+25|6175|BEHIND YOU!
its bad the if god forbid something happens this can turn into a large scale conflict, but i think they will think something out as US and Turkey are part of NATO
+605|6584|San Diego, CA, USA
Turkey invading Iraq won't help them join the EU...

Syria has already warned its citizens to pull out of Lebanon...warning of a possible attack by Hezbolla.

The United States is trying to drum up support for attacking Iranian nuclear facilities and border bases that are helping the terrorists in Iraq.

All indication is by this September the United States troops will pull back towards Kuwait.

Now I wonder what would happen if Turkey attacked first?
+25|6175|BEHIND YOU!
ummm well mass confusion and a whole bunch of OMG WTF's....If Turks attack first, the americans will have to step back, they cannot afford to conflict with a new powerful force. America is in no situation to start a conflict, maybe Israel will help, but if they do, the Iranians will be like OMG!!!!!!JEWHAD!!!!!!!and they would be like ARRGHH!!!! AATTACK! then America would be like OH NOES! ISRAEL! *fight iran*...yea WWIII pretty much....oh and the Palenstinians will be like ARRRGHHH!!!!! INTIFADA!!!!!!! too
GunSlinger OIF II

agwood wrote:


16 years.... many many many long deployments to some of the crappiest places on the planet... Air Force combat search and rescue unit.

did i mention many long deployments to the assholes of the earth.. places that make some time at Taji seem downright civilized.
I spent a better part of a year in must not have spent much time there brotha
+18|6676|I Fight for Bush !!
your missing my point, I understand that the Turkish Army has a lot of equipment, and they have a good core component of professional soldiers, sailors and airmen but a very large portion of their force are conscripts plucked from every Turkish city, town and Village for an 18 month non paid hard tour.

If in fact the 140,000+ troops that may be massed on the Northern Iraqi border ONLY go after the rebel factions of Pkk and KDP and other Kurdish Terrorist groups it will be a slaughter, but if those 140,000 troops make any sort of attack on the general Iraqi Kurdish population the Peshmerga will put up a strong fight to defend themselves and their lands.

That would put the US government is a pickle of sorts as Iraq is of Vital interest to the Global War on Terror. The US Government would have to make a choice between helping the Iraqis defend their borders and population or turning a blind eye to the whole affair which just dont think we could afford to do.
+25|6175|BEHIND YOU!

agwood wrote:

your missing my point, I understand that the Turkish Army has a lot of equipment, and they have a good core component of professional soldiers, sailors and airmen but a very large portion of their force are conscripts plucked from every Turkish city, town and Village for an 18 month non paid hard tour.

If in fact the 140,000+ troops that may be massed on the Northern Iraqi border ONLY go after the rebel factions of Pkk and KDP and other Kurdish Terrorist groups it will be a slaughter, but if those 140,000 troops make any sort of attack on the general Iraqi Kurdish population the Peshmerga will put up a strong fight to defend themselves and their lands.

That would put the US government is a pickle of sorts as Iraq is of Vital interest to the Global War on Terror. The US Government would have to make a choice between helping the Iraqis defend their borders and population or turning a blind eye to the whole affair which just dont think we could afford to do.
oh okay, they only have beef with the PKK they dont care about the rest, I got confused there maybe, I though the pershmerga was getting involved too. the Turks only go a couple of miles into the PKK area, i dont think they attack city's full of population
chronic gamer
w's goal has always been the oil fields thats the reason for the alliance with the saudis and the invasion of iraq
+18|6676|I Fight for Bush !!

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

agwood wrote:


16 years.... many many many long deployments to some of the crappiest places on the planet... Air Force combat search and rescue unit.

did i mention many long deployments to the assholes of the earth.. places that make some time at Taji seem downright civilized.
I spent a better part of a year in must not have spent much time there brotha
Nope I did not spen that much time there, but I was glad to see the KBR chow halls, Television, Telephone, Internet access, green bean coffee places, HUGE PX with Subway, Burger King and Pizza Hut and a shuttle bus system.

these days we deploy to more organized air or army bases, but unfortunetly that has not always the case.

And I have to give you your props, what you Army guys do over there outside the wire on a daily basis would make many grown men cry.
+18|6676|I Fight for Bush !!

CDK3Y wrote:

agwood wrote:

your missing my point, I understand that the Turkish Army has a lot of equipment, and they have a good core component of professional soldiers, sailors and airmen but a very large portion of their force are conscripts plucked from every Turkish city, town and Village for an 18 month non paid hard tour.

If in fact the 140,000+ troops that may be massed on the Northern Iraqi border ONLY go after the rebel factions of Pkk and KDP and other Kurdish Terrorist groups it will be a slaughter, but if those 140,000 troops make any sort of attack on the general Iraqi Kurdish population the Peshmerga will put up a strong fight to defend themselves and their lands.

That would put the US government is a pickle of sorts as Iraq is of Vital interest to the Global War on Terror. The US Government would have to make a choice between helping the Iraqis defend their borders and population or turning a blind eye to the whole affair which just dont think we could afford to do.
oh okay, they only have beef with the PKK they dont care about the rest, I got confused there maybe, I though the pershmerga was getting involved too. the Turks only go a couple of miles into the PKK area, i dont think they attack city's full of population
for everyones sake.. I hope not too..
GunSlinger OIF II

agwood wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

agwood wrote:


16 years.... many many many long deployments to some of the crappiest places on the planet... Air Force combat search and rescue unit.

did i mention many long deployments to the assholes of the earth.. places that make some time at Taji seem downright civilized.
I spent a better part of a year in must not have spent much time there brotha
Nope I did not spen that much time there, but I was glad to see the KBR chow halls, Television, Telephone, Internet access, green bean coffee places, HUGE PX with Subway, Burger King and Pizza Hut and a shuttle bus system.

these days we deploy to more organized air or army bases, but unfortunetly that has not always the case.

And I have to give you your props, what you Army guys do over there outside the wire on a daily basis would make many grown men cry.
wish I had a chance to enjoy that difac as much as I did eating dust off of route coyotes or mallard.  it built up in taji, real friggin nice. surprising for a war zone aint it?
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6802|Cambridge (UK)

Bull3t wrote:

So, Is this bad or good?
I'm gonna go with 'bad'.

In fact, looks like I won't be needing those nukes after all - Imadinnerjacket will do the job for me...

Last edited by Scorpion0x17 (2007-07-09 21:42:17)

'Light 'em up!'

Is that bottom right ribbon for action in Kuwait? It looks a little like their flag, I know nothing about different real life ribbons lol.
GunSlinger OIF II

M.O.A.B wrote:

Is that bottom right ribbon for action in Kuwait? It looks a little like their flag, I know nothing about different real life ribbons lol.
he was in desert storm
+18|6676|I Fight for Bush !!

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

M.O.A.B wrote:

Is that bottom right ribbon for action in Kuwait? It looks a little like their flag, I know nothing about different real life ribbons lol.
he was in desert storm
Right you are..OIF

That one is the Kuwaiti issued Liberation of Kuwait Ribbon. I was not there in time to get the super sweet Saudi issued one(very short qualification times), but meehh.. there just ribbons. it comes with the SWA or Sout West Asia Service ribbon also.

Last edited by agwood (2007-07-09 21:50:28)

GunSlinger OIF II

agwood wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

M.O.A.B wrote:

Is that bottom right ribbon for action in Kuwait? It looks a little like their flag, I know nothing about different real life ribbons lol.
he was in desert storm
That one is the Kuwaiti issued Liberation of Kuwait Ribbon. I was not there in time to get the super sweet Saudi issued one(very short qualification times), but meehh.. there just ribbons. it comes with the SWA or Sout West Asia Service ribbon also.
I only bring it because Ive been going ribbon crazy for the last few days.  I have to brush the dust off the class a's for some ceremony coming up.  Ive only worn those suckers once the entire time I was in the active duty, back in 2000.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6637|132 and Bush

Xbone Stormsurgezz
Commie Killer

CDK3Y wrote:

ummm well mass confusion and a whole bunch of OMG WTF's....If Turks attack first, the americans will have to step back, they cannot afford to conflict with a new powerful force. America is in no situation to start a conflict, maybe Israel will help, but if they do, the Iranians will be like OMG!!!!!!JEWHAD!!!!!!!and they would be like ARRGHH!!!! AATTACK! then America would be like OH NOES! ISRAEL! *fight iran*...yea WWIII pretty much....oh and the Palenstinians will be like ARRRGHHH!!!!! INTIFADA!!!!!!! too
Shut up. Just shut up.
+18|6676|I Fight for Bush !!

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

agwood wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

he was in desert storm
That one is the Kuwaiti issued Liberation of Kuwait Ribbon. I was not there in time to get the super sweet Saudi issued one(very short qualification times), but meehh.. there just ribbons. it comes with the SWA or Sout West Asia Service ribbon also.
I only bring it because Ive been going ribbon crazy for the last few days.  I have to brush the dust off the class a's for some ceremony coming up.  Ive only worn those suckers once the entire time I was in the active duty, back in 2000.
Same here, I don't get the chance to wear the dress uniform very often. Its funny though that the longer they stay on the closet they seem to shrink more and more. Have a good time man, in the Air Force especially in a CSAR unit those ceremonies are a great excuse to get lit with some buddies and blow off some steam.
+5,233|6565|Global Command
* NOTE--the following is not what I want, it is a description of what I believe may be happening. I have concluded that what we are doing in the Middle East is the same as we did to the American Indians when we knowingly gave them blankets laced with small pox. Perhaps more subtle, but not much different.  One reason I bowed out of the forum for a while is I had to come to terms with my opinions that everything America is doing is fubar. Everything. With all the problems we have our leaders are obsessed with amnesty for illegals and making a badly run war a lot bigger. When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

elstonieo wrote:

What the Fuck has Turkey and the Kurds got to do with 911 and Payback?
Well, my theory is that our leaders have sat back and looked at the world. They imagined Talibanesqe governments armed with ICBM's.

People like Rumsfeld looked into the future and said; " we cannot ever let these people unite ( meaning Islam as a whole ), we cannot let nuclear weapons get into the hands of radicals, we cannot let the oil money get into the hands of the radicals."

" Imagine, " Rumsfeld continued, " if we were to topple a government or two, displace a few million people into refugee camps. Foment civil war in Iran. Send the gunships into Somalia. Disrupt aid and allow disease to run rampant. This will allow us a decade or two to assert our dominance in the region. It will call our enemies out, giving us good excuse to pursue them in Pakistan, Thailand and so many other countries."

" I will sacrifice myself for this, " he went on.  " At the point where we are hopelessly committed and it seems  we are beyond the point of no return I shall resign. This will make America look weak, but in fact, that is part of our broader strategy. We want the forces aligned against us to show themselves on the battlefield."
" We shall draw out the enemy forces and crush them. We shall  depose governments we were once friendly with so that no nation over there ever does business with us again ( so we always have an excuse to attack ). We shall assure the Muslim peoples proper place under our boot heels.  We will set them back in societal evolution enough to assure our mastery. "

Last edited by ATG (2007-07-10 08:56:25)

LOL ATG got owned for hotlinking.
+5,233|6565|Global Command

jonsimon wrote:

LOL ATG got owned for hotlinking.
Whoops! I forgot that that is safe only on major news sites, not shitty left wing blogs.

My bad, won't happen again.
Troll has returned.
agwood I am very surprised when saw you comparing an army to some dirty terrorists. whe will go there(not sure) just to finish terrorism, that feeds pkk inside our borders. we dont want others land...
+5,233|6565|Global Command

Ottomania wrote:

agwood I am very surprised when saw you comparing an army to some dirty terrorists. whe will go there(not sure) just to finish terrorism, that feeds pkk inside our borders. we dont want others land...
So Otto, are you suggesting that the Turkish troops, once they have dealt a death blow to the Kurdish seperatist will simply go back home and leave the oil fields alone? I think any once Empire would desire her power back, and was not a great deal of the Ottoman Empires power and weath birthed in the oil regions in what is now Northern Iraq?

Could not Turkey make a legitimate claim to the region? After all, they only lost it about 100 years ago.
Troll has returned.
well, we may take some oil but that isnt the main purpose to go there, as yours.

we cannot let the oil money get into the hands of the radicals."

Last edited by Ottomania (2007-07-10 09:15:23)

+5,233|6565|Global Command

Ottomania wrote:

well, we may take some oil but that isnt the main purpose to go there, as yours.

we cannot let the oil money get into the hands of the radicals."
Are you suggesting that the main reason America went there is for oil?

" we cannot let the oil money get into the hands of the radicals. "

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