
Ryan wrote:

Man, what's with all the rectangular sigs? They are all the same!
arent most sigs rectangular? and if you mean this current fad, like my sig then take it up with the populous. people started requesting them after i made mine.

omnideath wrote:

thanks  ... but why did you put an underscore in my name?
dunno lol

made yo fixes buckles:
Cheeky Keen
+329|6874|Kent, UK
cheers dude.
*high five*

Ashlite wrote:

Um..k omni..k i lyk new sig.

1. Whatever dimensions
2. A M1A2 silhouette and an engineer theme, with dark brown colours.
3. OH OH OH and it has to say like on fatherteds sig, the big stamp but with GROUND DEFENCE.
eh, im hesitant to do this because its too much like z-trooper's sig for ted. i dont need him saying i copied him now

either change it up some or ask z.
Alright scrap the stamp and the silhouette.
BF2s' little helper

OmniDeath wrote:

Ashlite wrote:

Um..k omni..k i lyk new sig.

1. Whatever dimensions
2. A M1A2 silhouette and an engineer theme, with dark brown colours.
3. OH OH OH and it has to say like on fatherteds sig, the big stamp but with GROUND DEFENCE.
eh, im hesitant to do this because its too much like z-trooper's sig for ted. i dont need him saying i copied him now

either change it up some or ask z.
just make it.. its probably better than mine, besides he asked you and he said he wanted a sig similar to fatherteds.. so I guess its ok.
cereal killer
+233|7068|the middle of nowhere
1. 360x110
2. All black background. Then written at the top, centered in gray color: "darkhelmet" Under that, centered and in hot pink color: "pink floyd fan"
3. Use a font that's neat, clean, and basic.
4. Thanks much!!!!

no capitalization anywhere

xfire wrote:

have the background fade a little
glass like
black glass

have "pink floyd fan" appear one word at a time
so it always says "darkhelmet"

OmniDeath: do they stay or go? as in. pink appears, and then dissappears as floyd appears.... or it stays, then they all fade away?

so just my name
then pink
and it stays and then floyd
and they both stay and then fan
and then "pink floyd fan" all fades out
and starts over

"darkhelmet" a little off center
but closer to the top
so the "pink floyd fan" is centered closer to the bottom

top left corner regular, the rest rounded.

Just a bit of drop shadow. Thanks!
Edited for space.

Last edited by Darkhelmet (2007-07-21 16:46:21)


Last edited by OmniDeath (2007-07-21 23:00:05)


Kommander_Kale wrote:

size: 400 x 120 i guess (is that how big my one now is?)
theme: 2142 - EU - Medic - If you don't do some crazy background, which i'd be fine with, use cerebre landing
text: <BoTM> Kommander_Kale,

I really like your styling and creativity so i chose you specifically Although i do like your new sigs, not looking for something like that, because i want it bigger, and i guess i like having something unique (again why i chose you). Mebbe scratch cerebre and for the background have, towards the end of that strip the orange blocks and city, inlaid across the back of the sig. If this gets too complicated i don't mind you cutting out bits so long as my name is on it somewhere.
With the medic guy, possibly standing on one side of the sig firing a rocket to the other, and maybe if the escher pic inspires you enough, you could somehow have the rocket changing to the other end of the sig?

Theres a challenge

Edit: Press view image and zoom in on the pic if you can't see the blocks
i went with cerebre, the other pic just didn't really fit... and neither did the "shooting rockets"

v1 (sig body same as your current sig 450x150 (not including added size for shadow)

v2 (sig body 400x120 (not including added size for shadow)
Can I plz have a sig like this ([url=]Click here[/url]). Instead of the "A" on the skull can i have "Cﻩld™" with out the quotes. Could I also have a transparent background. I also was wondering if I could download it some how onto my computer so I could use as a spray for Counter Strike Source.

Size (about)- 300 by 300

Thanks so much.


Last edited by Cüffø (2007-07-22 14:06:55)


This thread has just seen over 10,000 views!

10,005 as of my posting this. Go me!
+1,106|6607|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

OmniDeath wrote:

This thread has just seen over 10,000 views!

10,005 as of my posting this. Go me!
Translation: Givez me teh kramas!
# Size [Whatever the hell I want! I'm sick of making huge ass sigs.] << Like Normal Sze I dont know How big they Usually Are!
# Theme: Bf2 Infantry
# Text:  -RareKid- IN Top Left Hand Corner  and Then Bottom Right hand corner Dangerous
# Any pictures to be used: Like A Dusty Infantry Background
# Anything else you feel worth noting... Nice Colours

Hope Its ok Chears Bye
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6982|NT, like Mick Dundee

Style, size: Similar to that of Omnideath's...

Theme: Brotherhood of Nod

Other stuff: Main colour = red, include the symbol of Nod if possible.

Also allusions to the USSR, Che and communism are welcome if you want...

Many thanks if you get around to it and such.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Positive Karma Here!
Hey Omni

Size: 400/130 or whatever you feel is appropriate to fit the specifications.

Theme - Possibly like your current one, not that exact one...but that professional crisp looking feel. I like that green color you used.

Text - 'LastLaugh' and in smaller but viewable text 'Forum Mod'

Any pictures to be used - Id like this picture to be the main focus.

Thanks for taking the time to do this bro.

Last edited by 2tuff (2007-07-22 23:15:47)

Genetically Modified
+19|6733|Melbourne, Australia
Lol fair enough. The blur and background stuff is good, i love the font. One thing i'd like to change however is the guy (sorry! i think its the render bit that takes time ) i was going for EU cos PAC is dirty so if u shoved a black guy in there with a krylov it'd be awesome.

Last edited by Kommander_Kale (2007-07-22 23:34:11)

TimmmmaaaaH are you the one making my new Sig?
Awesome in that case!
I just need to know because I looked back a cpl pages just to see if my Sig had been made when I was in Finland you know..

Kommander_Kale wrote:

Lol fair enough. The blur and background stuff is good, i love the font. One thing i'd like to change however is the guy (sorry! i think its the render bit that takes time ) i was going for EU cos PAC is dirty so if u shoved a black guy in there with a krylov it'd be awesome.
You've got it backwards. that is an EU guy. PAC are the guys in black...

So you want a PAC guy then...right?
+1,175|6880|British Columbia, Canada
Since you refuse to do me a Wake Sig..

# Size [Whatever the hell I want! I'm sick of making huge ass sigs.]
# Theme - World In conflict
# Text - LT.Victim  "Just as I look out my Window I can see we are pretty much fucked"
# Any pictures to be used - World In conflict screenies.. Duh..
# Anything else you feel worth noting... - It better be awesome.

LT.Victim wrote:

Since you refuse to do me a Wake Sig..

# Size [Whatever the hell I want! I'm sick of making huge ass sigs.]
# Theme - World In conflict
# Text - LT.Victim  "Just as I look out my Window I can see we are pretty much fucked"
# Any pictures to be used - World In conflict screenies.. Duh..
# Anything else you feel worth noting... - It better be awesome.
its not that i refuse to do it, but you dont specify what you want, or give me screens to use. this means i have to find them, and come up with an idea that is better than your previous 30 wake sigs (including the one ive already made) so i put it off till i have a good idea.

and i dont have or play wic so if you want a decent sigs get me some or it will be from crap i pull off google
+1,175|6880|British Columbia, Canada

OmniDeath wrote:

LT.Victim wrote:

Since you refuse to do me a Wake Sig..

# Size [Whatever the hell I want! I'm sick of making huge ass sigs.]
# Theme - World In conflict
# Text - LT.Victim  "Just as I look out my Window I can see we are pretty much fucked"
# Any pictures to be used - World In conflict screenies.. Duh..
# Anything else you feel worth noting... - It better be awesome.
its not that i refuse to do it, but you dont specify what you want, or give me screens to use. this means i have to find them, and come up with an idea that is better than your previous 30 wake sigs (including the one ive already made) so i put it off till i have a good idea.

and i dont have or play wic so if you want a decent sigs get me some or it will be from crap i pull off google
Ok ok.. Fine.. I'll give you screenies for a wake sig, forget WiC.

# Size [Whatever the hell I want! I'm sick of making huge ass sigs.]

# Theme - I was thinking kinda of something to do with my old sig.. Not so much the theme/effects of the sig, but really just a joke...

# Any pictures to be used - I want an .gif of the following three screenies, if thats possible without going over the sig limits for bf2s.

# Text - My name (LT.Victim) in the upper right, and down in the lower left corner "Failing to Press 9 since 2005" or something to that effect..  Any other text that you think would go with it, feel free to use it, if I don't like it, you can always just remove the text

LT.Victim wrote:

OmniDeath wrote:

LT.Victim wrote:

Since you refuse to do me a Wake Sig..

# Size [Whatever the hell I want! I'm sick of making huge ass sigs.]
# Theme - World In conflict
# Text - LT.Victim  "Just as I look out my Window I can see we are pretty much fucked"
# Any pictures to be used - World In conflict screenies.. Duh..
# Anything else you feel worth noting... - It better be awesome.
its not that i refuse to do it, but you dont specify what you want, or give me screens to use. this means i have to find them, and come up with an idea that is better than your previous 30 wake sigs (including the one ive already made) so i put it off till i have a good idea.

and i dont have or play wic so if you want a decent sigs get me some or it will be from crap i pull off google
Ok ok.. Fine.. I'll give you screenies for a wake sig, forget WiC.

# Size [Whatever the hell I want! I'm sick of making huge ass sigs.]

# Theme - I was thinking kinda of something to do with my old sig.. Not so much the theme/effects of the sig, but really just a joke... … timae2.jpg

# Any pictures to be used - I want an .gif of the following three screenies, if thats possible without going over the sig limits for bf2s. … m/Sig2.jpg … een061.jpg … n072-1.jpg

# Text - My name (LT.Victim) in the upper right, and down in the lower left corner "Failing to Press 9 since 2005" or something to that effect..  Any other text that you think would go with it, feel free to use it, if I don't like it, you can always just remove the text

On it
+1,106|6607|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

LT.Victim wrote:

OmniDeath wrote:

LT.Victim wrote:

Since you refuse to do me a Wake Sig..

# Size [Whatever the hell I want! I'm sick of making huge ass sigs.]
# Theme - World In conflict
# Text - LT.Victim  "Just as I look out my Window I can see we are pretty much fucked"
# Any pictures to be used - World In conflict screenies.. Duh..
# Anything else you feel worth noting... - It better be awesome.
its not that i refuse to do it, but you dont specify what you want, or give me screens to use. this means i have to find them, and come up with an idea that is better than your previous 30 wake sigs (including the one ive already made) so i put it off till i have a good idea.

and i dont have or play wic so if you want a decent sigs get me some or it will be from crap i pull off google
Ok ok.. Fine.. I'll give you screenies for a wake sig, forget WiC.

# Size [Whatever the hell I want! I'm sick of making huge ass sigs.]

# Theme - I was thinking kinda of something to do with my old sig.. Not so much the theme/effects of the sig, but really just a joke... … timae2.jpg

# Any pictures to be used - I want an .gif of the following three screenies, if thats possible without going over the sig limits for bf2s. … m/Sig2.jpg … een061.jpg … n072-1.jpg

# Text - My name (LT.Victim) in the upper right, and down in the lower left corner "Failing to Press 9 since 2005" or something to that effect..  Any other text that you think would go with it, feel free to use it, if I don't like it, you can always just remove the text


Someone give me the PUlitzer. Like, now.
+1,175|6880|British Columbia, Canada

cowami wrote:

LT.Victim wrote:

OmniDeath wrote:

its not that i refuse to do it, but you dont specify what you want, or give me screens to use. this means i have to find them, and come up with an idea that is better than your previous 30 wake sigs (including the one ive already made) so i put it off till i have a good idea.

and i dont have or play wic so if you want a decent sigs get me some or it will be from crap i pull off google
Ok ok.. Fine.. I'll give you screenies for a wake sig, forget WiC.

# Size [Whatever the hell I want! I'm sick of making huge ass sigs.]

# Theme - I was thinking kinda of something to do with my old sig.. Not so much the theme/effects of the sig, but really just a joke... … timae2.jpg

# Any pictures to be used - I want an .gif of the following three screenies, if thats possible without going over the sig limits for bf2s. … m/Sig2.jpg … een061.jpg … n072-1.jpg

# Text - My name (LT.Victim) in the upper right, and down in the lower left corner "Failing to Press 9 since 2005" or something to that effect..  Any other text that you think would go with it, feel free to use it, if I don't like it, you can always just remove the text


Someone give me the PUlitzer. Like, now.
Hah,yes <3

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