lol, this inspired me to bang my buddies girlfriend again.........
+129|6627|Texas.. getting out asap
cry more
I hope you learned your lesson.

Never cry to BF2s about killing yourself, you'll just get made fun of.
+151|6382|NSW, Australia

Reciprocity wrote:

if his mom is hot, bang her.  then tell him about it.
video it, and show him the vid
+25|6292|BEHIND YOU!
if he knew you liked tht girl, then he is an asshole otherwise you should have told him tp lay off
pics or it didn't happen
Shock it till ya know it
+375|6495|Atlanta, Georgia
Meh shit happens, and as hurricane said. Dont fkn kill yourself over some broad. Go on find a new chick.
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR

Reciprocity wrote:

if his mom is hot, bang her.  then tell him about it.
And post pics of it on the net, then put the pics up at his school.

Your friend had sex with your dream girl... Right, cos that makes it impossible for you to ever hit it off, ever
Zee Tank Skank
+80|6853|MoVal So-Cal

bombardier9999 wrote:

Well here's a reason why life FKN sucks, when your best friend has sex with your dream girl, and knows that it would make you want to commit suiside, then well, that fucking sucks. Especally when its me... I wish i could just say Pce out to life, maybe i wiill.
Dang, my best friend did this to a friend of ours. I told him the other dude would be pissed and heartbroken but he told him anyway. So, after a few months what did the heart broken friend do? He.......found a chick that looks far better and screws her very very often...and brags about it very very often.
Evils Bammed Sex Machine
Life's a bitch!
But you'll get over it. Really.
I've had a lot of problems with women too a few years ago and I also had times I just wanted to kill myself. But I didn't..
And look at me now. I've got a absolutely teriffic girlfriend with whom I'm going to live together next year. And next year I'm gonna propose to her..
Latter Alcoholic
same thing oh so nearly happened to me.

I then figured it out and just wasn't reaching out to her. I wasn't open enough. So I built up my self-confidence and asked her out.

She said yes, I couldn't believe my ears, was fucking magic and was high as a kite for like two hours

But srsly, your situation sucks.  Not the first time 1+ guys likethe same girl. It happens. If you're seriously committing suicide... then geez. Don't let a silly thing like that get you down. Yes, she might be with him the rest of her life, who knows. Lots more women out there. Let it come.
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6718|Area 51
Get a new dreamgirl.
+788|6809|Brisbane, Australia

w/e dude, hurry up and fuck off from the planet.
I am a fucking homosexual
+211|6759|Parainen, Finland
And donĀ“t forget that you have two hands!!!!
+947|6664|Gold Coast
Ask for a 3some.
+52|6908|Christchurch New Zealand

RDMC wrote:

Get a new dreamgirl.
+69|6862|th3 unkn0wn

bombardier9999 wrote:

Well here's a reason why life FKN sucks, when your best friend has sex with your dream girl, and knows that it would make you want to commit suiside, then well, that fucking sucks. Especally when its me... I wish i could just say Pce out to life, maybe i wiill.
Not much of a "best" friend is he really?
Go Cards !!
+196|6847|The Ville
If she did that to you, she doesn't deserve you. You deserve something better than her. He obviously took advantage of your friendship and that is no friend. Go and hang out with your good friends, it will help. Don't think about it either I know it will be hard but that's the best way to deal with it.

"Time will cure a hearts pain"

Last edited by Obiwan (2007-08-02 03:00:48)

+11|6304|Some Pub in Valletta

jsnipy wrote:

lol don't be foolish ... girls are plenty.
Like fish in the sea ay!
Be cool bro, dreamgirls are like 7/11 right around the corner
+1,175|6716|British Columbia, Canada

xXCortoMalteseXx wrote:

jsnipy wrote:

lol don't be foolish ... girls are plenty.
Like fish in the sea ay!
Yes, they are slowly getting old and useless, or getting eating up..

.. Just be glad you live in Canada where all the hot women are, not like a place like Florida, where you swear you went to the beach, but it turns out it was a dairy farm. /badjoke.
[pt] KEIOS
srs bsns
i know this situation and it really sucks, when your buddy bangs her for fun and you are seriously in love.
try to forget her, there are too many better girls out there.
There is.
+1,380|6844|Devon, England
Don't be emo. Emo's are gay.

Are you gay? Most likely not.

Chin up

Or else...
its fucking amazing how SO MANY MANY people on this site have major problems in life, so many people have been either divorced, had their family members murdered, been cheated on, been stolen from...and the list goes on. Oh man, i love you guys

Last edited by Ashlite (2007-08-02 03:38:23)

Spelt suicide wrong


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