It's tough being gay, especially in a rural area!


Home wrote:

Harmor wrote:

its just when they force their lifestyle on me that I get upset.
Oh c'mon, the gays are pushing their beliefs on you? BS. When was the last time the Gay Association of America came knocking at your door, handing you pamphlets and trying to convert you to homosexuality? Someone announcing that they are gay, or acting gay, is not "pushing it in your face". I have nothing against homosexuality, however, I don't like or hang out with a lot of gays because of the overly dramatic way they act. That's just my personality, the kind of people I hang out with are "calmer" (for lack of a better word). I don't like the typical "gay" behavior, but it's not "pushing it in your face". If thats what you define as someone imposing their beliefs or lifestyle on you, then you do the same thing to the people around you simply for being interested in women or "acting" white or black or whatever.
Agreed, the big gay conspiracy on Bravo almost had me.  Others haven't been as lucky.  Normally straight ppl are taking a ride on Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride b/c they've finally been convinced being gay is fabulous by the latest parade.  Gays are enacting legislation right now that says you won't get health benefits unless gay or you can't get married unless gay and you can be fired for being straight. <sarcasm>

I think gay people suffer alienation and hostility straight ppl wouldn't understand.  Who would voluntarily choose this?  The evidence points toward homosexualality being caused by physiological/genetic traits, not choice.

There have been gay ppl in every aspect of life and all throughout history.  Homosexuality has been documented in 1500 species in the animal kingdom.  Have the animals been watching Bravo, reading the pamphlets & enjoying the parades as well? 

It takes a lot more balls to be an out of the closet sissy than an in the closet homo.

I fear the fascist, religious conservatives more than I fear some dildo waving S&M boys in a parade.  The fascist, religious nutters have done far more damage.
+43|6669|Wollongong, NSW, Australia
I have never been awoken on a Sunday morning by a mincing, limp-wristed caricature waving pamphlets in my face asking if I have seen the light.

Christians however......

Drakef wrote:

geNius wrote:


In all seriousness, if "alternative" views weren't shoved down our throats, then it wouldn't matter who was what.  To each his own, so long as he keeps it his own.

You've demonstrated how impressionable you are, allowing one "Chuck & Larry" moment to change your view.  If you were slightly uncomfortable before, then that is most likely how you feel.  We should be tolerant of people's lifestyles, but we don't have to pretend that it is right.  I am tolerant of gays.  Homosexuality is, no matter how you slice it, still unnatural.  It is incorrect.  Respect someone else's right to live as they choose, but do not change your beliefs because of one rant, one moment of propaganda, one preaching.

Harsh words are nothing more than words.  You should not pretend to be or think any differently than you do naturally; you will always and only be uncomfortable with it.  I assure you that if I said the word "fag" or "homo" around you, you wouldn't dream of thinking about putting your hands on me.  No one should force their beliefs on anyone else: gays should not shove homosexuality down our throats, just as you should not attempt to shove your change of heart down them, either.

The word "tolerance" applies to every aspect of this topic, and you ought to keep that in mind before voicing such a young, impressionable view on anyone else.
You cannot seriously claim that it is indisputable that homosexuality is "unnatural". How is it "incorrect"? Even more so than the rest of the homophobic responses here, that is offensive. I'd like to hear an actual argument to why it is unnatural.

One of the strangest claims that I have heard here, repeatedly, is that "gays should not shove homosexuality down our throats". Is it really so terrible that homosexuals are trying to live their own lifestyles without discrimination? Is it really so bad? Do you suffer? Are you worse off? Of course, it is becoming typical when the male Caucasian majority starts claiming discrimination over slight incidents or policies that serve to aid women, minorities, or homosexuals without actually discriminating against anyone. They have no idea to truly know how it is to be worse off, as women, minorities, and homosexuals have been even in our equal societies. White males think they are second-class, but half the time it comes to situations like this- When homophobia masks itself as an anti-discrimination tool. Stop this bullshit that homosexuals are "pushing [homosexuality] in your face".

Do you know why homosexuals are insistent on gay pride parades? Because, despite all our progress, they still find hatred wherever they go. They prefer to stick with those who are understanding- Other homosexuals. Naturally, a culture performs events such as parades together, particularly if it is a way to unite those such as homosexuals. But to restrict that to homosexuals would be false. In North America, the idea of male, heterosexual or Caucasian identification is strange; there exists no common culture. But there are Irish-Americans, Second World War veterans, celebrators of Xmas- All are similar cultures that identify with each other through a common bond, that celebrate with varying methods such as parades, festivals, or family events. One can identify oneself with these labels, just as easily as homosexual, because one is easily found within these common cultures. Should we have atheist celebrations every Xmas? Should we celebrate heterosexual pride? No, because these groups, as merely two examples, do not have a common culture or identification to celebrate with. These are diverse groups that are not organized. The argument, "Should we also have straight pride parades?" is not an argument. It is a question, that does not give any points.

Your words seem so strange to someone like me. You see, I am from Vancouver. Naturally, a liberal haven, we have same sex marriage. The sky has yet to fall from God's wrath. We're doing fine. The religious groups who fought against it have yet to find a single thing wrong with it, other than their homophobia. But, homosexuals are not the only minority group that thrives. Every race and religion is found here, and is not discriminated against. We keep our cultures- Vancouver is a multicultural paradise. We celebrate as we wish. We have gay pride parades, Sikh festivals, and Xmas parades, to name but a few common events. Few people complain, mostly conservative Albertans who have a racial problem. In many areas, Caucasians are a minority. There is no majority. But, we do not have these problems that are often described by this open dialogue of cultures. Especially homosexuals. If you are all truly finding trouble with homosexuals "shoving gay down our throats", then either you are homophobic, or you are experiencing something I've never heard of or seen before.
As I've stated in other posts, I have a handful of gay acquaintances.  I am not homophobic, nor am I intolerant.  To say that, one man being sexually involved with another man is natural, is absolutely ludicrous.  I respect everyone's right to live the lifestyle they choose, so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.  A man's homosexuality isn't the issue for me.  That being said, however, I simply am annoyed by the "over the top" act that many of them bring to the table.  There is no reason to prance around and whine and bitch about everyone and everything.  Please do not profess that this isn't the case, because I live near West Hollywood, and I see and deal with this on a weekly basis.  It's funny in a movie, but it is tired and unnecessary day in and day out.  One can be homosexual and still act like a fuckin' man.

Gay man;image=Allen,%20John.JPG


This is the difference in people most heterosexuals take issue to.

Last edited by geNius (2007-07-21 19:53:56)

My theory is: If you're against gay marriage, stfu and don't get one!

I could care less what other people do in their bedrooms, whether they're straight, gay, bi, or whatever. It's nobody's business, so people should stop having hissyfits over it.

geNius wrote:

There is no reason to prance around and whine and bitch about everyone and everything.  Please do not profess that this isn't the case, because I live near West Hollywood, and I see and deal with this on a weekly basis.  It's funny in a movie, but it is tired and unnecessary day in and day out.  One can be homosexual and still act like a fuckin' man.

Seriously and also, I haven't met a gay man who is a hard worker and does not live the hedonistic lifestyle.

Last edited by trippy982 (2007-07-21 20:02:48)

Cheeseburger Logicist

geNius wrote:

As I've stated in other posts, I have a handful of gay acquaintances.  I am not homophobic, nor am I intolerant.  To say that, one man being sexually involved with another man is natural, is absolutely ludicrous.  I respect everyone's right to live the lifestyle they choose, so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.  A man's homosexuality isn't the issue for me.  That being said, however, I simply am annoyed by the "over the top" act that many of them bring to the table.  There is no reason to prance around and whine and bitch about everyone and everything.  Please do not profess that this isn't the case, because I live near West Hollywood, and I see and deal with this on a weekly basis.  It's funny in a movie, but it is tired and unnecessary day in and day out.  One can be homosexual and still act like a fuckin' man.
Once more, I'd like to hear an actual intelligent argument as to why homosexuality is unnatural.
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7107|Denver colorado
I'm another person who isn't homophobic.

*tips hat*

Good defense from all the other non-homophones.
insert clever title here

SealXo wrote:

Man, i just got back from Chuck & Larry, and i never had a problem with gays. But now i really accept them as a whole group of people. I used to get the slightest bit uncomfortable, but now its all ok.
I think it is great that your opinion about a very large and diverse community was formed after seeing an Adam Sandler movie.  Personally, I used to just kinda like black, Chinese and Irish people, BUT then I saw blazing saddles and now I love them.
+127|6664|Jesus Land aka Canada
ya i got not problem with homosexuals ofcourse  i hate it when they start pushing their belief on me and start getting all freaking it out and getting all in your face all the time.
EDIT: seriously i am a simply person...i dont' care what you are, how you dress, whats your skin colour long you like BF2.......YOUR GOOD TO GO.

Last edited by agent146 (2007-07-21 21:30:40)

Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7024|The United Center
I have no problem whatsoever with homosexuals.  Hell, one of my best friends is gay.  I didn't even know until he actually told me.  Did it change my opinion of him?  No...why should it?

Someone else's sexuality has no effect on me whatsoever. 

Also, when has any homosexual person "pushed their beliefs on you" as I see so many people here saying they have?
My stance is this. Wanna be gay then fine just dont show it off. Thats all.
I don't like the ones that dress all flashy and stuff and start acting freaky. (One of them slapped my ass before, that's a BIG fucking nono.) Hence the reason I'm somewhat apprehensive near those people now. Is that homophobic?

But in general, I don't mind them. I know two genuine gay people at school, not really best buddies or anything because I only met this this last year in a class, but they were pretty cool people. They're normal people, but with different tastes. What matters is who they are, and not what they are.

Last edited by Smithereener (2007-07-21 22:18:21)

+51|7051|North Hollywood

d3athwi5h4 wrote:

SealXo wrote:

Man, i just got back from Chuck & Larry, and i never had a problem with gays. But now i really accept them as a whole group of people. I used to get the slightest bit uncomfortable, but now its all ok.
I think it is great that your opinion about a very large and diverse community was formed after seeing an Adam Sandler movie.  Personally, I used to just kinda like black, Chinese and Irish people, BUT then I saw blazing saddles and now I love them.
HA! Same here. I say Mel Brooks flicks should be mandatory viewing in elementary school. People would get a sense of humor instead of so much fuckin hate.

And to 'Genius'. You live 'near' west hollywood. Great. There are gays all over LA. WTF is your point? If anything, west hollywood is less flaming most of the time because its gaytown. But them i've just grown up in the town my whole life...

You sound pretty freaking homophobic from here, but then that just me.

If I have to hate gays based on the flaming ones, the i suppose I should hate myself because there are black gang members, I should hate all arabs because of a few crazy ones...etc. Come on man, think about that for one second. The loud annoying minority pisses you off so it extends to the entirety?

Drakef wrote:

geNius wrote:

As I've stated in other posts, I have a handful of gay acquaintances.  I am not homophobic, nor am I intolerant.  To say that, one man being sexually involved with another man is natural, is absolutely ludicrous.  I respect everyone's right to live the lifestyle they choose, so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.  A man's homosexuality isn't the issue for me.  That being said, however, I simply am annoyed by the "over the top" act that many of them bring to the table.  There is no reason to prance around and whine and bitch about everyone and everything.  Please do not profess that this isn't the case, because I live near West Hollywood, and I see and deal with this on a weekly basis.  It's funny in a movie, but it is tired and unnecessary day in and day out.  One can be homosexual and still act like a fuckin' man.
Once more, I'd like to hear an actual intelligent argument as to why homosexuality is unnatural.
I suppose procreation and proper usage of the body's organs for their designed functions won't apply to this argument.

geNius wrote:

Drakef wrote:

geNius wrote:

As I've stated in other posts, I have a handful of gay acquaintances.  I am not homophobic, nor am I intolerant.  To say that, one man being sexually involved with another man is natural, is absolutely ludicrous.  I respect everyone's right to live the lifestyle they choose, so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.  A man's homosexuality isn't the issue for me.  That being said, however, I simply am annoyed by the "over the top" act that many of them bring to the table.  There is no reason to prance around and whine and bitch about everyone and everything.  Please do not profess that this isn't the case, because I live near West Hollywood, and I see and deal with this on a weekly basis.  It's funny in a movie, but it is tired and unnecessary day in and day out.  One can be homosexual and still act like a fuckin' man.
Once more, I'd like to hear an actual intelligent argument as to why homosexuality is unnatural.
I suppose procreation and proper usage of the body's organs for their designed functions won't apply to this argument.

golgoj4 wrote:

d3athwi5h4 wrote:

SealXo wrote:

Man, i just got back from Chuck & Larry, and i never had a problem with gays. But now i really accept them as a whole group of people. I used to get the slightest bit uncomfortable, but now its all ok.
I think it is great that your opinion about a very large and diverse community was formed after seeing an Adam Sandler movie.  Personally, I used to just kinda like black, Chinese and Irish people, BUT then I saw blazing saddles and now I love them.
HA! Same here. I say Mel Brooks flicks should be mandatory viewing in elementary school. People would get a sense of humor instead of so much fuckin hate.

And to 'Genius'. You live 'near' west hollywood. Great. There are gays all over LA. WTF is your point? If anything, west hollywood is less flaming most of the time because its gaytown. But them i've just grown up in the town my whole life...

You sound pretty freaking homophobic from here, but then that just me.

If I have to hate gays based on the flaming ones, the i suppose I should hate myself because there are black gang members, I should hate all arabs because of a few crazy ones...etc. Come on man, think about that for one second. The loud annoying minority pisses you off so it extends to the entirety?
It is quite obvious that you didn't read AND understand my post, at all.  Everyone has the right to be anything they want.  This doesn't mean that every time I see you, you need to base your entire conversation on the fact that you're gay/white/black/brown/asian/jewish/muslim/etc.  I think you'd find that more people are tolerant and generally OK with lifestyles that differ from their own, provided that said lifestyle isn't beaten into submission.

Short of typing in caps, this is the only way i can say it.  Homosexuality is not my issue, in the least.  It is the fact that effeminacy is flaunted as a badge of honor, when it is mostly just ridiculous.  I, personally, need flamboyancy eminating from you about as much as I need to hear Chris Rock tell one more black joke.  We get it, now please rejoin the human race.
Cheeseburger Logicist

geNius wrote:

Drakef wrote:

geNius wrote:

As I've stated in other posts, I have a handful of gay acquaintances.  I am not homophobic, nor am I intolerant.  To say that, one man being sexually involved with another man is natural, is absolutely ludicrous.  I respect everyone's right to live the lifestyle they choose, so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.  A man's homosexuality isn't the issue for me.  That being said, however, I simply am annoyed by the "over the top" act that many of them bring to the table.  There is no reason to prance around and whine and bitch about everyone and everything.  Please do not profess that this isn't the case, because I live near West Hollywood, and I see and deal with this on a weekly basis.  It's funny in a movie, but it is tired and unnecessary day in and day out.  One can be homosexual and still act like a fuckin' man.
Once more, I'd like to hear an actual intelligent argument as to why homosexuality is unnatural.
I suppose procreation and proper usage of the body's organs for their designed functions won't apply to this argument.
Two minutes until SNL, so I'll type a short reply:

Is procreation the only desired method of the sexual organs? Are we as humans not above pursuing interests that fall outside simple animal desires? Pleasure is a natural part of humanity, and so is homosexuality. How can the natural occurance of homosexuality be unnatural? Not only humans but animals as well are found to participate in these acts.

Simply: It happens naturally. Therefore I find it natural. Just because the majority of people do not do it does not make it unnatural.
Rated EC-10

Drakef wrote:

Two minutes until SNL, so I'll type a short reply:

Is procreation the only desired method of the sexual organs? Are we as humans not above pursuing interests that fall outside simple animal desires? Pleasure is a natural part of humanity, and so is homosexuality. How can the natural occurance of homosexuality be unnatural? Not only humans but animals as well are found to participate in these acts.

Simply: It happens naturally. Therefore I find it natural. Just because the majority of people do not do it does not make it unnatural.
Actually Drakef, the response could be boiled down even more. Procreation and proper use only? Well then, for anyone putting that idea forth as an argument against homosexuality, you'd better be intellectually consistent and never have anything but penetrative vaginal sex with no form of birth control. No blowjobs, no handjobs, no nothing else. And good luck finding a wife who'll want to keep popping out kids until she either can't anymore or until she dies of it.

The "it's not natural" argument is the bastard offspring of the "It's a sin against God" argument, used either by people who want to dodge accusations of religious fundamentalism or people who are non-religious but nevertheless want to regulate the behavior of others that they find "icky" but does them no actual harm.

Drakef wrote:

geNius wrote:

Drakef wrote:

Once more, I'd like to hear an actual intelligent argument as to why homosexuality is unnatural.
I suppose procreation and proper usage of the body's organs for their designed functions won't apply to this argument.
Two minutes until SNL, so I'll type a short reply:

Is procreation the only desired method of the sexual organs? Are we as humans not above pursuing interests that fall outside simple animal desires? Pleasure is a natural part of humanity, and so is homosexuality. How can the natural occurance of homosexuality be unnatural? Not only humans but animals as well are found to participate in these acts.

Simply: It happens naturally. Therefore I find it natural. Just because the majority of people do not do it does not make it unnatural.
Anomaly is a word found in your local dictionary.  Look it up.  There are such things as predispositions toward violence and sexual deviance.  That does not make it natural or right. 

HunterOfSkulls wrote:

Actually Drakef, the response could be boiled down even more. Procreation and proper use only? Well then, for anyone putting that idea forth as an argument against homosexuality, you'd better be intellectually consistent and never have anything but penetrative vaginal sex with no form of birth control. No blowjobs, no handjobs, no nothing else. And good luck finding a wife who'll want to keep popping out kids until she either can't anymore or until she dies of it.

The "it's not natural" argument is the bastard offspring of the "It's a sin against God" argument, used either by people who want to dodge accusations of religious fundamentalism or people who are non-religious but nevertheless want to regulate the behavior of others that they find "icky" but does them no actual harm.
I'm not gonna sit here and tell you I don't get oral and anal nearly every time I have sex.  That makes me a deviant, by the very definition of the word.  Because I want it, does not make it natural.  It is creative, but not natural.  We cannot justify everything humans do as "perfectly normal" or "natural".  It is much more reasonable to concede that we differ from the norm at times.  You sound more like the "everyone's a winner" attitude, rather than admitting that people can be more, less, different, right, or wrong. 

I'm pretty sure that my points have been misconstrued, and now the ignorant here think I'm anti-homosexual.  I am fine with a person being homosexual, but they are still wrong.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6815|Long Island, New York

Drakef wrote:

geNius wrote:

Drakef wrote:

Once more, I'd like to hear an actual intelligent argument as to why homosexuality is unnatural.
I suppose procreation and proper usage of the body's organs for their designed functions won't apply to this argument.
Two minutes until SNL, so I'll type a short reply:

Is procreation the only desired method of the sexual organs? Are we as humans not above pursuing interests that fall outside simple animal desires? Pleasure is a natural part of humanity, and so is homosexuality. How can the natural occurance of homosexuality be unnatural? Not only humans but animals as well are found to participate in these acts.

Simply: It happens naturally. Therefore I find it natural. Just because the majority of people do not do it does not make it unnatural.
You're here to make babies, spread on your seed and continue the human race and die.

If you can't do that, you just die.

Though I'm not religious at all and I believe in evolution, but it wasn't Adam and David. It's Adam & Eve being told in the bible, and for a reason. Procreation.

Things are supposed to come out of there, not go back in! and out again

Last edited by Poseidon (2007-07-22 00:30:12)

Rated EC-10

geNius wrote:

I'm not gonna sit here and tell you I don't get oral and anal nearly every time I have sex.
Please stop flaunting your heterosexual acts in front of us.

Sorry, the joke was right there and I had to go with it.

geNius wrote:

That makes me a deviant, by the very definition of the word.
Actually it makes you not one of those dreary religious idiots who thinks sex is evil and sick and dirty.

geNius wrote:

Because I want it, does not make it natural.  It is creative, but not natural.  We cannot justify everything humans do as "perfectly normal" or "natural".  It is much more reasonable to concede that we differ from the norm at times.  You sound more like the "everyone's a winner" attitude, rather than admitting that people can be more, less, different, right, or wrong.
Nah, I just think people getting all bent because someone wants to dress up in drag or because someone speaks with a pronounced lisp are fucking silly bastards who need to calm the fuck down and maybe take up meditation before they blow a heart valve. As far as the "mincing fag" stereotype, I partially agree with you. I've met more than a few gay men for whom it is simply an affectation, a part they play for all the other people around them and they exaggerate it whenever possible. But I have to ask myself how much of it is because that's how they want to be and how much of it is because our society constantly reinforces the idea that that's how gay men act.

geNius wrote:

I'm pretty sure that my points have been misconstrued, and now the ignorant here think I'm anti-homosexual.  I am fine with a person being homosexual, but they are still wrong.
Well I don't know about that. As far as I'm concerned, the whole "natural/unnatural" thing shouldn't even be a part of this. Humanity as a whole has done, is doing and will do so many things that are technically "unnatural" (ie. modern medicine, powered flight, space travel, artificial insemination) that it renders the argument pointless. My guideline? If it's not directly harming me (and no, seeing two guys kissing or a guy in full drag is not harm, for all you fucking whiners out there) it's none of my godsdamn business. There is no mass movement of homosexuals to make straight people homosexuals. There is no mass movement of homosexuals trying to prevent straight people from marrying, raising children or adopting. Nobody's trying to claim that America is a homosexual nation or that our system of laws and governance are based on homosexual principle. That puts homosexuals really, really far down on the list of "People Currently Attempting to Intolerably Fuck My Life Up". I've got more important shit to worry about in my life than what consenting adults do behind closed doors, or frickin' parades, or two people of the same gender holding hands or kissing in public. Anybody who really gets that upset about it obviously has too much fucking free time on their hands. Observe, if you will, this:

Poseidon wrote:

You're here to make babies, spread on your seed and continue the human race and die.

If you can't do that, you just die.

Though I'm not religious at all and I believe in evolution, but it wasn't Adam and David. It's Adam & Eve being told in the bible, and for a reason. Procreation.

Things are supposed to come out of there, not go back in! and out again
You. Get a fucking hobby. Now. Seriously, occupy yourself with something if for no better reason than the possibility that you might never, ever have the time to type something like that again. The internets will thank you for it and so will we.
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|6996|Melbourne, Australia
couldent agree more +1
+488|6847|Portland, OR, USA
Society needs a group to hate.

If it's not blacks, jews, commies... whoever else, why not gays?

The media certainly helps sustain the ignorance though -- every "homosexual" on TV is flamboyant as hell..

Maybe someday we'll do away with the need to organize everyone into groups and cliques and what-have-you.  Until then the majority will always have a problem with the minority.

Last edited by CommieChipmunk (2007-07-22 01:55:46)

Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7024|The United Center

CommieChipmunk wrote:

Society needs a group to hate.

If it's not blacks, jews, commies... whoever else, why not gays?

The media certainly helps sustain the ignorance though -- every "homosexual" on TV is flamboyant as hell..

Maybe someday we'll do away with the need to organize everyone into groups and cliques and what-have-you.  Until then the majority will always have a problem with the minority.
It's true.

Honestly, I don't care what people do/believe.  If you're Muslim, awesome.  Socialist?  Sweet.  Homosexual?  Fantastic.  NASCAR fan?  Good for you.

As long as it doesn't harm me or others, I couldn't care less what people choose to do with their lives.

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