
How Do You Perceive Muslims?

Most of them are peaceful people21%21% - 25
Most of them are extremists and/or terrorists7%7% - 9
Most of them have hatred against the West14%14% - 17
Most of them try to impose their religion upon us8%8% - 10
Most of them are just like everyone else29%29% - 34
Most of them are ignorant and uneducated people7%7% - 9
Other9%9% - 11
Total: 115
+429|6488|Chicago, IL

Turquoise wrote:

Other -- Most Muslims are poor and uneducated.  Ignorance and a lack of education are not one and the same.  Ignorance is a mindset.

Most of the Islamic World is dirt poor, so survival takes precedence over education.
True, most of the radicals come from the poorest nations.

I don't see many Kuwaitis or Oman(ish?) (ese?) (is?) blowing things up, too busy building private islands and indoor ski slopes with the port tax $$$
+721|6622|the dank(super) side of Oregon

the majority sits silently while the minority does all the dirty work.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6716|Canberra, AUS

S.Lythberg wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Other -- Most Muslims are poor and uneducated.  Ignorance and a lack of education are not one and the same.  Ignorance is a mindset.

Most of the Islamic World is dirt poor, so survival takes precedence over education.
True, most of the radicals come from the poorest nations.

I don't see many Kuwaitis or Oman(ish?) (ese?) (is?) blowing things up, too busy building private islands and indoor ski slopes with the port tax $$$
Well, close, but not because they don't have time. It's because they don't have a MOTIVE to do so - this is a crucial point which many people fail to understand to the detriment of the whole world, because if this simple point was understood the WoT would be a lot more successful.

Why bite the hand that feeds you? They got rich off U.S. and Western money and products. It's like punching someone who's just given you a free Ferrari.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+60|6678|miami FL
Muslims are just another group of people with a different head gear than ours  and they also believe their god is better than ours therefore we are wrong in their eyes.

RELIGION it's the root to all evil. shit they created the devil them selves.
O Canada
+1,596|6447|North Carolina

S.Lythberg wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Other -- Most Muslims are poor and uneducated.  Ignorance and a lack of education are not one and the same.  Ignorance is a mindset.

Most of the Islamic World is dirt poor, so survival takes precedence over education.
True, most of the radicals come from the poorest nations.

I don't see many Kuwaitis or Oman(ish?) (ese?) (is?) blowing things up, too busy building private islands and indoor ski slopes with the port tax $$$
Well, almost all of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis.  Saudi Arabia isn't poor.

However, this is definitely the case for Pakistani extremists.  However, the doctors who tried to kill people in Glasgow and other areas of the U.K. lately were certainly not poor or uneducated.

The tricky thing about all of this is that some terrorists are poor while others are very wealthy.  The suicide bombers are usually poor, but the ones who lead them are usually very wealthy.

So, we have a situation where a few wealthy, educated Muslims form a resentment of the West for whatever reason, and then they exploit their poor as cannon fodder in guerilla warfare.  Other times, you have a few well-off and educated Muslims deciding to do the bombings themselves.  In my mind, those are truly the craziest of the bunch, because they have the most to lose.

Those doctors could have successfully lived the rest of their lives in comfort and wealth, but instead, they threw it all away due to their own deluded extremism.  We need to find out why people like them turn crazy all of a sudden, because there is no logical explanation for it.

So, while I stated that most of the Islamic World is poor, I'm not suggesting that poverty is the reason for extremism itself.  It's the desperation that comes with poverty and gives wealthy terrorists the opportunity to exploit them for their causes that is most to blame for extremism.
+127|6428|Jesus Land aka Canada
https://themot.org/gallery/d/58497-1/Islamfuckyeah.jpg they are cool
Cowboy from Hell

m3thod wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

m3thod wrote:

Man no one does anal on top.  You gotta get behind so he really feels the length.  Long strokes too.

You seem to have some expertise in that field.
Serge! How could you forget
That was you?
Cowboy from Hell

S.Lythberg wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Other -- Most Muslims are poor and uneducated.  Ignorance and a lack of education are not one and the same.  Ignorance is a mindset.

Most of the Islamic World is dirt poor, so survival takes precedence over education.
True, most of the radicals come from the poorest nations.

I don't see many Kuwaitis or Oman(ish?) (ese?) (is?) blowing things up, too busy building private islands and indoor ski slopes with the port tax $$$
What about Saudi Arabia?  There's a lot of oil and money over there, but there are many extremists and terrorists.  It has to do with hatred, ignorance and education, not with money.
I dunno...the ones I've met and talked to have been pretty cool...the news doesn't paint a good picture...I do remember a time I walked past one at the mall, i think he was a mullah or something.  Fuck, the look in his eyes was one of hatred.  And I mean pure hatred, not the "I don't like you" sort that most of us know, this guy just looked like he wanted to murder everybody...

The U.N. announced Monday the establishment of Ethniklashistan, a multinational haven in the West Bank that will serve as a new homeland for Irish Protestants, Hutus, Serbs, and other troubled groups.

"For far too long, these groups have been locked in prolonged strife with their former neighbors, unable to achieve a lasting peace," U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said. "Now that these various peoples have a new homeland where they can find refuge, all the years of fighting and bloodshed can finally be put behind them."

Former Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic, now presiding over a Serb settlement near the Jordanian border, was optimistic about the future. "All Muslim scum must die," he said. "Death to all enemies of Serbian purity!"

The various groups, transported to Ethniklashistan by a massive U.N. airlift, will share their new homeland with the roughly two million Palestinians and Israeli settlers who currently occupy the region. U.N. officials say the West Bank site was chosen for its centralized location, opportunities for tourism, and comfortable desert climate. These factors, combined with the already diverse cultural, ethnic, and religious composition of the area, offer "a unique opportunity for many international groups to live together in peace."

"This is truly a win-win situation," U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell said. "War-ravaged peoples from all over the world finally have a place they can feel safe. And, for the Palestinians and Israelis already there, the presence of additional ethnicities should reduce any pre-existing stresses. Arabs and Jews will enjoy exposure to a glorious, multiethnic stew, and they will, in turn, have the opportunity to lead by example, serving as role models of peaceful coexistence."

Hutu leader Kagabo Ndadaye, who between 1994 and 1996 personally oversaw the machete deaths of more than 10,000 Tutsi Rwandans, echoed the positive outlook. "The glorious Hutu are the one pure race," said Ndadaye, speaking from a Hutu settlement near Hebron while eyeing a nearby Kurdish settlement. "All inferior mongrel peoples shall be put to the blade."

Though hopes are high for Ethniklashistan–a name created by a team of linguists who combined 17 different languages' words for "sanctuary"–the establishment of the new homeland has proven rocky. Of the more than 500,000 people relocated there so far, approximately 97 percent have responded with violent resistance, swearing oaths of eternal vengeance against U.N. volunteers conducting the forced relocations.

Bloodshed also marred the "Festival Of Human Brotherhood," a weeklong, nationwide event celebrating the founding of Ethniklashistan. On Monday, 11 people were killed in a skirmish between Basques and Sikhs near Nablus. The same day, six were killed and dozens injured on the streets of Bethlehem when Somalis and Greek Cypriots exchanged gunfire and grenades.

Dozens of shifting alliances have added to the confusion and chaos. In a pre-dawn border raid Monday, Burmese Karen rebels attacked a Tamil settlement. By late afternoon, the Karens were driven back by the Tamils, who were newly armed with Israeli anti-personnel missiles smuggled into the West Bank by Zionist fundamentalists who had allied themselves–some say only as a temporary ruse–with the Tamils.

On Tuesday, guerrilla fighters made up of an uneasy Palestinian-Papuan alliance attacked an Irish Protestant church near the Golan Heights, killing 121 Irish worshippers with nerve gas before being repelled by a nearby faction of Protestant-sympathizing Zapatista rebels from the Chiapas region of Mexico.

The violence continued that evening, when the severed heads of 20 Chechens were paraded through the streets of Jericho by Azerbaijani extremists. The killings are thought to be in retaliation for rocket attacks by a band of pro-Armenian Chechen rebels, who have thus far evaded Azerbaijani attempts to flush them out of their encampments in the hills with prolonged shelling.

Alarmed by the new nation's growing pains, world leaders have launched a large-scale international-aid effort to help Ethniklashistan get on its feet. Great Britain has pledged 12,000 peacekeeping troops, vowing to "pummel with rubber bullets, tear gas, and billy clubs anyone who dares threaten the Sons of Ulster." China has pledged 40,000 soldiers to supervise the 2,000-plus Tibetan Buddhists relocated to the region. Indonesia, Cambodia, Nigeria, and Afghanistan have also sent troops.

"There is always a period of transition and upheaval in the founding of a new government," President Bush said. "That is why an international humanitarian consortium of nations, including the U.S., France, Russia, Iraq, and North Korea, has pledged $2 trillion in military aid to the new nation. This way, all Ethniklashistanis, regardless of race, color, creed, or economic background, will have equal access to the state-of-the-art ordnance they need to defend themselves and their families during this initial period of instability."

Encouraged by such aid efforts, experts are confident that a lasting peace can soon be established among the rival Ethniklashistani groups.

"When you take that many long-suffering, war-torn groups and put them in the same place, how can you not have peace?" asked former president Jimmy Carter, who will lead talks among the various Ethniklashistani groups. "This hatred cannot possibly last long."

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-07-20 05:51:51)


Oh nice1 cam, we are stuck between Somalia and Serbia.
Time to dust off my armalight.
+3,611|6662|London, England

David.P wrote:


Religion of peace? Oh really!
Agreed. Then alot of them converted to Islam. Then hundreds of years later demanded a Muslim state, so you ended up with Pakistan and Bangladesh.

However, the downfall started here:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_ … 81disiyyah

If the Persians didn't lose, then Islam wouldn't have spread to Iran (they would've remained Zoroastrian) and then so they wouldn't have spread further East (Central/South Asia)

That battle was basically the turning point in history for Asia.

So, remember you kids from Iran/All the Stan countries/All the Muslim countries east of Iran, you're only a Muslim because the Persians lost that battle, and then the invaders came and converted by the sword your great^10 grand parents.

Not so passionate about Islam now, are ya?

I'm sorry but, after reading that link from David.P, i've lost all respect for that Religion. Don't ban me for that, because everyone Bashes other religions too.

Last edited by Mekstizzle (2007-07-20 08:50:39)


Mekstizzle wrote:

Agreed. Then alot of them converted to Islam. Then hundreds of years later demanded a Muslim state, so you ended up with Pakistan and Bangladesh.
If only i could have been alive back then. I would've led a million hindu's "To Glory"

Mekstizzle wrote:

However, the downfall started here:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_ … 81disiyyah

If the Persians didn't lose, then Islam wouldn't have spread to Iran (they would've remained Zoroastrian) and then so they wouldn't have spread further East (Central/South Asia)
I laugh when Iran gets offended at Persian remarks. Hey you know what? Fuck you! Persia is long dead and you killed it!

Mekstizzle wrote:

That battle was basically the turning point in history for Asia.

So, remember you kids from Iran/All the Stan countries/All the Muslim countries east of Iran, you're only a Muslim because the Persians lost that battle, and then the invaders came and converted by the sword your great^10 grand parents.
I wonder what would have been different if the persians won the battle? Maybe just Maybe we would have a better chance at world peace then we do now.

Mekstizzle wrote:

Not so passionate about Islam now, are ya?
LoL! They're only passionate about power and control.

Mekstizzle wrote:

I'm sorry but, after reading that link from David.P, i've lost all respect for that Religion. Don't ban me for that, because everyone Bashes other religions too.
I lost respect for them after 9/11 When i was watching them cheer at the sight of the towers falling and people dieing, Especially in Palestine where they had "Celebrations" Of killing the jew lovers, And to think some people are so stupid as to defend them.

Fine then go on fight for those that hurt you it's human instinct anyway to be addicted to abuse!(I'm lucky i can ignore my human emotions) While you're gonna be campaigning for their understanding in your country i'm gonna be hunting them down for fucking with mine. Ya think i forgot the posters you made of new york with the jewish guy and ameircan guy as the towers? I'm from New York and I saw that shit first hand which gives me enough "Divine Right" To come and kill you. Just as they have the "Divine right" To kill us. Bring it!

Edit: "Only a Dick can Fuck an Asshole"

Last edited by David.P (2007-07-20 09:10:37)

'Light 'em up!'

JahManRed wrote:

Oh nice1 cam, we are stuck between Somalia and Serbia.
Time to dust off my armalight.
Its Armalite, geez get it right
I wonder what would have been different if the persians won the battle? Maybe just Maybe we would have a better chance at world peace then we do now.
hehe, its very easy to blame muslims for there not being world peace. This is flawed logic.

LoL! They're only passionate about power and control.
Then clearly you dont know Muslims.

I lost respect for them after 9/11 When i was watching them cheer at the sight of the towers falling and people dieing, Especially in Palestine where they had "Celebrations" Of killing the jew lovers, And to think some people are so stupid as to defend them.
Ehh so? Those people lost all respect for americans and the rest of the world when they saw that no one would help them while they were being oppressed in their own country. Do you care about them losing respect for you? Why should they care then?

Fine then go on fight for those that hurt you it's human instinct anyway to be addicted to abuse!(I'm lucky i can ignore my human emotions) While you're gonna be campaigning for their understanding in your country i'm gonna be hunting them down for fucking with mine. Ya think i forgot the posters you made of new york with the jewish guy and ameircan guy as the towers? I'm from New York and I saw that shit first hand which gives me enough "Divine Right" To come and kill you. Just as they have the "Divine right" To kill us. Bring it!
So are you going to kill that person who held up that board or all muslims? Typical American response.

Im always amazed how Americans get all pissed off when it comes to 9/11 and want to destroy anyone in the world who doesnt like them. All this while US foreign policy has been wreaking havoc, death and destruction all over the world for ages now. So many people have died in the rest of the world because of that policy that 3000 people dieing and a couple of towers falling down doesnt even compare. Not supporting any side in this, just making an observation.
mostly afk
+480|6591|CH/BR - in UK

Muslims are people. Christians are people. Jews are people.
It doesn't depend on the religion, it depends on the individual.

Certified Twat
+296|6550|Bournemouth, South England
I view them in widescreen, like Muslim women view everything else.

On a more on topic version,  they are similar to us in that they want the best for themselves, thier families, and shit like that.  Thier political views are obviously a little unconventional in our eyes, but ours are to them.

Catch 22: We think they are a bunch of cunts, and they think we are a bunch of cunts.  Problem solved.
Lacking humour and the ability to laugh at themselves
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6623|SE London

Havok wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

What if you went into a random Catholic Church wearing this....

Sweet Shirt, I would rather go into a Catholic Church with that shirt than a Muslim Mosque.  I think the Muslims would be more offend seeing a picture of Jesus on a shirt in a Mosque than a Catholic seeing Jesus pork out at his last supper.
You're a foolish man.  Sausage Fest refers to them all being male, which implies homosexual intercourse.  Muslims would enjoy that shirt because it mocks their rival religion.
Muslims would be pretty offended by that shirt, mocking one of the most important prophets in Islam, Jesus.

The reaction of either Muslims or Christians to it would vary dramatically depending on where you were, and don't think being in a western country like the US means you would be ok - look at what happened on the Top Gear road trip of the US, writing offensive slogans down the sides of their cars practically got them lynched (not quite the same thing, since it's not religious, but the principle remains the same).
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6716|Canberra, AUS
I lost respect for them after 9/11 When i was watching them cheer at the sight of the towers falling and people dieing, Especially in Palestine where they had "Celebrations" Of killing the jew lovers, And to think some people are so stupid as to defend them.

Fine then go on fight for those that hurt you it's human instinct anyway to be addicted to abuse!(I'm lucky i can ignore my human emotions) While you're gonna be campaigning for their understanding in your country i'm gonna be hunting them down for fucking with mine. Ya think i forgot the posters you made of new york with the jewish guy and ameircan guy as the towers? I'm from New York and I saw that shit first hand which gives me enough "Divine Right" To come and kill you. Just as they have the "Divine right" To kill us. Bring it!
Anybody who believes that anyone else should be killed/harmed purely for their religion does not deserve to live in a Western democracy.

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+25|6181|BEHIND YOU!
I would definately precieve myself as a peaceful person...i dont start fights or do any other stuff to conflict with others....but there are a certain few, who screw up things for everybody....Russia's perception on the Chechen people because of the influx of mooj'es into the Chechen wars

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