BeerzGod wrote:
[TUF]Catbox wrote:
We wont fall... we adapt and survive... If the US was gone the world would collapse... fact
Couldn't have been said any better than this. Absolute fact.
Well, the US
could fall, pretty easily. If there was a major distruption in services (read: loss of electricity, water, food transport) for a significant period of time (a month of so) across a sizeable area (a couple of entire states), then it could happen. New Orleans and the aftermath of Katrina are a good example in microcosm. Once basic services are lost, once the people cannot depend on their local emergency services, once they are out of contact and on their own, then everything breaks down. Imagine New York City(all of NYC) if the power went off and stayed off. If there were no telephones. Or water. Or food. Millions of people whose only thought is now just food, water, and survive until tomorrow. Once something like that happens over a wide enough area, the federal goverment becomes pretty useless.
I will also say that if the US melts down, then the rest of the world would take one hell of a beating. Of course, the same would be true if China melted down. Or if the Middle east finally glazes over into a glass parking lot. It is not a matter of arrogance that leads me to say the fall of the US would predicate the fall of the world, just an understanding of the interdependance of most countries on the planet.
But others on here are also correct. We, Americans as well as everyone else around the world, would recover. Painfully, and perhaps slowly, but we would recover. Rebuild. But it would never be the same.
***EDIT: Oh, and about that little "fact" item at the end of your posts... it is NOT a fact, just an opinion. Maybe an educated one, but most likely not. Try to learn what a fact really is. Just by putting 'fact' there does not make it either true or a fact.***
Last edited by imortal (2007-07-07 21:50:14)