Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6576|Long Island, New York
I had a dream a few years ago that there was a blackhawk on an island for some reason, I got too close and my head got chopped off. Yet somehow I still kept talking. Then I woke up.

And is it me, or do you get the best dreams RIGHT before your alarm goes off? Does for me. Sucks balls. :S
+17|6342|Cornwall, England

Poseidon wrote:

And is it me, or do you get the best dreams RIGHT before your alarm goes off? Does for me. Sucks balls. :S
Yeppa, totally, when your having the time of your life whatever it is, and your alarm wakes you up or your screaming sister etc...pisses me right off
+191|6666|The Netherlands
that i was fucking hard fucking a hot girl i know XD
16 more years
+877|6564|South Florida
I dont think ive had a falling dream before honestly. I have had some running dreams though, where your running from something that scares the shit out of you, and you cant scream. And you feel like its getting closer and closer. I hate those.

I also hate dreams where i cant see. Like... Ive had them a lot, but basicaly in the dream i cant keep my eyes open and i keep trying to keep them open but they just keep shutting. Usually happens on fun dreams too so its really a dream ruiner.

I dont have sex dreams anymore. I know why too. Porn in the day = my brain doesnt need to make porn...
15 more years! 15 more years!
Walking Sniper, Hidden Claymore
My worst dream is i'm in the battle of Falujah with both my legs not working in the middle of the street. Now tell me you don't wake up in a cold sweat if soemthing liek that happens.
+1,175|6601|British Columbia, Canada
Yay, I hate those dreams where you want to run, but your in slow motion..  Worst feeling ever..
Stocking ur medpacks
+135|6701|Groningen, The Netherlands
It went dark all around me, and I lost my mum
Shouting for her didnt help....that dream really s*cked =0

I'm trying to climb some stairs but can't because my legs are too weak or some shit. It's reoccurring.
There's no way in hell I can explain the strangest dream I've ever had, it was so fukt up. It would be an essay.
I know fucking karate

having sex with my grandmother while she was on fire.
french canadians suck

jsnipy wrote:

having sex with my grandmother while she was on fire.
16 more years
+877|6564|South Florida

jsnipy wrote:

having sex with my grandmother while she was on fire.
My gramma is hot!
15 more years! 15 more years!
Combat Medic

Metal-Eater-GR wrote:

PS:Have u ever had a dream that u fall of the bed?strange
Le fuck?
When I was a kid, I had a pet mouse. I then got another one. We thought they were both female, but we were wrong!

So one night I have this dream that I look in their cage and there is a litter of baby mice.
I wake up and walk downstairs to check on them, only to see A LITTER OF BABY MICE!
Le fuck?

Undetected_Killer wrote:

Oh. You're back.
+127|6425|Jesus Land aka Canada
controversial dream here and it was a nightmare for me too (need to get it off my chest ): i dreamt that I had a the ability to see which peeople have the aids disease, long nightmare short; i went and started killing them all.....................agent47 style.....yes i am a bad person
Latter Alcoholic
Hmm, hard to remember really.

But I used to have this recurring one when i was young. I would have my friends over and we would all go into the bathroom and climb UNDER the toilet and go into another world. Probaby a jungle or something. Weird.

Side note, I love falling dreams. I also love the ones where you can fly, good times.
Go Cards !!
+196|6733|The Ville
I had a dream lol j/k anyways....I was at work and running around like crazy and then I just said f it and I quit. I actually woke up thinking I quit my job and got all scared lol. Pretty boring I know but I was really scared until I clocked in.
Northern numpty
+194|6486|Boulder, CO
I've not had a proper dream i've remembered in years, the only one i can remember is one where i'm being chased by that big pale pink monster from doom thats about 6 foot tall and 2 and a half foot wide with sharp pointy teeth and white eyes with red pupils, it chased me all around somewhere (can't remember where it was set now) and eventually i hid in a tree house thinking i'd got away from it but it climbed into the treehouse and ate me. had it a couple of times when i was about 8 and in the dreams all the streets were empty of people and animals.

scared the shit out of me when i was 8, even if the monster was heavily pixelated and fuzzy round the edges.

a psychiatrist would have a field day here and could make a hell of a big report for some big anti gaming lobby with some of these.
Vroom Vroom

you don't want to know.
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6805|Cambridge (UK)

Noobeater wrote:

a psychiatrist would have a field day here and could make a hell of a big report for some big anti gaming lobby with some of these.
I think if a psychiatrist read these, most people would have more to worry about than some anti-gaming lobby...

I have really fucked-up dreams like every night. Mostly because they're ultra-real - it's just like being awake but more so - and they allways start like 'normal reality', but not quite - like one I was at this univeristy, walking to a lecture, when I see a friend coming the other way - as he sees me he's like really pleased to see me, comes up to me and grabs me and is like "man, you gotta come see this..." and I say "nah, I've got a lecture in 5minutes...". But then he says "No, you've got to come and see this! Seriously, it'll blow your mind". So I think "Ah, fuck it, it's only (whatever lecture it was)..." and so I say "yeah, ok..." and we head off into town... When we get out-side it's all like being in 'blade-runner' or a William Gibson cyberpunk novel - grey, wet, neon, grimey, narrow streets and so on... so we head through these side streets, down a couple of alleyways, through run down-shacks and illegal bars, down more alleys, then my mate stops at this place, knocks and someone comes and opens a little shutter in the door. My friend says "Alright, this my mate I was telling you about..." and the guy behind the door flashes a look at me and a broad grin appears on his face, he says "Yeah, yeah, come on in man...". We go in, and it just looks like some small back-street PC/Tech shop... there's introductions... then my mate says "well, you know why we're here..." and the guy gives another broad grin and goes, "Follow me..." and heads of to this door at the back of the shop... When he opens the door it just looks like a normal corridor at the back of a shop - open door at the end, closed one on the side - kinda grimey, but just a corridor - then I step through the door and instantly I'm in this wooded area and I just stop! I'm like "OMG! WTF!" and the guy gives me another of his grins - and my mates grinning - and I'm just standing there wide eyed - eventually I say "Is this what I think it is..." and the shop guy goes "Yeah! Good isn't it! Instant transition, neural projection unit on the wall above the door." And I'm like "SHIT! that's fancy tech." - I know what it is - like the ultimate virtually reality - and in the dream world I've experienced similar, but nothing like that - it's literally like we're in a wood - I can feel the wind in my hair - my hair is actually being moved by the wind - anyway, we head off down through and out side of the wood, and then on this road that leads along side it... as we're walking along there's these little squirell like critters running around in the undergrowth, occasionally disappearing down holes... then my mate pulls a grenade out of pocket, pulls the pin, and rolls it down one of the holes and I'm like "Fuck man! what you do that for! what they do to you!" - the place is so real that I've kind of forgotten it's not real and both the shop guy and my mate laugh and may mate says "It's not real!" and I'm like "Oh, yeah!" and the shop guy chuckles... anyway, we carry down the road, the wood ends and I can see the sea, not too far away and we head that way... As we're just getting to the shore, there's this little cafe, and we head into there, have some drinks and cakes - the best drinks and cakes you have ever tasted and I'm sitting there looking through the cafe window out to sea and there's this big wave coming in... and I get up and go to the window - by this point I've got over the initial reality-shock and I get up and go to the window and am just staring at the water, and the spray, and thinking "FUCKING HELL! WHAT IS RUNNING THIS?! That fluid-dynamics is fucking amazing" as the wave crashes down on the cafe and we walk into the room I could see at the end of the corridor.

Then I woke up.

That was the night after watching 'existenze' (sp?)...
+4|6500|Montreal, Quebec

jsnipy wrote:

having sex with my grandmother while she was on fire.
now I dont give a fuck what anybody else says ...THAT is weird as hell! lol
I hand out purple hearts like candy
+72|6442|Alberta, Canada
I had a zombie one... It seemed so freaking long. Days worth of running/hiding/shooting zombies.
There was a few other people with me.
I had slept for about 9 hours.

Scary as hell, but strangely cool.

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