Shoot that guy ->
This may be random, but look at NASTIE_BUTLER's K/D ratio with Light Machine Guns...
+69|6855|th3 unkn0wn

AmBiTiOnZ23 wrote:

This may be random, but look at NASTIE_BUTLER's K/D ratio with Light Machine Guns...
Yeah, I've never ever seen someone with SUCH an impressive K/D ratio with LMGs. You truly are a god with LMGs, Nastie. We all bow before you, your royal noob-ness....except for me of course

Last edited by {HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy (2006-01-29 22:33:35)


[anti]NorthBear wrote:

Oh come on VeNg3nCe^ , so you have never ever TK:d for a chopper???
All of your 2009 tk:s are sad misstakes, yea right...

"for all you know he could have been tking me the last few rounds"

Thats mature... LMAO

Sorry just had to
veng got 2000 tks in over 1000 hour gameplay. i doubt your tk/min ratio is lower than his.
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
Yes, and I also have an average of 0.4 tks per game.  Does that look like a tker to you?
Get your body beat.
mine has gone up since i jumped in a tank. i dont do i cos i missed out, i can wait till they die, its from blind people forgetting to look both ways.
+7|6983|California, USA

{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:

AmBiTiOnZ23 wrote:

This may be random, but look at NASTIE_BUTLER's K/D ratio with Light Machine Guns...
Yeah, I've never ever seen someone with SUCH an impressive K/D ratio with LMGs. You truly are a god with LMGs, Nastie. We all bow before you, your royal noob-ness....except for me of course
That is one serious bug, LOL.
+55|6897|3 Miles west of smurf village

AmBiTiOnZ23 wrote:

This may be random, but look at NASTIE_BUTLER's K/D ratio with Light Machine Guns...
For some reason I have a shitty k/d with subs and I think it might have to do with BHing but i was never sure.  It is an anomoly as it doesn't match with my other ratios.

Last edited by NASTIE_BUTLER (2006-01-30 03:48:21)

Just looking at Nastie_Butlers stats, and I would have to say that his defibrillator K/D is awfully high - 1.65

Stat padding? or does anyone think that this is possible?
+86|6921|New Zealand

hutchy52 wrote:

Just looking at Nastie_Butlers stats, and I would have to say that his defibrillator K/D is awfully high - 1.65

Stat padding? or does anyone think that this is possible?
Spotted a smurf - activating defibrillator - *CLEAR* - deactivating defibrillator

It's easy escpacially on nightmaps.

MB.nZ wrote:

hutchy52 wrote:

Just looking at Nastie_Butlers stats, and I would have to say that his defibrillator K/D is awfully high - 1.65

Stat padding? or does anyone think that this is possible?
Spotted a smurf - activating defibrillator - *CLEAR* - deactivating defibrillator

It's easy escpacially on nightmaps.
Says someone with 7 defibrillator kills, must be that easy.  (You should write a How-to for it Ace)

He has over 1600 kills, in 13 hours.  That's 2 kills a minute.
Apart from the knife *surprise surprise* this is his best for KPM and K/D ratio in small arms.

You tell me how someone can be so shit with ALL other weapons, and yet gets kills easily with this.
+86|6921|New Zealand

hutchy52 wrote:

MB.nZ wrote:

hutchy52 wrote:

Just looking at Nastie_Butlers stats, and I would have to say that his defibrillator K/D is awfully high - 1.65

Stat padding? or does anyone think that this is possible?
Spotted a smurf - activating defibrillator - *CLEAR* - deactivating defibrillator

It's easy escpacially on nightmaps.
Says someone with 7 defibrillator kills, must be that easy.  (You should write a How-to for it Ace)

He has over 1600 kills, in 13 hours.  That's 2 kills a minute.
Apart from the knife *surprise surprise* this is his best for KPM and K/D ratio in small arms.

You tell me how someone can be so shit with ALL other weapons, and yet gets kills easily with this.
in this situation - you spotted an enemy right next to you, who didnt notice me, I kill him with pistol, cause I still have no expert pistol.

And my name isnt Nastie Butler, just wanted to tell you how he does it - anyways he can tell you the same again...

You can have (and again I dont talk about myself) a good K/D for Knife / Shock Paddles, because these are instant kill weapons - it lasts 1 maybe 2 seconds if you kill somebody with it. After you killed someone, you deactivate it again, switch to another weapon and unfortuantly a sniper kills you but still not with knife/paddles handed out. That's why Perseverance or some other guys have a Knife K/D around 6.

Edit: If you think about it, every1 just used Paddles for revives, that's why you often died with it for no reason. If you think about somebody, who uses Paddles only for kills, he won't die with it that often, as somebody who use the paddles normally, for teampoints only. And mind it lasts only 2 seconds for a paddle kill, and another 1 to switch to another weapon.

And for me, I didnt ever use paddles for kills, that's why I only got 7, but try connecting to a server and use paddles only for kills - yes dont even revive somebody - you will have quickly the same k/d.

Last edited by MB.nZ (2006-01-30 05:27:09)

+2|6829|King's Island
I happened to play in NASTIE's squad on a Norwegian Wake server a few months ago. It was one of the most enjoyable rounds I have ever played. Everyone had mikes and were USING them. Nastie was offering lots of advice and wit. (One Norwegian guy said something like: "I don't know if my microphone works properly." Nastie: "Other than you sounding way too British it seems to work fine.") He informed me of the utter noobness of punishing, which I hadn't really thought about before.

We were the only squad actually doing anything towards winning. When we went to repair the BH the rest of the team managed to lose ALL the flags. Oh well, more capture points for us...

Another time, on the same server, I connected late in the round and joined his squad. He just said over VoIP: "Scorpio, we are doing the attack helo thing this round. Go cap a flag instead." Cool, so I left and did just that for the rest of the round. Most SL aren't that polite, they just kick you or yell "Bail out! Bail out!" without ever using VoIP or chat to tell you why.

MB.nZ wrote:

Edit: If you think about it, every1 just used Paddles for revives, that's why you often died with it for no reason. If you think about somebody, who uses Paddles only for kills, he won't die with it that often, as somebody who use the paddles normally, for teampoints only. And mind it lasts only 2 seconds for a paddle kill, and another 1 to switch to another weapon.
So your trying to say this guy only uses his paddles for kills, yet obviously that is incorrect, he has revived some 4700 people.  Do others not shoot at him while he has shock paddles out because he has asked them politely on VOIP?

Your obviously biased since you are in his clan, so whatever is said you will defend him.  But for me to believe a player as average as him has that many shock paddle kills not likley.
sounds like they are really trying to contemplate all of whats going on around them...

poor clueless lil smurfs,  ARENT THEY CUTE!
+0|6809|Malmoe, Sweden

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

Yes, and I also have an average of 0.4 tks per game.  Does that look like a tker to you?
YES, and bye the way I have 0,4 tks per game too, good work TEAMKILLER

"I never said that. Ifyou play on moders wake when I'm on with Nexar, chances are you will see about 4 guys from the enemy team switch just to tk us.  I told FromTheAshes that it was a mistake, I misread his name and thought he was one of these guys who was tking me constantly, but he goes on the forum and cries like a baby"

OMG who´s the crybaby flyboy???
+55|6897|3 Miles west of smurf village

hutchy52 wrote:

MB.nZ wrote:

Edit: If you think about it, every1 just used Paddles for revives, that's why you often died with it for no reason. If you think about somebody, who uses Paddles only for kills, he won't die with it that often, as somebody who use the paddles normally, for teampoints only. And mind it lasts only 2 seconds for a paddle kill, and another 1 to switch to another weapon.
So your trying to say this guy only uses his paddles for kills, yet obviously that is incorrect, he has revived some 4700 people.  Do others not shoot at him while he has shock paddles out because he has asked them politely on VOIP?

Your obviously biased since you are in his clan, so whatever is said you will defend him.  But for me to believe a player as average as him has that many shock paddle kills not likley.
Regarding my shock paddles I began a lil project to increase my shock paddle kills just for fun and I found the perfect map for knife/paddle kills along with the perfect combination.   I get an average of fifteen shock paddle kills and frequently enough to score expert knife if I used my knife instead.

The map -  Night Flight.  On a side note I do very well in night maps.....I love em.

The Tactic - Undisclosed as it is Butler's lil secret for now.

Is it possible for someone who is not BSF that is reading this to post and mention their experiences with me in Night Flight?  Maybe someone from AGE or ESU or another clan that hosts large multimap SF?   

On a side note I think that SF should be more popular than it is as it has all the ingredients that players who only play Kark/Sharqi/Mashturr are looking for.   The expansion is a ground pounder's dream.   Anyone observant enough who questions my ability as a foot soldier should notice that I hold my own in that expansion rather well.
+0|6853|Orlando,FL / Champaign,IL, USA
Wow, everyone talk about the BSF clan a little bit more. They are a group of people that own loners on pubs and then everyone thinks they are the kings of the BF2 universe. Meanwhile almost any real competitive clan concentrates on matches, and considers pubbing time to kick back and relax. These guys are unheard of on the competitive BF2 scene, for good reason.

Get a respectable record in TWL, CAL, World Tournament, fucking anything, and then you can have some respect to go along with it. It's not very difficult for a group of people working together, especially a clan on Ventrilo or Teamspeak, to completely own a pub without much work. As with Counter-Strike:Source or a number of other games. I'm a stat whore as much as the rest of people here, but damn, stop giving people credit where it's not really due.

And go ahead, use the excuse that you don't prefer extremely small competition sizes. 4v4 (EU) and 5v5 (US) is not very popular, and 8v8 is more popular, but CAL offers a 12v12 league if you prefer bigger matches. When I first started looking into the competitive end, I thought 12v12 wasn't enough, but anymore than that just becomes unmanageable, and looking back on it, 12v12 is a reasonable size for larger clans.

Last edited by omgitsfletch (2006-01-30 10:10:09)

Shock paddle whore!

omgitsfletch wrote:

Wow, everyone talk about the BSF clan a little bit more. They are a group of people that own loners on pubs and then everyone thinks they are the kings of the BF2 universe. Meanwhile almost any real competitive clan concentrates on matches, and considers pubbing time to kick back and relax. These guys are unheard of on the competitive BF2 scene, for good reason.

Get a respectable record in TWL, CAL, World Tournament, fucking anything, and then you can have some respect to go along with it. It's not very difficult for a group of people working together, especially a clan on Ventrilo or Teamspeak, to completely own a pub without much work. As with Counter-Strike:Source or a number of other games. I'm a stat whore as much as the rest of people here, but damn, stop giving people credit where it's not really due.

And go ahead, use the excuse that you don't prefer extremely small competition sizes. 4v4 (EU) and 5v5 (US) is not very popular, and 8v8 is more popular, but CAL offers a 12v12 league if you prefer bigger matches. When I first started looking into the competitive end, I thought 12v12 wasn't enough, but anymore than that just becomes unmanageable, and looking back on it, 12v12 is a reasonable size for larger clans.
Thank you very much!

Could not have said it much better my self!

This guy perfectly sums up what I have been trying to say all along Butler!

The same thing happened when I played your style with *HMC*FE1F people started to leave the server they had enough, can you please get the message now?

You and your fellow BSF mates have of course no problem to rule on a public server but you don’t belong there. Go and find a real competitive clan and play them and split up on the public servers to prove/improve your individual skills (LMG)!
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦

[anti]NorthBear wrote:

YES, and bye the way I have 0,4 tks per game too, good work TEAMKILLER
You flame me for tking yet you just claimed that you are one?

"I never said that. Ifyou play on moders wake when I'm on with Nexar, chances are you will see about 4 guys from the enemy team switch just to tk us.  I told FromTheAshes that it was a mistake, I misread his name and thought he was one of these guys who was tking me constantly, but he goes on the forum and cries like a baby"

OMG who´s the crybaby flyboy???
Crying? I have never got on here "omg screw u tking noobs I hate u FromTheAshes!!!!" (and thats put mildly)
Someone asked why I never responded, I told him, then you come here and state that I am crying?  FYI I think its funny that our level of ownage is that annoying to some noobs who can't play the game properly so they must come and tk us.

And please, post with a little logic next time, you make yourself look like a  fool making immature flame posts.
+0|6853|Orlando,FL / Champaign,IL, USA
Vengeance is a perfect example of what is called a "pub star". Notice how he uses the words "our level of ownage is annoying". Honestly, I haven't seen anything that distinguishs your level of ownage from any of the other organized clans that are commonly found on public servers. Also notice that rather than refute mine and sluggit's posts concerning their lack of legitimate skill, he has to continue arguing about teamkills and totally ignore 2 meaningful, reasoned posts. That is a prime example of a pub star. The best way to handle a pub star is to laugh at their "skillz", brush it aside as nothing out of the ordinary, and leave them to their own devices.
+7|6983|California, USA

omgitsfletch wrote:

Wow, everyone talk about the BSF clan a little bit more. They are a group of people that own loners on pubs and then everyone thinks they are the kings of the BF2 universe. Meanwhile almost any real competitive clan concentrates on matches, and considers pubbing time to kick back and relax. These guys are unheard of on the competitive BF2 scene, for good reason.

Get a respectable record in TWL, CAL, World Tournament, fucking anything, and then you can have some respect to go along with it. It's not very difficult for a group of people working together, especially a clan on Ventrilo or Teamspeak, to completely own a pub without much work. As with Counter-Strike:Source or a number of other games. I'm a stat whore as much as the rest of people here, but damn, stop giving people credit where it's not really due.

And go ahead, use the excuse that you don't prefer extremely small competition sizes. 4v4 (EU) and 5v5 (US) is not very popular, and 8v8 is more popular, but CAL offers a 12v12 league if you prefer bigger matches. When I first started looking into the competitive end, I thought 12v12 wasn't enough, but anymore than that just becomes unmanageable, and looking back on it, 12v12 is a reasonable size for larger clans.
It looks like BSF is already in the team listings at (12v12)

but no match history.  They must be imposters!

True, pubs are a different story since basically the enemy team is composed of random ppl who don't know each other, don't use VOIP,or aren't in a squad.  It's guaranteed EZ wins in pubs if part of the team is holding hands through VOIP commo coordinating flag captures/movements.

If that's their thing, let em brag.  It would be nice to see some CAL record (not scrims).  Not sure if organized pubbing is worth bragging about, but then again, this is, j/k.

Last edited by Rakasan (2006-01-30 11:59:47)


omgitsfletch wrote:

Wow, everyone talk about the BSF clan a little bit more. They are a group of people that own loners on pubs and then everyone thinks they are the kings of the BF2 universe. Meanwhile almost any real competitive clan concentrates on matches, and considers pubbing time to kick back and relax. These guys are unheard of on the competitive BF2 scene, for good reason.

Get a respectable record in TWL, CAL, World Tournament, fucking anything, and then you can have some respect to go along with it. It's not very difficult for a group of people working together, especially a clan on Ventrilo or Teamspeak, to completely own a pub without much work. As with Counter-Strike:Source or a number of other games. I'm a stat whore as much as the rest of people here, but damn, stop giving people credit where it's not really due.

And go ahead, use the excuse that you don't prefer extremely small competition sizes. 4v4 (EU) and 5v5 (US) is not very popular, and 8v8 is more popular, but CAL offers a 12v12 league if you prefer bigger matches. When I first started looking into the competitive end, I thought 12v12 wasn't enough, but anymore than that just becomes unmanageable, and looking back on it, 12v12 is a reasonable size for larger clans.

omgitsfletch wrote:

Vengeance is a perfect example of what is called a "pub star". Notice how he uses the words "our level of ownage is annoying". Honestly, I haven't seen anything that distinguishs your level of ownage from any of the other organized clans that are commonly found on public servers. Also notice that rather than refute mine and sluggit's posts concerning their lack of legitimate skill, he has to continue arguing about teamkills and totally ignore 2 meaningful, reasoned posts. That is a prime example of a pub star. The best way to handle a pub star is to laugh at their "skillz", brush it aside as nothing out of the ordinary, and leave them to their own devices.
Word.  Clans that don't play competitively = just a bunch of wannabes / amateurs.

omgitsfletch wrote:

Vengeance is a perfect example of what is called a "pub star". Notice how he uses the words "our level of ownage is annoying". Honestly, I haven't seen anything that distinguishs your level of ownage from any of the other organized clans that are commonly found on public servers. Also notice that rather than refute mine and sluggit's posts concerning their lack of legitimate skill, he has to continue arguing about teamkills and totally ignore 2 meaningful, reasoned posts. That is a prime example of a pub star. The best way to handle a pub star is to laugh at their "skillz", brush it aside as nothing out of the ordinary, and leave them to their own devices.
sluggit's and ur posts have been replied by other members of ours, especially nastie_butler, numerous times. personally I dont see any valueable statements that are worth discussing in your posts. It's been overasked, it's been answered. regarding leagues, the persons who are in charge of that in our squad are taking care of it. If you "havent seen anything that distinguishes" our level of ownage from any others, probably it's because that you havent played with/against us. If you wanna see how we have done against other organized clans, including some of the top clans in europe, you may go on our forums and ask for some screenshots, or you may also simply check out our match history. now you tell me, all that tk flame was directed at vengeance, why isnt he supposed to reply?

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