+3|7049|South Sweden (NOT SWITZERLAND)
Sorry if this already has been posted, but a special story about a Iraqi sniper has reached me today. Juba. An elite ex spec op. It is said that he only fires one bullet and quickly escapes, the American forces never even knew where the shot came from. When they eventually find his hidingplace they always find one empty shellcase with the word "Juba" written on it.

It is said that he has killed 143 soldiers and wounded 53. Now I know a lot of you will say "BS youre making shit up, you dont have proof, die usa flamer" ec.t... But there is now a video, 15 minutes long, with a lot of real footage with real american soldiers getting shot, mixed up with a lot of terrorist propaganda. Thats the link. DO NOT WATCH IT YOU ARE SENSITIVE ABOUT THESE KIND OF THINGS! IF YOU EVEN DOUBT ABOUT IT DON'T WATCH IT. YOU WON'T MISS ANYTHING "FUN".

So what do you think of this? Is it real? Who is "Juba"? Why isn't this mentioned in American media? Is he the best sniper of all times? How does he do it?

And last of all, I don't support any of his actions, nobody deserves to die. Nobody. Neither am I a terrorist, please don't flame in this thread and only discuss "Juba".
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|7061|Malaga, España
this has been posted and delete by the admins
and i hope they do it again coz its a stupid movie about some NOOB arabian rebels
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7075|MA, USA

Nehil wrote:

Sorry if this already has been posted, but a special story about a Iraqi sniper has reached me today. Juba. An elite ex spec op. It is said that he only fires one bullet and quickly escapes, the American forces never even knew where the shot came from. When they eventually find his hidingplace they always find one empty shellcase with the word "Juba" written on it.

It is said that he has killed 143 soldiers and wounded 53. Now I know a lot of you will say "BS youre making shit up, you dont have proof, die usa flamer" ec.t... But there is now a video, 15 minutes long, with a lot of real footage with real american soldiers getting shot, mixed up with a lot of terrorist propaganda. Thats the link. DO NOT WATCH IT YOU ARE SENSITIVE ABOUT THESE KIND OF THINGS! IF YOU EVEN DOUBT ABOUT IT DON'T WATCH IT. YOU WON'T MISS ANYTHING "FUN".

So what do you think of this? Is it real? Who is "Juba"? Why isn't this mentioned in American media? Is he the best sniper of all times? How does he do it?

And last of all, I don't support any of his actions, nobody deserves to die. Nobody. Neither am I a terrorist, please don't flame in this thread and only discuss "Juba".
I can't look at the vid, because I am at work, but I will tonight.

My initial reaction is that it is BS.  I spent 16 months in Iraq and I have never heard of this.  And trust me, word of something like this would get around FAST over there.  Anyone who has been there more recently than me (I have been home almost a year) know about this?
Kniven Gaffeln Skeden

Nehil wrote:

Why isn't this mentioned in American media?
eeeh... take a guess!

he might not be the best sniper, but he sure is one of the bravest taking on the american army...
+53|7056|Omaha, Nebraska
Reminds me of the Russian sniper from World War II.. Very similiar indeed.
+3|7049|South Sweden (NOT SWITZERLAND)
Read some more about him here: of course it might not be true. They wrote the he and his friend might got caught the 2nd June 2005.

Also I can tell you the footage is real, I'm not sure if it's the same guy tho. Also it has been said that he's the new "Vasilji Zaitzev".

So he's no

ToRRo wrote:

Noob rebel.
Whoever shot those guys is no "noob".
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|7061|Malaga, España

splixx wrote:

Reminds me of the Russian sniper from World War II.. Very similiar indeed.
You mean Vassili, but the difference between this Arabian Sniper and the Vassili sniper . Vassili Killed the enemies, this arabian fucktard moslty wounds them, mostly Chest or arms. dude this is bad quality sniping.
a sniper has a special task and thats 1 shot 1 kill . just like Vassili!

Last edited by *ToRRo*cT| (2006-01-31 09:09:27)

+3|7049|South Sweden (NOT SWITZERLAND)

*ToRRo*cT| wrote:

[dude this is bad quality sniping.
I don't think so, to cause maximum damage you should only wound a soldier so that maybe 1 or 2 other have to take care of him. Simple military tactics, from what I've heard. Just like like all explosive traps.
+4|7057|Hamilton, Scotland

splixx wrote:

Reminds me of the Russian sniper from World War II.. Very similiar indeed.
but the russian sniper(Zastev) shot 143 bullets AND killed 142 guys!
(1 of them being a german sniper-killer)= something-koineg

Last edited by A.Drew(G.Drew (2006-01-31 09:16:10)

People wonder why there are so few terrorist attacks in other parts of the world.. We have al-qaeda by the balls.
+4|7057|Hamilton, Scotland

Nehil wrote:

Sorry if this already has been posted, but a special story about a Iraqi sniper has reached me today. Juba. An elite ex spec op. It is said that he only fires one bullet and quickly escapes, the American forces never even knew where the shot came from. When they eventually find his hidingplace they always find one empty shellcase with the word "Juba" written on it.

It is said that he has killed 143 soldiers and wounded 53. Now I know a lot of you will say "BS youre making shit up, you dont have proof, die usa flamer" ec.t... But there is now a video, 15 minutes long, with a lot of real footage with real american soldiers getting shot, mixed up with a lot of terrorist propaganda. Thats the link. DO NOT WATCH IT YOU ARE SENSITIVE ABOUT THESE KIND OF THINGS! IF YOU EVEN DOUBT ABOUT IT DON'T WATCH IT. YOU WON'T MISS ANYTHING "FUN".

So what do you think of this? Is it real? Who is "Juba"? Why isn't this mentioned in American media? Is he the best sniper of all times? How does he do it?

And last of all, I don't support any of his actions, nobody deserves to die. Nobody. Neither am I a terrorist, please don't flame in this thread and only discuss "Juba".
this is probably no guy, but a couple of guys who got a lucky shot and claimed to be this one superhuman guy
to make the US army shit themselves!
(btw they're still bent as f**k, cant even kill most guys they hit! lol!)
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|7061|Malaga, España
The Red Army Snipers

"...await the right moment for one, and only one well-aimed shot"

Vasiliy Zaitsev

Already Russian newspapers had made the name Vasiliy Zaitsev famous.
In but ten days' time he had killed nearly forty Germans, and correspondents
gloatingly,wrote of his amazing ability to destroy his enemies with a single
bullet. It was a skill he had learned while shooting deer in the forests around
Elininski, his home in the Ural Mountain foothills. A shepherd in the summers,
Zaitsev, at the age of fifteen, went off to technical school in Magnitogorsk.
On September 20, 1942, the broad-faced Zaitsev came to Stalingrad with the
284th Division. Now he was a national hero, and as his fame spread across
no-man's-land, the Germans took an inordinate interest in him.
SS Colonel Heinz Thorwald was dispatched to Stalingrad from Berlin for the express
purpose of eliminating top Soviet snipers, especially Vassily Zaitsev, who was
being lionized in Soviet propaganda. The Soviets were tipped off to Thorwald
mission by a prisoner. Like Zaitsev, Thorwald first made a careful study of the
terrain and of his victims before attempting a kill. When two Soviet snipers
were killed by single rifle shots, Zaitsev began counter-stalking Thorwald himself.
The duel lasted for several days. During this time Thorwald shot a
political officer named Danilov who was "covering" the duel for Soviet
propaganda (Danilov accompanied Zaitsev and stupidly gave away their
position). Zaitsev finally got Thorwald by offering another sniper, his
assistant Zulikov, as bait. Zulikov positioned himself and lifted his
helmet over a wall, where Thorwald put a bullet through it.
Kulikov cried out as if hit. Thorwald made the fatal mistake of exposing
himself to confirm the kill, and Zaitsev shot him dead.

Next lines are taken from Antony Beevor's Stalingrad, The fateful siege : 1942 - 1943.

The telescopic sight of his prey's rifle, allegedly Zaitsev's most treasured
trophy, is still exhibited in the Moscow armed forces museum, but this dramatic
story remains essentially unconvincing. It is worth noting that there is absolutely
no mention of it in any reports.*

*Indeed, the whole story of the sniper duel is fiction. There is absolutely no trace in 
the German military archives or SS records of  SS officer Heinz Thorwald. 
Also there is absolutely no report of the duel in the Red Army files which concentrated 
on sniper activities (the daily reports of the Political Department of Stalingrad Front to Moscow)
This great story can be classified as Sovjet propaganda.

Other snipers at Stalingrad.

Vasiliy Zaitsev      W.W. II           Russia                     about 400 kills
(149 Kills at the battle of Stalingrad, some sources telling me he shot 232 German soldiers
at Stalingrad)

A sniper reaching forty kills would receive the "for bravery" and the title of
"Nobel Sniper".
The highest scorer only identified as "Zikan" killed 224 Germans by 20 November 1942.
Sergeant Passar of 21st Army was credited with 103 kills.
Kucherenko, an Ukrainian, killed 19.
An Uzbek from 169th Rifle Division killed five Germans in three days.
Anatoly Chekov killed 17 Germans in two days !
Corporal Studentov killed 170 Germans.
"Noble Sniper" Ilin, a commissar from a Guards rifle regiment, was credited
with 185 kills.

Sniper V. Kozlov, just being decorated
for his 30th kill.
The same Zaitsev - Thorwald story :

The ruins of Stalingrad were the natrual habitat of snipers, and each army had its recognized 
champions. For the Russians, Vasily Zaitsev was the onetime shepherd who had perfected his
marksmanship hunting deer in the Ural foothills. In one ten day period, he had killed no fewer
than 40 Germans and his fame had spread into enemy lines. The Germans retaliated by flying 
to the scene SS Colonel Heinz Thorwald, head of their snipers' school near Berlin. Zaitsev
soon heard talk of the deadly Thorwald, and he set down a tense account of their dual to
the death.

"The arrival of the Nazi sniper set us a new task," wrote Zaitsev. "We had to find him, study 
habits and methods, and patiently await the moment for one, and only one, well-aimed shot."

For two days, Zaitsev stalked his rival, trying to locate his precise whereabouts. On the third 
day, Zaitsev was accompanied in his search by a political instructor named Danilov. As the 
two lay hidden, peering intently through their telescopic sights, Danilov suddenly said: "There 
he is! I'll point him out to you!" Recalled Zaitsev: "He barely, literally for one second, 
but carelessly, raised himself above the parapet, but that was enough for the German to 
hit and wound him.

"For a long time I examined the enemy positions, but could not detect his hiding place.
To the left was a tank, out of action, and on the right was a pillbox. Where was he? 
In the tank? No, an experienced sniper would not take up position there. In the pillbox, 
perhaps? Not there, either - the embrasure was closed. Between the tank and the pillbox, 
on a stretch of level ground, lay a sheet of iron and a small pile of broken bricks. It had
been lying there a long time and we had grown accustomed to its being there. I put myself 
in the enemy's position and thought - where better for a sniper? One had only to make a
firing slit under the sheet of metal, and then creep up to it during the night."

To test his theory, Zaitsev rasied a small plank with a mitten attached to its end. A shot
rang out and a bullet smashed into the plank. "Now," wrote Zaitsev, "came the question of
luring even a part of his head into my sights." Before that could be done, however, Zaitsev 
would have to change his own position, which had clearly been marked by the German. 
Zaitsev and a fellow sniper, Nikolai Kulikov, spent much fo the night working their way 
to a new vantage point. By dawn they were ready.

"The sun rose," Zaitsev recalled. "We had decided to spend the morning waiting, as we 
might have been given away by the sun on our telescopic sights. After lunch our rifles 
were in the shade and the sun was shining directly on the German's position. At the 
edge of the sheet of metal something was glittering: an odd bit of glass - or telescopic 
sights? Kulikov carefully, as only the most experienced can do, began to raise his helmet. 
The German fired. For a fraction of a second Kulikov rose and screamed. The German 
believed he had finally got the Soviet sniper he had been hunting for four days,and half
raised his head from beneath the sheet of metal. That was what I had been banking on.

"I took careful aim. The German's head fell back, and the telescopic sights of his rifle 
lay motionless, glistening in the sun until night fell." Russian sources credited Vasily
Zaitsev with killing 149 (232 ?) Germans before the end of the battle of Stalingrad. Then he 
was blinded by a detonating land mine.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n

Nehil wrote:

*ToRRo*cT| wrote:

[dude this is bad quality sniping.
I don't think so, to cause maximum damage you should only wound a soldier so that maybe 1 or 2 other have to take care of him. Simple military tactics, from what I've heard. Just like like all explosive traps.
Yeah that strat only works in battle field tatics, not in guriella warfare. It should be one shot one kill so he's not that good, also they need a hero right now so I wouldn't be surprised if he's more then one man trying to boost moral.

Very good and informative post, most americans don't know the real pain and suffering that the soldiers are going through(cause of propaganda) and third party sources really help us understand.  I don't belive in the "war on terror" cause it's too broad a thing, meaning no real enemy(anyone could be considered a terrorist). But I do support our troops and my heart goes out to them.
She looked 18 to me officer
I think you said it best "terrorist propaganda", or he is the best sniper to ever live.

Whatever, I want me 30 secs from reading this post back.

Nehil wrote:

*ToRRo*cT| wrote:

[dude this is bad quality sniping.
I don't think so, to cause maximum damage you should only wound a soldier so that maybe 1 or 2 other have to take care of him. Simple military tactics, from what I've heard. Just like like all explosive traps.

For starters it's still uncomfirmed as to whether or not there is a single sniper or a whole group of independant ones that just decided to copy the original. Either way, some of the tactics have been counter to typical military  strategy. Namely the fact that most of his/their targets have been low level. Don't take that the wrong way; each life is as important as the next but good snipers make a point of using their one shot to take out the highest ranking commanders, communications officers, or other such personnel that are instrumental to operations.

Maybe it's one guy, maybe it's not. Maybe he or they have been captured, maybe not. Either way, shooting only once is about the smartest thing any sniper can do.,1 … 24,00.html

Chilling article about the issue.
Rules over Sesamestreet
+5|7073|The Netherlands
This is wierd propaganda though. it is also very much a call for killing.
i have seen it untill the piece where the US soldier in front of that hmmvw is getting shot I just can't take much more it is an awful sight to see a man just falling to death (?) while moments before he stood there smoking.

i want to say When you can stand murder in movies don't automaticly think you can handle this.
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7075|MA, USA

Nehil wrote:

*ToRRo*cT| wrote:

[dude this is bad quality sniping.
I don't think so, to cause maximum damage you should only wound a soldier so that maybe 1 or 2 other have to take care of him. Simple military tactics, from what I've heard. Just like like all explosive traps.
That is a military tactic, but not a sniper tactic.  Snipers are effective not because they kill lots of people, but because they destroy morale.  They fire one shot, kill an unsuspecting troop and disappear.  They can strike any time, and more or less anywhere. 

Morale declines because a) troops don't feel safe; and b) troops feel powerless to kill the sniper.  (My old squad leader was a sniper.  He said that if you want to kill morale, shoot guys when they go to take a shit   Troops who can't take a shit in peace will be VERY unhappy)

So, an effective sniper kills with one shot and vanishes.  If he only wounds, it isn't as much of a blow to the morale of the opposition.

*Disclaimer*  I am NOT saying that snipers don't have their tactical uses!  Snipers in Iraq have been very effective in killing insurgents as they plant IEDs etc.  I'm just saying that snipers are most effective when they get the kills.  It is regular troops who are just as successful if they wound, not snipers.
First off, this is a rumor and not true, I have just returned from Afghanistan and Iraq and I can say that the Insurgents lack the ability to aim. The gentlement who said he was over in Iraq I agree with, that any news like this would have spread like wild fire over there. Second if this fictional person were to be true, he would not be the best sniper in the world, everyone knows a man going by the nickname of "White Feather" in Vietnam has the record for overall confirmed kills, he also has a book out called "White Feather" he is by far the best sniper ever. Thank and good night on this WOW post.
actually a sniper is at his best when wounding, if u kill an enemy, they die, yes, but thats 1 guy to drag stick him on a truck send him home, if you wound him

thats 1 guy to drag, a medic to help out, another guy possibly to watch over and help, another guy guarding. if he gets sent home then he has to be seen to and helped through recovery etc etc...

a kill isn't actually as effective as a wound when u think about it

watching that vid he actually hit a tree instead of one of his targets... hmm

edit: now reading what got posted before i got round to posting, yea i guess snipers are best for straight kills :S the pink mist ey

Last edited by SuB (2006-01-31 10:08:46)


MacMan wrote:

First off, this is a rumor and not true, I have just returned from Afghanistan and Iraq and I can say that the Insurgents lack the ability to aim. The gentlement who said he was over in Iraq I agree with, that any news like this would have spread like wild fire over there. Second if this fictional person were to be true, he would not be the best sniper in the world, everyone knows a man going by the nickname of "White Feather" in Vietnam has the record for overall confirmed kills, he also has a book out called "White Feather" he is by far the best sniper ever. Thank and good night on this WOW post.

though his record for the longest kill was broken by a Canadian
I too came from iraq not too long ago and I can tell you this is so fake its not even funny.

As stated earlier the guy hit a tree and not the guy.

Two. One guy trips from the curb because the sound of the shot startled him (the convoy one)

here is the big one. All of you guys who were in iraq doesn't that city seem familliar? I have come to the conclusion of this Video. As many of you heard when we went throught he city of Fallujah, US soldiers conviscated HUDREDS of camereas. My guess is what happened is one of the insurgent groups took the videos of multiple snipers and made them seem as one sniper.

And yes some of you mention it is better to injur and not kill. But If you watch you will notice that the rifles that these guys use aren't even penetrating the average soldiers body armor. If you pause and watch most of these guys fall down and stand back up.

These guys have terrible aim only 2 of the soldiers from what I have seen die. the others are all just injuries. The Juba numbers are inflated cause if you take into consideration the number of total dead in the war, then the amount of them killed by IEDs (Improvised Explosive Device) and then the amount killed in Gun fights. You will realise that this "Guy" would be taking credit for the majority of the kills it seems.

And this guy is nothing near being the next Vasili. He takes his shots from VERY short range and misses. Honestly he has no intention of injuring them. If you watch these guys they have a hard time even holding the rifle steady. My guess is they are aiming for the head but sense they can't keep their rifles steady they miss by alot. As stated the Insurgents do not have very good aim...if any.

This movie is PURE propoganda and as my Airforce friend stated best when i told him about this post... You guys are no better than terrorist for posting it because all you are doing is helping the Insurgent propoganda. You talk about how many kills and show the video and thats EXACTLY what they are trying to make you do.
Oh and White Feather... doesn't have the most confirmed. He has the most modern day confirmed. But there were plenty of WWII sniper who collected more then their share of dog tags and had officer confirmation with kills.

Kocrachon wrote:

You guys are no better than terrorist for posting it
now that's a little extreme,1 … 24,00.html


MacMan wrote:

First off, this is a rumor and not true, I have just returned from Afghanistan and Iraq and I can say that the Insurgents lack the ability to aim. The gentlement who said he was over in Iraq I agree with, that any news like this would have spread like wild fire over there. Second if this fictional person were to be true, he would not be the best sniper in the world, everyone knows a man going by the nickname of "White Feather" in Vietnam has the record for overall confirmed kills, he also has a book out called "White Feather" he is by far the best sniper ever. Thank and good night on this WOW post.
The SAS educated Saddam Husseins personal lifeguards during the '80s, and therefore made them some of the best special forces in the world. Im sure that some of these men are fighting the coalition today, and perhaps this "Juba" is one of them..  Who knows?
+0|6987|Orlando, FL
I know you wanted to talk about the (so called) Juba sniper and keep this technical but.....this is too emotional for me.

As an American this propaganda clip made me want to join the Army so I could go and get revenge! (quite the opposite reaction that the propagandist intended)

If the USA fought with the same morality (evil/underhanded) that the enemy fights with then we would have MUCH more grusome clips to show than this!........we would LEVEL entire nations! (instead of building highways, hospitals, schools, ect.)

To all of you USA better hope that the rest of my countrymen don't get as pissed as I am, if that happens we will REALLY give you something to hate!


now flame on......

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