SilentscoutIX wrote:
swe:D wrote:
David.Podedworny wrote:
How the fuck do you hack into rcon? I've tried everything but i cant seem to do it.
Some servers have standard rcon login,so if you type in: rcon login super123 in console you will become an ingame admin
Hmm I believe in his case they were dumb enough to leave the password as password or something like that, there is a thread complaining about im doing it somewhere on the TBF2 forums. The whole story made me laugh.
Nice but lets not discuss this here i dont want this thread to get closed. Its about smacktarding not hacking. And on that note...
I was smacktarding on hbd ghosttown with my clansucks account 30 minutes ago(Sorry sniped
) And this asshole armor raper by the name of duron60 was killing my team on upper south/north so i go spec ops, I blow him twice in nearly the same spot, Southwest by Upper south on the hills i take russian heli bail and plant 2 c4 tell him good bye and blow him, I request a vehicle drop(Thank you muya!) Get it i see him coming back with linebacker again, I get in my fav jump right over him(Thank god he did'nt notice me) Plant another 2 c4 and boom dead, A minute later i keep toying with him blowing him with 1 c4 and such, When this guy by the name of celticpride30 starts raping my team, So i whip out my c4 and go to town, I ram him 3 times, He's pissed! I'm laughing, I see duron is killing people again, I type outloud "duron stop armor raping" Some one by the name of ancon tells me to shut up about armor rape, So i tell him "I dont like armor rapers" Proceed to fuck with duron and celtic and when the round ends i'm 51-Negative 3-27-9! Because of my smacktarding on the armor whores i help my team immensely! Because they were too busy too fight my team had capped nearly all the flags! Next round i plan to do the same thing but i'm switched to the same side as them. Before i leave i tell them bye because i cant smacktard duron anymore and warn everyone if you armor rape i will get you! It was fun. I'm gonna do it again soon on another server.
Last edited by David.Podedworny (17 years, 8 months ago)