The Forum Alien
+89|6844|The planet Tophet
im great i love helicopters i plan on flying one when im older  sooo doom on you!
+12|6791|Perth, Western Australia
You suck at everything, so do us all a favour and cease breathing noob.
+85|6790|good old CA
well duh what is the heli suppose to do
Look, not to be mean, but all you do is spam crap on these forums, we had;

"All i do is LOSE!"

"I get extremely angry when...."

"I am a BAD player!"..

Your threads are stupid, crappy and pointless and a waste of space, why dont you find a nice small space (where no air can get in or out) and just sit there, it would give us all some peace, thanks.
International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|6769|Uhh... erm...
Can everyone stop flaming him and just argue REASONABLY? Who cares about his other posts, right now, this is his opinion as to why he thinks helis suck. To heck with the other posts right now, just provide your opinion as to whether you agree with him or not!

That aside, helis are very powerful, they're just hard to use. A lot of teamwork between the pilot and the gunner is required. Helis can kill infantry, other helis, armor, even aircraft if the gunner is skilled with the TV missile. I'll have to agree with you about having to dive to attack targets, though.

I2elik wrote:

You suck at everything, so do us all a favour and cease breathing noob.
Isn't breathing a sort of sucking air? Now be lenient and don't put him into some sort of paradoxon... He sucks at everything.... ok... now that includes sucking air sustaining his life and sucking at life, which would ensue suicide being the best option to end his misery.... tricky

Tetrino wrote:

Can everyone stop flaming him and just argue REASONABLY? Who cares about his other posts, right now, this is his opinion as to why he thinks helis suck. To heck with the other posts right now, just provide your opinion as to whether you agree with him or not!

That aside, helis are very powerful, they're just hard to use. A lot of teamwork between the pilot and the gunner is required. Helis can kill infantry, other helis, armor, even aircraft if the gunner is skilled with the TV missile. I'll have to agree with you about having to dive to attack targets, though.
Im with Tetrino.

When he's writing posts bullshitting about being a bad player, and hurting people because of it. Then flame away, cause thats just spamming crap we dont care about especially after the 4thor 5th time. Having said that he has created a rod for his on back in that way.

But this post is a reasonable attempt at a reasonable topic.

Anyway Just practise man, im the same, cant hit shit with them, but im not going to if i dont work on it.
The Microwave Man
I think the ultimate point here is why bother posting to such a thread ? Oh wait !

Last edited by jonnykill (2006-01-31 20:56:13)

So, basically you're saying you hate choppers because:

A. You can't kill them.
B. You can't kill with them.


If you spent half as much time playing as you do complaining, maybe you wouldn't suck so bad.

I2elik wrote:

You suck at everything, so do us all a favour and cease breathing noob.
Same goes for you.
+41|6774|200m out and smiling at you.
u guys like making fun of eachother don't u?

i vote we close topics made by this guy to save him the would-be flamings that would occur because of past discrepencies... no offense zaius but these guys seem to have some flamethrowers pointed at ur ass right now...
Mod Incarnate

Zaius1000 wrote:

I think that helcopters suck! #1 you cant kill anything but ground armor. #2 its impossible to kill infantry with. #3 You have to dive at your target to hit him. And you usually end up crashing into the ground.

How are YOU with helicopters?
#1 it is very easy to kill any kind of armored vehicle.
#2 When I'm feeling bored I fly around by myself and kill infantry with single missiles. And if they're in the open I might crush them and conserve my ammo. Killing infantry is not hard. Its even easier when you have a gunner.
#3 You dont have to dive to shoot at things, and If you get yourself a gunner all you have to do is point in the right direction. YOU might end up crashing into the ground, but I find I'm more likely to be rammed by airplanes on accident.

#4 stop making posts about your own inadequacies. 2-3 threads a day about how you're a violent sociopath or about how much you suck or about whatever else crosses your miniscule little mind gets really annoying. Frankly you're lucky the admins don't sway to public opinion, because the poll asking if you should be banned has 93 votes for yes, against 12 for no. Seriously. Shut the f*** up.
+41|6774|200m out and smiling at you.

Skruples wrote:

#4 stop making posts about your own inadequacies. 2-3 threads a day about how you're a violent sociopath or about how much you suck or about whatever else crosses your miniscule little mind gets really annoying. Frankly you're lucky the admins don't sway to public opinion, because the poll asking if you should be banned has 93 votes for yes, against 12 for no. Seriously. Shut the f*** up.
see... flamethrowers...
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6782|Malaga, España
mmm......the only thing i hate about the chopper is that the rockets are a little on the weak side....but i already have a solution for that ... SHOOT MORE ROCKETS! and if i,m going after infantry i take the Gunner seat ...gun, and a nice TV rocket for armor...
1 learn to fly a chopper, manouvre strafe left right even backwards.
2 learn to fly for your gunner, he should do the killing, line up for armor and practicew the tv missle if u are the gunner
3 dont dive for your enemy's see point 2

when im flying with my chopper budy we are both on teamspeak works awesome i dont even have to tell him what i see.

its easy to crash or get shot learn how to survive with it.

Last edited by cohen1976 (2006-02-01 02:10:20)

when Hell is full...
everybody is good @ something (most >.<) !

if u want to learn how to fly a chopper go in ur BF menü choose "Singleplayer" and PRACTICE!!!
do us a favour and do NOT practice chopper on ranked servers and WASTE them!
because we hate pplz who win  the fight for a vehicle just to fly 200 meters and finally crash into a tree after 0 kills!


PS: buy a dress...\/\/hin0r!
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I sucked at Helis.... for about a day until I practiced with them and realised that without a decent gunner you will struggle to kill much at all.

In other words just follow everyone elses advice and keep practicing on SP until your good!!
[Chill.zone] Link
I'll just paste something from the gamespy archives which you can easily apply to BF2...

Desert Combat more than any other game proves my golden rule, the central philosophy that defined my Medal of Honor and Battlefield 1942 strategies: 75% of People Who Play Games Online are Smacktards. But never before has it been so dangerous, because in Desert Combat the Smacktards have heavy modern weapons at every spawn point.

First, let's talk about what you can do with a helicopter, provided you have enough skillz to keep the sky toward the top half of your monitor. You can rush to an outpost at the start of a map, capturing it yourself, then you can hover high above it scouting and defending. You can circle-strafe, sliding sideways while pivoting to hit a Smacktard from every angle without giving him a stationary target.

Because they can hover, helicopters can actually capture territory on the ground. Jets can't: jets keep Smacktards off the ground, uselessly circling around the map, firing rockets at their teammates while watching Dr. Phil over their shoulder. But Helicopters Win Wars.

They're also damn hard to fly. That's why the Smacktards can't use 'em. Getting into a chopper with a Smacktard is little better than blowing your brains out with your rifle. It's a funeral with a built-in cremation at the end. Fortunately for you, it's impossible to get into a helicopter with a Smacktard because the toilet-slurping cheek flossers never wait for a gunner to get inside. They're premature chopper ejaculators. They take off like it's a rodeo and start doing barrel rolls the moment they're off the ground. Staying airborne for more than 10 seconds is like getting to third base for these guys; It's exciting to think about, but it's never gonna happen.

First off, flying alone is like solo sex. It's just not as satisfying. Wait for gunners to jump in! Then you will be a roving angel of death. Piloting a fully loaded 'copter with soldiers at every gun is like flying a giant boot around a world fulla asses, kicking at will. It makes you tingly. It feels so good you keep thinking it must be wrong, like watching anime with no pants. But it's not; unless you're in one of them nicer theaters.

Beyond that, you just need to focus on staying alive so you can deliver your ordinance. If you're traveling across the map, fly WAY high to avoid AA fire and other aircraft. Otherwise, stay low so AA guns can't aim at you. Keep moving, so you're hard to hit. Use cover -- pop up from behind a building near the enemy, rake the place like a zen garden, then drop out of sight. Practice circling an enemy while keeping your nose pointed at him. If you're lucky enough to be on a server with other non-Smacktards, you can ferry soldiers from point to point.
Don't touch the pom-pom!
Look who this thread is made by. Zaius1000 - The source of all trolling on this board. BAN HIM. Get it? Ban. Him. Please. He. Is. A. Bleeding. Troll.
this place is turning into TWL
its getting to be quite the joke
when Hell is full...
u speak my thought link! have msn? lets fly
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