irc wrote:
(11:32:27) —› join: (Mikhail) (
[email protected])
(11:32:30) (+Heggs) what would be wasted?
(11:32:33) (+Heggs) the dictionary?
(11:32:36) (+Heggs) your time?
(11:32:37) (Mikhail) hi guuys
(11:32:45) —› quit: (Surgeon) (
[email protected]) (Ping timeout)
(11:32:47) (+Surgeon_) lal
(11:32:47) (Mikhail) ha ha dictionary
(11:32:48) (+Heggs) hi mikhail
(11:32:52) (Mikhail) waht is a dictionary
(11:32:53) (+Heggs) oh shit
(11:32:53) (oswa) hail mika
(11:32:53) (Mikhail) hi heggs
(11:32:55) (Mikhail) i like you
(11:32:57) (+Heggs) hahaha
(11:33:01) (+Heggs) not this again
(11:33:06) (Mikhail) haha not waht
(11:33:13) (Mikhail) where is evary1 from//
(11:33:15) (+Heggs) hurricane: we have a new friend for you
(11:33:17) (+Surgeon_) hurri [jirc lol
(11:33:18) (+hurricane) who
(11:33:25) (+Surgeon_) pjirc*
(11:33:27) (Mikhail) friends are fun
(11:33:28) • +hurricane now listening to: Metallica - Enter Sandman [05:31m/128kbps/44kHz]
(11:33:30) (oswa) hahah
(11:33:51) (+Heggs) surgeon
(11:33:58) (+Heggs) what was the other guys name that you did
(11:34:02) (Mikhail) k guuys
(11:34:08) (Mikhail) who here lieks total bf2????/
(11:34:10) (Mikhail) i dont
(11:34:11) (+Surgeon_) nikolai
(11:34:15) (Mikhail) they are fagg capitalists
(11:34:20) (+Surgeon_) i dont either Mikhail
(11:34:25) (Mikhail) good
(11:34:27) (+Surgeon_) yay
(11:34:31) (+hurricane) tbf2 sucks ballz
(11:34:34) (+Surgeon_) can we be pen pals ?
(11:34:41) (Mikhail) haha pal pens you mean
(11:34:49) (Mikhail) yes i love to be pal pens
(11:34:52) (+Heggs) ah
(11:34:55) (Mikhail) wear do you livee
(11:35:00) (Mikhail) ha ha heggs what happen
(11:35:03) (+Heggs) is nikolai and mikhail related?
(11:35:04) (+Surgeon_) pal pens
(11:35:05) (Mikhail) are capitalists trying to rape you
(11:35:06) (+Surgeon_) XD
(11:35:12) • FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz is listening to: Panic! at the disco - Time To Dance (FireFucker Radio Emo, Punk and Rock) [00:00m/128kbps/44kHz]
(11:35:13) (+Surgeon_) i live in soviet yugoslavia
(11:35:14) (Bruce) one thing. Why does aol suck?
(11:35:21) (+Surgeon_) its ameerican
(11:35:23) (Mikhail) really! i live in russa
(11:35:30) (Mikhail) AOL? evil amerikan i bet
(11:35:34) (+Surgeon_) yep
(11:35:40) (Mikhail) many capitalist things are fagg and evil and suck
(11:35:44) (Bruce) Actually it's UK, taken over by talk talk but they use their exchange posts'
(11:35:53) (Mikhail) well uk is just small amerika
(11:35:58) (+Heggs) it's overrated and does nothing special, it's geared toward those that don't know how to use the internet, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it's not for those that already know how to use it
(11:36:02) —› join: (Fowz) (
[email protected])
(11:36:07) (Mikhail) uk is amerika 'bitch' as you say in amerika
(11:36:10) (oswa) rape each other
(11:36:13) (Mikhail) both capitalist both faggs
(11:36:17) (+Heggs) oh god
(11:36:20) (Mikhail) ok mr heggs thasnk u
(11:36:28) (Mikhail) aol is a suck then??
(11:36:36) (+Heggs) ha
(11:36:44) (Mikhail) haha okkey
(11:36:44) (oswa) mikhail where are you running ?
(11:36:50) (+Heggs) surgeon, you got the russian thing down
(11:36:50) (Mikhail) amin russia
(11:36:57) (Mikhail) i run every day for military
(11:36:58) (+Surgeon_) what you mean ?
(11:37:06) (Bruce) M'eh, i've used it for 7 years and it's not fucked me over like most ISP's. doesn't bother me that much
(11:37:11) (+Heggs) its painfully obvious its you
(11:37:12) (Mikhail) shaddap bruce fagg
(11:37:20) (Mikhail) you are fagg capitalist im bet haha
(11:37:24) (Bruce) or what? you'll spam me with your consistant shit?
(11:37:26) (+Surgeon_) mikhail
(11:37:30) (+Surgeon_) thats hurri
(11:37:30) (Mikhail) yeah fagg capitalist!
(11:37:35) (+Heggs) ah
(11:37:37) (+Surgeon_) see :p
(11:37:39) (Mikhail) haha what is a hurri? is it a suck like aol
(11:37:44) (+Surgeon_) yes
(11:37:46) (+Surgeon_) hurricane
(11:37:49) (+Surgeon_) does suck
(11:37:51) (+Heggs) you are so funny
(11:37:53) (Mikhail) haha okay
(11:37:56) (Mikhail) mr hurricane you are a suck
(11:38:00) (Mikhail) thasnk u mr heggs
(11:38:05) (Mikhail) i like you
(11:38:10) (Mikhail) pal pens? where live you
(11:38:30) • FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz is listening to: sirens sister - hold on (FireFucker Radio Emo, Punk and Rock) [00:00m/128kbps/44kHz]
(11:38:34) (Werewolf|Fenris) BAI2UALL
(11:38:39) • +hurricane now listening to: The Beastie Boys - Rhymin & Stealin [04:07m/256kbps/48kHz]
(11:38:42) (oswa) fsck
(11:38:44) —› quit: (Werewolf|Fenris) (~Werewolf|@ (Quit: Public PJIRC @
(11:38:48) (Mikhail) mr heggs where live you????
(11:38:49) (Bruce) Mikhail, where you from?
(11:38:50) —› join: (Surgeon) (
[email protected])
(11:38:53) —› mode: (ChanServ) sets mode (+v Surgeon)
(11:38:53) (Mikhail) russia
(11:39:00) (Mikhail) you are from fagg capitalism britain i hear
(11:39:13) (Mikhail) now if u r not fagg capitalist is fine!
(11:39:19) (oswa) haha
(11:39:20) (Mikhail) but if so i will raep u with AK47
(11:39:39) (oswa) so he'll rape you with apache tail rotor
(11:39:44) (Mikhail) ahahaha
(11:39:44) (Mikhail) no
(11:39:47) (Mikhail) russia is best
(11:39:52) (Mikhail) uk is just small amerika
(11:39:52) (Bruce) Was wondering which to call you, sand nigger, or foreign prick. Seems i got my answer.
(11:39:55) (Mikhail) and amerika is worse
(11:39:55) (oswa) ok then u r god
(11:40:03) (Mikhail) so britain is small worse haha
(11:40:10) (Mikhail) ok mr bruce ha ha you are a capitalist?
(11:40:34) (Bruce) It would be great if you made sense.
(11:40:53) —› quit: (Surgeon_) (
[email protected]) (Ping timeout)
(11:41:04) —› (Heggs) highlighted you: gg hurri
(11:41:13) (Mikhail) okay mr bruce fagg
(11:41:33) (Mikhail) i have friend in fagg cpaitalist britain
(11:41:41) (Mikhail) i no say his name or your fagg military kill him D:
(11:41:49) (Bruce) Sure thing.
(11:41:51) (Mikhail) but his code name is ali baba
(11:41:54) (Mikhail) he will kill you f
(11:42:00) (Mikhail) haha
(11:42:01) • FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz is listening to: less than jake - mostly memories (FireFucker Radio Emo, Punk and Rock) [00:00m/128kbps/44kHz]
(11:42:08) (Mikhail) russia will destroy
(11:42:25) (oswa) mikhail do u know what ali baba means ?
(11:42:26) (Bruce) Wow, Die.
(11:42:28) (Mikhail) mr bruces do you hear???!
(11:42:37) (Mikhail) mr oswas yes ali baba is legend
(11:42:48) (Mikhail) bad bad man which waht my friend is
(11:43:03) (+Thoruz) i got 2 acronyms for you
(11:43:14) (+Thoruz) 'stfu' and 'gtfo'
(11:43:18) (oswa) ali baba is a fish restaurant here.
(11:43:25) (Mikhail) mr bruces you are bad bad man
(11:43:35) (Mikhail) mr thoruz you shaddap haha stupid fuk
(11:43:37) (Bruce) And you're a retarded man, your point?
(11:43:45) (Mikhail) actuly im reussin
(11:43:47) (Mikhail) russia
(11:43:51) (Mikhail) you are stupid capitalist haha
(11:43:51) (Bruce) Oh, that explains it. Die.
(11:43:55) (Mikhail) haha
(11:44:02) (Mikhail) i am not die
(11:44:08) (Bruce) why don't you go drink some aftershave or something?
(11:44:11) (Mikhail) i make killing for job
(11:44:20) (Mikhail) i tell u the story mr bruces??
(11:44:28) (oswa) he needs to drink some antifreeze
(11:44:43) (Bruce) rofl "Russians Drink Aftershave" Pricless headline.
(11:44:45) (Mikhail) haha antifreeze is not russia
(11:45:12) • FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz is listening to: Lost Prophets - Burn,Burn (FireFucker Radio Emo, Punk and Rock) [00:00m/128kbps/44kHz]
(11:45:16) (Mikhail) rofl "Russians destroy fagg capitalists" is funny
(11:45:25) (Bruce) Sure, like it'll ever happen.
(11:45:37) (Bruce) Your peoples life expectency is like 60- odd
(11:45:50) (Bruce) only a matter of time before it goes down even more.
(11:46:35) (oswa) dooh bored. gtg
(11:46:54) (Mikhail) mr bruces youre faggggggggggggggggggggg
(11:46:56) (Mikhail) i hate you
(11:47:02) (Bruce) Like i give a shit.
(11:47:04) (Mikhail) when russia invae britain
(11:47:06) (Mikhail) i will find u
(11:47:13) (Mikhail) and shove AK47 bayonet up ass!!
(11:47:14) (Bruce) with your amazing english, i bet
(11:47:19) —› quit: (oswa) (
[email protected]) (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox])
(11:47:23) • +hurricane now listening to: The Beastie Boys - She's Crafty [03:35m/256kbps/48kHz]
(11:47:29) (Mikhail) at least i am tough man
(11:47:32) (Mikhail) you are just fagg capitalist
(11:47:33) (Bruce) Sure.
(11:47:44) (Bruce) You actually make me think of the german kid.
(11:47:49) (Bruce) Banging his head off his keyboard.
(11:47:50) (Mikhail) haha ha
(11:47:58) (Mikhail) you make me think of the fat capitalist
(11:48:04) (Mikhail) has hart attack yes
(11:48:10) (Bruce) Good. Was the impression i was going for.
(11:48:10) (Mikhail) from eatings too many foods
(11:48:16) (Bruce) Jealous?
(11:48:18) (Mikhail) haha fat fagg
(11:48:23) (Mikhail) no exrsize
(11:48:35) (Mikhail) as i say i tell story
(11:48:44) (Bruce) I was out all morning, Was enough exercise for the next 3 months.
(11:48:45) • FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz is listening to: underoath - its dangerous business walking out your front door (FireFucker Radio Emo, Punk and Rock) [00:00m/128kbps/44kHz]
(11:48:54) —› nick: (Poseidon`ZzZ) is now known as (Poseidon)
(11:48:54) • @Poseidon is back from: ZzZ (been away for 8h 36m)
(11:48:57) (Mikhail) haha waht carrying pizza from store to house???
(11:49:01) (Mikhail) as i say
(11:49:04) (Bruce) No, walking to the shops then back
(11:49:10) (Mikhail) my parents in siberia tunguska
(11:49:14) (Mikhail) i am born 30 years ago
(11:49:23) (Mikhail) mikhail after legendary kalashnikov
(11:49:26) (Bruce) only 30 more to go.
(11:49:41) (Mikhail) haha you are waht 15 years old
(11:49:48) (Mikhail) is age of fagg and capitalism
(11:49:53) (Bruce) 18.
(11:49:54) (Mikhail) as i say
(11:50:04) (Mikhail) i born in tunguska and move to moscow
(11:50:17) —› join: (leetkyle) (
[email protected])
(11:50:17) —› mode: (ChanServ) sets mode (+v leetkyle)
(11:50:17) (@ChanServ) [leetkyle] project reality pro
(11:50:19) (Mikhail) i have as you capitalists say "ok" schooling
(11:50:26) (Mikhail) but then i join russia military
(11:50:30) (Mikhail) now i am 20 years later
(11:50:36) (Mikhail) and ready for the kill of capitliastss
(11:50:40) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) lol
(11:50:44) (Mikhail) mr leetkyles are you capitalists
(11:50:50) (Mikhail) mr farbeyondrality ar eyou capitalists
(11:50:56) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) nah
(11:50:58) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) im a communist
(11:50:58) (+leetkyle) mikhail!
(11:51:02) (Bruce) You make me want to poke my eyes out.
(11:51:03) (Mikhail) okay mr far
(11:51:07) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz)
(11:51:09) (Mikhail) you are my pal pen same with the kyles
(11:51:17) (+leetkyle) hi mik lol.
(11:51:19) (Mikhail) where did mr surgeon s go
(11:51:23) (+leetkyle) what brings you to #bf2s ?
(11:51:29) (Mikhail) suporting the bf2s!!
(11:51:35) (Mikhail) against the toatls bf2 faggs
(11:51:45) (Mikhail) and mr bruce hre is capitalist
(11:51:45) (+leetkyle) nice
(11:51:46) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) aka capitalists?
(11:51:53) (Mikhail) is very eivl >
(11:52:05) (Mikhail) as i say i was saying my story
(11:52:09) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) but capitalism is good tho, since it makes me rich
(11:52:12) (Mikhail) i have beautiful wife mr bruce
(11:52:18) (Bruce) Goat?
(11:52:25) (Mikhail) whom i as you say "nali" or "nail" each night
(11:52:27) (Mikhail) no is a woman ha ha
(11:52:34) (Mikhail) waht do you fuck goat
(11:52:38) (Mikhail) haha
(11:52:41) (Bruce) Depends.
(11:52:47) (Mikhail) fuck then fry thne eat hahahf at fagg
(11:52:59) (Bruce) You don't fry goat.
(11:53:07) (Mikhail) haha fat capitalists do
(11:53:10) (Mikhail) fry all foods
(11:53:21) (Mikhail) who care??? are invincible right??? noone attakcs capitalists right???
(11:53:24) • +hurricane now listening to: The Beastie Boys - Slow Ride [02:56m/256kbps/48kHz]
(11:53:26) (Bruce) Someone has a hint of green in him, don't they?
(11:53:27) (Mikhail) haha
(11:53:32) (Mikhail) waht is green
(11:53:42) (Bruce) "OK" schooling would have told you that.
(11:53:46) (Mikhail) bruce you are 004fff39c98cd398c as the russias say >
(11:53:48) (Bruce) You fail @ schooling.
(11:54:00) (Mikhail) feel the freeze to translate it haha
(11:54:01) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) you fail at being a good capitalist
(11:54:04) (Mikhail) ignorant capitalist
(11:54:14) (Bruce) I'm not a Capitalist.
(11:54:14) (Bruce)
(11:54:26) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) pft
(11:54:28) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) you all are
(11:54:36) (Bruce) "You all"?
(11:54:45) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) yup
(11:54:50) (Bruce) elaborate.
(11:54:55) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) every single one in this channle
(11:55:10) (Bruce) So you are too, As is the one ranting about them?
(11:55:12) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) i say, embrace capitalism, dont fight it
(11:56:16) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) or just adopt
(11:56:19) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) imperialism
(11:56:21) • +hurricane now listening to: The Beastie Boys - Girls [02:13m/256kbps/48kHz]
(11:56:22) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) or militarism
(11:56:38) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) anything with "-ism" at the end is good
(11:57:07) (Mikhail) communism is bests
(11:57:10) (Mikhail) capitalism is worst
(11:57:14) (Bruce) so basically, he's bitching about private comapanys?
(11:57:18) (Mikhail) like mr bruces the fagg capitalist penis
(11:57:20) (Bruce) companys.
(11:57:28) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) yeah
(11:57:40) (Bruce) So there's no point to it, he's just bitching to be bitchy?
(11:57:41) • FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz is listening to: death by stereo - entombed we collide (FireFucker Radio Emo, Punk and Rock) [00:00m/128kbps/44kHz]
(11:57:49) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) guess so
(11:58:09) (Bruce) K Thanks.
(11:58:10) (Mikhail) huh
(11:58:15) (Mikhail) mr far beyonds are you a capitalist fagg?!?!?
(11:58:20) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) nono
(11:58:21) (Mikhail) you are not my pal pens any more!!!!!
(11:58:22) (Mikhail) >
(11:58:23) (Mikhail) >
(11:58:24) (Mikhail) >
(11:58:28) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) im a communist
(11:58:31) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) like i said before
(11:58:32) (Mikhail) you are defending the fat penis capitalist
(11:58:35) • +hurricane now listening to: The Beastie Boys - Fight For Your Right [03:27m/256kbps/48kHz]
(11:58:36) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) lol
(11:58:46) (Mikhail) make up mind >
(11:58:48) (Bruce) I don't have a problem with private companys.
(11:58:49) (Mikhail) but have warnings
(11:58:58) (Mikhail) if you are a capitalist like mr bruces fat fagg
(11:59:02) (Mikhail) i put my bayonet in ur ass
(11:59:03) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) hahaha
(11:59:08) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) hahahahahahhahaha
(11:59:11) (Mikhail) and then rip as you amerikans say 'colon' out
(11:59:24) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) im not american :<
(11:59:32) (Bruce) first you have to find me, second you have to get a boynet through security, third you have to be able to get money.
(11:59:36) (Bruce) Three things you can't do.
(11:59:39) (Bruce) O.o gg.
(11:59:56) (Mikhail) ahahaha you silly fagg
(11:59:59) (Bruce) Bayonet*
(12:00:07) (Mikhail) is military invasion not fuking vacation trip
(12:00:10) (Mikhail) hahah stupid fuk
(12:00:21) (Mikhail) how much of a school did you go? kindergardens??
(12:00:28) (Mikhail) ahahah you 004fu939dc992w38r fool
(12:00:59) (Bruce) gonna go play BF2. Have a nice time, Fag.
(12:01:26) • FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz is listening to: Weezer-Make Believe - Beverly Hills (FireFucker Radio Emo, Punk and Rock) [00:00m/128kbps/44kHz]
(12:01:33) (Mikhail) k bye capitalist pieca shit
(12:01:41) (Mikhail) ahah
(12:01:45) (Mikhail) i hate british faggs
(12:01:48) (Mikhail) just small amerikans
(12:01:54) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) lol
(12:01:58) (Mikhail) british non faggs are cool tho
(12:02:03) • +hurricane now listening to: The Beastie Boys - No Sleep Till Brooklyn [04:06m/256kbps/48kHz]
(12:02:07) (Mikhail) but the capitalists are as you amerikans say
(12:02:10) (Mikhail) "/fail"
(12:02:12) (Mikhail) haha
(12:02:14) —› quit: (Surgeon) (
[email protected]) (Ping timeout)
(12:02:15) (Mikhail) waht is fail anywayay
(12:02:19) (Mikhail) mr surgeons bye bye
(12:02:42) (Mikhail) mr farbeyondreality|gamezzzz
(12:02:43) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) being "fail" is like, being very very crap or just plain worthless
(12:02:46) (Mikhail) i go goodbye now
(12:02:50) (Mikhail) i back in times!!!
(12:02:52) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) alright
(12:02:53) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) y
(12:02:55) (FarBeyondReality|Gamezzzz) cya laters
(12:02:58) —› quit: (Mikhail) (
[email protected]) (Quit: for mother russia we kil the capitalistss)