
D6717C wrote:

m3thod wrote:

D6717C wrote:

That has the makings of another 3 hour special....

You can't think of ONE instance where the punishment is justified? Would you feel the same if your family were the victims? And maybe you were witness to the crime?
It's for the justice system to deal with.

I do not believe in taking life under any circumstance.
Well, you are certainly entitled to your opinion. I just wonder if having a loved one be a victim would change your view. Not that I would ever hope that on anyone, just wondering. There is honestly no way to say unless it happened.
The family of the victim of a violent crime are the absolute last people you want to decide the fate of the criminal.

Oh and just to be clear to everyone who keeps going on about executing rapists. The VAST majority of rapists rape their wife or kids. You would then be subjecting the victim to watch their husband/dad get killed on live tv. The only thing that will help is their psychiatrist's bank account.
GunSlinger OIF II
what a stupid idea.  why dont we do public beheadings while we're at it.  we dont live in the fucking dark ages anymore.  Im not against the death penalty, but I dont see the capital punishment as a deterrent, but rather reciprocation.  do you really wanna live in a society where the suffering of another human being is used for fucking entertainment.  holy shit man.  thats barbaric, thats fucking cave man.  thats the kind of shit people like you use as fuel to label countries in the middle east. not a fucking difference.   people shouldnt have an oppurtunity to be exposed to human death unless its necessary. not a god damn pay-per-view extravaganza.  holy shit man, fucking people these days actually think this way....wow

D6717C wrote:

Here's my idea:

When an asshole on death row runs out of appeals and it's time for the State to carry out the sentence, run it live on Pay per view. It would be like a 3 hour special, starting with what the guy did, showing the testimony in court along with the verdict and the sentencing. Family's on both sides could be interviewed and give their opinions, tell their stories and such. Then you go outside and let all the lib's protesting with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton (for some reason, they only seem to give a shit when the prisoner is black....but whatever....) or Cindy Sheehan, Michael Moore or whoever is on the bandwagon that week get up on a soapbox and get some camera time.  Finally, show interviews with the prisoner if willing to provide them, then let justice be served. Half the money could go to the victim's family and give the other half to the prison,  charity, youth programs to keep kids off dope or whatever.
I think a lot of people have had this idea since the beginning of television.  A good hanging was always for the masses, but now we're told what's good for us.  So many good things can come from this.


Is it just me, or does anyone else think that the death penalty does not deter people from committing crimes??

I don't care what you say, but any person who commits a murder is quite clearly insane.  I personally think that someone who has such mental issues lacks the rationality to even think about the consequences of murder i.e. the death penalty.

They have a clear lack of regard for another persons life, so why should they care for their own.

A lot of the time, a murder takes place in the heat of the moment when all other thoughts go out of the window.

The death penalty is redundant, it does not work.
Too true. In fact there is evidence to suggest the death penalty actually increases murder rates.

Anyone in doubt search "The Brutalization Effect"
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6713|Canberra, AUS
The huge majority of crimes are committed out of pure anger on instict.

Rational thought plays ZERO part. Which means that any attempt to "deter" crime through supremely harsh penalty is somewhat fruitless.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Walking Sniper, Hidden Claymore
I aprove of this message!
Knowledge is power, guard it well
+126|6634|Michigan, USA
Hmm, similar to my idea, but mine invovledbringing back the old roman sport of gladitors and such, you work your way to freedom, top gladitor wins freedom, rest get killed in the process, win win situation.

r2zoo wrote:

Hmm, similar to my idea, but mine invovledbringing back the old roman sport of gladitors and such, you work your way to freedom, top gladitor wins freedom, rest get killed in the process, win win situation.
Wouldn't this lead to a new class of super hard uber criminals?
My, what a civilised idea... *rollseyes*
The Lizzard

D6717C wrote:

Exactly. Especially in States where they still use the electric chair or gas chamber. Very unpleasant.  But it would make you think twice about raping that 7 year old and throwing her in a ditch.
No, it wouldn't.  People know the penalty.  Those who commit the crime either don't expect to be caught or don't care.

This is one of the sickest and most disgusting posts I've seen on this forum.  Why not just throw them in the Colosseum like the good old days of the Roman empire, make a real sport of it?
Roger Lesboules
Ah ben tabarnak!
+316|6615|Abitibi-Temiscamingue. Québec!
Me like the idea!
Calmer than you are.
Here's a better idea: Instead of boring ass modern executions, just gather a bunch of guys sentenced to death and toss them to be eaten by the lions in some big ass stadium. After all, the only thing the people need to be kept in check is "'Αρτον και θεάματα"* as we say. Colosseum ftl

*bread/food and spectacles

Bad Idea.

We criticise nations like Iran, Iraqi, Afghanistan, North Korea and Saudi Arabia for public executions and use it as a reason for regime change. (Except Saudi they are friends no matter what).

So we got to practice what we preach. Its barbaric anyway. No matter what someone has done they deserve the dignity of death and the peace to come to terms with what they have done and to come to peace with their god.

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

what a stupid idea.  why dont we do public beheadings while we're at it.  we dont live in the fucking dark ages anymore.  Im not against the death penalty, but I dont see the capital punishment as a deterrent, but rather reciprocation.  do you really wanna live in a society where the suffering of another human being is used for fucking entertainment.  holy shit man.  thats barbaric, thats fucking cave man.  thats the kind of shit people like you use as fuel to label countries in the middle east. not a fucking difference.   people shouldnt have an oppurtunity to be exposed to human death unless its necessary. not a god damn pay-per-view extravaganza.  holy shit man, fucking people these days actually think this way....wow
I agree with GS on this one. Televising executions just glorifies the murderous process and provides a macabre form of entertainment to those morbid enough to watch. It's sick enough that they have public galleries for many executions as it is.

Sadly though I predict that one day we will have 'The Snuff Channel' where you can just tune in and get your daily dose of violence, that's where modern TV is heading imo. Just look at Japan (whom I regard as one of the most advanced civilisations on the planet) where they have a much more extreme level of sex and violence in their popular culture and entertainment.

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