99 Problems . . .

http://soldiersmind.com/2007/04/16/a-le … is-earned/

The story below is a true story. It is a story full of inspiration. It is a story of a woman who really understands what it means to “Support The Troops.” It is a story that gives hope, that by the teachings of this woman, Martha Cothren, some young Americans will reach adulthood knowing the true price of freedom…..

Back in September of 2005, on the first day of school, Martha
Cothren, a social studies school teacher at Robinson High School in
Little Rock, did something not to be forgotten. On the first day of
school, with permission of the school superintendent and the
principal, she took all of the desks out of the classroom.

The students came into first period and discovered there were no

They looked around and asked, “Ms. Cothren, where are our desks?”

She replied, “You can’t have a desk until you tell me how you earn

They thought, “Well, maybe it’s our grades.”

“No,” she answered.

“Maybe it’s our behavior.”

She told them, “No, it’s not your behavior.”

And so they came and went in the first period, still no desks in the

Second period, same thing and third period-no desks. By early
afternoon, television news crews had gathered in Ms. Cothren’s class
to find out about this crazy teacher who had taken all the desks out
of the classroom. The last period of the day, Martha Cothren
gathered her class. They were at this time sitting on the floor
around the sides of the room.

She stated to her students, “Throughout the day no one has really
understood how you earn the desks that ordinarily sit in this

She added, “Now I’m going to show you.”

Martha Cothren went over to the door of her classroom and opened it.

27 U.S. veterans, wearing their uniforms, walked into that classroom,
each one carrying a school desk. And they placed those school desks
in rows, and then they stood along the walls. By the time they had
finished placing those desks, those kids for the first time
understood how they earned those desks. FREEDOM!

Martha said, “You don’t have to earn those desks. These guys did it
for you. They put them out there for you, but it’s up to you to sit
here responsibly to learn, to be good students and good citizens,
because they paid a price for you to have that desk to sit in and to
learn and don’t ever forget it.”

SNOPES :  TRUE    http://www.snopes.com/glurge/nodesks.asp
+133|6332|Bloomington Indiana
great story.
ill have to use that in my class sometime

also ill be a service veteran before i get my own classroom...so..this story just makes it much better.

Last edited by Schwarzelungen (2007-07-07 02:23:12)

That's an interesting story...

I hope you're not trying to suggest that children have to die in Iraq so that those kids can sit at their desks though because that my friend would be a crock of shit.
+133|6332|Bloomington Indiana
no. noone needs to die in iraq for our school kids to learn as best as possible....its the role of service men and women throughout history.
Pike, your government loves you ( really, they need people like you )

Schwarzelungen wrote:

no. noone needs to die in iraq for our school kids to learn as best as possible....its the role of service men and women throughout history.
That is a fair point, in Ireland we have a great deal of respect and love for the men and women who died during the securing of our nation's independence. What's important though is not losing sight of what is right and wrong through blind patriotism. One could draw an analogy between the actions of the IRA, who blew up innocent people in pursuit of what they deemed a 'greater cause' and US troops who blow up women and children in Iraq in the cause of 'a greater good'.
99 Problems . . .

Braddock wrote:

That's an interesting story...

I hope you're not trying to suggest that children have to die in Iraq so that those kids can sit at their desks though because that my friend would be a crock of shit.
Wha, WHa, WHAT ?

The point of the story was that these veterans made sacrifices so these kids would have a desk.

On a side note I do believe that coalition troops are also making sacrifices for the children & future leaders of Iraq.

Am I the only on that finds stories like this really cheesy and tiresome? I appreciate what those guys have to go through everyday, but it just seems all these 'moral' stories floating around the internet telling us about why we should be so thankful for our freedom ruin it.

T.Pike wrote:

Braddock wrote:

That's an interesting story...

I hope you're not trying to suggest that children have to die in Iraq so that those kids can sit at their desks though because that my friend would be a crock of shit.
Wha, WHa, WHAT ?

The point of the story was that these veterans made sacrifices so these kids would have a desk.

On a side note I do believe that coalition troops are also making sacrifices for the children & future leaders of Iraq.
Sorry, I didn't realise they were WWII veterans. My mistake.
99 Problems . . .

deleted by OP

Last edited by T.Pike (2007-07-07 03:14:53)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6711|Canberra, AUS

ghettoperson wrote:

Am I the only on that finds stories like this really cheesy and tiresome? I appreciate what those guys have to go through everyday, but it just seems all these 'moral' stories floating around the internet telling us about why we should be so thankful for our freedom ruin it.
You're not the only one.

The cynic in me senses self-promotion.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
99 Problems . . .

Man, I tried to make one little post about kids learning a valuable lesson and now I'm accused of self-promotion?


Last edited by T.Pike (2007-07-07 03:27:21)

Can anyone here honestly claim that American freedom has had any credible threat towards it since WWII?
Rated EC-10

ghettoperson wrote:

Am I the only on that finds stories like this really cheesy and tiresome? I appreciate what those guys have to go through everyday, but it just seems all these 'moral' stories floating around the internet telling us about why we should be so thankful for our freedom ruin it.
No, you're not the only one ghetto.

This is one of the soft-sell variety. It's perfect too. It has a patriotic teacher who's technically bulletproof here because unlike other "patriotic" teachers she didn't get her fame for kicking a chair out from under someone or screaming at them for not standing for the Pledge of Allegiance. Friendly soldiers, bright little children, all so perfectly mom-and-apple-pie fucking Norman Rockwell Americana.

Also, utter and complete bullshit, but highly ironic at the same time.

No soldier gave those children the freedom to have an education, at least not as a result of them performing their job as a soldier except under very specific circumstances, like the National Guard soldiers who stood between black schoolchildren and those who would attack them when integration began, in Ms. Cothren's own town of Little Rock. Soldiers don't give freedom, not any more than government gives freedom. They're supposed to protect that freedom, a point that perhaps Ms. Cothren should be passing along to those children instead of the stern admonishment "Don't ever forget it". But then, who do soldiers protect our freedom from? Why, other soldiers of course. Which brings me to the "highly ironic" part: anyone wonder who took those desks out of the classroom? Wouldn't it just be terribly ironic yet very fitting if it were those same twenty-seven friendly soldiers, a perfect illustration of the principle that the same people who defend freedom can also take it away when it suits their purposes.
99 Problems . . .

Braddock wrote:

Can anyone here honestly claim that American freedom has had any credible threat towards it since WWII?
We don't know what would have happened if South Korea had been over-run by the North.

In many circles it's accepted that this WOULD have caused a domino effect through the area.  How would that have turned out?

China has Nuclear powered submarines with ballistic missles.  North Korea & Iran are in various stages of becoming full blown nuclear powers.

Pakistan and India both have the bomb.  Fundamentalist Muslim extrimists present a credible threat.

You tell me.

Last edited by T.Pike (2007-07-07 04:21:08)

+73|6770|Perth, Western Australia

T.Pike wrote:

Afghanistan and India both have the bomb.  Fundamentalist Muslim extrimists present a credible threat.

You tell me.
I think you mean Pakistan and not Afghanistan.

T.Pike wrote:

Braddock wrote:

Can anyone here honestly claim that American freedom has had any credible threat towards it since WWII?
We don't know what would have happened if South Korea had been over-run by the North.

In many circles it's accepted that this WOULD have caused a domino effect through the area.  How would that have turned out?

China has Nuclear powered submarines with ballistic missles.  North Korea & Iran are in various stages of becoming full blown nuclear powers.

Afghanistan and India both have the bomb.  Fundamentalist Muslim extrimists present a credible threat.

You tell me.
I will tell you.

No you have not had a CREDIBLE threat towards your freedom since WWII.

As an example of misled US scaremongering: Vietnam was a failure and that didn't seem to have any effect on your domestic situation whatsoever.

You took tour eye off the ball by invading Iraq while N. Korea went and got itself nukes so you're in no better a position now even after of the Korean conflict.

When did Afghanistan acquire nukes? What occasion are they saving them for? I'd have thought being attacked by the world's only remaining superpower would be the perfect time to break out the nukes, what else would you be saving them for?

Muslim extremists, in terms of the threat they pose to American domestic freedom can and should be tackled by your internal security forces. Look how Britain handled this weeks events, no soldiers used there. Also, the Iraq war has just created a new haven for terrorists where there previously was none. Claiming to tackle extremism by invading countries while standing shoulder to shoulder with a nation that itself promotes extremism (Saudi Arabia) is hypocritical and laughable.
99 Problems . . .

Ssandstorm wrote:

T.Pike wrote:

Afghanistan and India both have the bomb.  Fundamentalist Muslim extrimists present a credible threat.

You tell me.
I think you mean Pakistan and not Afghanistan.
LOL, sorry I was in a rush trying to get out of work .
99 Problems . . .

Braddock wrote:

T.Pike wrote:

Braddock wrote:

Can anyone here honestly claim that American freedom has had any credible threat towards it since WWII?
We don't know what would have happened if South Korea had been over-run by the North.

In many circles it's accepted that this WOULD have caused a domino effect through the area.  How would that have turned out?

China has Nuclear powered submarines with ballistic missles.  North Korea & Iran are in various stages of becoming full blown nuclear powers.

Afghanistan and India both have the bomb.  Fundamentalist Muslim extrimists present a credible threat.

You tell me.
I will tell you.

No you have not had a CREDIBLE threat towards your freedom since WWII.

As an example of misled US scaremongering: Vietnam was a failure and that didn't seem to have any effect on your domestic situation whatsoever.

You took tour eye off the ball by invading Iraq while N. Korea went and got itself nukes so you're in no better a position now even after of the Korean conflict.

When did Afghanistan acquire nukes? What occasion are they saving them for? I'd have thought being attacked by the world's only remaining superpower would be the perfect time to break out the nukes, what else would you be saving them for?

Muslim extremists, in terms of the threat they pose to American domestic freedom can and should be tackled by your internal security forces. Look how Britain handled this weeks events, no soldiers used there. Also, the Iraq war has just created a new haven for terrorists where there previously was none. Claiming to tackle extremism by invading countries while standing shoulder to shoulder with a nation that itself promotes extremism (Saudi Arabia) is hypocritical and laughable.
Sorry, I was in a rush before because I was at work , yes, I meant Pakistan not Afghanistan.

If a group of terrorists were able to pull off a repeat of 9/11 with "dirty bombs" added to the mix the results would be devistating.

If the entire New York City & Washington DC areas were contaminated with nuclear fall-out do you think my freedom would be infringed?

I didn't mention Viet Nam, I was talking about Korea.  If we had not intervened what country would have been next?  The Phillipenes ?  Then where?  Japan, New Zealand or maybe even Austarlia?  WHo knows. By stopping the Communists in Korea we averted a possible communist takover of southeast Asia and the entire Pacific rim.
+3,611|6657|London, England
Are you serious with thinking that?

You give communism too much credit with your fear of it.
Anarchy in the UK
Your also showing great disrespect to the other nations who were in Korea as part of the UN.

Korea wasnt just an American war (although you would think so since no other nation seems to get a mention in any film made about the conflict).

Anyhow, back to the thread topic....I got a warm feeling all over when I read it which is obviously the intention. God bless teachers.

Last edited by Chaos_nation (2007-07-07 04:55:48)

+119|6393|CA, USA

HunterOfSkulls wrote:

But then, who do soldiers protect our freedom from? Why, other soldiers of course.
so are the terrorists we are fighting in afghanistan, iraq, etc considered 'soldiers'?  i would hesitate to call them actual soldiers because they don't fight for a state entity, don't wear uniforms, are not a very disciplined fighting force, etc.
You orrible caaaaaaan't
Like Kmarion's sig once said "Marines don't make the policy" something like that they sign up with the best intentions.
Rated EC-10

CaptainSpaulding71 wrote:

so are the terrorists we are fighting in afghanistan, iraq, etc considered 'soldiers'?  i would hesitate to call them actual soldiers because they don't fight for a state entity, don't wear uniforms, are not a very disciplined fighting force, etc.
Well, they probably consider themselves soldiers. But regardless of actual official military status, can anybody honestly believe that there's ever been a conflict anywhere in the world where one side said to themselves and their troops "We're in the business of destroying freedom and spreading evil" outside of Saturday morning cartoons? Or for that matter, where one side said to themselves and their troops "Our enemies are human beings, just like you are, with families and hopes and dreams just like all of us, but we're gonna fuckin' kill 'em anyway"? Modern warfare requires that both sides believe themselves to be good and just paragons of humanity that shit sunshine and flowers and that their enemies are base and evil savages that drink blood and eat babies.

Every bit of State-oriented propaganda like this, well you can bet your ass the other side is pumping their people and their soldiers full of the same kind of shit. And naturally, everyone who hears it from their leaders and their media believes it to be true. Everybody wants to at least be perceived as the good guys. Even the fucking Nazis believed they were the good guys, doing God's work by cleansing the world of the evil Jew, as they herded innocents to their deaths, murdered old people and children, in their minds they were right because everyone around them said so. Their collective insanity was constantly validated by the State, the clergy, the media, with not many people brave enough or even able to contradict any of it. Their perceived enemies weren't happiness and freedom, they were subhuman vermin that dwelt amongst them, subverting their culture, corrupting their children, polluting their blood, mocking their traditions. That's the twofold problem with this patriotism shite: people steeped in either don't know when they've become the villains or if they do know it they can hide it from others beneath a mantle of "I defend you from the real villains".

You wanna know what real love of country and the people in it is? It's like the love of a parent for a child. You love that child no matter what. You are there when that child needs you to offer guidance and protection. But when that child does wrong you don't ignore it, you don't pretend it didn't happen or make excuses for it. You don't say "Well it's in the past, it doesn't matter". You do your damnedest to make sure that they make it right, that they own up to their responsibility and deal with the consequences no matter how harsh it might be. That is what we should be encouraging in these schoolkids, not this empty State-worship "You owe these soldiers and don't you ever forget it" bullshit.
+1,153|6666|Washington, DC

All I gotta say is I support our troops as long as they're not going on mad murderous rampages killing everything they see. They are just doing what they're told. They may not like it, but it's either follow orders or get booted out. If people have problems with the war, they shouldn't protest at soldier's funerals. They should protest at Congress.

Furthermore, this country's great. The people are great. The government isn't.

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