Hello all,

First posting, sorry to go into a rant, but I'm really ****** right now. 

Was just on a Men of Honor server playing SF, started kickin' butt w/ C4.  I got 7 C4 kills in about a minute and a half mostly against MOH players.  Then...KICKED.

The kick message said for TKing.  BS, says I.  I tk'd nobody.

I try to log back on and ask why....BANNED.

I see some MOH players on here, maybe someone can explain...

Does MOH kick ppl when they get killed too much?  WTF?

<snip double sig>

Last edited by Ken-Doka (2006-01-30 20:02:46)

get over it, they arnt the only bf2 server (power hungry cry babies will always stay, power hungry cry babies)

Last edited by BeefnCheez (2006-01-30 20:01:44)

HAHA THATS FUCKIN SHIT im sorry for you man they probley dont lyked gettin owned but comon haha if they did that there pussys
Ok, this is getting REAL f'n annoying.

I know the baserape thing has been talked about, but....

I'm playing SPEC-OPS.  It's MY JOB to attack yer non-cap base.  And I get kicked for "base-raping" because I went to the server admin's non-cap base, blew up all his toys and killed him.

Multiple kicks tonight for PLAYING THE GAME WELL....

This game has got to lose all of the life-isn't-fair ppl.  If you're getting killed too much and aren't having fun playing....find a new game.  'Cause I'm gonna keep killin' ya'll, no matter where/when ya spawned.

Oh, BTW, if you spawn kill me, or kill me 50 times in a base-rape........Good Job!

Well I see we are the topic of conversation here.

I found this in the log:

[1/30/2006 9:51:45 PM]    MOH    Server Say: BANNING!!! Ken-Doka suicide jeep

-1    Admin    None    ServerMessage    [21:51:45]    BANNING!!! Ken-Doka suicide jeep

As the log shows you were kicked for suicide plays........not tk's.

Every server has some rules or guidelines. Suicide plays are not allowed on the [MOH] servers.

You may think the best way to win the game is to blow yourself up along with the other team.....we don't.

Whatever your style of play not all servers will support it.

You may or may not agree with some of our rules.........which is your prerogative. You can always play on another server.

In the future if something is on your mind you can register and post it here:

Here are server guidlines:

We are a adult gaming community ages 14 to 55. We like public players on our servers. In the future take some time with us to resolve any issues. The right approach will go a long way.....

The ban was removed and you are welcome to join the server again......


Last edited by Rockwell (2006-02-03 07:36:01)

No offence intended but surely its best to tell someone why they were kicked in the first place rather than just ban them?

Happened to me on CS:S I was accused of having dodgy rates so I asked the clan member to change them to what he wanted as I didnt even know what they were at that time (admins have this ability) but instead he told me I would be banned unless I changed them myself.

Eventually it turned out to be his mistake because he didn't know what the default values were.

Needless to say I won't play there again
Cool member

Rockwell wrote:

We are a adult gaming community ages 14 to 55. We like public players on our servers. In the future take some time with us to resolve any issues. The right approach will go a long way.....

The ban was removed and you are welcome to join the server again......

Aw he's a nice guy.
LOL,I like this rule: trying to kick an [MOH] member is a reason to get kicked/banned

So,a MOH member can do whatever he wants on the server then?
Because this rule states that MOH members are always right,kickvoting them is a crime itself.

So if a MOH member uses lame techniques like flashing his teammates to get into the jet earlier or pisses off other teammembers in some other way there's no way to kick him?
Wow,one must get privileges like the SS when becoming a MOH member...
er, they pay for the server and as Rockwell has proven if you simply ask nicely they will probably sort out any problems.

Having never started a kickvote on anyone (admin or otherwise) I can't see the problem
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6878|Cologne, Germany

Rockwell wrote:

Well I see we are the topic of conversation here.

I found this in the log:

[1/30/2006 9:51:45 PM]    MOH    Server Say: BANNING!!! Ken-Doka suicide jeep

-1    Admin    None    ServerMessage    [21:51:45]    BANNING!!! Ken-Doka suicide jeep

As the log shows you were kicked for suicide plays........not tk's.

Every server has some rules or guidelines. Suicide plays are not allowed on the [MOH] servers.

You may think the best way to win the game is to blow yourself up along with the other team.....we don't.

Whatever your style of play not all servers will support it.

You may or may not agree with some of our rules.........which is your prerogative. You can always play on another server.

In the future if something is on your mind you can register and post it here:

Here are server guidlines:

We are a adult gaming community ages 14 to 55. We like public players on our servers. In the future take some time with us to resolve any issues. The right approach will go a long way.....

The ban was removed and you are welcome to join the server again......


I do hope Ken-Doka reads this. Very nice, Rockwell.

Octavarium wrote:

No offence intended but surely its best to tell someone why they were kicked in the first place rather than just ban them?
None taken...........yes it would make sense. The downside of that is the Admins spend more time telling, explaining, and in many cases arguing with a pub about it.

Hence they don't get to play. We leave it up to the pubs to visit us at for the server guidlines. No doubt many of us have been there as an Admin and can relate.

135,000 players visited the [MOH] Special Forces server last month and we are happy to have them.

If an issue is at hand we deal with it quickly when they make us aware of it in our forums.

One of my guys just happened to see this thread and made me aware of it.

Obviously none of this will ever be perfect......  but working it out is always an option for any public player with the right approach in our forums.

Thanks for the feedback guys.


Last edited by Rockwell (2006-02-03 08:36:59)

Cheers for the reply, I take your point but i do think that asmins can be too heavy handed at times.

That said I have no patience for people who really are cheating, so sometimes its best to kick first ask questions later!!
According to the ROE (Rules of Engagement)

the MOH clan are well within their rights to limit jihad jeeps..

from the ROE..

These are rules that are not enforced upon EA's public servers but may be in use upon privately rented servers. These rules are decided by the administrators for those servers and as long as they do not contradict any global rules enforced by EA are considered valid for those servers.
Examples of valid local rules *could* include:
- No artillery fire or bombing runs on main (uncapturable) bases.
- No prolongued or sustained attacks on main (uncapturable) bases (i.e. spawncamping).
- No using the Transport Helicopters to take flags (Blackhawk whoring or flag hopping).
- No impersonating clan members.
- No using C4 on jeeps or other fast moving vehicles to take out other vehicles.

the vote kick clan member = kick/ban is against the ROE, and would fall under abusive admins..

and should be reported if it continues..

I have also been kicked for c4ing their assets and stealing the helo on Sharqi.  No suicide or base raping just doing what the Spec Ops kit was made for...

Bunch of pussies if you ask me.  War is hell...get used to it.
Ya know, I recall being banned by a clan called Men of Honor in another game...maybe bf42 or Medal of honor, or it could have very well been JKII.  All I remember is that they kept kicking me whenver I'd kill their clan members and then eventually just banned me cause they got sick of losing.  It happnes.  I remember this one in particular since their name is "Men of Honor" which cracked me up they had to be whiney bitches and ban me for playing well against them.  Oh well.  Plenty of other servers.

B.Schuss wrote:


I do hope Ken-Doka reads this. Very nice, Rockwell.
Owned???  Yeah, I blew myself up.  And took 7 of them w/ me.  Puh-leez.

If killing yerself in a C4 blast gets you banned you must have a ton of banned pplz.

Rockwell, thanks for the response, and the ban lift.  If I jump on again I'll keep it in mind. 

However, since we are playing a WAR game, with MEC forces, I don't see how a CAR BOMB is against ANY rules of the game, especially a suicide bombing.  Hell, I'm going to the land of virgins after killing you w/ a suicide bomb.  So, I probably won't be back on that server.   People need to remember that just because someone uses a WAR TACTIC that you don't approve of doesn't mean it's "wrong".  It is war.  As long as yer not hacking/padding/exploiting the fucking game, kill me any way you can.'ll prolly die trying.

Nice response in any case.  Thanks.

IndianScout wrote:

According to the ROE (Rules of Engagement)

the MOH clan are well within their rights to limit jihad jeeps..

from the ROE..

These are rules that are not enforced upon EA's public servers but may be in use upon privately rented servers. These rules are decided by the administrators for those servers and as long as they do not contradict any global rules enforced by EA are considered valid for those servers.
Examples of valid local rules *could* include:
- No artillery fire or bombing runs on main (uncapturable) bases.
- No prolongued or sustained attacks on main (uncapturable) bases (i.e. spawncamping).
- No using the Transport Helicopters to take flags (Blackhawk whoring or flag hopping).
- No impersonating clan members.
- No using C4 on jeeps or other fast moving vehicles to take out other vehicles.

the vote kick clan member = kick/ban is against the ROE, and would fall under abusive admins..

and should be reported if it continues..

Some rant/oppinions...

1) Jihad jeeps:  If I'm playing MEC and use explosives on a vehicle aren't I playing MORE realistically?

2) Arty fire/attacks on non-cap base or Base Raping:  If I'm playing SpecOp part of my job is to take out the opposing forces equipment w/ my C4.  When people spawn in, I should ignore them and let them kill me?  No.  However, just sitting around AIMED at the spawn locations is just lame.  Just recognize the difference between popping in front of someone who happens to be there and having someone sit and watch for you to pop in.

3) Using BH to cap flags:  This should be obvious.  Of course it works well.  It's WHY BLACKHAWKS EXIST.  Now that the squad has to jump out, cap, jump back in, this should not be an issue.

What I'm really upset about is all the whining about how "You're not playing fair".  BS.  Anything that is allowed naturally by the game engine should be acceptable.  You didn't get a chance to kill me, maybe next time you should adapt to my strategies.  Or, come up w/ some strats on yer own, not whine and stomp yer feet.

The first time my APC was destroyed by a C4 driver, sure I was pissed.  Then I thought, "Actually, that was a good idea."  If you want to dumb down the game so that everyone has a chance at killing each other in a "fair fight"... go play Quake4.

-end rant-

BTW...this rant is not about MOH.  I have since played with a few of them and have had good expereinces.  I don't agree with all of their server rules, but I don't have to.
Aspiring Objectivist
read server rules next time & save me the read.
Hey Ken-Doka,

Not here to fight with anyone...

Glad you saw the post.

While I am familiar with Ken-Doka's post some of the other posts did not sound familiar.

Karkand & Sharqi have not been played by [MOH] on our servers since SF came out with the exception of a couple of times.

I read elsewhere that [MOH] is running a 24/7 Karkand? we are not.

Hence I did some research and found there are indeed other Men of Honor clans with servers.

To be fair I won't mention them here. It can aways be researched....

I learned a long time ago, when your in some one else's house make sure to respect the house rules.....

Hope to see you our servers Ken-Doka.

[email protected]

Last edited by Rockwell (2006-02-11 08:47:42)

I have played in their server a few times and have always found them to be a fair bunch so far.

Paying for the server they run and pay for should give them the right to run their server as they see fit. This does not mean they should be above the rules they post but I have never seen one in the couple of times I 've played their abuse the rules.

Just my oppinion.

Last edited by D1TAG (2006-02-10 15:09:44)

MOH....what a shit server and bunch of admins! I was just playing in there (warlord) and we were MEC and no one on our team was able to be commander, while getting arty dropped on our heads. Many of us applied but were never accepted. All of us asked why with no obviously I got pissed and kept asking to talk to an admin then guess what? "you have been booted for spamming". What the fuck! God forbid if someone questions why your team has an unfair advantage, and fuck you and your non swearing server you bunch of church choir faggots. You wont see me in that piece of shit server again. I thought I would just let everyone else know how you faggots are.


Last edited by DrunkenBum (2006-02-28 21:03:55)


DrunkenBum wrote:

MOH....what a shit server and bunch of admins! I was just playing in there (warlord) and we were MEC and no one on our team was able to be commander, while getting arty dropped on our heads. Many of us applied but were never accepted. All of us asked why with no obviously I got pissed and kept asking to talk to an admin then guess what? "you have been booted for spamming". What the fuck! God forbid if someone questions why your team has an unfair advantage, and fuck you and your non swearing server you bunch of church choir faggots. You wont see me in that piece of shit server again. I thought I would just let everyone else know how you faggots are.

damn... a little rough ... so how do you really feel?

Hey DB.......yes, you were kicked for spamming.......and not the first kick as well. In fact if I go back through the logs I know we can find more.

Your post here is also indicative of your behavior on our server.  In fact there has been discussion  with [MOH] members as to why we still let you on our server.

[MOH] plays SAS on Warlord.........if MEC has no commander how is that our fault? Should the admin of the server be telling a team to choose a commander also? Should the SAS commander step down?

Guys like Ken-doka at least know how to rant properly.........he did not agree with some of the rules but at least he was pro enough to step up and say it and meet us half way.

I almost forgot..........

DrunkenBum wrote:

You wont see me in that piece of shit server again.
Thank you.......this means alot to us.

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