
Who would you vote for?

Hillary Clinton (President)/Barack Obama (V.P.)27%27% - 18
Fred Thompson (President)/John McCain (V.P.)21%21% - 14
Ralph Nader/somebody else as running mate9%9% - 6
Michael Badnarik/somebody else as running mate1%1% - 1
Michael Bloomberg/somebody else as running mate10%10% - 7
Other30%30% - 20
Total: 66
O Canada
+1,596|6556|North Carolina
It's still a long way to November 2008, but after about 6 months of campaigning, I figure Hillary and Fred Thompson seem like the frontrunners...

Thompson may not officially be running yet, but he seems popular enough to get the Republican nomination if he ran for it.

Ralph Nader represents the Greens.

Michael Badnarik represents the Libertarians.

Michael Bloomberg would be an independent.
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6775|Birmingham, UK
Ralph might just have a chance is Hillary gets chosen over Barack.
There's nobody on there that deserves my vote.  However, I may vote Republican to try and keep Hillary out of the White House.
O Canada
+1,596|6556|North Carolina

TheDarkRaven wrote:

Ralph might just have a chance is Hillary gets chosen over Barack.
Agreed...  and Bloomberg is an interesting wild card.  I voted for Nader.
O Canada
+1,596|6556|North Carolina

TGMaverick wrote:

There's nobody on there that deserves my vote.  However, I may vote Republican to try and keep Hillary out of the White House.
Who would you prefer to vote for?

Last edited by Turquoise (2007-07-04 12:16:50)

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6733|SE London

Nader or Bloomberg.
Thompson and McCain
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6775|Birmingham, UK

Turquoise wrote:

TheDarkRaven wrote:

Ralph might just have a chance is Hillary gets chosen over Barack.
Agreed...  and Bloomberg is an interesting wild card.  I voted for Nader.
Why thank you. Choosing Hillary for the Democrats would be like committing hara-kiri. Barack's a trustworthy candidate. The Republicans are fairly out of it, so it leaves the door open for Ralph to have a crack at it. Bloomberg could have a good run, if he gets his act together soon.
None. Kucinich/RonPaul 08'

At least there will be a first lady worth looking at.
O Canada
+1,596|6556|North Carolina

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

None. Kucinich/RonPaul 08'

At least there will be a first lady worth looking at.
If they weren't polar opposites in economic policy, they'd be a great ticket.

I do like both of them though.

Kucinich is the best of the socialist crowd, while Paul is the best of the Libertarian crowd.  I tend to agree with both of them to a great deal on foreign policy.

TheDarkRaven wrote:

Ralph might just have a chance is Hillary gets chosen over Barack.
Don't be so sure of that. There are a lot of brainless woman in this country who'd vote for Hilary just because "she is t3h w0m4n l0l00l0l0l0lz"
And there are a lot of guys the same way.
O Canada
+1,596|6556|North Carolina

The_Mac wrote:

TheDarkRaven wrote:

Ralph might just have a chance is Hillary gets chosen over Barack.
Don't be so sure of that. There are a lot of brainless woman in this country who'd vote for Hilary just because "she is t3h w0m4n l0l00l0l0l0lz"
And there are a lot of guys the same way.
By the same token, a lot of people would vote against her for the same reason.

There is still a lot of prejudice in high-level elections with regards to race and sex.  You're right though...  It would be equally as stupid to vote for Hillary because she's a woman as it would be to vote against her for that reason.

Turquoise wrote:

TGMaverick wrote:

There's nobody on there that deserves my vote.  However, I may vote Republican to try and keep Hillary out of the White House.
Who would you prefer to vote for?
I haven't paid close enough attention yet.  I'm going to wait at least 6 more months - let some of the weaker candidates drop out.

Warren Buffet / Stormin Norman as VP

TGMaverick wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

TGMaverick wrote:

There's nobody on there that deserves my vote.  However, I may vote Republican to try and keep Hillary out of the White House.
Who would you prefer to vote for?
I haven't paid close enough attention yet.  I'm going to wait at least 6 more months - let some of the weaker candidates drop out.
They are all weak.
If this country had any balls it would be R-Ron Paul(p)/John McCain(vp) vs. D-Barak Obama(p)/John Edwards(vp).

Thats an election I would love to watch.
Good to be back.
O Canada
+1,596|6556|North Carolina

Trel wrote:

If this country had any balls it would be R-Ron Paul(p)/John McCain(vp) vs. D-Barak Obama(p)/John Edwards(vp).

Thats an election I would love to watch.
Agreed...  Paul is my favorite Republican and Edwards is my favorite electable Democrat (favorite Democrat overall is Kucinich).
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
Michael Bloomberg. A Jew from NY? My kind of guy.
He has shaped up NYC pretty nicely so I really do think he would do a good job as president.

Last edited by Superior Mind (2007-07-04 12:47:45)


Superior Mind wrote:

Michael Bloomberg. A Jew from NY? My kind of guy.
And they think we help Israel too much now................
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)

usmarine2005 wrote:

Superior Mind wrote:

Michael Bloomberg. A Jew from NY? My kind of guy.
And they think we help Israel too much now................
I guess that's the main downside. Well I can keep on dreaming anyway. There's no way the majority mid-west is voting a Jew into office.
O Canada
+1,596|6556|North Carolina

usmarine2005 wrote:

Superior Mind wrote:

Michael Bloomberg. A Jew from NY? My kind of guy.
And they think we help Israel too much now................
For what it's worth, Bloomberg is no Lieberman.  He's a left-leaning Libertarian overall in political policy, even though he's independent.  Lieberman is a lot more hawkish than Bloomberg, although Bloomberg did still support the Iraq War.  I'm sure Bloomberg would have been against the Patriot Act if he had been in Congress during the time it was voted on.
Calmer than you are.
Went for Nader
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6733|SE London

Turquoise wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Superior Mind wrote:

Michael Bloomberg. A Jew from NY? My kind of guy.
And they think we help Israel too much now................
For what it's worth, Bloomberg is no Lieberman.  He's a left-leaning Libertarian overall in political policy, even though he's independent.  Lieberman is a lot more hawkish than Bloomberg, although Bloomberg did still support the Iraq War.  I'm sure Bloomberg would have been against the Patriot Act if he had been in Congress during the time it was voted on.
Some of his statements during the Lebanon situation last year suggest otherwise.
O Canada
+1,596|6556|North Carolina

Bertster7 wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

And they think we help Israel too much now................
For what it's worth, Bloomberg is no Lieberman.  He's a left-leaning Libertarian overall in political policy, even though he's independent.  Lieberman is a lot more hawkish than Bloomberg, although Bloomberg did still support the Iraq War.  I'm sure Bloomberg would have been against the Patriot Act if he had been in Congress during the time it was voted on.
Some of his statements during the Lebanon situation last year suggest otherwise.
Would you mind listing some?  I would like to know more about Bloomberg, since I consider him one of the better candidates at the moment.
none of the above will be there.

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