The voice of Scotland's Muslims: We will not let this evil divide us. We would die for this country
Muhammad Abdul Bari, Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain,
speaks at a news conference in London July 3, 2007.
"THESE are bad people," said Sabir Ali, his familiar warm smile turned to a frown. "Local law does not allow it, but if we found them we would kill them ourselves."
Unfortunately the reprisal was almost inevitable.
July 5 (Bloomberg) -- U.K. Muslims and South Asians suffered several reprisal attacks after terrorists tried to explode car bombs in London and murder people at Glasgow International Airport, the Muslim Council of Britain said yesterday.
Over the past week, a Muslim man was stabbed in Manchester, northwest England, a Pakistani-run convenience store was attacked in Glasgow and a premises next to an Islamic center in the Scottish city had an explosive device thrown through the window.
The incidents include:
* An Asian-owned newsagents in Riddrie, Glasgow, being ram-raided and then fire-bombed;
* Graffiti daubed in Lanarkshire targetting a Glasgow MP, saying 'Kill all P**is starting with Mohammad Sarwar';
* A petrol bomb thrown through an estate agents window, which is thought to have been intended for the mosque next door, in Bathgate, West Lothian. … NL8Zopcxdo
And for all those who want to see Muslims speak out against terror. … 023003.ece
Make sure you tune in.
Muhammad Abdul Bari, Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain,
speaks at a news conference in London July 3, 2007.
"THESE are bad people," said Sabir Ali, his familiar warm smile turned to a frown. "Local law does not allow it, but if we found them we would kill them ourselves."
Unfortunately the reprisal was almost inevitable.
July 5 (Bloomberg) -- U.K. Muslims and South Asians suffered several reprisal attacks after terrorists tried to explode car bombs in London and murder people at Glasgow International Airport, the Muslim Council of Britain said yesterday.
Over the past week, a Muslim man was stabbed in Manchester, northwest England, a Pakistani-run convenience store was attacked in Glasgow and a premises next to an Islamic center in the Scottish city had an explosive device thrown through the window.
The incidents include:
* An Asian-owned newsagents in Riddrie, Glasgow, being ram-raided and then fire-bombed;
* Graffiti daubed in Lanarkshire targetting a Glasgow MP, saying 'Kill all P**is starting with Mohammad Sarwar';
* A petrol bomb thrown through an estate agents window, which is thought to have been intended for the mosque next door, in Bathgate, West Lothian. … NL8Zopcxdo
And for all those who want to see Muslims speak out against terror. … 023003.ece
Make sure you tune in.
Xbone Stormsurgezz