Jet Whore
Granted, but her face was just driven over by a car.

I wish I had a kick-ass PC.
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR

Sgt.Davi wrote:

Granted but all that horny 14 year old stage energy is transfered into you, and you become the whiner.

I wish that right this second I could have glorious, protected sex with the girl of my dreams.
Granted......but right before you guys are about to "Get down to business" you flop it out and they all giggle and point and then make jokes about how small you penis is

I wish i had an interesting, fun life
Real Хорошо
+826|6671|Adelaide, South Australia

You lead a great life, filled with fun and interesting things to do. Shame you had to be diagnosed with a terminal illness to experience it though.

I wish I knew everything I needed to in order to make it through my (long) life without making a mistake.
+605|6700|San Diego, CA, USA
You now live in a white box with a button for food and a hole for a toilet.

I wish I wasn't as fat.
Games, Girls, Guinness
+85|6604|Cambridge, UK

You now cant eat anything without being violently sick, you loose all your weight and spend the rest of your life in intensive care

I wish Kylie was my g/f
+605|6700|San Diego, CA, USA
Kylie is now your girlfriend, but she's a zombie that moans all the time.

I wish my friend of 10 years didn't steal $100,000 from me.
+124|6574|My room
He didn't steal $100,000...he stole $100,000,000!

I wish I could make out with a really hot chick in my school.
+447|7000|Seattle, Washington, USA

T1g3r217 wrote:

He didn't steal $100,000...he stole $100,000,000!

I wish I could make out with a really hot chick in my school.
Have fun with that, she has oral herpes.
I wish I owned the moon.
+10|6517|The other side of world
Granted ------now the goverment wants the taxes on it for the last million or so years... you have to sell it along with every thing you own on Earth and still owe the goverment 99% of the money for the taxes.

I wish for car to break down.
Super Awesome Member
Your car breaks down. Your not in it. Your at home. An axeman then breaks into your house and decapitates you.

I wish for this wish not to backfire
+10|6517|The other side of world

petermassingale wrote:

Your car breaks down. Your not in it. Your at home. An axeman then breaks into your house and decapitates you.

I wish for this wish not to backfire
man that suck for the axe man before he getts to me he finds 13 rounds from a .40 in his head...<--------i dont play nice nor does my wife thats why i love her
+26|6514|England, UK

petermassingale wrote:

Your car breaks down. Your not in it. Your at home. An axeman then breaks into your house and decapitates you.

I wish for this wish not to backfire
Granted, but you just wasted your one and only wish on that. You sit and pine away for the rest of your life, with your mind decaying wondering what glorious things you could have had (most likely with a penis on it due to the wish backfiring), you cry yourself to sleep restless night after restless night, until in the end, you decide you can not take it any more, and attempt to take your own life by jumping in front of a train, you fail. Your now in prison (trespassing on the train line), with no arms or legs, you can just see out of one eye, but you can feel the "love" Jeff your cell-mate gives you every-night.

I wish for an unlimited amount of Dr. Pepper <3. (Note: Anyone who backfires this, should die)
+1,106|6441|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Inimicus_7 wrote:

Granted, but you just wasted your one and only wish on that. You sit and pine away for the rest of your life, with your mind decaying wondering what glorious things you could have had (most likely with a penis on it due to the wish backfiring), you cry yourself to sleep restless night after restless night, until in the end, you decide you can not take it any more, and attempt to take your own life by jumping in front of a train, you fail. Your now in prison (trespassing on the train line), with no arms or legs, you can just see out of one eye, but you can feel the "love" Jeff your cell-mate gives you every-night.

I wish for an unlimited amount of Dr. Pepper <3. (Note: Anyone who backfires this, should die)
By a horrid twist of fate, you get an unlimited amount of Mr. Pibb. Suffer, bitch.

I wish Pac-man were real.
+131|6608|the guy in the hind on gator

cowami wrote:

Inimicus_7 wrote:

Granted, but you just wasted your one and only wish on that. You sit and pine away for the rest of your life, with your mind decaying wondering what glorious things you could have had (most likely with a penis on it due to the wish backfiring), you cry yourself to sleep restless night after restless night, until in the end, you decide you can not take it any more, and attempt to take your own life by jumping in front of a train, you fail. Your now in prison (trespassing on the train line), with no arms or legs, you can just see out of one eye, but you can feel the "love" Jeff your cell-mate gives you every-night.

I wish for an unlimited amount of Dr. Pepper <3. (Note: Anyone who backfires this, should die)
By a horrid twist of fate, you get an unlimited amount of Mr. Pibb. Suffer, bitch.

I wish Pac-man were real.
hes real and eats ur ass

i wish  that i became broke as a joke.(yeah backfire this)
Hopscotch Champion
+11|6315|Houston, Texas
he would just come eat you up as here on the computer, you are only a bunch of little dots anyway and are slowly devoured accompanied with the 'blip' sound. wuahahahaha

i wish that i had a money tree

darn you beat me haha o well just ignore the backfire take my wish.

Last edited by irishtop (2007-07-01 16:13:36)

.yag era uoy fi siht deaR
You get a money tree, but it dies because you forget to water it and fertalise it

I wish my job didnt suck
+18|6853|Swing and a miss
Granted your job is great, except after 2 hours of working you jobs company becomes bankrupt and
all those stocks you had invested in the company come to a screeching halt and lose its value leaving you with no
home or money.

I wish i had a pony

Last edited by trackstarr (2007-07-01 17:02:02)

.yag era uoy fi siht deaR
You get a pony, but next time tell the wish-fairy that the dick goes underneath

I wish the SF badges were recording/updating
Member 5307
the SF badges resume recording/updating but EA decides to pull the plug on BF2 and remove the game and all servers with immediate effect.

i wish i could take a break from work, go home and take a nap.
+605|6700|San Diego, CA, USA
Your wish is granted.  You go home and take a nap, unfortunately you and your family die a horrible death from the nuclear meltdown that you could had avoided if you didn't go home and take a nap.

I wish I didn't have to wear glasses.
Certified Twat
+296|6660|Bournemouth, South England

Harmor wrote:

I wish I didn't have to wear glasses.
Granted.  But a nearby pensioner slips over, spilling hydrochloric acid in your eyes, rendering you completely blind.

I wish I was a bear.
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR
You become a bear.......A fe-male bear, and guess what? its mating season

I wish i was 2 years older
Certified Twat
+296|6660|Bournemouth, South England

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

I wish i was 2 years older
Granted, However you cannot account for your two year "absence" and IRS imprison you as an identity thief.
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR

Penetrator_01 wrote:

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

I wish i was 2 years older
Granted, However you cannot account for your two year "absence" and IRS imprison you as an identity thief.
And your wish is?
Real Хорошо
+826|6671|Adelaide, South Australia

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

Penetrator_01 wrote:

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

I wish i was 2 years older
Granted, However you cannot account for your two year "absence" and IRS imprison you as an identity thief.
And your wish is?
I wish I could cook.

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