I think you should have to go through a little bit of trouble to punish for someone, like something along the lines of starting a kick vote. If it's harder to do you'll only have two types of people that will be punishing: 1) Those that think you truly deserve it, and 2) Those that are going out of their way to be dicks and are going to do it no matter what. People are lazy, this will get rid of those that do it simply because it's there and they can.

Take away the forgive punish/promt from it's current location and put it elsewhere. A simple echo stating that you have been teamkilled would do. While you're respawning you have enough time to hold down they tab key, click on a tab, and put a check in a box. How many would actually do it every single time though, as most do now?

I'm not saying it should be exactly this way, it's just an idea. The current system desprately needs to be changed though.