Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
I have missed out on around 300-400 points because my stats won't update!!!!!!!!
+5|6812|Laguna Beach, CA
Same thing with me. I've earned about 450 points and 140 Commander points in the last 36 hours and it only shows about 200.

EA updates have been slow recently. I earned Basic Repair last night and it finally showed up about 5 hours ago.

Hopefully it'll start updating quickly again.
Same here too,my commander rounds(around 60 points before x2!) in SF weren't recorded yet either.

Just be patient,the servers are a bit slow on weekends,the 14 year old players can stay up late on weekends so they usually do.

Everything comes to those who wait...
+5|6812|Laguna Beach, CA

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

Just be patient,the servers are a bit slow on weekends,the 14 year old players can stay up late on weekends so they usually do.
Ha ha. Ain't that the truth. I was playing with a 12 year old squad leader last night at 1am.

God his squaky voice was annoying in the mic throughout the entire round.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
lol, thanks for the hope. (BTW) I am one of those "kids who stay up late on weekends." (16)
My stats have also not loaded. This week it has been taking around 5 to 6 hours.
+5|6812|Laguna Beach, CA

Superior Mind wrote:

lol, thanks for the hope. (BTW) I am one of those "kids who stay up late on weekends." (16)
16 and older can be considered a mature player in my eyes.

Unless you go all Avril-punk-bitchiness on the server and think its fun to start C4 whoring your own team.
Shoot that guy ->
Same, I've had 3 100+ point rounds not register for me tonight...
+13|6719|Ft. Worth, Texas
It so totally sucks.....I mean didn't EA or Dice think of that when they decided to do the awards, badges, medals, and have the capacity to build a system that would respond quickly to the need whatever that need may be in regards to points and so forth for the players that bought their game.....wait.....stop....I see my mistake with this post....EA and  Seriously, I hope it does update like you have said...cause I eanred a bunch of points and my expert explosives badge tonight.  lol.
yeah thats exactly what i thought a while back, that it would just show up, but one time i earned my veteran spec ops badge, and it never showed up in the hq, and it won't let me get it again, i have gotten the 15 hours and plenty of times gotten the 20 kills, but don't recieve the badge, just the points. Wierd glitch. Im so mad.
that was like a week ago too
I DIDNT get my points either ea sucks.... hands down
Satan's disciple on Earth.
+160|6723|Hell's prison
I feel you guys' pain, I busted my hump earning my vet knife badge earlier, I got it right when the round ended (kinda one of those at the buzzer full court shots), right after it said I got recommended for an award, I got killed, then i respawned, then round over.  So I know I got it, The kills from it havent even shown on my records yet.  Been close to 8 hours now.  I took a hell of alot of deaths for it...Back in Nam...Oh yeah!
The Photographer.
+81|6742|Central Valley,California
I got my points but not my Vet Engineer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
heh, I am 14 and if I hadent told you and you played with me on a server I bet you would have never guessed, don't give 14 year olds a bad name because I happen to be one of the few who can maturley take in the game and play it tactically.
Earlier this week the stats were taking a while to update. I got my expert assault badge, it never showed up. I don't keep close enough track to tell if the points showed up. The next day I got my expert assault badge for bf2 and bf2sf, both took around six hours to show up in bfhq.
Aspiring Objectivist
Everyone just needs to calm down, you'll get your points unless you were on an unranked server.

Freaking fast food society ticks me off , you all want everything right now , take a nap, watch a movie, goto the bathroom, anything but post wait a day then post
Satan's disciple on Earth.
+160|6723|Hell's prison

ConIT wrote:

yeah thats exactly what i thought a while back, that it would just show up, but one time i earned my veteran spec ops badge, and it never showed up in the hq, and it won't let me get it again, i have gotten the 15 hours and plenty of times gotten the 20 kills, but don't recieve the badge, just the points. Wierd glitch. Im so mad.
I bet if you go to your Marksman infantry medal and hover your mouse it will show you as having the medal, other than that, go get the expert badge and see if it updates then.  If all else fails, call EA, DO NOT E-mail them they will not respond, call and you will get answers.
Satan's disciple on Earth.
+160|6723|Hell's prison

TrollmeaT wrote:

Everyone just needs to calm down, you'll get your points unless you were on an unranked server.

Freaking fast food society ticks me off , you all want everything right now , take a nap, watch a movie, goto the bathroom, anything but post wait a day then post
I like fast food BTW
yeah my points are coming up for a while now. it's making me worried too, now i'm wondering if it was ranked. i was pretty sure i only unchecked battlerecorder but this is pretty creepy
Satan's disciple on Earth.
+160|6723|Hell's prison
I know i was in a ranked server, I have that checked first of all, and second, it wouldnt have awarded me the badge if i wasnt in a ranked server right?  But my kills from the past 48 hours havent updated at all.  So dont feel bad everyone, im sure EA is just watching a Tranny porn tape right now.
yea my stats aren't updating either, lame shit..
not even the stats in BFHQ, and I tried with switching servers, cuz I thought that it might be the server with problems, but still no updates..
They are updating.. just ridiculously slow.. I just got points for a round I played about... 7 hours ago...I know this because I got a new BR on Operation Clean Sweep of 102!  (had to share that )
Yea I hope they are, or else I'm going to have lost a LOT of points
'cuz I had a few round with scores for example: 97 - 13 - 42 - 5
that's like a KDratio over 8.0 .. try to do that 5 times in a row as an engi ..
damn EAservers..
Satan's disciple on Earth.
+160|6723|Hell's prison
Well my Stats finally updated...How convenient it seemed to not log my 8 kills with the knife IAR from 4 pm yesterday and my vet badge.  Gee how convenient!  But it logged my 4 points from the server I played at 830 last night before i left for work....AND somehow I was playing the game at 0859 AM on the 29th which for me thats a little less than 4 hours from this time now...hmmm Time for more mail to EA, they are shooting themselves in the foot with this.

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