+0|6853|Orlando,FL / Champaign,IL, USA
Personally, I didn't see where my posts were replied to by your members.This is most likely because I just starting posting on this thread in page 5, and from a decent skimming of the previous pages, nothing close to what I stated was posted previous to me. So no, I don't think it has been answered before, unless I missed it on earlier pages or a different thread.

I don't have too much of a particular problem with him defending himself, but go read the order of the posts on page 5. I make some points, sluggit agrees, and Vengeance replies, entirely ignoring the points I was making. It was more his lack of responding to that then his responding to other stuff that I was referring to.

As far as match results go, I see that 3 of your matches in match history are BF2, against uK-coalition, Soldiers at Work, and Tooting Popular Front. Tooting and Soldiers at Work are both currently undefeated in World Tournament, so I will give you some credit, you have at least made an attempt at moving past pub raiding. But again, these results are just scrimmages, and scrims are typically seen as a place to test new strats and experiment with new ideas and give newer members an opportunity to play in a match setting. In all my clan experience between Halo PC, Counter-Strike:Source, and BF2, I have never seen scrim results taken too seriously as telling of how good a clan is in comparison to other clans. This isn't to say I'm calling you guys noobs, but just repeating the old adage "put up or shut up." It's a start, but scrimming two good European teams does not make you pros. It all boils down to this: I get annoyed when pubbies have to call me out in servers for base raping, bunny hopping, c4 tossing, and all sorts of questionable tactics, but the difference is I don't spend hours on end in the forums arguing it out with them.

When I first posted here on this thread, it was with disgust at another clan trying to think they are "uber-1337" when all they can do is own pubs. But at this point, I see it as a chance to help suggest some fellow highly competitive players take the steps up to the next level. Hope to see you there.
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
You say I "refute mine and sluggit's posts" yet continue by saying "This is most likely because I just starting posting on this thread in page 5, and from a decent skimming of the previous pages, nothing close to what I stated was posted previous to me. So no, I don't think it has been answered before, unless I missed it on earlier pages or a different thread"

ummm, ok......... I don't think I know how to answer that?

About playing in a League, I find it very boring sitting around for an hour and a half, waiting to play a game that usually gets canceled, and having all the regulations and such.  I don't mind finding good players to fight, but all this match crap takes most of the fun out of the game for me.

Last edited by VeNg3nCe^ (2006-01-30 12:39:30)

+0|6853|Orlando,FL / Champaign,IL, USA
I never said you refuted my posts. Read again. "...rather than refute..." I basically said that you didn't answer my post. Then in my next message, I seconded that claim by saying "This is most likely...", again stating that none of the BSF members answered me. Once again, nice way to dodge the original points and focus on something else, all while being unable to comprehend my posts.

Last edited by omgitsfletch (2006-01-30 12:39:39)


omgitsfletch wrote:

I don't have too much of a particular problem with him defending himself, but go read the order of the posts on page 5. I make some points, sluggit agrees, and Vengeance replies, entirely ignoring the points I was making. It was more his lack of responding to that then his responding to other stuff that I was referring to.
if i was him, i wouldnt answer other posts either when someone were flaming me directly. why do you just want vengeance answer ur post? someone who's in charge of it may be able to give u a better answer?

As far as match results go, I see that 3 of your matches in match history are BF2, against uK-coalition, Soldiers at Work, and Tooting Popular Front.
It seems they havent put up other scrim results in the history, you will find more in gallery forums. (that's why i suggested you ask for screenshots)

Tooting and Soldiers at Work are both currently undefeated in World Tournament, so I will give you some credit, you have at least made an attempt at moving past pub raiding. But again, these results are just scrimmages, and scrims are typically seen as a place to test new strats and experiment with new ideas and give newer members an opportunity to play in a match setting. In all my clan experience between Halo PC, Counter-Strike:Source, and BF2, I have never seen scrim results taken too seriously as telling of how good a clan is in comparison to other clans.
None of us has said we take scrims seriously. when we are being questioned, we provide proof, that's simple. if smurfs didnt flame us and call us names, we wouldnt even waste our time on here.

It all boils down to this: I get annoyed when pubbies have to call me out in servers for base raping, bunny hopping, c4 tossing, and all sorts of questionable tactics, but the difference is I don't spend hours on end in the forums arguing it out with them.
i agree with you on this one, but u think we want to? when our reputation is ruined unfairly, we stand up and defend it. It's about the whole squad, not individuals.

Just my 2 cents.
+0|6853|Orlando,FL / Champaign,IL, USA
No, I wasn't singling out Vengeance, he was just the first BSF member to post following my first post, and coincidentally he overlooked my points, which is why I called him out. I wasn't looking for a reply from him any more than any other squad member.

I'll give you a bit of benefit of the doubt on the whole defending your name thing, I haven't followed this whole debacle from the very beginning, just saying that as a whole it's typically better to ignore the trolls, and if you get more recognized the trolling only becomes worse, so at some point you just have to learn to ignore it or fight forum battles for all eternity (possibly more than BF2 battles, and that would be a shame ) So perhaps, I'll look into your other scrim results and recognize you as a better team than I thought you were 2 hours ago, and you guys realize that it's still a long way to the top. Deal?
Death StatPadder
+228|6915|Human Meat Shield
This shit's still going? Let them play how they want; Again was ... er playing with them and the Moders Clan and there was no problem with either one. they play as a team. I just dont' like the confidence of "we own so much its annoying" but that's just confidence in your squad.

omgitsfletch wrote:

just saying that as a whole it's typically better to ignore the trolls, and if you get more recognized the trolling only becomes worse, so at some point you just have to learn to ignore it or fight forum battles for all eternity (possibly more than BF2 battles, and that would be a shame )
again, i agree with you. actually we do ignore most of the flames on forums or in game. but we've got critisized more than other clans/squads simply due to the fact that usually the smurfs on the other team got purple heart every round.

So perhaps, I'll look into your other scrim results and recognize you as a better team than I thought you were 2 hours ago, and you guys realize that it's still a long way to the top. Deal?
personally i dont want u to recognize us as a good team from the screenshots, I provided you with them just merely because you were asking how we did against other organized clans. I would like others recognize us as a good team from scrims/matches. if you doubt our skills, you may bring your best players and challenge us (apparently we are not gonna meet each other in any leagues in a short period of time). that's how we do things. … =challenge

Last edited by x0pht (2006-01-30 13:09:07)

Nastie butler your one nof those guys that i will try to run beside you untill you get into a chopper or bomber to rack up points, lmao.
+0|6810|Malmoe, Sweden

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

[anti]NorthBear wrote:

YES, and bye the way I have 0,4 tks per game too, good work TEAMKILLER
You flame me for tking yet you just claimed that you are one?

"I never said that. Ifyou play on moders wake when I'm on with Nexar, chances are you will see about 4 guys from the enemy team switch just to tk us.  I told FromTheAshes that it was a mistake, I misread his name and thought he was one of these guys who was tking me constantly, but he goes on the forum and cries like a baby"

OMG who´s the crybaby flyboy???
Crying? I have never got on here "omg screw u tking noobs I hate u FromTheAshes!!!!" (and thats put mildly)
Someone asked why I never responded, I told him, then you come here and state that I am crying?  FYI I think its funny that our level of ownage is that annoying to some noobs who can't play the game properly so they must come and tk us.

And please, post with a little logic next time, you make yourself look like a  fool making immature flame posts.
If you can´t see the ironi in what I said to you about "GOOD WORK TEAMKILLER", you must be more stupid then I thought

And yes it happens that I tk when I make my C4 runs on Karkand, but never ever for a chopper, thats just sad VeNg3nCe^

Sorry my reply took so long time, I was fixing something in my real life
+69|6855|th3 unkn0wn

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

[anti]NorthBear wrote:

YES, and bye the way I have 0,4 tks per game too, good work TEAMKILLER
You flame me for tking yet you just claimed that you are one?
Where is there a word in [anti]NorthBear's post indicating that he is "claiming" that he's a teamkiller??? All he's done is just point out that he tks much less than you VeNg3nCe. I'm pretty sure that his are accidental while yours, VeNg3nCe, are INTENTIONAL.

In fact he's being "sarcastic" in his post with regards to the topic about teamkilling. Before talking crap I'd suggest you go look up the word "sarcasm" and maybe then will you understand [anti]NorthBear's post.
+4|6812|3 Miles East of Smurf Village
Not enough Nexar, and way too much Butler... Come on folks.
+86|6921|New Zealand

slidero wrote:

probably one of the best posts here between these crap comments, never could imagine this ends up like that - holy mother of god - nobody of BSF should have replied here that was the whole mistake. Crap.
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
I never said you refuted my posts. Read again. "...rather than refute..." I basically said that you didn't answer my post. Then in my next message, I seconded that claim by saying "This is most likely...", again stating that none of the BSF members answered me. Once again, nice way to dodge the original points and focus on something else, all while being unable to comprehend my posts.
Oh, I guess I misread what you meant them.

Where is there a word in [anti]NorthBear's post indicating that he is "claiming" that he's a teamkiller???
read: "YES, and bye the way I have 0,4 tks per game too, good work TEAMKILLER" He refers to me as 'TEAMKILLER' yet he has the same amount per round as I do, hence he is a 'TEAMKILLER' as well.

All he's done is just point out that he tks much less than you VeNg3nCe. I'm pretty sure that his are accidental while yours, VeNg3nCe, are INTENTIONAL.
Oh really?  Lets compare stats, hmmmm

Me - 0.4158 tks per game

NorthBear - 0.4031

look at yourself fool, you  have more than both of us: 0.4911  oh im sure [anti]NorthBear's are accidental but yours are INTENTIONAL.

Last edited by VeNg3nCe^ (2006-01-30 18:40:54)

Shoot that guy ->


hutchy52 wrote:

MB.nZ wrote:

Edit: If you think about it, every1 just used Paddles for revives, that's why you often died with it for no reason. If you think about somebody, who uses Paddles only for kills, he won't die with it that often, as somebody who use the paddles normally, for teampoints only. And mind it lasts only 2 seconds for a paddle kill, and another 1 to switch to another weapon.
So your trying to say this guy only uses his paddles for kills, yet obviously that is incorrect, he has revived some 4700 people.  Do others not shoot at him while he has shock paddles out because he has asked them politely on VOIP?

Your obviously biased since you are in his clan, so whatever is said you will defend him.  But for me to believe a player as average as him has that many shock paddle kills not likley.
Regarding my shock paddles I began a lil project to increase my shock paddle kills just for fun and I found the perfect map for knife/paddle kills along with the perfect combination.   I get an average of fifteen shock paddle kills and frequently enough to score expert knife if I used my knife instead.

The map -  Night Flight.  On a side note I do very well in night maps.....I love em.

The Tactic - Undisclosed as it is Butler's lil secret for now.

Is it possible for someone who is not BSF that is reading this to post and mention their experiences with me in Night Flight?  Maybe someone from AGE or ESU or another clan that hosts large multimap SF?   

On a side note I think that SF should be more popular than it is as it has all the ingredients that players who only play Kark/Sharqi/Mashturr are looking for.   The expansion is a ground pounder's dream.   Anyone observant enough who questions my ability as a foot soldier should notice that I hold my own in that expansion rather well.
Everytime I've played with you in the expansion, you sit around and drop C4s out of a BH. Nice ground pounding.
+69|6855|th3 unkn0wn

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

I never said you refuted my posts. Read again. "...rather than refute..." I basically said that you didn't answer my post. Then in my next message, I seconded that claim by saying "This is most likely...", again stating that none of the BSF members answered me. Once again, nice way to dodge the original points and focus on something else, all while being unable to comprehend my posts.
Oh, I guess I misread what you meant them.

Where is there a word in [anti]NorthBear's post indicating that he is "claiming" that he's a teamkiller???
read: "YES, and bye the way I have 0,4 tks per game too, good work TEAMKILLER" He refers to me as 'TEAMKILLER' yet he has the same amount per round as I do, hence he is a 'TEAMKILLER' as well.

All he's done is just point out that he tks much less than you VeNg3nCe. I'm pretty sure that his are accidental while yours, VeNg3nCe, are INTENTIONAL.
Oh really?  Lets compare stats, hmmmm

Me - 0.4158 tks per game

NorthBear - 0.4031

look at yourself fool, you  have more than both of us: 0.4911  oh im sure [anti]NorthBear's are accidental but yours are INTENTIONAL.
First things first. Can you please define the word "claim" cos that's wot you said [anti]NorthBear did. If there's anybody claiming that he's a teamkiller then it's YOU. Besides can you even read properly? I did say that [anti]NorthBear wos being SARCASTIC but you're too thick to see it. Anybody can see that.

The 2nd thing is I play a lot of Karkand and I've been C4ing a lot lately. If my team mates want to hang around my C4 and 5 enemies come round the corner I'm gonna bloody detonate the damn thing.

The difference between you and me is YOU INTENTIONALLY DO IT WHEN THERE ARE NO ENEMIES AROUND. As proved in this post

Try getting a screenshot of me tking for ANY vehicle. I'm sure you'll have a very hard time doing that cos I'm not the pond life scumbag that you are who has to teamkill someone who's done nothing to you. The screenshot in that post is at the beginning of the round and you had an M95 SPECIFICALLY to kill whoever took wot you believe is YOUR seat in the chopper.

It's quite obvious that you equipped your M95 for one purpose. You've been caught with lame behaviour so just stfu and accept that you're a lowlife.

By the way learn how to spell your goddamn name properly. Vengeance - you missed the "a" and I don't think it wos deliberate this time but cos you're DUMB!
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
The 2nd thing is I play a lot of Karkand and I've been C4ing a lot lately. If my team mates want to hang around my C4 and 5 enemies come round the corner I'm gonna bloody detonate the damn thing.
Wait, you get on here, look at a mere stat, and say "omg u are a tker!! 4 tks per game" yet you make excuses when I point your stats at you?

By the way learn how to spell your goddamn name properly. Vengeance - you missed the "a" and I don't think it wos deliberate this time but cos you're DUMB!
Running out of personall insults already?  I have not once called you anything abusive, yet you constantly flame me for my behaviors (even though you haven't played a SINGLE game with me) and now my name?  You are the "pond life scumbag" my friend.

Oh, and look here:
player 'Vengeance'

Last edited by VeNg3nCe^ (2006-01-31 19:40:18)

I like grapes.
Your all losers. Simply put. you argue over the internet like your gonna fly to his house and beat his ass. thats all any of you in these forums do is fight and its getting old. ALL OF YOU GROW THE HELL UP.
+4|6812|3 Miles East of Smurf Village
Who cares about teamkilling seriously FFS, you make it sound like hes going to get the electric chair for doing it once. Look at my stats, k? If your going to burn someone for tking, then atleast do it to someone who had a passion for it.

However im retired from tking because of curtain issues i cannot mention. Noticce past tence.

Last edited by [BSF]Nexar (2006-01-30 21:29:48)

+69|6855|th3 unkn0wn

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

The 2nd thing is I play a lot of Karkand and I've been C4ing a lot lately. If my team mates want to hang around my C4 and 5 enemies come round the corner I'm gonna bloody detonate the damn thing.
Wait, you get on here, look at a mere stat, and say "omg u are a tker!! 4 tks per game" yet you make excuses when I point your stats at you?

The difference between you and me is YOU INTENTIONALLY DO IT WHEN THERE ARE NO ENEMIES AROUND. As proved in this post
Proved?  Whats proved?  If you would bother to read anything I wrote, I told FromTheAshes it was a mistake, yet he comes on the forums and crys, "waaah I get tked"  If he (and you now) is acting so immature about it I see no reason to continue to argue about it.

Try getting a screenshot of me tking for ANY vehicle. I'm sure you'll have a very hard time doing that cos I'm not the pond life scumbag that you are who has to teamkill someone who's done nothing to you. The screenshot in that post is at the beginning of the round and you had an M95 SPECIFICALLY to kill whoever took wot you believe is YOUR seat in the chopper.  It's quite obvious that you equipped your M95 for one purpose. You've been caught with lame behaviour so just stfu and accept that you're a lowlife.
Yes I did have the M95 to eject the noobs out of MY chopper.  The last several games I had been plagued with noobs taking the chopper, flying around like an idiot, crashing, then I have to wait what, 90 seconds or something for it to respawn?  Combine that with constant arty, jet attacks, and other noobs tking me at random and I was fed up with it so I was gonna eject the noobs from MY chopper.  Unfortunately, Ashes hopped in the gunner seat instead of the other guy who had been tking me, so I shot him.

I will gladly let others use the chopper if they know how to use it, learning to fly is for sp not Wake Island.

By the way learn how to spell your goddamn name properly. Vengeance - you missed the "a" and I don't think it wos deliberate this time but cos you're DUMB!
Running out of personall insults already?  I have not once called you anything abusive, yet you constantly flame me for my behaviors (even though you haven't played a SINGLE game with me) and now my name?  You are the "pond life scumbag" my friend.

Oh, and look here:
player 'Vengeance'
Let's get one thing straight. FACT - Anybody who plays with C4 on a 64 player Karkand server is bound to get accidental team kills. Even [anti]NorthBear states the OBVIOUS to you but you're just too dumb to understand. Anybody who plays with C4 on 64 Karkand knows this a true fact.

You call us immature YET you imply that YOU ARE "supposedly" THE mature one by teamkilling people who want to fly or aren't particularly good at it? AND WOT RIGHT DO you have on a PUBLIC server to a chopper or any vehicle? WHO GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO DELIBERATELY TEAMKILL PEOPLE????

PLUS I don't think that wos an accident when you teamkilled FromTheAshes. Why? Cos guess who's in the other seat. Oh yes, ANOTHER BSF player - Nexar. If this wos a court case you wouldn't stand a chance.

Another point. If people tk you DOES IT MAKE YOU ANY BETTER THAN THEM IF YOU STOOP TO THEIR LEVEL BY DOING THE SAME THING??? Do two wrongs make a right???

If you get beaten to a vehicle by someone else who may or may not be a noob DOES IT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO TEAMKILL THEM? If I don't get a vehicle I take another alternative means of transport or even walk it!

You talk about me being abusive to you? LOL. YOU should learn some DECENCY in-game first BEFORE you lecture me on being polite. But NO, you're TOO retarded to understand. I mean if you can't see sarcasm when it's right in front of you then wot are the chances you'll understand decency?

I HAVE played you BEFORE so I know your behaviour. Where did I say that I don't have another account, eh Mr.SmartARSE??? Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know EA said that you could only have one account. Or does it apply only to your copy of the game???

And last but not least your name. I wosn't talking about a player by the name of Vengeance. I wos talking about the fact that YOU HAVE MISSED THE "A" in YOUR OWN GODDAMN NAME, VeNg3?nCe. Nice attempt at trying to divert the attention of readers to another player who has nothing to do with this thread or the simple fact that you can't spell. Twat!

Last edited by {HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy (2006-01-30 22:31:27)

+1|6919|Brisbane, Australia

FoodNipple101 wrote:

Your all losers. Simply put. you argue over the internet like your gonna fly to his house and beat his ass. thats all any of you in these forums do is fight and its getting old. ALL OF YOU GROW THE HELL UP.
+69|6855|th3 unkn0wn

VeNg3nCe^ wrote: I was gonna eject the noobs from MY chopper.
Arrogance will get you very far in life and certainly help you make more friends on this forum. In fact you should have named yourself ArR0G@Nc3 - and hey I spelt it right for you mate so there's no need to thank me
+69|6855|th3 unkn0wn

Incontrovertible wrote:

FoodNipple101 wrote:

Your all losers. Simply put. you argue over the internet like your gonna fly to his house and beat his ass. thats all any of you in these forums do is fight and its getting old. ALL OF YOU GROW THE HELL UP.
But why are you and FoodNipple here reading this particular post then? Tsk tsk, the irony of it all.

{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:

Incontrovertible wrote:

FoodNipple101 wrote:

Your all losers. Simply put. you argue over the internet like your gonna fly to his house and beat his ass. thats all any of you in these forums do is fight and its getting old. ALL OF YOU GROW THE HELL UP.
But why are you and FoodNipple here reading this particular post then? Tsk tsk, the irony of it all.
please shut up and stop posting.

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