stephen brule
I think Legalizing Marijuana would take us back to the 60's & 70's.

Even though it was never legal back then, I think that hippies would come out and the resurrection of the Beattles would be soon.
Hooligan of War
+21|6802|Atlanta, GA
And then once people realized it wasn't such a big deal things would calm down and go back to normal, except some people would be generally nicer.

Bull3t wrote:

I think Legalizing Marijuana would take us back to the 60's & 70's.

Even though it was never legal back then, I think that hippies would come out and the resurrection of the Beattles would be soon.
Oh noez! The hippies!!!
I am all that is MOD!

citricacidx wrote:

And then once people realized it wasn't such a big deal things would calm down and go back to normal, except some people would be generally nicer.
I've been a part of numerous fights fueled by alcohol.  Never once have I been in a fight fueled by, or under the influence of, marijuana.
+917|6915|Atlanta, Georgia, USA

CommieChipmunk wrote:

Des.Kmal wrote:

lol, the people who dont smoke weed have a hard time finding a valid reason about marijuana being bad. its quite funny to be honest.
... I've pretty clearly stated like a thousand times that the pot heads I know are douche bags who are going to go absolutely nowhere in life.  But yeah, inhaling any kind of smoke is probably going to help your lungs out a lot.  It makes perfect sense tbph
dude... lol. ok.

youre stereotyping all potheads with the people near you makes you extremely narrow minded. and kinda retarded tbh.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
Hooligan of War
+21|6802|Atlanta, GA

jonsimon wrote:

Legalizing pot is a great idea, but it will never happen. Three very large lobbies won't let it happen. Big Pharma: If you can't patent it, it isn't allowed. Textiles/Farming: Hemp is softer and more durable than cotton. Tobacco: A substitute for tobacco with no ill side effects? Not gonna fly.

Together these three lobbies can dole out enough conflicts of interests that no politician on earth will legalize marijuana in the US.

Unlike cigarettes, which kill it's customer base off, recreational Marijuana companies would have a constantly growing customer base because... it doesn't kill people!!! Hey, that's a novel idea sell something that people like that won't kill them. They'll come back as return customers and other people will start too.

Last edited by citricacidx (2007-07-03 13:12:57)

Mr. Boombastic
+178|6740|Stealth City, UK
Big revelation.......I think you guys might have changed my view point. The internetz are good for something after all!

Im not going to take it up (and I must admit it didn't really do much for me when I actually did try it), but if what you guys say is partially true then I can't see it being a HUGE problem.

I still think there needs to be a big 'once and for all' study before it gets a general legalisation.

As long as the law is sensible and workable (which will always be the stumbling block) the big problems wont materialise.

buLLet_t00th wrote:

Big revelation.......I think you guys might have changed my view point. The internetz are good for something after all!

Im not going to take it up (and I must admit it didn't really do much for me when I actually did try it), but if what you guys say is partially true then I can't see it being a HUGE problem.

I still think there needs to be a big 'once and for all' study before it gets a general legalisation.

As long as the law is sensible and workable (which will always be the stumbling block) the big problems wont materialise.
What?! Someone actually changing their opinion of something based on a debate in D&ST?! This can't be happening!!! The universe may collapse now!

Hooligan of War
+21|6802|Atlanta, GA

buLLet_t00th wrote:

Big revelation.......I think you guys might have changed my view point. The internetz are good for something after all!

Im not going to take it up (and I must admit it didn't really do much for me when I actually did try it), but if what you guys say is partially true then I can't see it being a HUGE problem.

I still think there needs to be a big 'once and for all' study before it gets a general legalisation.

As long as the law is sensible and workable (which will always be the stumbling block) the big problems wont materialise.
I'm all for a big once and for all study. A full, in depth report to find what the effects of marijuana use are.

We already know it is physically impossible to OD on it because it's not physically possible to smoke 1,500 lbs in 15 minutes.

Francis L. Young; Administrative Law Judge wrote:

8.  At present it is estimated that marijuana's LD-50 is around
1:20,000 or 1:40,000.  In layman terms this means that in order to induce death a marijuana smoker would have to consume 20,000 to 40,000 times as much marijuana as is contained in one marijuana cigarette.  NIDA-supplied marijuana cigarettes weigh approximately .9 grams.  A smoker would theoretically have to consume nearly 1,500 pounds of marijuana within about fifteen minutes to induce a lethal response.
http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/lib … oung4.html

Last edited by citricacidx (2007-07-03 13:19:31)

Mr. Boombastic
+178|6740|Stealth City, UK

ghettoperson wrote:

buLLet_t00th wrote:

Big revelation.......I think you guys might have changed my view point. The internetz are good for something after all!

Im not going to take it up (and I must admit it didn't really do much for me when I actually did try it), but if what you guys say is partially true then I can't see it being a HUGE problem.

I still think there needs to be a big 'once and for all' study before it gets a general legalisation.

As long as the law is sensible and workable (which will always be the stumbling block) the big problems wont materialise.
What?! Someone actually changing their opinion of something based on a debate in D&ST?! This can't be happening!!! The universe may collapse now!

It was nice mass debating with all of you. And you were so good at it, it made me come over to your side.
stephen brule
Put it this way, We would pretty much go back to the stone age.

Everyone would be so fucked up all the time they would be stupid because of the lack of brain cells they would normally have without smoking it constantly or at all.

So we would all be cave women, men, boys & girls.

Bull3t wrote:

Put it this way, We would pretty much go back to the stone age.

Everyone would be so fucked up all the time they would be stupid because of the lack of brain cells they would normally have without smoking it constantly or at all.

So we would all be cave women, men, boys & girls.
Research. Then check this last statment about brain cells.
stephen brule

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Bull3t wrote:

Put it this way, We would pretty much go back to the stone age.

Everyone would be so fucked up all the time they would be stupid because of the lack of brain cells they would normally have without smoking it constantly or at all.

So we would all be cave women, men, boys & girls.
Research. Then check this last statment about brain cells.
I like my statement.

I think I am going to stick with it.
Hooligan of War
+21|6802|Atlanta, GA

Bull3t wrote:

Put it this way, We would pretty much go back to the stone age.

Everyone would be so fucked up all the time they would be stupid because of the lack of brain cells they would normally have without smoking it constantly or at all.

So we would all be cave women, men, boys & girls.
It doesn't cause brain damage.

The reason why you ask this is because you probably heard or read somewhere that marijuana damages brain cells, or makes you stupid. These claims are untrue.

The first one -- marijuana kills brain cells -- is based on research done during the second Reefer Madness Movement. A study attempted to show that marijuana smoking damaged brain structures in monkeys. However, the study was poorly performed and it was severely criticized by a medical review board. Studies done afterwards failed to show any brain damage, in fact a very recent study on Rhesus monkeys used technology so sensitive that scientists could actually see the effect of learning on brain cells, and it found no damage.

But this was Reefer Madness II, and the prohibitionists were looking around for anything they could find to keep the marijuana legalization movement in check, so this study was widely used in anti-marijuana propaganda. It was recanted later.

(To this day, the radical anti-drug groups, like P.R.I.D.E. and Dr. Gabriel Nahas, still use it -- In fact, America's most popular drug education program, Drug Abuse Resistance Education, claims that marijuana "can impair memory perception & judgement by destroying brain cells." When police and teachers read this and believe it, our job gets really tough, since it takes a long time to explain to children how Ms. Jones and Officer Bob were wrong.)

The truth is, no study has ever demonstrated cellular damage, stupidity, mental impairment, or insanity brought on specifically by marijuana use -- even heavy marijuana use. This is not to say that it cannot be abused, however.

"The Chronic Cerebral Effects of Cannabis Use I Methodological Issues and Neurological Findings " by Renee C. Wert Ph.D., Michael L. Raulin Ph.D Vol. 21 Iss. 6 pp. 605-628. 1986.

"The Chronic Cerebral Effects of Cannabis Use II Psychological Findings and Conclusions " by Renee C. Wert Ph.D., Michael L. Raulin Ph.D Vol. 21 Iss. 6 pp. 629-642. 1986.

"Neurotoxicity of Cannabis and THC A Review of Chronic Exposure Studies in Animals " by Andrew C. Scallet in "Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior" Vol. 40 pp. 671-676. 1991.

"Chronic Marijuana Smoke Exposure in the Rhesus Monkey IV Neurochemical Effects and Comparison to Acute and Chronic Exposure to Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in Rats" by Syed F. Ali, Glenn D. Newport, Andrew C. Scallet, Merle G. Paule, John R. Bailey, William Slikker Jr in "Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior" Vol. 40 pp. 677-682. 1991.

"Behavioral, Neurochemical, and Neurohistological Effects of Chronic Marijuana Smoke Exposure in the Nonhuman Primate" by William Slikker Jr. et al. in "Marijuana Cannabinoids Neurobiology and Neurophysiology" Laura Murphy, Andrzej Bartke ed. pub. CRC Press Boca Raton, FL, 1992.

(the following are the studies which were found to be flawed)

"Effects of Cannabis Sativa on Ultrastructure of the Synapse in Monkey Brain" by J. W. Harper, R. G. Heath, W. A. Myers in "Journal of Neuroscience Research" Vol. 3 pp. 87-93. 1977.

"Chronic Marihuana Smoking Its Effects on Function and Structure of the Primate Brain " by R. G. Heath, A. T. Fitzjarrell, R. E. Garey, W. A. Myers in "Marihuana: Biological Effects Analysis, Metabolism, Cellular Responses, Reproduction and Brain " Gabriel G. Nahas, W. D. M. Paton ed. pub. Pergamon Press Oxford, 1979.

"Cannabis Sativa Effects on Brain Function and Ultrastructure in Rhesus Monkeys " by R. G. Heath, A. T. Fitzjarrell, C. J. Fontana, R. E. Garey in "Biological Psychiatry" Vol. 15 pp. 657-690. 1980.

(D.A.R.E. says pot kills brain cells)

DARE Officers training manual section T page 5.

Bull3t wrote:

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Bull3t wrote:

Put it this way, We would pretty much go back to the stone age.

Everyone would be so fucked up all the time they would be stupid because of the lack of brain cells they would normally have without smoking it constantly or at all.

So we would all be cave women, men, boys & girls.
Research. Then check this last statment about brain cells.
I like my statement.

I think I am going to stick with it.
No matter how wrong it is. Google is your friend. Its full of great knowledge and facts. Something lacking in your brain cell statement.

Last edited by Mason4Assassin444 (2007-07-03 13:25:04)

stephen brule

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Bull3t wrote:

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Research. Then check this last statment about brain cells.
I like my statement.

I think I am going to stick with it.
No matter how wrong it is. Google is your friend. Its full of great knowledge and facts. Something lacking in your brain cell statement.
Google hates me.
Hooligan of War
+21|6802|Atlanta, GA
1974: Dr. Heath conducts his infamous government-funded Rhesus monkey study at Tulane University, touted for years as evidence that marijuana causes brain damage.

Dr. Heath would put an airtight gas mask on the monkey, strap it into a chair and force-toke the equivalent of 63 Columbian-strength joints over the course of five minutes. The monkeys suffered brain damage, all right -- from suffocation and carbon monoxide poisoning.

Bull3t wrote:

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Bull3t wrote:

I like my statement.

I think I am going to stick with it.
No matter how wrong it is. Google is your friend. Its full of great knowledge and facts. Something lacking in your brain cell statement.
Google hates me.
I think your on something harder than weed.
stephen brule

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Bull3t wrote:

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

No matter how wrong it is. Google is your friend. Its full of great knowledge and facts. Something lacking in your brain cell statement.
Google hates me.
I think your on something harder than weed.
I would be if I had the money.

Back on topic.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6982|United States of America

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Bull3t wrote:

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

No matter how wrong it is. Google is your friend. Its full of great knowledge and facts. Something lacking in your brain cell statement.
Google hates me.
I think your on something harder than weed.
Y'know you don't look very retired as you claim to be. What are you plotting now?
biggie smalls
+72|6750|Ontario, Canada
Screw drugs, go home. Give me an unbiased source you tard.
"you know life is what we make it, and a chance is like a picture, it'd be nice if you just take it"
I am all that is MOD!

d4rkst4r wrote:

Screw drugs, go home. Give me an unbiased source you tard.
Scientific studies are biased how again?  Oh yeah, they favor science over emotion, doh!
Hooligan of War
+21|6802|Atlanta, GA
You say its a biased source, but who is going to promote information proving that marijuana isn't bad for you? Obviously people who support marijuana.
+488|6867|Portland, OR, USA

citricacidx wrote:

You say its a biased source, but who is going to promote information proving that marijuana isn't bad for you? Obviously people who support marijuana.
fuck.. who believes scientist these days anyway right?  If their information doesn't suit your cause then go make up your own data.
+0|6441|NJ, USA
after a couple years when u start hearing people sayin yo bro whats up man radical dude then u know it has done  soemthing to ur head....its bad for you thast why its illegal believe me u can do alot of stupid things on it

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