Cheeky Keen
+329|6599|Kent, UK
And God said:
"Let there be grass!"

but then the Rastaferians came and smoked it

True story
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

Buckles wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

I honestly dont see the big deal here. Instead of forcing evolution on everyone like its a fact this guy is just teaching creationism.
It's like banishing all medical science and just believe a miracle will happen.
liek thisses??

That Guy > Harry Potter

topal63 wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

I honestly dont see the big deal here. Instead of forcing evolution on everyone like its a fact this guy is just teaching creationism.
Evolution is a fact... it is both a theory and a fact. Evolution is science. Evolution has been documented to have happened for real - in this reality - within my lifetime on numerous occasions. Cretinism Creationism is mythology. It is in equality with various creation myths that have existed in many cultures. Judeo-Christian myth is actually a derivative of Sumerian; Egyptian; Canaanite; etc; myths - which predate it - in form and content. Cretinism Creationism is only valid in the classroom - if that class is: comparative mythology (of myth & religions around the world); it is not comparable to Evolution and it is not science in any way (and I.D. theory is even worse than Cretinism Creationism as it is a subversive tactic). Even the Catholic Church knows this (i.e. it's claim is more along the lines of God is the only thing - that can create matter & space) - but literalistic ignorant Protestant puritanical anti-intellectual evangelical Christian America doesn't know this is pure mythology.
Im going to hope you arent serious here. First of all what do you think proves evolution? Scientific facts you say? Oh well I guess you forgot that science cant prove anything, the word science alone tells you that. Any scientist will tell you science proves nothing, it can only theorize. On top of that there are many flaws in the theory, yes theory not fact, of evolution. Another thing, creationism doesnt say "science is wrong and only miracles happen" only an idiot would say that. Creationism also uses science, just not the theory of evolution. Honestly, Id rather believe in creationism than think that humans came from fish who evolved into apes who evolved into cavemen. Evolution can not be proven by anything, it will always stay a theory. Teachers and scientists who force this on people like it is a fact are wrong. You cant prove evolution, you cant prove creationism. Its all a matter of belief, but ill say evolution is the stupidest story I have ever heard.

"Evolution has been documented to have happened for real - in this reality -"
Yea it makes sense that a completely random explosion, not triggered by anything because nothing existed created the universe and everything in it. But then again most athiests will say the same type of thing about a being creating the world and placing us in it even if it makes more sense than random explosions. Now I dont have anything against evolutionists or people who dont follow a certain religion just as long as you dont try and force shit on me as a fact and thats exactly what teachers do in public schools. Glad I dont go to one. You tell me its right that students get in trouble if they say they dont believe in evolution. There should be separate classes, one for creationism, one for evolution. Thats the only way things would get done "fairly"
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6624|SE London

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

topal63 wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

I honestly dont see the big deal here. Instead of forcing evolution on everyone like its a fact this guy is just teaching creationism.
Evolution is a fact... it is both a theory and a fact. Evolution is science. Evolution has been documented to have happened for real - in this reality - within my lifetime on numerous occasions. Cretinism Creationism is mythology. It is in equality with various creation myths that have existed in many cultures. Judeo-Christian myth is actually a derivative of Sumerian; Egyptian; Canaanite; etc; myths - which predate it - in form and content. Cretinism Creationism is only valid in the classroom - if that class is: comparative mythology (of myth & religions around the world); it is not comparable to Evolution and it is not science in any way (and I.D. theory is even worse than Cretinism Creationism as it is a subversive tactic). Even the Catholic Church knows this (i.e. it's claim is more along the lines of God is the only thing - that can create matter & space) - but literalistic ignorant Protestant puritanical anti-intellectual evangelical Christian America doesn't know this is pure mythology.
Im going to hope you arent serious here. First of all what do you think proves evolution? Scientific facts you say? Oh well I guess you forgot that science cant prove anything, the word science alone tells you that. Any scientist will tell you science proves nothing, it can only theorize. On top of that there are many flaws in the theory, yes theory not fact, of evolution. Another thing, creationism doesnt say "science is wrong and only miracles happen" only an idiot would say that. Creationism also uses science, just not the theory of evolution. Honestly, Id rather believe in creationism than think that humans came from fish who evolved into apes who evolved into cavemen. Evolution can not be proven by anything, it will always stay a theory. Teachers and scientists who force this on people like it is a fact are wrong. You cant prove evolution, you cant prove creationism. Its all a matter of belief, but ill say evolution is the stupidest story I have ever heard.

"Evolution has been documented to have happened for real - in this reality -"
Yea it makes sense that a completely random explosion, not triggered by anything because nothing existed created the universe and everything in it. But then again most athiests will say the same type of thing about a being creating the world and placing us in it even if it makes more sense than random explosions. Now I dont have anything against evolutionists or people who dont follow a certain religion just as long as you dont try and force shit on me as a fact and thats exactly what teachers do in public schools. Glad I dont go to one. You tell me its right that students get in trouble if they say they dont believe in evolution. There should be separate classes, one for creationism, one for evolution. Thats the only way things would get done "fairly"

That's some funny shit.
Cheeky Keen
+329|6599|Kent, UK

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

There should be separate classes, one for creationism, one for evolution. Thats the only way things would get done "fairly"
Ignoring your other arguments for now, cuz that shit is just guna be circular, i'll concentrate on this.
IMO you are wrong here. People should learn both of these subjects seperately for it to be balanced and fair. then people will have the facts from both sides of the coin and can decide for themselves how they flip it.

And as for the creationist argument of what made the universe exist, it can be argued either way. one thing i've always been interested in is the "uncaused cause" argument.


Wikipedia wrote:

Framed as an informal proof, the first cause argument can be stated as follows:

Every finite and contingent being has a cause.
Nothing finite and dependent (contingent) can cause itself.
A causal chain cannot be of infinite length.
Therefore, there must be a first cause; or, there must be something that is not an effect.
The cosmological argument can only speculate about the existence of God from claims about the entire universe, unless the "first cause" is taken to mean the same thing as "God." Thus, the argument is based on the claim that God must exist due to the fact that the universe needs a cause. In other words, the existence of the universe requires an explanation, and an active creation of the universe by a being outside of the universe — generally assumed to be God — is that explanation.

In light of the Big Bang theory, a stylized version of cosmological argument for the existence of God has emerged (sometimes called the Kalam cosmological argument, the following form of which was put forth by William Lane Craig):

Whatever begins to exist has a cause.
The universe began to exist.
Therefore, the universe had a cause.
So (and this is purely my opinion) if there is a "God" it would be this "uncaused cause". not, as the bible portrays, an omniscient, omnipotant being.
Aspiring Objectivist
I'd talk too your congressman, re election is coming around.

Buckles wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

There should be separate classes, one for creationism, one for evolution. Thats the only way things would get done "fairly"
People should learn both of these subjects seperately for it to be balanced and fair. then people will have the facts from both sides of the coin and can decide for themselves how they flip it.
Learn both? Maybe seperated in religion and biology. Science and study of literature are too different to get mixed up.
Cheeky Keen
+329|6599|Kent, UK

Zodiaccup wrote:

Buckles wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

There should be separate classes, one for creationism, one for evolution. Thats the only way things would get done "fairly"
People should learn both of these subjects seperately for it to be balanced and fair. then people will have the facts from both sides of the coin and can decide for themselves how they flip it.
Learn both? Maybe seperated in religion and biology. Science and study of literature are too different to get mixed up.
that's what i meant. In my high school, religious studies was compulsory until 16. learning about diversity and about respecting other peoples views more than the religions themselves (except the first year)

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

There should be separate classes, one for creationism, one for evolution. Thats the only way things would get done "fairly"
There is in Britain, science class and religious studies.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6624|SE London

PureFodder wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

There should be separate classes, one for creationism, one for evolution. Thats the only way things would get done "fairly"
There is in Britain, science class and religious studies.
One for what's real. One to explain the stories people make up because they don't understand how things work.
international welder....Douchebag Dude, <3 ur mom
+257|6569|Milkystania, yurop

Bertster7 wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

I honestly dont see the big deal here. Instead of forcing evolution on everyone like its a fact this guy is just teaching creationism.

Are you from Texas?

Evolution is a fact. Creationism is nonsensical fantasy - that has no place in the classroom.
Why not teach the kids scientology thats just as dumb as Creationism.....

Bertster7 wrote:

PureFodder wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

There should be separate classes, one for creationism, one for evolution. Thats the only way things would get done "fairly"
There is in Britain, science class and religious studies.
One for what's real. One to explain the stories people make up because they don't understand how things work.

Bertster7 wrote:

PureFodder wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

There should be separate classes, one for creationism, one for evolution. Thats the only way things would get done "fairly"
There is in Britain, science class and religious studies.
One for what's real. One to explain the stories people make up because they don't understand how things work.
9.00 Maths
10.00 Geography
11.00 History
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Technical Drawing
14.00 Reality
15.00 Fairytales

Bertster7 wrote:

PureFodder wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

There should be separate classes, one for creationism, one for evolution. Thats the only way things would get done "fairly"
There is in Britain, science class and religious studies.
One for what's real. One to explain the stories people make up because they don't understand how things work.
Evolution is not how things work, its how one guy thought things worked. Until you can prove evolution is real you cant say one is real or one is not real. And if you want to go by the idiots argument: Creationism was here first so evolution must be wrong, if you disagree then fuck you.

Last edited by [NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] (2007-07-26 08:12:12)

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6624|SE London

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

PureFodder wrote:

There is in Britain, science class and religious studies.
One for what's real. One to explain the stories people make up because they don't understand how things work.
Evolution is not how things work, its how one guy thought things worked. Until you can prove evolution is real you cant say one is real or one is not real. And if you want to go by the idiots argument: Creationism was here first so evolution must be wrong, if you disagree then fuck you.

If you want to go by that ludicrous and warped argument, then Christianity isn't right and some super early pagan gods are responsible for the creation of the world.

Evolution is not how one guy thought things work, it's how things have been demonstrated to work. More thorough understanding of genetics has proven Darwinian evolution to be pretty much spot on - as have observations of evolution in plant life, which can be more easily observed due to the shorter timespan between generations.

Last edited by Bertster7 (2007-07-26 08:17:16)


topal63 wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

One for what's real. One to explain the stories people make up because they don't understand how things work.
Evolution is not how things work, its how one guy thought things worked. Until you can prove evolution is real you cant say one is real or one is not real.
How old are you?
Typical response. You cant defend your belief so you stick with idiotic questions. Not impressed.
. . .

Bertster7 wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

One for what's real. One to explain the stories people make up because they don't understand how things work.
Evolution is not how things work, its how one guy thought things worked. Until you can prove evolution is real you cant say one is real or one is not real. And if you want to go by the idiots argument: Creationism was here first so evolution must be wrong, if you disagree then fuck you.
LOL, I am not impressed either, but I am amused.

Eh, so how old are you?

Last edited by topal63 (2007-07-26 08:14:51)

Cheeky Keen
+329|6599|Kent, UK

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

topal63 wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

Evolution is not how things work, its how one guy thought things worked. Until you can prove evolution is real you cant say one is real or one is not real.
How old are you?
Typical response. You cant defend your belief so you stick with idiotic questions. Not impressed.
chill. the fuck. out.

jeebus christo. Prozac dude, live it and love it

topal63 wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

Evolution is not how things work, its how one guy thought things worked. Until you can prove evolution is real you cant say one is real or one is not real. And if you want to go by the idiots argument: Creationism was here first so evolution must be wrong, if you disagree then fuck you.
Typical response. You cant defend your belief so you stick with idiotic questions and responses. Not impressed.

Last edited by [NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] (2007-07-26 08:14:41)


topal63 wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

Evolution is not how things work, its how one guy thought things worked. Until you can prove evolution is real you cant say one is real or one is not real. And if you want to go by the idiots argument: Creationism was here first so evolution must be wrong, if you disagree then fuck you.
Oh .... My ..... Sweet .... Jebus

*rubs eyes*

Prediction: 17 pages

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-07-26 08:15:12)


[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

topal63 wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

Typical response. You cant defend your belief so you stick with idiotic questions and responses. Not impressed.
That reference to dinosaurs in Leviticus is the clincher.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-07-26 08:17:16)


CameronPoe wrote:

topal63 wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

Oh .... My ..... Sweet .... Jebus

*rubs eyes*

Prediction: 17 pages
I doubt this thread will last 17 pages if there arent any sensible responses.

CameronPoe wrote:

That reference to dinosaurs in Leviticus is the clincher.
Yea creationism also doesnt believe that a meteor killed all the dinosaurs on the entire planet.

Last edited by [NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] (2007-07-26 08:17:20)


[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

topal63 wrote:

Oh .... My ..... Sweet .... Jebus

*rubs eyes*

Prediction: 17 pages
I doubt this thread will last 17 pages if there arent any sensible responses.
Maybe some people here just have enough of repeating the same stuff over and over again?
Real Хорошо
+826|6562|Adelaide, South Australia

And to think I was beginning to wonder why I left the D&ST religion threads...

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

topal63 wrote:

Oh .... My ..... Sweet .... Jebus

*rubs eyes*

Prediction: 17 pages
I doubt this thread will last 17 pages if there arent any sensible responses.

CameronPoe wrote:

That reference to dinosaurs in Leviticus is the clincher.
Yea creationism also doesnt believe that a meteor killed all the dinosaurs on the entire planet.
Oh yeah? Why doesn't it mention in it in the bible then?

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