A few times recently iv noticed people appear for a second then disappear.  Their name is never above them and they seam to be able to move fine but are just completely gone after a sec.  If they suicided there would be a body I think.

Is it hax or smt else??

Any1 else seen this?/
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|6897|Mexico City
is bad coding...
Nymphomaniac Treatment Specialist
+302|6825|Florida, United States

It's lag.  Are you running an older computer?
+3,936|6651|so randum

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

is bad coding...
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
R.I.P [EPIC]Pfcguinn
i get this too when other people have really high pings of like 200+
lol hax that make u disappear
I can haz titanium paancakez?

ChevyLee86 wrote:

i get this too when other people have really high pings of like 200+
Am running on a low spec machine 1.5G of ram and a geforce fx 5500.  If i have everything on low/off I can have vis dis 100%.  Ping is usually good though 15-45 ish or over 350 when virgin are being crap.
+7|6302|Normandy - France
lag !
+7|6283|Australia, Newcastle
Hax I say, Hax!

Last edited by Zubakov (2007-07-14 18:50:28)

Nah, i dont believe its lag.. bad coding.. Im running a 7950gtx/Core 2/Raptor and sometimes i see the same... Like yesterday.. one of my squad buddies got in a jeep and drove to get a j10.. i was inside the refinary (DRAGON V) and as soon as he got out of his jeep, for a split second it showed him in front of my face haha...weird shit but its coding
THE Keith
+0|6283|Mandurah, Western Australia
i dont know, just last night i waas playing fine all night till i got into one server, which i play on quite a bit, had a ping of 16 - 20 and was lagging like a bitch all night in the server, a internode server so not too many high pingers cos it kicks over 300 pings,  maybe its server issues that happen ocassionally.
Knowledge is power, guard it well
+126|6747|Michigan, USA

THE Keith wrote:

i dont know, just last night i waas playing fine all night till i got into one server, which i play on quite a bit, had a ping of 16 - 20 and was lagging like a bitch all night in the server, a internode server so not too many high pingers cos it kicks over 300 pings,  maybe its server issues that happen ocassionally.
Others pings do not affect you lagging.  If you were lagging with that type of a ping it is system lag, turn your settings down.
It's most likely down to bad interpolation algorithms (or, more accurately, failure to take into account specific circumstances where it can give visual anomalies!)  In most games, your client fills out the gaps between updates to give a smooth picture of the game world.  What's probably happening is that, when someone respawns after dying, their character is moved a long way across the map in a very short period of time.  The server will send one update saying "dead dude is at co-ords (255, 285, 0)" and then another saying "dead dude is now alive and at co-ords (10003, 295643, 32)".  Your client will, at some stage, construct an intermediate position and display the player being somewhere between the two (which will be somewhere along the route from their body's position to the spawn point).

It's more complicated than that, but it's the most likely explanation.  I see this behaviour in various games, including HL2.

Last edited by Arnie_Ze_Austrian (2007-07-14 23:53:37)

There is one more option it could be ghosts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
conservative hatemonger
a few instances of similar thing happening
you get on a ladder and flicker for a second at the top of the ladder
occasionally, if you turn around you'll see a blue nametag of a teammate flying around the horizon, similar bug
getting out of vehicles will make you flicker at the spot where you first got in

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