Are you joking me. Do you know how many times I've been told I'm going to Hell? Do you know how many times I've woken up to douche bags in white shirts a tie and a helmet at my door?topthrill05 wrote:
It would be nice if the Atheists had a little more respect towards people who do believe.
Respect? I don't give a rats ass what you believe as long as:
A) you don't force it upon me and/or tell me that I'm going to basically live in an oven for eternity (never forget that one -- nice little one liner before we started singing our Christmas concert... when I was in fucking preschool).
and B) Don't show up at my door and hand me booklets about the Wonder of Christ, or how to find "true" happiness through prayer.
or... C) wish death upon me because I think that Islam is bullshit.