International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|6883|Uhh... erm...
Granted. However, you get sued by Jamie Oliver for using his recipes without permission and you end up bankrupt, homeless and lacking a stove to cook anything.

I wish my computer could play any game on Earth without any complications occurring whatsoever.
Member 5307

Tetrino wrote:

Granted. However, you get sued by Jamie Oliver for using his recipes without permission and you end up bankrupt, homeless and lacking a stove to cook anything.

I wish my computer could play any game on Earth without any complications occurring whatsoever.
granted, but the moment you leave your house it gets stolen.

i wish my boss would give me a raise.
International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|6883|Uhh... erm...
Granted. The next day, he gets fired and a Hitler clone takes over. He forces you to massage his feet so that you may get the privelage of drinking his urine.

I wish my country didn't have such a hot and humid climate. I'm burning here!
Certified Twat
+296|6660|Bournemouth, South England
granted, Global cooling turns you ino a meat popsicle.

I wish I wasn't as good looking as I am now.
+98|6890|netherlands, sweet lake city
granted your still a hotty ^^ want my number ?

I wish that I'm gonna find my wallet

Last edited by kn0ckahh (2007-07-02 02:11:20)

Certified Twat
+296|6660|Bournemouth, South England
Granted.  I return your *empty* wallet.

I wish I didnt have hay fever.
Member 5307
granted. you have syphillis instead.

i wish i could have a beer now
+98|6890|netherlands, sweet lake city
granted but its warm

I wish I had a freezer

Last edited by kn0ckahh (2007-07-02 02:14:11)

International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|6883|Uhh... erm...
Granted but the police finds 50 raped corpses in it. You're executed for crimes against humanity.

I wish, I wish, I was a fish!
Certified Twat
+296|6660|Bournemouth, South England
You, good sir, are now a fish.  A small fish, being digested by a larger fish.

I wish someone would make me a coffee.
+98|6890|netherlands, sweet lake city
I will make one for you, plz don't mind that I accidentally drank it. you'll get it when it comes out.

I wish I had a monster truck
International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|6883|Uhh... erm...
Granted. The truck has a personality of its own and eats you.

I wish I could speak Arabic.
Real Хорошо
+826|6671|Adelaide, South Australia

Tetrino wrote:

Granted. The truck has a personality of its own and eats you.

I wish I could speak Arabic.
You now speak Arabic. Of course, you cant understand it when other people speak it, and you lose all previous linguistic knowledge.

I wish I was King Leonidas.
+617|6558|NSW, Australia

you end up dying so...go for it

i wish i could get any computer game i wanted free for the rest of my life with absoultly no negative reprecussions
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR
You can get any game for free, but someone steals your PC and all other gaming consoles you own

I wish for 500$, then i could buy my new PC
Too old to be doing this sh*t
+103|6675|Little blue planet, milky way
You GET your $500, but in HK dollar, so you now have about USD $30 for a new PC, and the prices just went up.

I wish people would stop backfiring all these wishes !
Real Хорошо
+826|6671|Adelaide, South Australia

Twist wrote:

You GET your $500, but in HK dollar, so you now have about USD $30 for a new PC, and the prices just went up.

I wish people would stop backfiring all these wishes !
So they begin to backfire EVERY OTHER WISH EVER MADE.

I wish I had moar pics to Spartashop.
Certified Twat
+296|6660|Bournemouth, South England
You have sooo many Sparta-shops, you get kicked down a well by an angry bearded man.

I wish I didn't eat that curry last night....
International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|6883|Uhh... erm...
Granted. You instead got drunk and ate a hobo's balls.

I wish I had a P90 with unlimited ammo and targets to kill.

Tetrino wrote:

Granted. You instead got drunk and ate a hobo's balls.

I wish I had a P90 with unlimited ammo and targets to kill.
Ok, you have a P90 with unlimited ammo and targets, you turn a corner, and some noob knifes you in the face, then your computer crashes

I wish I didn't have to get up at 7:00am everyday
International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|6883|Uhh... erm...
Granted. You now have to get up at 5.00am everyday. Or you'll get buttraped by Mike Tyson.

I wish I had more karma.
Real Хорошо
+826|6671|Adelaide, South Australia

You get so much Karma that you're banned for Karma padding. /lamebackfire

I wish I had Photoshop CS3.

Last edited by Fenris_GreyClaw (2007-07-02 04:45:06)

Teh forum ghey!
+172|6789|Wigan. Manchester. England.
You now have CS3, but the serial key is in use!

I wish i was driving already.
Certified Twat
+296|6660|Bournemouth, South England
Granted. PS CS3 belongs to you, however, you get found with dubious pictures of young animals manipulated into compromising positions, and consequently arrested.  Oopsy.

I wish my missus would shave her armpits....
Real Хорошо
+826|6671|Adelaide, South Australia

scottomus0 wrote:

You now have CS3, but the serial key is in use!

I wish i was driving already.
You're driving! Off a cliff!

Penetrator_01 wrote:

Granted. PS CS3 belongs to you, however, you get found with dubious pictures of young animals manipulated into compromising positions, and consequently arrested.  Oopsy.

I wish my missus would shave her armpits....
She shaves them, and deposits the hair in your mouth while you sleep.

I wish I was good at Monopoly.

Last edited by Fenris_GreyClaw (2007-07-02 04:53:23)

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