very nice.

Stun_Gun wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Cyberwolf wrote:

Ummm no one cares. Go make a difference in the REAL world. Get over yourself already...
Roger That.
to tell you what im really doing is training to become a firefighter, starting volunteer fire fighter to get experience. so before you really know who i am dont go judging and say i need to do soemthing in the real world.
this topic was to talk about how far i got... if you dont care dont read and post stupid comments like "we dont care"
Posting here about your stats is pointless. All it says is "Look at me, im an attention whore" Pretty sad really. Go boast about REAL WORLD accomplishments. We don't give a rats ass what you do in BF2.

Last edited by Cyberwolf (2006-01-31 23:02:12)


Nicodemus.....J3 wrote:

Cyberwolf wrote:

Ummm no one cares. Go make a difference in the REAL world. Get over yourself already...
Says the guy with about the same number of hours.  I know a lot of firefighters and time is something they have a lot of.  Good job.
I don't vehicle whore. Sure I could get 22k kills in an airplane that is for the most part virtually indestructable. Do I? No. I take the more skilled route, fighting mostly on the ground where the real action is. AA is basically useless against jets right now, and the only real challenge is a decent pilot...Most maps I've played in their are none, so the person gets to rack up the points.
Destroy Noob Cannons

Cyberwolf wrote:

Stun_Gun wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Roger That.
to tell you what im really doing is training to become a firefighter, starting volunteer fire fighter to get experience. so before you really know who i am dont go judging and say i need to do soemthing in the real world.
this topic was to talk about how far i got... if you dont care dont read and post stupid comments like "we dont care"
Firefighting is pointless. Let the building burn to the ground, it makes the demolition side of things a lot less expensive!
I think a firefighters job is more of saving lives, keeping the fire from spreading to trees, woodsy areas, other houses and trying to save what's inside the house rather than saving the house itself. A house can be built. Things stored in the house sometimes cannot. But I think it's mostly saving the people in the house, and saving people/houses/buildings around that burning house/building.
+6|7044|London, UK
ur in a plane dude...easy...noobish....fight on the ground like a man
bingo... how about you come fight me on the ground...  better yet, since hes such a noob, set up a time and go in the same server together and have a dog fight...  why do people call people noobs just because they would destroy them in game?

i get called an armor whore, so ill fly the next round to prove a point, ill get called a jet whore, then fly a helo.... THEN i get told that im a hack...  then when i ground pound them all pissed off at that point , they bitch and tell me that they cant wait for the patch because im bunnyhopping and "c4 chucking"... and the latest (since i was trying to finish my 100 hour tour as assault)  hopping noob tube at your feetER

you all gotta come up with a new word... invent it even... cause the  "noob" term to me just means that you just got laid out and wanted to whine and cry like a baby to the rest of the server

and beyond that you all bitch about everything...

base raping.... blah... if you dont have flags is the other team supposed to wait for you to come out??

tank whoring...  you supposed to leave those ugly things where they lie?? those werent meant to be played in this game

planes... fuck planes... theres only 4 of them on a map..

so to all you "noob" name callers, and base raping bitchers...  i hope you fall under my armors gun, or my helos TV... or my C4 frisbee... cause i hate you more than the dolphin diving noob tubers...
No place like
+76|7014|Gold Coast,QLD,Australia
lol all over a game, tut tut just stfu leave it alone and play ball
Papa Smurf 314
Right in the Smurfin' parking lot?
+90|7089|New York
really, wtf... for the past few days, almost every thread that starts ends up getting flamed, because some asshole says no one cares... what are you, the fucking spokesman for bf2s?

Stun_gun cares.. so he proved you wrong that NO ONE cares. How about you just stfu and why dont YOU get into the REAL world?

1sfg-ronln wrote:

bingo... how about you come fight me on the ground...  better yet, since hes such a noob, set up a time and go in the same server together and have a dog fight...  why do people call people noobs just because they would destroy them in game?

i get called an armor whore, so ill fly the next round to prove a point, ill get called a jet whore, then fly a helo.... THEN i get told that im a hack...  then when i ground pound them all pissed off at that point , they bitch and tell me that they cant wait for the patch because im bunnyhopping and "c4 chucking"... and the latest (since i was trying to finish my 100 hour tour as assault)  hopping noob tube at your feetER

you all gotta come up with a new word... invent it even... cause the  "noob" term to me just means that you just got laid out and wanted to whine and cry like a baby to the rest of the server

and beyond that you all bitch about everything...

base raping.... blah... if you dont have flags is the other team supposed to wait for you to come out??

tank whoring...  you supposed to leave those ugly things where they lie?? those werent meant to be played in this game

planes... fuck planes... theres only 4 of them on a map..

so to all you "noob" name callers, and base raping bitchers...  i hope you fall under my armors gun, or my helos TV... or my C4 frisbee... cause i hate you more than the dolphin diving noob tubers...
Let's just say I'd have more respect for him if he didn't plane whore his way to 100,000. Look how much time he spent on Wake Island. That's a REALLY easy map to kick ass on in a plane. Almost anyone can drop bombs on the USS Essex, or on the Chinese airfield side. Very easy to get kills when the other team is waiting for aircraft to respawn. I highly doubt he would be able to pull it off in the same amount of time if he played NON carrier maps. Let alone doing it on the ground.

All in all, jets are very unbalanced in the game as it is now. C4, AT & Vehicles are all useless. The only hope of taking one down is AA, either mobile or fixed. AA doesn't lock on quick enough, nor are the missles accurate enough (at least until 1.2 comes out) to successfully challenge someone with a decent reaction time. Most maps don't have decent pilots in the air to challenge those who bomb whore. It's basically like taking a tank into a field of 100 soldiers armed with only pistols.
I crap bigger than you
+0|7031|America!! Fuck Yeah!!!

Stun_Gun wrote:

to tell you what im really doing is training to become a firefighter, starting volunteer fire fighter to get experience. so before you really know who i am dont go judging and say i need to do soemthing in the real world.
this topic was to talk about how far i got... if you dont care dont read and post stupid comments like "we dont care"
LOL  That's nothing dude, I nurse sick puppies and kitties back to health and on the weekend I drive old people to get their medicine from the pharmacy.  At night I am going to school to become a special education teacher. And in my spare time I am teaching myself to give a shit about what you do.

Oh damn, I didn't even look at his stats, a planewhore huh?  Yep, I agree, not impressed at all from you flying around in a damn near invincible machine.

RDMC wrote:

Hyper wrote:

OntwijkDit wrote:

You don't really suck.. every plane newb that can fly a little can get that much.. but it takes skill to own without lame tools like planes/tank whores..
you ppl are ANOYYING
if ya want a fukin INF only game go play fucking counterstrike
why ur saying i'm annoying..i'm laughing at my stats...>.<
my bad
i was tlaking to witdik or wtf ever his ds name is
The Tom Cruise of BF2 pilots
+102|7091|California, US
ok who cares if i fly the jet alot? meet me in a server sometime and ill shoot you down when your in another jet, i dont just bomb i try and go after everything i can. and also i just started playing alot more of Kubra Dam so no im not just playing wake, i also play kirkand alot. play on a server that plays both maps.

And about the firefighter thing someone said go out and do something in real life and all i was showing is that i am.

and im not a jet whore that will be a sniper and shoot the person in the jet. no i will wait or go do something else on the map.
Congrats man, im gettin quite close to the 100k in under 500 hrs myself
Just ignore those who suck with planes/armor, they will always hate you for being good with them and pwning. The fact is its a game, and if you dont take some time to be good at every aspect of it (helo, plane, tank, inf) you wont really be that good will you?
Impressive streak, i think yours is even better than Anubis.
The Tom Cruise of BF2 pilots
+102|7091|California, US

RedHot wrote:

Congrats man, im gettin quite close to the 100k in under 500 hrs myself
Just ignore those who suck with planes/armor, they will always hate you for being good with them and pwning. The fact is its a game, and if you dont take some time to be good at every aspect of it (helo, plane, tank, inf) you wont really be that good will you?
Impressive streak, i think yours is even better than Anubis.
thanks man, good luck on getting 100k soon your only 4k away. i agree with you on what you said.
and i think i have the same as anubis, too bad the round didnt last longer lol
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7128|Marathon, Florida Keys

Papa Smurf 314 wrote:

really, wtf... for the past few days, almost every thread that starts ends up getting flamed, because some asshole says no one cares... what are you, the fucking spokesman for bf2s?
+100 coolness points to you because of ur sig

every topic is getting flamed because of these new people signing up on the forums and they think there badass, i say close forum registration for 2 weeks.
The Last Man Standing

Papa Smurf 314 wrote:

really, wtf... for the past few days, almost every thread that starts ends up getting flamed, because some asshole says no one cares... what are you, the fucking spokesman for bf2s?

Stun_gun cares.. so he proved you wrong that NO ONE cares. How about you just stfu and why dont YOU get into the REAL world?
Nice to hear someone finally voice something interesting rather then the usual "ZOMG! w3 c43rz n0tz0rz!!!"
Most threads get flamed by either those with too much time on their hands, if they have nothing better to do, or if they feel intimidated or if they just enjoy making others the target of flaming.  Nice community image huh?

And Stun_gun, congrats on the 100,000 points thing, maybe I'll get there one day, or just cry trying .

One last thing though, if he uses a plane most of his time and is branded a plane whore, and if someone else uses a tank most of their time and they are a tank whore, then if you use infantry lots, then arnt you an infantry whore?  Seriously less with the whore calling.

Stun_Gun wrote:

RedHot wrote:

Congrats man, im gettin quite close to the 100k in under 500 hrs myself
Just ignore those who suck with planes/armor, they will always hate you for being good with them and pwning. The fact is its a game, and if you dont take some time to be good at every aspect of it (helo, plane, tank, inf) you wont really be that good will you?
Impressive streak, i think yours is even better than Anubis.
thanks man, good luck on getting 100k soon your only 4k away. i agree with you on what you said.
and i think i have the same as anubis, too bad the round didnt last longer lol
Haha, the round ended on mine to, i was throwing c4 from my cheute because i didnt have time to go reload bombs with 2 tickets left, just trying to snag that last kill for 90
But i lied, anubis bested himself again he has 131 streak, but considering how much time you put in compared to him 120 is pretty amazing.

Last edited by RedHot (2006-02-01 14:06:58)

The Tom Cruise of BF2 pilots
+102|7091|California, US

RedHot wrote:

Stun_Gun wrote:

RedHot wrote:

Congrats man, im gettin quite close to the 100k in under 500 hrs myself
Just ignore those who suck with planes/armor, they will always hate you for being good with them and pwning. The fact is its a game, and if you dont take some time to be good at every aspect of it (helo, plane, tank, inf) you wont really be that good will you?
Impressive streak, i think yours is even better than Anubis.
thanks man, good luck on getting 100k soon your only 4k away. i agree with you on what you said.
and i think i have the same as anubis, too bad the round didnt last longer lol
Haha, the round ended on mine to, i was throwing c4 from my cheute because i didnt have time to go reload bombs with 2 tickets left, just trying to snag that last kill for 90
But i lied, anubis bested himself again he has 131 streak, but considering how much time you put in compared to him 120 is pretty amazing.
oh damn i didnt see he got a better one lol
The Last Man Standing

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

Considering his time spent on Wake, it is clear as day his intention is to get into a plane, and spawn rape. The same applies for someone who purposefully ONLY plays Karkand... to get in a tank, and spawn rape. All to just feel good about themselves then come onto these forums and "hip-hip hooray!".

If I were wrong, then why do we see this over, and over, and over again?

Do you need another lesson in logic?
I'm alright with my logic, thank you Teacher Agamemnar!
Wow, glad you cleared that up for me...

One question though... I can understand the idea of getting the plane or the tank, but why would they spawn rape?  Dont immediately suspect everyone is what I'm trying to put across, some armour players are pretty damn good.
And the reason you see some people do this over, and over and, over again is because it works for the people that use it.  Why do people use certain weapon's and equipment over others?  Because it works for them.
And not everyone likes to come on to make themselves feel good, getting that far to 100,000 points its quite a milestone and an achievement like yourself.

Congratulations when you do get there.
All i have to say to you "Stun_Gun" is HACKER!
The Last Man Standing

Try telling that to EA, and please, I was trying to compliment you.

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