Roger Lesboules wrote:
Fuck drugs...if you need those kind of shit to make your life "magic" or watever the expression you use...your life is Empty IMO.
K, don't ever drink beer, sodas, coffee, don't smoke cigarettes. Cause if you need those kind of shit to make your life "special-rific" or whatever the expression you use... your life is Empty IMO.
ReTox wrote:
When I was 12 years old I started getting debilitating migraines. Not "oh my I have a headache and need an aspirin before we go see Metallica" but more along the lines of "If I had a drill I could stop the pain right now!". I've had migraines so bad a fly buzzing around the room was enough irritation to make me puke from pain. If anyone else has had them you know the torture. Now imagine that 3 times a week for the last 20 years. It was hard to hold any good jobs as I often had to be medicated to function or called in sick a lot. It seriously sucked dude!
I had been prescribed opiates for most of my adult life (morphine, codeine T3s, and demerol) and they really fucked me up physically. This is not one doctor but many over time saying the exact same thing. I had an ulcer and at one time was prescribed over 1000 Tylenol 3s in one summer. I also got into the migraine specific drugs like Imitrex and Wigraine. None really worked and the effects on my cardiovascular system were not enjoyable (dilation of heart veins that feels like someone is squeezing your heart). So I kicked that shit to the curb and started thinking and researching and one thing I found was the relationship between canabinols and pain. I also found that regular and moderate THC consumption can help regulate brain chemistry. Specifically how long serotonin stays in the nerve gaps (serotonin crashes are a common trigger) and THC helps that.
So I started smoking weed regularly a few years back and my migraine attacks are pretty much gone. I might get one a month if I'm unlucky but I've gone as long as three months without one. Even the ones I do get are really mild and nothing compared to what I used to go through.
Now this is my case, I can't speak for everyone but I can speak for myself. Which is a lot more than the "well I know this person and..." posts that seem to regurgitate 1930's US government propaganda. In the thousands of years weed has been smoked no one has ever over dosed (it's virtually impossible) but irresponsible toking can lead to deep suspicion of who ate the last twinkie, raided fridges, and a serious love for Pink Floyd's "The Wall". Honestly though it should be treated just like alcohol.
So should it be legalized... YES. Will it be in the US... NO. The reason is simple, drug companies make too much money developing new drugs for the US "fix it with a pill" lifestyle. And they also happen to be big presidential campaign contributors so...
Sad but there it is.
But I guess those against it's legalization want ReTox to continue having debilitating migraines. Personally I'd much rather trust a plant than a bunch of research chemicals thrown together in a tiny little fix-all tablet that has worse side effects than what you're initially suffering from.
@ ReTox, if you took all those tylenol, I would go to a doctor and have your liver checked out. Too much acetaminophen can seriously fuck up your liver.