is it a case of you can't actually embed it..or because of its epicness it shouldnt be embeded?
Last edited by Alone+EasyTarget (2007-07-11 13:12:01)
OH SHI-Hurricane wrote:
So epic I can't embed it =/
Damn you I stopped it before it could wreak it's havoc
If there was a fight between the 80s and 2000, 2000 would win solely because this guy would TK for jets.
I think that couldn't get any more epic-er.
well played.
Rick Astley ftl.
I have it on my iPod, I think on my flight back to DC I will start singing it.
lol. awesome.
There's no way that guys voice is that deep. /me is confused.
I was listening to the Radio the other day, and the Radio Host Rick Rolled us