Wow...left my post alone too long.
To answer the most asked question:
We decided to adopt internationally
1) Because of the possibility of interference from the birth parents.
2) The process is more predictable.
3) If we wanted more children then why not fill a need while doing it. China has a higher demand for adoptive parents right now. It is getting better though.
These are the basic reasons.
unnamednewbie13 wrote:
I think adopting internationally is a subconscious act of feel-good charity and attention-getting. There are plenty of children stateside to be had, if adoption's your goal. This is just an attempt at being 'exotic.'
Umm No!
CommieChipmunk wrote:
It's like foreign aid. You (or our government..) feel(s) better about helping other people--outside this country-- even though there are plenty of people here who need help as well.
No again.
N.A.T.O wrote:
It’s a nice thing to do (adopt a kid from another country), but there are so many kids here up for adoption. It’s purely my personal opinion but, if I were to adopt a kid, it would be from here, and not another country. I'd rather help my country than a foreign one. Cost is another factor; simply put, it costs a great deal more money to Internationally Adopt, than domestically. But still, props on adopting a kid, no matter what country he/she’s from.
Yes there are many kids here that are adoptable, but there is a higher need for special needs kids in China right now. The little girl we are adopting has a congenital heart defect that needs to be repaired. We don't know how serious it is yet, but hopefully it can be repaired without open heart surgery.
"The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation" - Barack Obama (a freshman senator from Illinios)