No I don't have any other joystick games. I wanted something to practice my flying, the only I knew of is Micro flight Sim but it's not worthy I was told for the kinda practice I want.
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- How to fly: Some tips
dont fly in F-35; go on something like Dalian plant or Waka island and jump in J-10
only abuse the F-35 if ur a pro
only abuse the F-35 if ur a pro
BTW Zenmaster,
I was reviewing your Wiki on jet tactics and saw your "Wings" banned clips and saw your explanation of a ban you received on our =1st.Recon= server.
You misrepresent what happened. Nobody was banned because they were proficient pilots. They were banned for rulebreaking. One of our cardinal rules is the 1st come 1st served policy for aircraft. If someone is on the tarmac or heli pad, they are "in line." If someone else, races in with a car and hops in a jet, in effect, jumping line, we ban them for not following rules. That is what happened with Dboi. He tked by running over our admin as he was banning him. You didnt understand, put in your 2 cents and asked to be banned. Thats being rude to an admin who is just trying to ensure fair gameplay on a server HE pays for. So, per your request, he banned you too.
So, sorry you got caught up in that and got banned, not that you really care. But nobody was banned for being an excellent pilot, as your text implies; but for rulebreaking while a guest on someone else's server.
ps Love the guide and the tip to use JoytoKey!
I was reviewing your Wiki on jet tactics and saw your "Wings" banned clips and saw your explanation of a ban you received on our =1st.Recon= server.
You misrepresent what happened. Nobody was banned because they were proficient pilots. They were banned for rulebreaking. One of our cardinal rules is the 1st come 1st served policy for aircraft. If someone is on the tarmac or heli pad, they are "in line." If someone else, races in with a car and hops in a jet, in effect, jumping line, we ban them for not following rules. That is what happened with Dboi. He tked by running over our admin as he was banning him. You didnt understand, put in your 2 cents and asked to be banned. Thats being rude to an admin who is just trying to ensure fair gameplay on a server HE pays for. So, per your request, he banned you too.
So, sorry you got caught up in that and got banned, not that you really care. But nobody was banned for being an excellent pilot, as your text implies; but for rulebreaking while a guest on someone else's server.
ps Love the guide and the tip to use JoytoKey!
Last edited by =1st.Recon=Pyle (2007-05-15 10:44:50)
I was actually replying to your email when I saw this show up in my inbox.=1st.Recon=Pyle wrote:
BTW Zenmaster,
I was reviewing your Wiki on jet tactics and saw your "Wings" banned clips and saw your explanation of a ban you received on our =1st.Recon= server.
You misrepresent what happened. Nobody was banned because they were proficient pilots. They were banned for rulebreaking. One of our cardinal rules is the 1st come 1st served policy for aircraft. If someone is on the tarmac or heli pad, they are "in line." If someone else, races in with a car and hops in a jet, in effect, jumping line, we ban them for not following rules. That is what happened with Dboi. He tked by running over our admin as he was banning him. You didnt understand, put in your 2 cents and asked to be banned. Thats being rude to an admin who is just trying to ensure fair gameplay on a server HE pays for. So, per your request, he banned you too.
So, sorry you got caught up in that and got banned, not that you really care. But nobody was banned for being an excellent pilot, as your text implies; but for rulebreaking while a guest on someone else's server.
ps Love the guide and the tip to use JoytoKey!
What you said is not what happened at all. There was four of us in ventrillo on the server that day (many many months ago now), and we all watched as dboi was at the spawn first, and he did not jack the J10 from the admin, the admin was coming to get it but dboi was there first. Dboi said in vent, oh no this guy is gonna force tk and we all laughed as we watched it happen. Then he banned him immediately after the force tk for stealing team vehicles. Everyone in vent proceeded to riot at this childish admin so I typed that and got banned as well. We won't be coming back to a server with admins like that.
I know you want to defend your clan, but no damage is done to your clan because theres so many wake servers and everyone has idiot admins in charge - if you are any good at flying you simply cannot play wake while admins are on. Try playing on saturday anywhere lol fucking awful.
I'm glad you enjoyed the guide, and what I said above has nothing to do with you personally, but the admin really was an asshole and we all witnessed it, and he can try to cover his ass all he wants. He force tked for a jet he didn't wait his turn for. He banned the "offending" pilot he just griefed. He banned me for sticking up for my friend. Notice I did not tell the admin to go suck a dick or w/e, there was no disrespect involved. A simple statement of fact that he may as well ban me now and get it over with. He obliged like a typical 12 year old wake admin and we found a new server no harm done. As for the excellent pilot thing, I have many bans but hardly ever any good admin text usually just a ban out of nowhere. I chose that one because it was sure funny to us anyway.
I dug up the screens:

Wow we just witness the force tk, and then the ban shows up right away. Classy.

Apparently what I said was disrespect. I guess addressing an admin in any fashion is disrespect.
Dboi waits for J10 to spawn, admin drives up in car and gets out. Dboi gets in J10, a 1st recon griefs him with a force tk. 1st recon madmedic is either admin or tells buddy on vent to ban dboi for stealing vehicles. We say the equivalent of "wtf" and get banned by the same/different 1st recon admin. Meanwhile madmedic calls us asswipe and were the ones disrespecting...
Unfortunately, this is a case of he said, she said. No proof either way (including your screenies), since we were all on TS when this happened and your account differs from ours. Perhapse it was a misunderstanding of the rules? For example, waiting on our server is waiting on the tarmac or on the pad itself; perhapse your guy was merely NEAR the pad? I know the guys involved on our side and such behaviour would be quite uncharacteristic and since I dont know you, I dont want to disparage you either.
Oh well.
But you werent banned for being a really good pilot, that was my point. Not on our server. Besides, there ARE no jet hacks that I am aware of. From what Ive read on the Wiki, you guys get banned just because you piss people off (with your flying)? Sometimes, as a pilot, im accused of hacking. But I've never been able to raise the ire of players as you appear to do, incicated by the clips youve selected on Wiki. I guess im justnot that good
Interresting mod on your ingame scroll. Is that displaying your kills/deaths by enemy i saw next to Flakhappy when he artyed you?
Oh well.
But you werent banned for being a really good pilot, that was my point. Not on our server. Besides, there ARE no jet hacks that I am aware of. From what Ive read on the Wiki, you guys get banned just because you piss people off (with your flying)? Sometimes, as a pilot, im accused of hacking. But I've never been able to raise the ire of players as you appear to do, incicated by the clips youve selected on Wiki. I guess im justnot that good
Interresting mod on your ingame scroll. Is that displaying your kills/deaths by enemy i saw next to Flakhappy when he artyed you?
It's a localization mod: wrote:
Unfortunately, this is a case of he said, she said. No proof either way (including your screenies), since we were all on TS when this happened and your account differs from ours. Perhapse it was a misunderstanding of the rules? For example, waiting on our server is waiting on the tarmac or on the pad itself; perhapse your guy was merely NEAR the pad? I know the guys involved on our side and such behaviour would be quite uncharacteristic and since I dont know you, I dont want to disparage you either.
Oh well.
But you werent banned for being a really good pilot, that was my point. Not on our server. Besides, there ARE no jet hacks that I am aware of. From what Ive read on the Wiki, you guys get banned just because you piss people off (with your flying)? Sometimes, as a pilot, im accused of hacking. But I've never been able to raise the ire of players as you appear to do, incicated by the clips youve selected on Wiki. I guess im justnot that good
Interresting mod on your ingame scroll. Is that displaying your kills/deaths by enemy i saw next to Flakhappy when he artyed you?
It can't show your kills deaths but it can show you what each event was worth (e.g. +2 etc.)
We get banned usually because we play more then one round and we play as a team so it makes it seem like your cheating when the commander is spotting guys in the middle of the water for you, or telling you there is a chopper up at 400m or when we play USMC where all the chinese guys are etc. After a few rounds of what seems to be unfair play admins get tired and kick/ban but usually they don't give an entertaining reason. Whenever I get a funny reason I like to save them and post them for the humor.
You are correct there are no cheats for jets, but there is a tv missile aimbot you can see on youtube somewhere in this forum. I had a guy on Sharqi peninsula TV missiling me while I was playing infantry anywhere on the map and he was bragging it up in main chat "how do you like it zenmaster etc." and it was blatantly obvious he was using a TV missile cheat which I later confirmed by searching this forum and youtube. Jets missiles and MG can't be controlled by an aimbot like the TV missile or infantry players can as you can see in most of the videos. This makes sense because it would be kinda like a grenade aimbot...once the nades are thrown or the missiles shot, the server has control so no client cheats can interefere. So whenever someone calls you a cheater in a jet for killing too many people that isn't the case.
However, there are minimap hacks out there, and occasionally you will run across some pilots who always know where you are regardless of circumstances. Sometimes they are just good, but there has been two people I've noticed always came out of the sky right behind you no matter what where or when etc, and not just every few minutes, but every 30 seconds right behind you always. One guy was also continually shooting down j10s with FAV's in game, his name was nighthawk or something like that, and I asked him how he shot down 3 jets in a row with a car, and he said skill, lol. Everytime you neared land he would hit you with a FAV through the mist it was pretty retarded.
As for your clan thing, obviously nobody would ever admit wrong, and thats fine it was an old event and we don't plan on returning because there are other wake servers and thats ok for everyone.
Have fun flying on your server though.
Last edited by [CANADA]_Zenmaster (2007-05-17 00:59:48)
good tips
i chanced on your guide and zenmaster, let me say thank you. i got a pretty decent joystick recently and that along with your guide has most definitely made me a better pilot. btw what servers do you usually play in because i'd like to watch you fly firsthand.
Hi - I am glad you liked it.StarvinMarvin wrote:
i chanced on your guide and zenmaster, let me say thank you. i got a pretty decent joystick recently and that along with your guide has most definitely made me a better pilot. btw what servers do you usually play in because i'd like to watch you fly firsthand.
I barely fly in bf2, and my flying first hand is nothing to interesting to be honest. It's just the same old shit in another jet. I wrote the guide to help people learn to fly in BF2, not to necessarily master any aspect. Believe it or not, I only have 200 hours in a jet, of my 1300 hours of game time. Once you play for 100 hours, you've pretty much reached a plateau, and the last things to master are your camera views. Its hard to keep flying after that - I find infantry and squad play much more rewarding.
I still fly once a week or so though for about 1-2hrs. I play on any wake server with a low ping to me, no admins to few admins, and 40 players or less. Every month or so another ban removes a server from my favorites so I can't really give you everywhere I play. Recently, I use [UGS] wake (unless too many 7VD guys are on because they are retarded admins) or I used to like Krackhouse but then my buddy got banned. Otherwise, I just search up 24/7 wake and check the list for lowest ping, and open slots and no clan members.
Other maps, I tend to go for the chopper instead of the jet because it is a lot more fun and more dynamic. I only go in the jet if the team needs a pilot to win, which sometimes happens when everyone is fucking the dog.
Keep practicing, right now stats don't count so its a great time to learn.
Hey there,
Thank you sooo much for this guide I could never fly lol, always crashed and when someone was behind me I didn't even tried to avoid them, never succeeded
But now I can even dogfight and win! HELL YEA!!! I read your whole guide, watched all vids/links and any other info related to this topic (took me about 2-3 days lol), but it was well worth it
Especially those tactics about how to avoid/get rid off other planes, the bombing tactics and using the MG's were VERY helpful
Again, thank you so much lol
Hopefully I'll see you once on the battlefield (same side I hope...)
EoT. Blepo1990
Thank you sooo much for this guide I could never fly lol, always crashed and when someone was behind me I didn't even tried to avoid them, never succeeded
But now I can even dogfight and win! HELL YEA!!! I read your whole guide, watched all vids/links and any other info related to this topic (took me about 2-3 days lol), but it was well worth it
Especially those tactics about how to avoid/get rid off other planes, the bombing tactics and using the MG's were VERY helpful
Again, thank you so much lol
Hopefully I'll see you once on the battlefield (same side I hope...)
EoT. Blepo1990
Does the X52 Pro from Saitek make for a good joystick
Just because I was laughing at the 'Don't let this be you' part thought I'd add a funny screenshot I took aswell;
[url][/url], linked it so people don't bitch about screen stretch.
[url][/url], linked it so people don't bitch about screen stretch.
Okay seems to me like you are only playing servers with noobs in the jet!(i got about 300 hours in chopper)If there are good aviators on the server you have absolutely no chance in chopper!The j10 is still by far the best vehicle in this game,(if u are a good pilot, u barely die, but get loads of kills)!comet241 wrote:
i dont fly jets, just choppers, but i read the whole post. to add to the helo vs. jet section, i gotta say i rarely ever get shot down by jets. if a jet is dogging me, i just turn and face them directly. i drop flares, fire my rockets, and let the gunner mg/tv them till they die. i have 80 hours or more in the chopper, and this is my proven strategy. just my two cents...
Any diehard way to shake missles away from my F35 as I attempt to stratorun???
I've added you to my Xfire Zenmaster
I'd love to speak with you if thats ok?
I'd love to speak with you if thats ok?
Updated videos with better quality: … on=fanmovs
I can't fix the aviator guide as the wiki is broken
I can't fix the aviator guide as the wiki is broken
If you go with a Logitech Extreme 3d Pro, try not to overuse the 6 base buttons. I mapped 4 of them with view changes and 2 to the mini and main maps. Each time the contacts have worn down to the point where I have to jam in the button for it to register. I'd recommend mapping them to the hat but that's a lot of assignments for the thumb to handle.
I had that same problem with the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro...i had my cockpit mapped to the 6 button and i have to jam down as of yesterday to get it to register...
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