Certified BF2S Asshole
+131|6499|The edge of sanity

CameronPoe wrote:

It's funny how the right wing element 'Liberal-Slayer' are here praising protectionism when as a general rule they are all about 'market liberalisation', 'free trade' and 'globalisation'. Right-wingers FTL. Bottom of the barrel nationalistic populism FTL. Hypocrisyorama.
Im for a free market but i would much prefer to support a non-communist regim. Would you support a regim that slaughters millions of innocent people?
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6625|SE London

Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

It's funny how the right wing element 'Liberal-Slayer' are here praising protectionism when as a general rule they are all about 'market liberalisation', 'free trade' and 'globalisation'. Right-wingers FTL. Bottom of the barrel nationalistic populism FTL. Hypocrisyorama.
Im for a free market but i would much prefer to support a non-communist regim. Would you support a regim that slaughters millions of innocent people?
Either you trade with them or you don't. Flags isn't going to make one bit of difference considering the trillions of dollars of trade the US does with China each year and the billions you pay them each year on interest payments on your loans.
Certified BF2S Asshole
+131|6499|The edge of sanity

Bertster7 wrote:

Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

It's funny how the right wing element 'Liberal-Slayer' are here praising protectionism when as a general rule they are all about 'market liberalisation', 'free trade' and 'globalisation'. Right-wingers FTL. Bottom of the barrel nationalistic populism FTL. Hypocrisyorama.
Im for a free market but i would much prefer to support a non-communist regim. Would you support a regim that slaughters millions of innocent people?
Either you trade with them or you don't. Flags isn't going to make one bit of difference considering the trillions of dollars of trade the US does with China each year and the billions you pay them each year on interest payments on your loans.
Still any amount of boycott to a nation will hamper at least soem money they make
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6625|SE London

Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:

Im for a free market but i would much prefer to support a non-communist regim. Would you support a regim that slaughters millions of innocent people?
Either you trade with them or you don't. Flags isn't going to make one bit of difference considering the trillions of dollars of trade the US does with China each year and the billions you pay them each year on interest payments on your loans.
Still any amount of boycott to a nation will hamper at least soem money they make
Then stop borrowing money off them and paying them loads of interest.
The interest they make off loans to the US is much more than the revenue they get from flag sales.

China won't notice it, or care in the slightest.

It sounds like the sort of thing the EU does on a regular basis.
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6533|Gogledd Cymru

What isnt made in china ?
Too old to be doing this sh*t
+103|6567|Little blue planet, milky way
For cyin' out loud... Is it about the FLAG, or the "made in china" part ?

It's you OWN FUCKING FAULT if you hav products "made in china". The average cosumer is too stupid, too lazy, and to stingy to fork over an extra 3c for a flag that's made in the US, so if noone BUYS the US made product, why should the store owner keep 'em around ? And as production moves away from the US, the chineese gets economy of scale going and eventually force out the more exxpensive US made products.
Simple law of stupid consumers... erh.. I mean supply and demand.

So the next time you go out and buy a T-shirt, a car, a dishwasher ANYTHING at all. dont look at "how nice it is", or even the brand. Look at where it's PRODUCED. If you don't WANT chineese products then FUCKING PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN AND STOP BUYING THE SHIT ! Dont go out and buy 5 nice fluffy towels for $2 and expect that it can be made in the US, Europe or even MEXICO at that price. Not to mention the fact that it has to be transported, and the guy importing it, as well as the guy selling it needs to have a profit... So in essence, you just bought something for less than the material cost. Do you REALLY think that's possible if this stuff WASN'T made in china, ot taiwan, or zimbabwe or whereever theres no labour laws ?

So go out and buy fairtrade products. Anything with the Max Havelar brand on it. I'm sure you can afford to pay about 8-10 times as much for you toilet paper and t-shirts, right ?

Any law that "protects" production is essentially subsidizing, and ANY way you put it, it screws over competition and the free market. This in turn is bad for the market as a whole, and limits the consumers access to the products they want. USE YOUR JUDGMENT, buy stuff that you WANT to support. And dont go graasroots treehugging and shit like that. Those fuckers are even worse ! Just be a consciensious consumer !
+105|6522|Lutenblaag, Molvania

Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

It's funny how the right wing element 'Liberal-Slayer' are here praising protectionism when as a general rule they are all about 'market liberalisation', 'free trade' and 'globalisation'. Right-wingers FTL. Bottom of the barrel nationalistic populism FTL. Hypocrisyorama.
Im for a free market but i would much prefer to support a non-communist regim. Would you support a regim that slaughters millions of innocent people?
What a pathetic excuse, support 'a non-comunist regime'... The US only wants globalization in their favor. Thats why Doha never works out. This has nothing to do with communist regimes, it has to do with your pride getting hurt because even your own flag is made in china. You just can't admit it.
"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered;  the point is to discover them."
Galileo Galilei  (1564-1642)

Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

It's funny how the right wing element 'Liberal-Slayer' are here praising protectionism when as a general rule they are all about 'market liberalisation', 'free trade' and 'globalisation'. Right-wingers FTL. Bottom of the barrel nationalistic populism FTL. Hypocrisyorama.
Im for a free market but i would much prefer to support a non-communist regim. Would you support a regim that slaughters millions of innocent people?
China does what now???
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6625|SE London

CameronPoe wrote:

Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

It's funny how the right wing element 'Liberal-Slayer' are here praising protectionism when as a general rule they are all about 'market liberalisation', 'free trade' and 'globalisation'. Right-wingers FTL. Bottom of the barrel nationalistic populism FTL. Hypocrisyorama.
Im for a free market but i would much prefer to support a non-communist regim. Would you support a regim that slaughters millions of innocent people?
China does what now???
Hadn't you heard, the Chinese slaughter their own citizens daily....

It's part of the new population control programme.....
O Canada
+1,596|6448|North Carolina

Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:

Associated Press wrote:

ROSEMOUNT, Minn. - What's red, white and blue — and made in China? A move is on in state legislatures to ensure that the flags folks will be flying and buying this Independence Day were made on this fruited plain.

Minnesota has passed the strongest measure, a new law that goes into effect at year's end requiring every Old Glory sold in state stores to be domestically produced. Violations are a misdemeanor, punishable by up to a $1,000 fine and 90 days in jail.
Finally something that gets the american manufacturing back in line. Personally i think its a good thing that this is comming in effect.

What about you?

Full story … zeJLSs0NUE
While I despise the growing power of China and the increasing outsourcing of our economy, I think this is utterly ridiculous.

Banning the importing of food from China due to melamine concerns would be much more sensible.  I don't care where my flags are made.

Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:

I say we make america more of a manufacturing country instead of our consumerism. We are like teh roman empire now
Hell yeah! Let's build gigantic bipedal warbots.
Oil 4 Euros not $$$

max wrote:

Let's go back to the good old days where nothing was imported or exported.
lmao +1 you do realise that you would have to go back 1000's of years for that to happen
The Power of Two
+188|6538|Sydney, Australia

iamangry wrote:

Hells yeah!!  That's what I'm talking about!  Who gives a crap if that American flag costs an extra 5 bucks, at least it won't make you a supporter of a repressive communist regime, poison you, your children and your animals, and make you lose control of your vehicle and swerve into oncoming traffic.
This comment seems to be a bit ignorant to me. You think the Chinese are monsters out to repress and poison? If China were to stop trading with the US right now, you guys will have a drought of products, you'll have inflation, you'll lose your precious standard of living. You should not, living in an advanced industrialised country, go and criticise the 1.4 billion people who don't have it as good as you do. Buying a flag made in China makes you a supporter of a "repressive communist regime"? It reminds me of all the exaggerated paranoia of "the wave of red" prevalent in the 40s. What's wrong with communism anyway? Is your society where the President has paramount power much different?

It's a flag. It's what it symbolises, not what it's made of, that is important. The meaning of the flag is shaped from the heroes and the battles, and ideals and beliefs of the country, and not its material. The only reason it was made in China is because it's cheaper to do so, and the money saved can be used for something else. World's best practice, specialisation, efficient allocation of resources: these all depend upon freedom of trade. I know you guys are fierce patriots, but sometimes these seemingly rock solid ideals of patriotism display antiquated characteristics.

Vub wrote:

iamangry wrote:

Hells yeah!!  That's what I'm talking about!  Who gives a crap if that American flag costs an extra 5 bucks, at least it won't make you a supporter of a repressive communist regime, poison you, your children and your animals, and make you lose control of your vehicle and swerve into oncoming traffic.
This comment seems to be a bit ignorant to me. You think the Chinese are monsters out to repress and poison? If China were to stop trading with the US right now, you guys will have a drought of products, you'll have inflation, you'll lose your precious standard of living. You should not, living in an advanced industrialised country, go and criticise the 1.4 billion people who don't have it as good as you do. Buying a flag made in China makes you a supporter of a "repressive communist regime"? It reminds me of all the exaggerated paranoia of "the wave of red" prevalent in the 40s. What's wrong with communism anyway? Is your society where the President has paramount power much different?

It's a flag. It's what it symbolises, not what it's made of, that is important. The meaning of the flag is shaped from the heroes and the battles, and ideals and beliefs of the country, and not its material. The only reason it was made in China is because it's cheaper to do so, and the money saved can be used for something else. World's best practice, specialisation, efficient allocation of resources: these all depend upon freedom of trade. I know you guys are fierce patriots, but sometimes these seemingly rock solid ideals of patriotism display antiquated characteristics.
US economy wouldn't die if they've stopped traded with China... Theres a country next door called India... More people, better educated and also cheap labour. China is messed up, but it hell doesn't poison it's own citizens. Way too expensive for them, just put a bullet to a persons head is cheaper, and making the family pay for the bullet is also a great way to save money. Communism failed in China, now it's a totalitarian state, kinda like the past Dynasties. Same shit different leaders.
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6809|Cambridge (UK)
ROFL. $1000 fine... and 90days in jail... for having a flag that was made somewhere else... oh, You Americans...

Last edited by Scorpion0x17 (2007-07-04 23:17:41)

Flamesuit essential

Bertster7 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:

Im for a free market but i would much prefer to support a non-communist regim. Would you support a regim that slaughters millions of innocent people?
China does what now???
Hadn't you heard, the Chinese slaughter their own citizens daily....

It's part of the new population control programme.....
And I eat caviar for breakfast. 
The Power of Two
+188|6538|Sydney, Australia

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

US economy wouldn't die if they've stopped traded with China... Theres a country next door called India... More people, better educated and also cheap labour. China is messed up, but it hell doesn't poison it's own citizens. Way too expensive for them, just put a bullet to a persons head is cheaper, and making the family pay for the bullet is also a great way to save money. Communism failed in China, now it's a totalitarian state, kinda like the past Dynasties. Same shit different leaders.
The US economy won't die, but it will suffer. And it will take years to shift all the manufacturing to India. If the US stops trading with China, I hope you're not saying that there won't be a ripple of an effect.

Another thing, which country isn't essentially totalitarian? The US is an elected dictatorship, so is the UK, and all your other democratic countries, because if everything was decided by everyone nothing is going to be done. I agree that the inability for opposition in China is a political misfortune, but I don't like the culture in countries like the US and Australia either, where it's "cooler" to criticise the government than to praise it. This is where cynicism starts.

Last edited by Vub (2007-07-05 02:21:36)

+302|6779|Salt Lake City

Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:

I say we make america more of a manufacturing country instead of our consumerism. We are like teh roman empire now
That would be going backwards.  We are a country of technology development, not manufacturing.  Obviously some manufacturing is still done here, but not like it was around the turn of the 20th century and the industrial revolution.

Also, keep in mind that we would have a tough time competing in the manufacturing market.  Not only because of labor costs, but keep in mind that in many countries the government will subsidize their larger industries.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6625|SE London

some_random_panda wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

China does what now???
Hadn't you heard, the Chinese slaughter their own citizens daily....

It's part of the new population control programme.....
And I eat caviar for breakfast. 
I had to eat caviar on toast for dinner for almost 2 weeks once (only sevruga). The problem was, I don't really like caviar - but I had about 2kg of it.

I wish I could've sold it or something. It was probably worth loads of money.

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