+9|6920|Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I was looking for jerseys and stuff on ebay today and then looked for special forces just to see if anyone was letting a new sealed copy go for cheap. Then just out of curiosity I type in BF2 and what pops up but this. Can't believe it!! No bids yet though and I think this guy has way overpriced himself. It's good for a laugh though.

http://cgi.ebay.ca/BattleField2-BF2-onl … dZViewItem
+44|6879|West Berlin!
I think the price is perfect. Maybe a little bit too cheap?
I crap bigger than you
+0|6865|America!! Fuck Yeah!!!
LOL how funny.  What does his stats look like?  I'm at work right now and my internet filter will not let me look up stats.
Stats=Very poor. His account is not worth a nickel ninty-five personally.
+86|6927|New Zealand
everyone who tries to sale / purchase an account should be reseted.
rofl $1000 what a retard.
I crap bigger than you
+0|6865|America!! Fuck Yeah!!!
I'm pretty sure this has to be a joke.  I least I hope so.
Thread Ender
+58|6876|New Hampshire
It's funny cuz he has to lose money for that auction - probably about a dollar USD.  I used to do this with high honor Americas Army accounts - used to make some good money doing it.

As for being reset, screw that - if anyone wants to buy a bf2 account they should be able to.
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
I am not going to buy it haha
What a stupid idea anyway
I remember back when I played Delta Force Black Hawk Down...Some guy was parading around with a hard to get medal in their stats system. Turned out it was a friend of his account who gave it to him when he stopped playing...Same level of retardism. Work for it yourself, its more rewarding.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
I wonder if any retards here would spend that kinda money for a top 10 account. I'd have to say they would just to be able to rub it in other peoples faces haha retards
+8|6910|Sacramento, CA (USA)
Wow a thousand dollars...what has this game turned in World of Warcraft where dorks sell there characters online for money.  This is a sad sad day.  LOL
Lemme see...  Spend $1000 on 8000 points so I can LOOK like I know what I'm doing or, spend $1000 on the game, the expansion pack, the two future expansion packs, a kick-ass computer to play it on AND an 19" LCD flat panel and maybe even a new pair of shoes, oh AND a few more games to play on my new kick-ass computer!  hmm... 

Nice forethought genius....
+383|6872|The Netherlands
Lol even my stats are better and i suck!

Must be a joke i guess...
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|6935|The Hague, Holland
He doenst even have the Basic Knife Badge
+4|6981|Berlin, Germany
LOL ^^ If his stats were good it would be cool and funny. But because they're bad, its dumb ^^
Hey if thats the price for that account I could get at least 3 times that for mine besides I have more stuff of mine would you buy Mine Desert515 is account name
Jackass of all Trades
+62|6834|Dayton, Ohio
i liked the spm and k:d.  both under 1.  Who would want to buy and account just to start in the hole.  At least post an acount with a possitive or atleast even k:d and win:loss.
Finnish bush-man
Well check out this one

I cant believe how much i laughed when i saw the 600$ bid...
+383|6872|The Netherlands

Landepaukku wrote:

Well check out this one

I cant believe how much i laughed when i saw the 600$ bid...
Box only... rofl.

General-Echo wrote:

Landepaukku wrote:

Well check out this one

I cant believe how much i laughed when i saw the 600$ bid...
Box only... rofl.
Great stuff. I remember this happening with the PS2 when it first came out. I think it went for over a grand.

In reply to the original poster: welcome to half a year ago when this was first brought up.
i tell ya what... if it starts getting bids, my account is going on
w3rd, I am up around 47k, so that means I got 6K coming my way... w00t!
+1|6855|Canada, Eh.
I was looking a month ago for this exact thing (obviously not for me, for a laugh). There were actually bids. One account had less than 2000 points and had a bit for 60+ dollars on it. I didn't follow it to see what it went for but the fact that someone was willing to pay for something they could do in a few days? Maybe they thought if they had an account they wouldn't have to buy the game.

There are two much mor ereasonably priced accounts on there now. A first seargent account with a war college ribbon as a bonus for like 7-8 bucks canadian.
[]D [] []\/[] []D
+177|6893|United States
I would buy Blazin.uk's account.

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