+16|6439|From The State Of Taxes
Check out Frances track record they would sell their own mother for some euros , not like Australia theres country with some balls
Calmer than you are.

logitech487 wrote:

Europeans are still mad at the U.S. for intervening in WWII , they all wanted to have a common  language [ german] and central government run by Hitler . I agree we can learn form Europe many things like when a third world country is in need of aid after a natural disaster not to do anything and to sell nuclear reactors to anyone .
LoL! Ok run along now! I love how Americans like to differentiate themselves from Europeans! The continent was discovered in 1492 ffs! How many generations of pure "Americans" does that make? lol
+16|6439|From The State Of Taxes
Its nice to hear from a country that gave the world the basic meaning of democracy
Calmer than you are.
Dammit! I was expecting a good ole flame war! Now we gotta be all friends 'n such! I'm not used to that!!! lol
+16|6439|From The State Of Taxes
I dont flame anyone , Anyway most americans came from europe
Why do little dogs bark more then large ones?
+46|6563|Middle of nowhere, California

sergeriver wrote:

Get over yourself.  Nobody is obsessed with the US, except the US.

Wtf have the female politicians to do in here?  Angela Merkel anyone.  Europe is way ahead in that matter.  Happy birthday, but remember Europe has thousands of years of history.
well, you seemed to care, if you didnt, you wouldnt post.... maybe you are  obsessed and ur just in denial!
Is this a joke..

I'm sure we'd like not to be obsessed but unfortunately America has too much power and influence. The worlds economy revolves around your dollar, world crisis' are solved/created by you and you have, quite frankly, too much power.
+151|6265|NSW, Australia

yay for everyone (except for the us)
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6527|Menlo Park, CA
If it wasnt for WWII I dont think the US would be as powerful as it is today. . . . . .

History aside. . .

America earned the right to be called number one.  We work harder than any other nation in the world (i.e. average hours a week an American works compared to other nations), and that has paid off for us.  We have made the most of our resources (maybe not our potential in regards to oil but. . . ) over the years that has afforded us to continue to be the biggest trader in the world.  Not only that, we continue to be the leader in technologies from all different genre's of business.  Militarily we outfit and develop our soldier better than anyone else in the world! That has afforded us the ability to protect our resources as well as our allies interests!!

America wasnt handed the "be #1 baton". . . .we earned it fair and square!!  America has its faults, its leaders and citizens arent perfect or better than anyone else.  Same goes for other people/nations on this planet too!!! We are all human therefore prone to err!! I know I dont go around saying "I am the best fucker here cause I am American Hahahahahaha". . . . thats quite abnoxious! 

I recognize that America doesnt have the "history" as some other nations, and I also know other nations that have "history" look at us like were crazy.  Were not! We are good people that are misunderstood due to some in Washington.  Washington doesnt represent the United States populace as a whole. . . .Some of you bunch our asshole politicans as "every American", and thats pretty fucking ignorant considering we are the most diverse nation in the world!!

Spend some time here, and experience the warmth and compassion that make this country great!!!

fadedsteve wrote:

If it wasnt for WWII I dont think the US would be as powerful as it is today. . . . . .

History aside. . .

America earned the right to be called number one.  We work harder than any other nation in the world (i.e. average hours a week an American works compared to other nations), and that has paid off for us.  We have made the most of our resources (maybe not our potential in regards to oil but. . . ) over the years that has afforded us to continue to be the biggest trader in the world.  Not only that, we continue to be the leader in technologies from all different genre's of business.  Militarily we outfit and develop our soldier better than anyone else in the world! That has afforded us the ability to protect our resources as well as our allies interests!!

America wasnt handed the "be #1 baton". . . .we earned it fair and square!!  America has its faults, its leaders and citizens arent perfect or better than anyone else.  Same goes for other people/nations on this planet too!!! We are all human therefore prone to err!! I know I dont go around saying "I am the best fucker here cause I am American Hahahahahaha". . . . thats quite abnoxious! 

I recognize that America doesnt have the "history" as some other nations, and I also know other nations that have "history" look at us like were crazy.  Were not! We are good people that are misunderstood due to some in Washington.  Washington doesnt represent the United States populace as a whole. . . .Some of you bunch our asshole politicans as "every American", and thats pretty fucking ignorant considering we are the most diverse nation in the world!!

Spend some time here, and experience the warmth and compassion that make this country great!!!
Whaddaya know. A relatively decent and honest post from fadedsteve.
+127|6423|Jesus Land aka Canada

sergeriver wrote:

Get over yourself.  Nobody is obsessed with the US, except the US.

Wtf have the female politicians to do in here?  Angela Merkel anyone.  Europe is way ahead in that matter.  Happy birthday, but remember Europe has thousands of years of history.
ya a part of me have to agree on sergeriver  "Get over youself, nobody is obsessed with US. that kind of attitude just does not go well with the internation community.
on the other part of me says "well being in a era where the entire global is dependent on each other for work, trade, and resources. ya its given that everyone is obsessed with "capitalist america" and how well she is doing financial and what country will she @#$% up next.

Last edited by agent146 (2007-07-10 04:18:24)


logitech487 wrote:

Its nice to hear from a country that gave the world the basic meaning of democracy
The Greeks?

Or are you talking in New World terms; the Iroqois Confederation?

I'm not saying America isn't a democracy, nor am I flaming the US or it's citizens in general. I'm just saying that what bothers "Europeans" about "Americans" is exactly this kind of attitude; that America (meaning the US and forgetting that there is also Canada, Middle-America and South-America) is "da greatest" and that the world and mankind owe all good things to "America".

When I was in Normandy two years ago, I saw a WOII museum in every village with more than three houses. Every French or Normandic flag was accompanied by an American one; it's history, it's tourism. What struck me most was when we crossed the countryside and drove past a local farm on a remote location: it had a huge tidy American flag cast over the fence as the French farmer was just driving it's tractor as he would any other day. A lot of people, young people my age, regard the WOII as "something that happend over 60 years ago". In Normandy they don't, I don't. I still dislike going to Germany on whatever occasion (holliday or bussiness) and I'm still moved if I hear about or see an (American) veteran. I feel gratefull and I respect them, what I don't respect is US "Citizens" (with a capital letter to point at the way it is used) making their children sing anthems and walking "proud to be American" with a prevailing atmosphere of 19th/20th century nationalism.
+3,135|6774|The Hague, Netherlands

Lai wrote:

logitech487 wrote:

Its nice to hear from a country that gave the world the basic meaning of democracy
The Greeks?

Or are you talking in New World terms; the Iroqois Confederation?

I'm not saying America isn't a democracy, nor am I flaming the US or it's citizens in general. I'm just saying that what bothers "Europeans" about "Americans" is exactly this kind of attitude; that America (meaning the US and forgetting that there is also Canada, Middle-America and South-America) is "da greatest" and that the world and mankind owe all good things to "America".

When I was in Normandy two years ago, I saw a WOII museum in every village with more than three houses. Every French or Normandic flag was accompanied by an American one; it's history, it's tourism. What struck me most was when we crossed the countryside and drove past a local farm on a remote location: it had a huge tidy American flag cast over the fence as the French farmer was just driving it's tractor as he would any other day. A lot of people, young people my age, regard the WOII as "something that happend over 60 years ago". In Normandy they don't, I don't. I still dislike going to Germany on whatever occasion (holliday or bussiness) and I'm still moved if I hear about or see an (American) veteran. I feel gratefull and I respect them, what I don't respect is US "Citizens" (with a capital letter to point at the way it is used) making their children sing anthems and walking "proud to be American" with a prevailing atmosphere of 19th/20th century nationalism.
great post, but the thing you all SHOULD remember is that the Germany of today is by no means the Nazi Germany of over 60 years ago, all the time I hear that stuff here in Holland, when I dunno some typical German songs come by and all they can say is that it remembers them about the Second World War, and thats so big bullshit, further more many forget that the German Wehrmacht Soldiers were also normal soldiers. true retards were the true nazies and the SS scum the nazies brang with them, not the normal Men/Women and the Germany of today, so going there on Holiday and feeling unhappy is outdated m8.

^*AlphA*^ wrote:

German Wehrmacht Soldiers were also normal soldiers. true retards were the true nazies and the SS scum the nazies brang with them, not the normal Men/Women and the Germany of today, so going there on Holiday and feeling unhappy is outdated m8.
It was not just the SS that was wrong, let us not forget that Hitler originally was democratically ellected. The average German or even average German soldier probably did not know about the Holocaust indeed, but they did know of the Nazi ideals and policy (which should have rung an alarm bell) and they did support a regime that (for the second time) without a declaration of war invaded it's neighbours, even if they wished to remain neutral, for the sake of finding "lebensraum".

Considering my attitude to present day Germany; I know it may seem outdated, and I don't suggest anti-german politics or anything.  I delibaretly chose the word "dislike" to indicate it's more of a personal feeling. People alive in '45 are still alive today and so are their children (how did their parents raise them) and it just makes me feel uncomfortable. Why would I go there if it feels uncomfortable? I don't have any harsh feeling towards any German individual, it's just being in the country as a whole. I had an (older) Austrian teacher on high school whom I could get along with finely and she used to invite the whole class for tea and cake.
+3,135|6774|The Hague, Netherlands

Lai wrote:

^*AlphA*^ wrote:

German Wehrmacht Soldiers were also normal soldiers. true retards were the true nazies and the SS scum the nazies brang with them, not the normal Men/Women and the Germany of today, so going there on Holiday and feeling unhappy is outdated m8.
It was not just the SS that was wrong, let us not forget that Hitler originally was democratically ellected. The average German or even average German soldier probably did not know about the Holocaust indeed, but they did know of the Nazi ideals and policy (which should have rung an alarm bell) and they did support a regime that (for the second time) without a declaration of war invaded it's neighbours, even if they wished to remain neutral, for the sake of finding "lebensraum".

Considering my attitude to present day Germany; I know it may seem outdated, and I don't suggest anti-german politics or anything.  I delibaretly chose the word "dislike" to indicate it's more of a personal feeling. People alive in '45 are still alive today and so are their children (how did their parents raise them) and it just makes me feel uncomfortable. Why would I go there if it feels uncomfortable? I don't have any harsh feeling towards any German individual, it's just being in the country as a whole. I had an (older) Austrian teacher on high school whom I could get along with finely and she used to invite the whole class for tea and cake.
well remember, Germany was fully stripped of like everything after WW1, sure they wanted to prevent WW2 (the alies of WW1) stripping a country, of everything, military/ Economy of the country was very low, country devastated, sure it was bad thing, but an ideal place for a man like Hitler to get into office.... if your country is on the edge of total collapse and some man comes and says that those days are over and they will be on top again, sure he will get votes.
+60|6694|South West England

fadedsteve wrote:

blah blah blah blah blah. . . . .

Everybody is on our jock cause we are number one! They want to emulate what America has. . . . America has the mojo now, and Europe is stuck cause they arent the "big nuts on the block" like they used to be!!!

USA has its faults just like any other country, but we are scrutinized more due to the fact that we can project our will on anyone, anytime, anywhere (economically, militarily etc.)!! That scares people, yet they dont realize that America is Europe's friend! We are a humble country for the most part, its the scattered few people that give the USA a bad name globally. . . . .

The bottom line is Europe is jealous cause we took their title as number one. . . .nothing personal guys, its just your soft now due to over political correctness, and your inability to make decisive decisions in regards to politics, economics and military force "when needed". . . .America doesnt have that problem!
I wonder where this line of thought took us.... ooo yeah! IRAQ lol

Also concearning "political correctness" correct me if I'm wrong, the US isnt any better, after all, your goverment has, and sadley probibly always will be rule by religous zealots (extreme right wing) or religion (just the way it is) in general which will never help any

XanKrieger wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

blah blah blah blah blah. . . . .

Everybody is on our jock cause we are number one! They want to emulate what America has. . . . America has the mojo now, and Europe is stuck cause they arent the "big nuts on the block" like they used to be!!!

USA has its faults just like any other country, but we are scrutinized more due to the fact that we can project our will on anyone, anytime, anywhere (economically, militarily etc.)!! That scares people, yet they dont realize that America is Europe's friend! We are a humble country for the most part, its the scattered few people that give the USA a bad name globally. . . . .

The bottom line is Europe is jealous cause we took their title as number one. . . .nothing personal guys, its just your soft now due to over political correctness, and your inability to make decisive decisions in regards to politics, economics and military force "when needed". . . .America doesnt have that problem!
I wonder where this line of thought took us.... ooo yeah! IRAQ lol

Also concearning "political correctness" correct me if I'm wrong, the US isnt any better, after all, your goverment has, and sadley probibly always will be rule by religous zealots (extreme right wing) or religion (just the way it is) in general which will never help any
HUH????? Oh yeah...all our leaders have been religious zealots...lol...What history channel do you watch?
+60|6694|South West England

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

XanKrieger wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

blah blah blah blah blah. . . . .

Everybody is on our jock cause we are number one! They want to emulate what America has. . . . America has the mojo now, and Europe is stuck cause they arent the "big nuts on the block" like they used to be!!!

USA has its faults just like any other country, but we are scrutinized more due to the fact that we can project our will on anyone, anytime, anywhere (economically, militarily etc.)!! That scares people, yet they dont realize that America is Europe's friend! We are a humble country for the most part, its the scattered few people that give the USA a bad name globally. . . . .

The bottom line is Europe is jealous cause we took their title as number one. . . .nothing personal guys, its just your soft now due to over political correctness, and your inability to make decisive decisions in regards to politics, economics and military force "when needed". . . .America doesnt have that problem!
I wonder where this line of thought took us.... ooo yeah! IRAQ lol

Also concearning "political correctness" correct me if I'm wrong, the US isnt any better, after all, your goverment has, and sadley probibly always will be rule by religous zealots (extreme right wing) or religion (just the way it is) in general which will never help any
HUH????? Oh yeah...all our leaders have been religious zealots...lol...What history channel do you watch?
Read, I said Zealots or Religous, ever seen an atheist president?

m3thod wrote:

Cos your bullshit effects the rest of the world.

Example? Iraq war, terrorism up by 7X...gee thanks a bunch.
[pt] KEIOS
srs bsns

Bertster7 wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Since the economy of the world is currently tied to America
Pretty much sums it up. Also interventionist US foreign policy pisses lots of people off, not just in Europe.
Little BaBy JESUS
ppl here are saying that europe did terible things in the past... true. but the USA being founded by the british and then revolted.. shouldnt they learn from their mistakes?

also. WWII was the making of todays US. everyone is grateful for US intervenion (although it would have happened eventually) US was not the only country to fight Hitler... there is no reason for them to be the World Police. and the UN is no help because it is basically controlled by the US and would definatly never take any actions against them...

if americans think that europe is pised at them, i can tell u living in Australia it is clear that no one likes the americans or their attitude. it is their global totalitarian control thats means few are prepared to stand against them.
Sigh, it bothers me to read this crap about how we're the greatest, and its our business to get into other countries business.  While we are one of the world's powerhouses both economically and militarily, does that give us the right to impede on nations that supposedly need our help?  I for one feel that we need to bring ALL our troops around the world home and once again become an isolationist nation. 

On the other foot though, becoming an isolationist nation means that we completely stop all forms of immigration.

Last edited by DK_GunSlinger (2007-07-23 10:31:49)

Well.. american economy isn´t that good right now is it?
Just compare the dollar with the euro.
+1|6180|Moscow, Russia

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Tell me now. I want to know why European governments and certain people in Europe are so goddamned concerned about The United States of America? A nation that lies several thousands of miles away from European  territory. Enlighten me. The plethora of “ The United States of America sucks“  threads at the moment is mind-boggling - I haven't seen anything about The United States of America on the TV for a while so I can only imagine that European TV is bombarding its citizens with propaganda to legitimize more Anti-American action. Let's remember that The United States of America is a democracy in North America which whilst being an Multi Cultural Society  is remarkably progressive, with female politicians, doctors, lawyers, a highly educated middle class and the freedom to practice any religions and none are enshrined in their legal systems. Before you post please scan your response for any inherent double standards please. Notable things to keep in mind: Any country that can match  The United States of America’s contributions to the world.
The keywords are 'I want to...'

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