I keep forgetting how quickly the games can end on 16-player maps. When your team is down to one base it's very difficult to come back. We had some good games tonight, include one relatively close one on Songhua.
Before a game got started, simminator apparently got bored of knifing me while I was afk and he decided to make a big C4 jump. Hard to tell how high he was from the screenshot, but he was way up there.
My only screenshot from the game was when I was momentarily inhabited by cowami's ghost and I SRAW'd Splinter. He got me back a few times (with his RPK I think), but I conveniently forgot to take screenshots of those.
Before a game got started, simminator apparently got bored of knifing me while I was afk and he decided to make a big C4 jump. Hard to tell how high he was from the screenshot, but he was way up there.
My only screenshot from the game was when I was momentarily inhabited by cowami's ghost and I SRAW'd Splinter. He got me back a few times (with his RPK I think), but I conveniently forgot to take screenshots of those.