 for a year i think. you can only use the cheats as long as you are vip as yu have to download a program that runs the cheat from their site in real time as you play, this stops people giving the hacks to punkbuster. and everytime your ip changed you have to get a new password from the hack makers.
so in some cases thats everytime you connect to the net. that would be a major pain in the ass for most people.

i doubt that there would be more than 2000 people world wide that use them from this site.
Say Hello to My 11-87

{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:

Esker wrote:

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

1 in 20 people cant cant be cheating because 99/100 people blow ass at this game
Nitro sucked, he still cheated though.
Esker hax! I've played with him before and seen him kill people with ONE shot using a shotgun. F*cking hacker!
The sarcasim is rather hilarious
What the Deuce?

J0hn.F.Kenedy wrote:

And there are 59 724 probably more right now lol and about 1000000 bf2 player2 so about 1 every 200 use cheats...not 1 on 20..where did you learn your maths lol...
There are only about 700,000 people that have a score of 1000 or more.  I know this because my roommate just started playing, and he was ranked 700,000 something with a score of only 800 points.  Try it, create an account, play for an hour, and see where you are!

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