yo shut the fuck up charles
im glad they are dead
All those who say roid rage, go fucking read up on it dumbshits. He did things no one who has honest to God "roid rage". It doesn't last for a whole weekend and people go, literally, nuts. Placing a Bible next to his wife and son is hardly being in a rage.

Ignorant fucks.

Last edited by Burks (2007-06-26 21:04:42)

+1,153|6776|Washington, DC

Criminal wrote:

im glad they are dead
Isn't that a bit harsh? What did the 7 year old do, bomb the White House?
Lets go tazy crazy!
There was 2 Tragic losses here - Wife and Son. I don't fucking care Chris died... he kills his family than himself? FUCKING COWARD I say...
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North

Burks wrote:

All those who say roid rage, go fucking read up on it dumbshits. He did things no one who has honest to God "roid rage". It doesn't last for a whole weekend and people go, literally, nuts. Placing a Bible next to his wife and son is hardly being in a rage.

Ignorant fucks.
why would he tie his wife up first? i thought the main part of a "roid rage" was the whole going fucking nuts part :\
i can't believe this...
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6684|Long Island, New York

Criminal wrote:

im glad they are dead
Comments like this don't make me wonder why you only have 3 karma in a year.

Poseidon wrote:

Criminal wrote:

im glad they are dead
Comments like this don't make me wonder why you only have 3 karma in a year.
I thought people said that the only reason you got karma was if you came with a lot of bullshit and dumb fun.
Boat sig is not there anymore
Chris_Benoit [Teamkills] w1f3
Chris_Benoit [Teamkills] K1D
Chris_Benoit is no more.

Seriously now, I'm not sorry for him, but I do feel for his wife and child.

Burks wrote:

All those who say roid rage, go fucking read up on it dumbshits. He did things no one who has honest to God "roid rage". It doesn't last for a whole weekend and people go, literally, nuts. Placing a Bible next to his wife and son is hardly being in a rage.

Ignorant fucks.
Sounds like you take roids.

And unless you know 100% why he did it, then calm the fuck down.  Your theory is no more right than the next persons.
'Light 'em up!'

usmarine2005 wrote:

Burks wrote:

All those who say roid rage, go fucking read up on it dumbshits. He did things no one who has honest to God "roid rage". It doesn't last for a whole weekend and people go, literally, nuts. Placing a Bible next to his wife and son is hardly being in a rage.

Ignorant fucks.
Sounds like you take roids.

And unless you know 100% why he did it, then calm the fuck down.  Your theory is no more right than the next persons.
Diazapam would be good with those roids lol
Hooligan of War
+21|6651|Atlanta, GA

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

Chris_Benoit [Teamkills] w1f3
Chris_Benoit [Teamkills] K1D
Chris_Benoit is no more.
That's sickly funny.

He should've just smoked some green to calm the fuck down. Some people forget that you have to slow down in life sometimes, otherwise you'll fucking snap and start TKing people.

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

Chris_Benoit [Teamkills] w1f3
Chris_Benoit [Teamkills] K1D
Chris_Benoit is no more.

you mean Nancy and Daniel
+2|6620|Laredo,Texas USA
wow...check this out

''The boy had old needle marks in his arms, Ballard said. He said he had been told the parents considered him undersized and had given him growth hormones.''

"The boy was very small, even dwarfed,"

from … ;type=lgns
+1,153|6776|Washington, DC

suomalainen_äijä wrote:

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

Chris_Benoit [Teamkills] w1f3
Chris_Benoit [Teamkills] K1D
Chris_Benoit is no more.

you mean Nancy and Daniel
you mean N4ncy and D4ni3l[SNIPER]

DemonAlucard wrote:

wow...check this out

''The boy had old needle marks in his arms, Ballard said. He said he had been told the parents considered him undersized and had given him growth hormones.''

"The boy was very small, even dwarfed,"

from … ;type=lgns
Ya but we are "fucking ignorant" for thinking he had a roid rage.
+127|6533|Jesus Land aka Canada
*my first reaction to the thread* omg.....................

*my reaction reading this*

Hurricane wrote:

suomalainen_äijä wrote:

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

Chris_Benoit [Teamkills] w1f3
Chris_Benoit [Teamkills] K1D
Chris_Benoit is no more.

you mean Nancy and Daniel
you mean N4ncy and D4ni3l[SNIPER]
agent146: LULz ....STAT PAD!!!.............

Last edited by agent146 (2007-06-27 18:29:07)

It's pronounced Knuck, like in Knuckle!!
seriously, tragic.  is it me or are the pro wrestlers of the world dying off before the age of 40?  *scratches head* call me cooky, but i think there is something going on here.  something unhealthy.   sounds to me if you join the wwe or whatever, its just a death sentence.  how long before congress  puts an end to this?  or better yet, call people like the ultimate warrior and others to testify on capital hill saying "there is no steroid problem in wrestling" and "steroids are not bad".
I haven't watched wrestling since the WCW ship sunk (more like bought and then blown up at port), and Chris left some time before then, so it's been a while since I've seen/heard of him, but I was floored when read about this.  Kind of how I felt when I read that Liz had died.

I think it's a tragedy that all three of them are gone; even in Chris' case, it's a tragedy that [insert whatever theory you want here] caused him to do that.
J-10 whore
I only feel for the young kid.
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6637|Menlo Park, CA

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

Chris_Benoit [Teamkills] w1f3
Chris_Benoit [Teamkills] K1D
Chris_Benoit is no more.

Seriously now, I'm not sorry for him, but I do feel for his wife and child.
lol!!!!! +1

You gave me a chuckle even if its half way fucked up!!
aka S.J.N.P.0717
+21|6424|Mo Val, Cali
Wow, what a bitch. He choked his son to death. That's fucked up and It's fucking ignorant to try and remember him for the entertainer. Because that's the only possible good thing about him. If someone like him died it would be he was a good husband and father and that obviously isn't going on his tombstone. Fucked up, he shouldn't be remembered, or if he is just hope he pays for it after death.
+1,411|6888|FUCK UBISOFT

theknuck wrote:

seriously, tragic.  is it me or are the pro wrestlers of the world dying off before the age of 40?  *scratches head* call me cooky, but i think there is something going on here.  something unhealthy.   sounds to me if you join the wwe or whatever, its just a death sentence.  how long before congress  puts an end to this?  or better yet, call people like the ultimate warrior and others to testify on capital hill saying "there is no steroid problem in wrestling" and "steroids are not bad".
its like the world of male modeling.

Ayumiz wrote:

I only feel for the young kid.
yeah fuck the wife?
yo shut the fuck up charles

Poseidon wrote:

Criminal wrote:

im glad they are dead
Comments like this don't make me wonder why you only have 3 karma in a year.

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