For starters, i specialise on sniping and because none of the guides i have read are any good, i have decided to post a propper guide to the most deadly of battle crafts.

PS: excuse my spelling mistakes, i know im bad at it.


A sniper is a force multiplyer. The ability of taking accurate killing shots with the least ammount of shots fired means you can severely damage the enemy force. Taking out key elements in the enemy unit is also highly effective. Killing support classes denys the enemy the ability to revive, heal and rearm.

A sniper is an intimidator. Unseen, you can kill targets who think are safe. By doing that, you make them think there is nowhere to hide for shelter. Killing high ranking players also demoralises lower ranked players. It makes them think "boy, if he shot that guy who is a general or luitenent, im a sitting duck".

Snipers are also the most hated calss in the game. But put to right use, are far superior to any other. Snipers are NOT close quarters fighters!
Snipers are a precision tool. Operating in medium to long range.

Real life tactics apply in BF2! Remember that and you will be off better then "gamers". Despite what everyone says, it is actualy true. If you wish to look into real life applyable tactics to BF2 sniping, watch these:

Worlds Deadlyest Snipers (1-5):

Snipers: one shot, one kill (parts 1-5):

I strongly advise you do not learn from the BF2 sniper videos on youtube, because they are comprised of "one off" lucky shots and never ever work repetitevly.

Most of you probably already know the caracteristics of the Sniper class in BF2 and its extentions. In this guide i will introduce you to the tactics of using a sniper in BF2 and BF2-SF.
For the people who are new to BF2, here are the basics to the sniper class:

Weapons and equipment:

-Main weapon:

Sniper Riffle:
M24-USMC, SAS      Type 88-PLA      SVD-MEC, Insurgents, Rebels, Spetznaz.

Along with the basic weapons, in BF2 you also get 2 unlockable riffles. The M95 and the L96A2....or AWP for you CSS players.

Whats the difference, do i hear you ask. Well lets get to the basics. The M24 and the L96A2 are the only two bolt action weapons in this assortment, meaning they come with laser precise accuracy. It is a fact that they are both equaly accurate, have the same amount of ammo and do precicely the same amount of damage. The only difference is the crosshair size. The L96A2 has the thinnest crosshairs, enabeling you to take carefull aim at long distance. Which in a combat situation is essential.

The rest of the weapons, the M95, Type-88 and SVD are semi automatic. Eventhough the M95 appears to be bolt action in BF2, dont be fooled, it is infact semi auto. The Type-88 and the SVD are by far the worst weapons in BF2. They lack firepower, accuracy and practicality. Which dose not mean they are out of place. No no, they are specialist weapons.

The SVD and Type-88 are best employed in mid-range combat. Meaning Karkand, Mashtuur and Sharqi in BF2 and all of the maps in BF2-SF.
They are most effective when you have to take quick shots in confined space, so you dont give the enemy a chance to move to cover.

The M95 however has a verry special purpose. I see time and time again people use it as a standard weapon, thinking its a 1 shot to the chest and kill weapon. No. If you want to snipe soft targets, stick to the M24 or 88, SVD or L96A2.
The M95 is an ANTI-MATERIAL weapon in real life and so intended for BF2. It has the widest crosshairs, which make it a verry "guess and hope" shot. It has the same accuracy of the SVD, meaning it takes a steddy hand in sniping.
What you do use it for, is knocking pilots out of theyr seats. Something i love most of all *evil grinn and smile*.

You position yourself in a nice hiding spot overlooking an airfield, and wait for the litle children to hopp in for a quick death to lagg land.
It is also usefull for picking drivers out of Vodniks and Hummers, since those vehicles have resistant glass windows.

The use of snipers is not advisable in all maps. For the simple reason that different mapps require different tactics. The best sniping maps are Jalalabad, Mashtuur, Sharqui, for BF2. And most every map for BF2-SF, appart from Night Fight and Leviathan. For obvious reasons.

I was thinking of giving you a map of my favourite spots, but that would be like a magician giving away his tricks.

-92FS - silencer: USMC, SAS.    QSZ-92 - silencer: PLA. MR-444 - silencer: most everyone ealse.

Not much is to be said for this weapon, since it is prettymuch of limited use. And i redicule if you ever need to use it. But since i want to be thorough, i will explain what its for. Baisicly, its for stealthy infiltration and extraction. What does that mean? If you want to get to your favourite sniping spot, and there are people in the way, you can pick them off without drawing too much attention to yourself.

The other use for it is in what i call "snipers ballet", where you bunnyhopp in circles with another sniper, trying to hit him in the cranium, but most of the time fail myserably.

Do not be fooled into thinking you can use it as a Sniper complementary weapon! At anything but "sexual intercorse" range, it is utterly useless.

Knive and Granades:

Well...thats pretty self explainatory, dont you think? HOWEVER! Do not use granades as a sniper! NEVER!
When you already are in an aquard situation where you do need them, you will almost certainly die. The only thing you can do is throw them and hope your death will be less pathetic.


...are a snipers best friend. And worst enemy at the same time if FF is on.
Use them wisely. Position them on access routes, tops of ladders, doorways, corners....anywhere you come up with.
However! They are of limited use in open ground.

How to snipe? Sniper tactics:

I am utterly annoyed when i see people run around like beheadded chickens, bunnyhopp and snipe on the run. Much like Counterstrike players.


Sniping in BF2 is a completely different sport. The most important thing to know is, YOU DO NOT HAVE ARMOUR!
What that means is, you will die if your even strafed by anything ealse then a sidearm. Along with the SpecOps, you are the most vounerable class in the game and will bruise like a ripe tomato.

Snipers are NOT team players. If you do choose to be a sniper, create your own squad and lock it. If you want, you can allow one team member. Prefferably a Medic or Support, for obvious reasons. By having your own squad, you can request the comander tools at your discression, which is vital for sniping. You can call for UAV support, so you can see where your targets are, Supply dropps to rearm and heal, and an arty strike when you get annoyed. Also a vehicle dropp is handy when you have to get out of dodge.
Keep away from the action! Snipe from a location that dosent attract the attention of the horde.

Movement is your enemy! Move only if you realy have to. To relocate if spotted or to move into a better position.

Sniping consists of 3 parts:


...means you must be able to move in and out of sniping positions without being detected. Make use of your Ghillie Suit. Whats that? Well thats the thing that makes you look like undergroath. Dont be fooled into thinking its only cosmetic. EA and Dice made it actualy work in the game.
I have come across many situations when i was cut off my the enemy and was not spotted. If you are caught with your "pants down", DONT MOVE!

There are some good tricks for movement. Use diversions. Move in the wake of a Tank or other vehicle, since that will always take the attention away from you. But dont run around behind it. Move only from A to B.
Use artillery strikes as an oportunity to move. Since the enemy will be franticaly runing for cover, they wont notice you.
Also a cruel but effective trick is using team members as diversions. If they stand around exposing themselves, you can just crawl away to safety.

Ley perfectly still, if you havent been noticed already. The enemy wont see your red name tag flash over you at first, which means he wont see you if you ley in high grass, next to a bush or in a building ruine.
I guarantee you he wont. I have leyed out in the open and next to the ruins overlooking the outpost in Jalalabad, with MEC's all around me and none of them saw me.

How to choose your location: Look for vegetation preferably. Light is also a factor. You wont be spotted if you ley in a shadey part of some high grass or next to a bush. Idealy, position yourself well away from the action, but still in range of your gun. At the edge of the drawing distance is ideal. And dont worry being called a coward or not being a team player. They just want you to let them kill you easyer.
In an urban setting, look for rubble. House tuins or vehicle wrecks. I know its an obvious choise, but trust me, nobody will expect you there. Everyone looks around the usual places, like rooftops and water towers.
Which is not a bad thing, if you know how to hide.

Use cover!

There is a difference between what gives you protection and what you can hide behind. When hiding, blend in with the enviroment. There is nothing more silly then a bushy man in the middle of a street. For cover, use hard objects. Rocks, ventilation ducts, vehicles, wrecks...

There are 3 S's you have to keep in mind when stalking:
Shape - dont be out of place in your sniping spot. A bush on a roof is obviously a sniper.
Silhuette - dont silhuette yourself against the horizon. NEVER! When you snipe from a hill or ridge, position yourself on the blind side of the hill, or if the vegetation allows it, on the front side of the hill. But never ever ley on the top of the hill!
Silence - noise will give you away. The roar of an M95 will almost certainly attract attention to you. Sniper riffles have a verry distinct sound in the game, so when the enemy hears a single shot, they instantly know whats going on. The obvious solution is to position yourself away enough so your sound is less loud and after a shot, duck for cover imedietly. Peeking at your victims dead body only exposes you.


Observing means picking your target.
Never take shots at someone who is on the move sideways of your view. Leading the shot is possible, but takes lots of practice and patience to get it right. Not even I have it out perfectly.
Look for stationary targets! Meaning, men in mounted MG's, cowards hiding from the action, comanders, medics and the best of all, enemy snipers.
When aiming at a group of targets, which will most probably be an assault, specops and a medic, always aim for the medic first! If you kill the others first, all your effort will be fruitless when the enemy medic revives them. By that time, they already know your there, and thats the end of that.
Kill the medic! If the targets are a bit of team players, they will take up the medic class and revive, but by the time they switch, you can already down them.

Sniping other snipers:

This is one of the most rewarding disciplines of sniping. Think like he does. Observe the obvious locations, because lets be honest. People are dumb. I have shot a guy 12 times on the same spot in a round. They just never learn.
Stealth is key in this. Just like you, he will probably be on the lookout for enemy "bushmen".


The main trait of a sniper is marksmanship. The ability of being an excellent shot is key.
There are several factors you have to take into concideration here.
BF2 has some hidden tricks that make sniping harder for you, which i havent seen anyone mention in previous guides.
There are the obvious: gun accuracy and damage. The specific data for each gun is shown on the Wepons Charts on this site.
However, there are hidden tweeks that make sniping hard. While stance dosent effect accuracy, movement does. Conciderably. There is also something i dont know how to describe otherwise then exhaustion.
The next time you snipe, put your speakers up, run around a bit, then go prone and scoped. Listen for a heartbeat sound. When you hear this, it means you will need 2-5 seconds for your shot to settle. This was put into use to prevent bunnyhoppers and dolphin lungers.

So, the ideal shooting techneque is:
-be stationary (despite what everyone ealse says and bla know)
-go prone, for the obvious reason of not presenting a big target for the enemy.
-aim for the head...a body shot is a last ditch effort which leaves the enemy with 2hp's, but preferably, shoot for the head for a 1 shot, 1 kill.
-take your time! dont shoot at everything you see.

Sniping takes patience. Observe your targets. Choose the right moment to move or shoot. You obviously dont want to shoot when there is a pack of enemy soldiers looking around for you.


There you go. A comprehencive guide to sniper tactics. I do hope i coverd all the basics. If you think i forgot anything, please do add to the guide.
I am open to constructive criticism.
+163|6942|Odessa, Ukraine
snipers suck .

Longbow wrote:

snipers suck .
you only say that because you probably get shot alot
iz me!

MattTheGrunt wrote:

Longbow wrote:

snipers suck .
you only say that because you probably get shot alot
+86|7031|Somewhere near a shrub or rock
Completely disagree on almost every point.

Feel free to argue, your wrong to suggest your way is the only way.

P.S. There are some good guides out there actually and YOUR OPINIONS presented as fact are annoying. I am a different type of sniper to you and just because I play differently does not make it wrong.


P.S. Stats to back your expert opinion?

Last edited by Barrakuda777 (2007-07-04 04:36:44)

+354|6553|Basel, Switzerland
+1,352|6788|N. Ireland
Not a bad guide. Should certainly be moved to Techniques and Strategies. Humour like "caught down in the pants" really makes it quite easy to read Not a bad guide!

edit: i particulary like the locking squads, admins get really annoyed when i do that but you just have to!

Last edited by leetkyle (2007-07-04 04:37:51)

+721|6876|the dank(super) side of Oregon
another sniper guide. how exciting.
+163|6942|Odessa, Ukraine

MattTheGrunt wrote:

you only say that because you probably get shot alot
I wish BF2 stats were similar to 2142 so you wouldn't say I got shot a lot when I doesn't . Snipers suck because 99.8% of them can't hit shit and are completely useless for their team , only loosing tickers because of their endless deaths ... thats why snipers suck . Enemy snipers are fun to kill , but I hate friendly snipers .

Last edited by Longbow (2007-07-04 04:39:21)

iz me!

Reciprocity wrote:

another sniper guide. how exciting.
Heres my guide....

Aim -> Shoot -> Dead
Da Shiz
+1|6438|Some Place Your Not At
Editing point #1 in ideal shooting technique: I thought that u had to shoot from a concealed location take a couple shots then change ur position. Am i wrong on this point here?
If that not right i have to change my strategy to a camper.

Slayer_6 wrote:

Editing point #1 in ideal shooting technique: I thought that u had to shoot from a concealed location take a couple shots then change ur position. Am i wrong on this point here?
If that not right i have to change my strategy to a camper.
There is NO camping in BF2....its called DEFFENDING....and snipers are not ment to run around CSS style....i never pay attention to people who call snipers campers. If you know how to cover your back with claymores and how to conceal yourself, you dont need to run around.

and yes, there is the principle of shoot, move, shoot, move....but thats irelevant if you find a good spot if you ask me.
most comanders are too buisy spotting people in groups then to spot you if you are somewhere on your own. It rarely happens to me that a comander spotts me. they always dismiss the loan red dotts and focus on finding groups to arty...its that simple.

and no your not just saying it works for me, and im shearing it on for others

Kill/death ratio    1.72
Score per minute    1.88
Kills per minute    0.79
Deaths per minute    0.46
Kills per round              10.99
Deaths per round    6.38
Best kill streak    42
Worst death streak    15
Kills    14545
Kill assists    2146
Deaths    8442
Suicides    199


i think this qualifies me quite well....

and to the grumpy guy....opinions differ...this is mine, live with it

Last edited by MattTheGrunt (2007-07-04 04:45:59)

Da Shiz
+1|6438|Some Place Your Not At
I actually agree with Longbow here.
+721|6876|the dank(super) side of Oregon

MattTheGrunt wrote:

Whats the difference, do i hear you ask. Well lets get to the basics. The M24 and the L96A2 are the only two bolt action weapons in this assortment, meaning they come with laser precise accuracy. It is a fact that they are both equaly accurate, have the same amount of ammo and do precicely the same amount of damage. The only difference is the crosshair size. The L96A2 has the thinnest crosshairs, enabeling you to take carefull aim at long distance. Which in a combat situation is essential.

The rest of the weapons, the M95, Type-88 and SVD are semi automatic. Eventhough the M95 appears to be bolt action in BF2, dont be fooled, it is infact semi auto. The Type-88 and the SVD are by far the worst weapons in BF2. They lack firepower, accuracy and practicality. Which dose not mean they are out of place. No no, they are specialist weapons.
sorry rimjob, the 95 is a bolt rifle.  the 82 and it's variants are semi.
iz me!

MattTheGrunt wrote:

Kill/death ratio    1.72
Score per minute    1.88
Kills per minute    0.79
Deaths per minute    0.46
Kills per round              10.99
Deaths per round    6.38
Best kill streak    42
Worst death streak    15
Kills    14545
Kill assists    2146
Deaths    8442
Suicides    199 … ores-1.jpg

i think this qualifies me quite well....

and to the grumpy guy....opinions differ...this is mine, live with it
nice sniper stats.... shame about the rest of them

Da Shiz
+1|6438|Some Place Your Not At
Matt were u just solely using a sniper kit or a little of other kits?

Reciprocity wrote:

another sniper guide. how exciting.

sorry, my error...but you needent be so rude...unless your 12


thankyou....well i quite like my sniper role...i admit im useless at flying...but thats not realy my thing. i rather specialise


i use all the classes and weapons...but mostly sniper...because i dont fancy runing into the thick of it and having my head blown off...i rather stay where its safe and kill many others...ergo, sniper


your right...the usual snipers are useless to teams...thats why i said you go and make a squad on your own...there are exceptions to the rule though...the pic of my scores is actualy quite i dont agree with you...Snipers are verry usefull and deadly

just because you like to play rambo, dosent mean your better

Last edited by MattTheGrunt (2007-07-04 04:56:36)

+25|7055|Yorkshire, UK.
well tbh... anyone who thinks they are a snipergod with less than 4k rifle kills is, well, WRONG.
All of your guide is as kuda says is your opinion and not fact.

senor_fulff wrote:

well tbh... anyone who thinks they are a snipergod with less than 4k rifle kills is, well, WRONG.
All of your guide is as kuda says is your opinion and not fact.
what do you mean? assault riffle or sniper riffle?


oh if you mean for that score i posted...yes, all sniper

Last edited by MattTheGrunt (2007-07-04 05:01:21)

Da Shiz
+1|6438|Some Place Your Not At
Wow Matt...i havent gotten a well written reply/petition since the Carvey Law of '88.
+721|6876|the dank(super) side of Oregon
8 rounds of Kubra, 6 rounds of Zatar, 7 rounds of Dalian, and 1 round of dragon and you're explaining the finer points of sniping?

not to mention 10 rounds of Wake.

Last edited by Reciprocity (2007-07-04 05:08:43)

Da Shiz
+1|6438|Some Place Your Not At
Well put there...
+25|7055|Yorkshire, UK.

MattTheGrunt wrote:

senor_fulff wrote:

well tbh... anyone who thinks they are a snipergod with less than 4k rifle kills is, well, WRONG.
All of your guide is as kuda says is your opinion and not fact.
what do you mean? assault riffle or sniper riffle?


oh if you mean for that score i posted...yes, all sniper
sniper rifle...
oh and...

Reciprocity  wrote:

[8 rounds of Kubra, 6 rounds of Zatar, 7 rounds of Dalian, and 1 round of dragon and you're explaining the finer points of sniping?
except it's his opinion of sniping not merely the finer points...
well the simple reason behind 8 rounds of Kubra, 6 rounds of Zatar, 7 rounds of Dalian and 10 rounds of Wake is that those are all vehicle maps...and everyone is out and about in vehicles or can wait till your old and grey to find a decent shot at anyone without being called a baseraper...

so its no use sniping there, dont you think?

also...finding a server that runs this kind of rotation isnt that easy....and i have to say, i never ever play with germans...for reasons that are out of place here

but i have to people are a myserable bunch of sour gamers....all you can come up with is pickery and mocking
i cant see where i mocked anyone here...

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