+69|6855|th3 unkn0wn

slidero wrote:

{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:

Incontrovertible wrote:

But why are you and FoodNipple here reading this particular post then? Tsk tsk, the irony of it all.
please shut up and stop posting.
Don't like it? Then piss off! But I know why you're here. It's cos you support that guy who plays on teeny-weeny 16 slot servers a.k.a. Raxor who got his stats wiped clean by EA. Take a hike mate cos nobody forced you to read this particular post.


IYou must be aggressive AND a team player.
Fuel for the fire...
Mod Incarnate
Hmm I'm all for getting the most skilled person into the vehicle for the good of the team, but mr. butler sounds like kind of a douchebag. Then again im just going by that screenshot comfort posted and the screenshot of vengeance blasting a couple of teammates out of a chopper so they could use it.

BSF may be quite good, but they lost their scruples on the way.
OK, i dont wanna get involved in the fight between u and vengeance... but here's my thoughts.


{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:

By the way learn how to spell your goddamn name properly. Vengeance - you missed the "a" and I don't think it wos deliberate this time but cos you're DUMB!
Next time, when you criticize someone for spelling, make sure you spell every word correctly. it's WAS, not WOS, god where the hell did u get that word from?

The 2nd thing is I play a lot of Karkand and I've been C4ing a lot lately. If my team mates want to hang around my C4 and 5 enemies come round the corner I'm gonna bloody detonate the damn thing.
Let's get one thing straight. FACT - Anybody who plays with C4 on a 64 player Karkand server is bound to get accidental team kills. Even [anti]NorthBear states the OBVIOUS to you but you're just too dumb to understand. Anybody who plays with C4 on 64 Karkand knows this a true fact.
see above posts? both are from you. how funny that ur statement doesnt even defend yourself. 5 mins ago u were saying you detonate the C4's for kills even if teammates are around them. then 5 mins later, you were saying all ur tks were accidental.

And last but not least your name. I wosn't talking about a player by the name of Vengeance. I wos talking about the fact that YOU HAVE MISSED THE "A" in YOUR OWN GODDAMN NAME, VeNg3?nCe. Nice attempt at trying to divert the attention of readers to another player who has nothing to do with this thread or the simple fact that you can't spell. Twat!
you kept saying vengeance couldnt understand what u meant, maybe you should take a look at yourself, because apparently you are the one who has comprehension issues. Vengeance was refering that the account name "Vengeance" had been taken before he registered "VeNg3nCe^". btw my dog is beside me now, even he is nodding. I'm not sure if you have got the point.

again, it's WASN'T, not WOSN'T.


{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:

Don't like it? Then piss off! But I know why you're here. It's cos you support that guy who plays on teeny-weeny 16 slot servers a.k.a. Raxor who got his stats wiped clean by EA. Take a hike mate cos nobody forced you to read this particular post.
by this kind of behaviours, you do deserve a vacation off the forum.

In Conclusion:
You are not even worth talking to. I just realized that I wasted priceless 10 mins in my life. but well, after all its nearly 3 am here. This is gonna be my only reply to you, since obviously you live in smurf village. If you wanna flame me, please go ahead and do so. then me and my friends can have some laughs when we are bored.

Have a good day.

PS. seriously you need to sell your brain as brand new on ebay.
+69|6855|th3 unkn0wn

x0pht wrote:

OK, i dont wanna get involved in the fight between u and vengeance... but here's my thoughts.


{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:

By the way learn how to spell your goddamn name properly. Vengeance - you missed the "a" and I don't think it wos deliberate this time but cos you're DUMB!
Next time, when you criticize someone for spelling, make sure you spell every word correctly. it's WAS, not WOS, god where the hell did u get that word from?

The 2nd thing is I play a lot of Karkand and I've been C4ing a lot lately. If my team mates want to hang around my C4 and 5 enemies come round the corner I'm gonna bloody detonate the damn thing.
Let's get one thing straight. FACT - Anybody who plays with C4 on a 64 player Karkand server is bound to get accidental team kills. Even [anti]NorthBear states the OBVIOUS to you but you're just too dumb to understand. Anybody who plays with C4 on 64 Karkand knows this a true fact.
see above posts? both are from you. how funny that ur statement doesnt even defend yourself. 5 mins ago u were saying you detonate the C4's for kills even if teammates are around them. then 5 mins later, you were saying all ur tks were accidental.

And last but not least your name. I wosn't talking about a player by the name of Vengeance. I wos talking about the fact that YOU HAVE MISSED THE "A" in YOUR OWN GODDAMN NAME, VeNg3?nCe. Nice attempt at trying to divert the attention of readers to another player who has nothing to do with this thread or the simple fact that you can't spell. Twat!
you kept saying vengeance couldnt understand what u meant, maybe you should take a look at yourself, because apparently you are the one who has comprehension issues. Vengeance was refering that the account name "Vengeance" had been taken before he registered "VeNg3nCe^". btw my dog is beside me now, even he is nodding. I'm not sure if you have got the point.

again, it's WASN'T, not WOSN'T.


{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:

Don't like it? Then piss off! But I know why you're here. It's cos you support that guy who plays on teeny-weeny 16 slot servers a.k.a. Raxor who got his stats wiped clean by EA. Take a hike mate cos nobody forced you to read this particular post.
by this kind of behaviours, you do deserve a vacation off the forum.

In Conclusion:
You are not even worth talking to. I just realized that I wasted priceless 10 mins in my life. but well, after all its nearly 3 am here. This is gonna be my only reply to you, since obviously you live in smurf village. If you wanna flame me, please go ahead and do so. then me and my friends can have some laughs when we are bored.

Have a good day.

PS. seriously you need to sell your brain as brand new on ebay.
You're a BSF member http://www.bsf-squad.co.uk/bsfv4/module … mberid=284

So why are you showing your ugly mug here, eh?

Looks like you're a Canadian so tell me wot do you know about English culture or how Londoners speak? If I use wot or wos that's cos I speak that way and am well aware of the proper spelling of those words. Are you going to flame Americans for spelling "harbor" instead of using the international English version which is "harbour"?

The way "vengeance" is spelt or even prounounced is the SAME in any English speaking country if you're too IGNORANT to realise that dialects exist. Did you even notice that your post is littered with grammatical errors??? Flame at me fool whilst forgetting to look at yourself. You're really making yourself look smart.

As for my post about C4 usage did you even bother to read the first one where I said that if there's bunch of enemies coming round the corner do you think I'm going to just sit there and let them kill me even if an idiotic team mate is there? If he gets caught in the blast it's his fault for not being able to deal with MULTIPLE enemies and standing in the way when he is ill-equipped to deal with them.

If anybody here is faced with 6 enemies and 1 retarded team mate standing in between them and the C4 I'm bloody sure that they'd detonate the C4 even if it's at the cost of that retarded team mate's life. You talk crap by implying that I deliberately kill them when there isn't a single enemy around. My suggestion is that you go and blow VeNg3nCe^ cos you appear to imply that him teamkilling someone when there is NOT A SINGLE ENEMY in sight is perfectly justifiable.

You've made a fool of yourself with this post of yours. WTF are you on about when you say that VeNg3nCe^ got beaten to that name when he missed the "a" in VeNg3nCe^??? I'm sorry but you're the moron here cos there is no relevance there. He's changing topic and you're supporting him so you're making yourself look like a dick - which is wot you are. Comprehension??? You don't even know wot the meaning of the word is!

Oh and yes, I'm a smurf. That really does make sense when I've owned OVER HALF your wank clan on the ground. You're all jet and chopper whores who can't handle a gun which is why all of you group up on the same team in public servers. Safety in numbers certainly rings true for your clan, lol. Individually your clan sucks, especially on the ground. Even the stats for most of your clan members indicate that.

Nerf the power of the jets and you're all as good as fish out of water. As for your comment about your dog, well I've got one thing to say about him and you. Both of you need to be put to sleep cos you're both a waste of space. Nuff said.

PS: Laugh away REAL smurfs a.k.a the BSF clan. If ANYBODY posts something supporting the BSF clan then they're either a BSF member or another jet/chopper noob sucking up to them in order to join them so I won't bother replying cos it's simply a waste of my time to reply to someone BIASED.
+44|6873|West Berlin!

comfort wrote:


IYou must be aggressive AND a team player.
Fuel for the fire...
http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ … titude.jpg
LoL what kind of arrogant asshole are you Butler? Do you really think you´re the only pearson with the right to fly the damn plane?

+4|6812|3 Miles East of Smurf Village

n00b.Worx wrote:

Did that come from the inside Worx? Like deep within the heart. I could see the firey passion blazing like an olympic brazier. So angry!
+44|6873|West Berlin!
Bla Bla Bla
Just hope to see you in the fucking Battlefield Nexar, I wanna KICK YOUR ASS.


But hey, not in the air with your gay Chopper,ok? Soldier against soldier, like in the old good Counterstrike.

Last edited by n00b.Worx (2006-01-31 07:21:12)

+4|6812|3 Miles East of Smurf Village

n00b.Worx wrote:


Please mister, lets meh keep my pants on!

Last edited by [BSF]Nexar (2006-01-31 07:27:15)


x0pht wrote:

... btw my dog is beside me now, even he is nodding. I'm not sure if you have got the point...
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6820|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Id blame it all on the idiot who started all of this off in the first place. Smurf

. cant do them smileys sorry or I'd put a laffing one in. Thats slang for laughing btw, before anyone picks up on my granma.
I am the pwnage! Bitches!
It's not cheating if you use all glitches etc. It's part of the game and all can use it. You can shoot trough walls (all crouch spam behind some walls so it looks like shooting trough it) and so on. I don't belive that they are cheating, they just use all advantages in the game (and damn there's much glitches in Karkand) but so what? We all can do it so it's not a problem.
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
OK, i dont wanna get involved in the fight between u and vengeance... but here's my thoughts.
Don't worry x0pht i'm done with this guy, I will allow him to hurl insults among his mindless babble but don't expect any replies from me.
+89|6861|Sheffield, England
cant wait to play butler and his mates in a chopper, me and a mate can own anyone, so watch out bsf, new guys on  the block
lmao. i promised myself that the previous post would be my last reply to you, but one thing that i have to admit is you do have the power to crack ppl up. now I'm at school with some of my friends during the break. we all had some good laughs, thanks. but they really want me to reply to the most igorant person they have seen. so im sorry, here we go.

{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:

You're a BSF member http://www.bsf-squad.co.uk/bsfv4/module … mberid=284
So why are you showing your ugly mug here, eh?
Yes I'm one of BSF members, a part of this great squad. I'm proud of it. why did u talk like I was trying to hide my "identity"? if you actually read my other posts in this thread, you would see me use the word "us" when i was refering to BSF.

Looks like you're a Canadian so tell me wot do you know about English culture or how Londoners speak? If I use wot or wos that's cos I speak that way and am well aware of the proper spelling of those words. Are you going to flame Americans for spelling "harbor" instead of using the international English version which is "harbour"?
I dont know how u londoners speak, i dont wanna know. maybe I'll learn some british slangs when i visit my fellow squad members in europe, but at least not now. American spelling is officially in most dictionaries, even in oxford or longman, but the way how you spell is definitely not.

The way "vengeance" is spelt or even prounounced is the SAME in any English speaking country if you're too IGNORANT to realise that dialects exist.
dude, use your brain when you post. what the hell are you talking about? we were talking about the name "vengeance" had been taken, so BSF VeNg3nCe^ couldnt register that name. what u smoking buddy? can i have some?

Did you even notice that your post is littered with grammatical errors??? Flame at me fool whilst forgetting to look at yourself. You're really making yourself look smart.
first, yes i do live in canada, but who says my first language has to be english? yes there may be grammatical errors in my posts, that's why i dont flame others like you do. you started all of this crap, i just returned the favour.

As for my post about C4 usage did you even bother to read the first one where I said that if there's bunch of enemies coming round the corner do you think I'm going to just sit there and let them kill me even if an idiotic team mate is there? If he gets caught in the blast it's his fault for not being able to deal with MULTIPLE enemies and standing in the way when he is ill-equipped to deal with them. If anybody here is faced with 6 enemies and 1 retarded team mate standing in between them and the C4 I'm bloody sure that they'd detonate the C4 even if it's at the cost of that retarded team mate's life.
again, so that was not accidental tks then?

You talk crap by implying that I deliberately kill them when there isn't a single enemy around. My suggestion is that you go and blow VeNg3nCe^ cos you appear to imply that him teamkilling someone when there is NOT A SINGLE ENEMY in sight is perfectly justifiable.
again and again, use your brain. I was implying that you tked your teammates just for yourself earning points. how does it have anything to do with me and veng?

You've made a fool of yourself with this post of yours. WTF are you on about when you say that VeNg3nCe^ got beaten to that name when he missed the "a" in VeNg3nCe^???
it seems that you still dont understand such a simple thing. I'm tired of explaining to you.

I'm sorry but you're the moron here cos there is no relevance there. He's changing topic and you're supporting him so you're making yourself look like a dick - which is wot you are. Comprehension??? You don't even know wot the meaning of the word is!
no relevance? lmao, you are truly amazing. Everyone here knows that you cant register a name that has been taken. now you are flaming me for comprehension. nice one.

Oh and yes, I'm a smurf. That really does make sense when I've owned OVER HALF your wank clan on the ground. You're all jet and chopper whores who can't handle a gun which is why all of you group up on the same team in public servers. Safety in numbers certainly rings true for your clan, lol. Individually your clan sucks, especially on the ground. Even the stats for most of your clan members indicate that. Nerf the power of the jets and you're all as good as fish out of water.
typical comments from the smurfs who think they own the world.

As for your comment about your dog, well I've got one thing to say about him and you. Both of you need to be put to sleep cos you're both a waste of space. Nuff said.
no not really, it took me 2 weeks to train my dog so he can catch a tennis ball. but i doubt you can do that in 2 week training. so apparently, he's better than you.

PS: Laugh away REAL smurfs a.k.a the BSF clan. If ANYBODY posts something supporting the BSF clan then they're either a BSF member or another jet/chopper noob sucking up to them in order to join them so I won't bother replying cos it's simply a waste of my time to reply to someone BIASED.
please dont flame other ppl in this thread. the persons that you hate are us, BSF. not those who support us. dont be so childish and call others name, all this crap has nothing to do with them.
+55|6897|3 Miles west of smurf village

comfort wrote:


IYou must be aggressive AND a team player.
Fuel for the fire...
http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/ … titude.jpg
Christ this is getting worse....look up  [BSF] on the BFHQ and you will find a ton of fake accounts that griefers use to smear me as in your screen shot.  My mistake for not creating that account to cover myself but I feel that even if I did another more creative version would appear.


Christ this is getting worse....look up  [BSF] on the BFHQ and you will find a ton of fake accounts that griefers use to smear me as in your screen shot.  My mistake for not creating that account to cover myself but I feel that even if I did another more creative version would appear.
Granted, there are griefers impersonating you guys.  In fact, according to BFHQ, the one that has impersonated you has a PID of 64094822. 

Now consider...
Both screenshots were taken a day or two after Christmas, but your griefer just registered the name a week ago.

The screenshots I posted were snipped for space considerations, but I'll post the entire pics when I get home tonight.  It will clearly show both shots taken on Mashtuur...a map that your imposter has not even played as of yet.

I hate to break it to ya' chief...those screenies are you.
+69|6855|th3 unkn0wn

comfort wrote:


Christ this is getting worse....look up  [BSF] on the BFHQ and you will find a ton of fake accounts that griefers use to smear me as in your screen shot.  My mistake for not creating that account to cover myself but I feel that even if I did another more creative version would appear.
Granted, there are griefers impersonating you guys.  In fact, according to BFHQ, the one that has impersonated you has a PID of 64094822. 

Now consider...
Both screenshots were taken a day or two after Christmas, but your griefer just registered the name a week ago.

The screenshots I posted were snipped for space considerations, but I'll post the entire pics when I get home tonight.  It will clearly show both shots taken on Mashtuur...a map that your imposter has not even played as of yet.

I hate to break it to ya' chief...those screenies are you.
LOL, I didn't doubt those screenies since I knew it wos Nastie himself cos that's the way he talks. I have my own screenies with him being arrogant PLUS I have a screenshot of the scoreboard taken at the same time. And if it wos a griefer how did that impostor get a 2nd Lt rank, eh?
I crap bigger than you
+0|6859|America!! Fuck Yeah!!!

Nastie, they got you BAD dude.  Please respond, those of us on these forums that want to lick your feet, NEED you to respond!!!!

Last edited by Bubba_Bubberson (2006-02-01 12:07:27)

+55|6897|3 Miles west of smurf village
There is more than one Nastie Butler imposter btw.  Comfort and Del Boy show us the pics then. I want to see these pics.
+19|6987|Toronto, Canada
I have played with nastie before. He seems like a good enough guy. If he hacks to make himself feel better, so what? If I catch him hacking, thats another story.

I have been accused of hacking on many occasions, usually after owning someone in a tank battle (I know how to knock out 75% of a tanks health in one hit, and that gets people accusing me), but I don't.

Nastie: I look forward to playing with you again.

Everyone else: stop whining about people who are better than you.

Oh, and when I see someone take a plane or a helicopter and not know how to fly and crash it a couple of times, I will shoot them out of it as well. I like to win, and I won't let morons lose the map for our team by not knowing how to fly (especially on a map like iron gator where the heli can decide the map pretty much on its own).
I crap bigger than you
+0|6859|America!! Fuck Yeah!!!
^^^^^OMG do we actually need more flame fodder for this thread.
+4|6811|Marshall, IL
I wanna flame too, please let me... i wanna be acused of something

look at my stats and come up with something like i'm whoring the TOW or something....


and a nice hello to everyone else that is bored and laughing at this stupidity.
I crap bigger than you
+0|6859|America!! Fuck Yeah!!!
STFU TOW whore 
+98|6885|netherlands, sweet lake city
nasty  butler  i  saw  you  in some   server  once...   me  and my  friend  where  at mashtuur  in the helo...  you  bsf  guys  all get in to the squad   spawn on us  and  try   to  make us leave  the server..    plz let other  ppl have  fun in the server and  dont screw  them up ....  you  just  trying  to fuck up the  rest   why do you  do that......

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