Negative!! When it is put together is the BEST time to use an airbrush for the camo pattern (Unless, by put together you mean you completely finished it w/ decals and all. And its on your shelf) Otherwise, using really good masking tape for the camo effect works great. And if you have a good airbrush you wont even need the masking tape. If you get good at controlling the pressure and the amount of paint, you can just airbrush on your camo pattern. (It really helps to have a photo in this case)icecold2510 wrote:
Well, it's a Revell 1/48 A-10, i want to get that gray camo look A-10s have right now... dark gray and a lighter gray.
It can't happen now since it's put together and all.
Man! This thread is really getting me ready to work on models again, but unfortunately my modeling desk is now being used for college studies.
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.