I cnat slpel!!!

xanthpi wrote:

We realise that when we play as a team, the sum total of our effectiveness is far greater than if we were to all play alone.
That's so true though! When I play with just one or two mates, we generally score higher than if I tab it alone. Imagine a full-blown clan on the hunt...   *shivers*

Girlfriends... well, then I guess you'd need to buy a second computer and upgrade your ADSL so you both could play and she could own you in-game as well as out
Titanium Shadow
Silent Justice
I'm not kissin' BUTT, but these guys are that good IMHO!!!

First off They have a guy named nexar ( I believe) Who is got to be the best damn BH pilot I have ever seen or had the privledge of riding with!!!!!

Secondly: Nastie Butler and (BSF) seems to know all the nooks and crannys of this game,and the BSF uses them best to their ability.

Besides that if there clan members happen to leave or they are just waiting for some members..THEY ARE VERY FRIENDLY. They will chat with you, they will help you and your sqad if they join it.. and also give you pointers.

All I can say is sit back, Watch, and learn something new from them.. I've played many a rounds with those guys, and against. HENCE THEY ALWAYS KICK THE SHIT OUT OF ME!! but after that I will always make it a point for the rest of the geame to hunt them down.. And to me that makes the game fun, to have an objective instaed of sitting there with a noobtube up my ass.

YOU go BSF and Nastie, and keep ownin'
My name is 1927. Date 19th JAN, one of the EA 64 UK Servers. Possibly UK ONLY Not sure. Around about 11pm. Gulf of Oman. I can't give you any more precise details, sorry for not saying this ID was my gaming ID.

There are explanations for either side of the argument, for points 1-5 as mentioned. I picked the word "Defend" in my previous post because I did accuse you. If it was vice versa I'd be here defending myself. I had already considered "Veng3nces" explanations and felt none of them fitted.  I still felt strongly enough to post about it the next day and give an account of what happened.
+0|6811|8miles north of smurf village
they are cheat guys all use h4x, they killed me loads with them and it was unfair but i owned them... i have screens which will post whenever i edit them

they all suck look at their stats any guy with super high kd ratio before he got his stats erased for unknown reasons could beat them

btw i love u guys <3 i wish i could join u

sums up all the pointless posts in this thread i think
I cnat slpel!!!

--=o-R4VEN-o=-- wrote:

they are cheat guys all use h4x, they killed me loads with them and it was unfair but i owned them... i have screens which will post whenever i edit them

they all suck look at their stats any guy with super high kd ratio before he got his stats erased for unknown reasons could beat them

btw i love u guys <3 i wish i could join u

sums up all the pointless posts in this thread i think
Forgot my general rant about how teamwork makes this game great...
After being TK'd out of the attack chopper by Nastie_Butler with the M95 on 3 different occasions, I have zero respect for anything he does.  I have never, ever Tk'd someone to get their vehicle, and if they get in before me, I try to get out the way.  If I do accidently get crushed by the vehicle I was trying unsucessfully to get into, I do not punish, and tell them sorry for the TK.

One of my sons was about to M95 a guy out of a jet the other day and I told my kids if I ever see them play with poor sportsmanship that I will unplug their computers.  I hope Butler comes to our server one day so I can get his IP and ban it.  TK'ing for vehicles is juvenille and shows poor sportsmanship.  That is the difference between Firestorm, who you can respect because he plays fair, and a jerk like Nastie_Butler, who is a selfish player.   The former should be emulated, the latter should be scorned.


.ACB|_Cutthroat1 wrote:

how many times did he get you

EDIT: look at your health, butler?
he got me once

and yeh he nearly mauled me but i got him >: D
It's interesting to read other's comments about us.

btw, i nearly forgot that i got an account on BF2s forums.

Last edited by x0pht (2006-01-27 18:50:23)


Titanium Shadow wrote:

I'm not kissin' BUTT
Yes u are.....choose another hero....people are good at games but it dont make them gods!!! nor does it make them good people in real life! the way i read it the BSF have an advantage called team work and they communicate! other than that they are just like 50% of all other BF2 players...cept they prolly play more than most of what!! good on em i say!!....if they cheat as some here have stated then they are only cheating themselves...but who the end its HOW U PLAY THAT COUNTS! only the lemmings and sheep get slaughtered...some peeps think outside the box!!! some use tactics and communication!
+55|6897|3 Miles west of smurf village

1927(h) wrote:

My name is 1927. Date 19th JAN, one of the EA 64 UK Servers. Possibly UK ONLY Not sure. Around about 11pm. Gulf of Oman. I can't give you any more precise details, sorry for not saying this ID was my gaming ID.

There are explanations for either side of the argument, for points 1-5 as mentioned. I picked the word "Defend" in my previous post because I did accuse you. If it was vice versa I'd be here defending myself. I had already considered "Veng3nces" explanations and felt none of them fitted.  I still felt strongly enough to post about it the next day and give an account of what happened.

This post tells me that you didn't read my response to your accusations.  I derive from this post that you played us for only one round or a map at most.  This and your consistant reference to UK ONLY servers as if that really did mean only UK players can play on this leads me to believe that you are simply ignorant and either wish to remain that way or do not know that you can learn more about this game.  This ignorance leads me to believe that even if you read my response you would not believe it.

All this points to a fruitless one-way conversation....that is you talking to yourself.  My deduction is that the purpose of your original post was to simply rally like-minded people for a lil' BUTLER_BASHING.   I see no need to respond to you any further.  I will let you continue to have your masturbatory conversation and let you wallow like a pig in your own smurfitude.

Time to face your demons 1927...this is you.... … ght=smurfs
Butler check us out in the evennings, becouse we just reopened the server again due to a 500 dollor overage bill, and most of our regs donnot come on till night time, now would be the perfect time to find us on our server.
Death StatPadder
+228|6915|Human Meat Shield
well again I respect people that respect others and if you tk for stuff, it's not working together, there are more people out there besides your clanmates. But I have had no problems with BSF people, true they are very helpful but they have to realize some of us are exp/not exp as them. My hats off to the BSF peeps tho for the teamwork they display, and I 'Spot' ALOT when I am commander exp if there is only 1-3 people, so if you think that you are 'hiding' -- your not. Like I said I've played with Nexar, I think loki is on your clan, Veng, and a couple others, and had no problem.

Read your 'smurf', this is so true and commend you on that information, I think everyone should read that because it is very true. Seems like I always have high pings on the UK servers but sometimes I can get in and play ya'll, you guys had clanmates everywhere!! What do you guys have 9 full Clan Squads playing at once!

Last edited by imdead (2006-01-27 22:42:35)

+4|6812|3 Miles East of Smurf Village
Every night we go from server to server (Officials and Clans) and repeatedly get removed from the clans for "playing too aggressive" and destroying the population due to pure annilahation. Nastie, nor anyone else in BSF can tell you how much we strive to win, and compete against the best. Our team loves us (and especially our commander), but the enemy will always fear us. Always.

We WILL give you a run for your money. It is up to you to either face it or return to the smurf village.

Last edited by [BSF]Nexar (2006-01-28 01:16:21)

Death StatPadder
+228|6915|Human Meat Shield
Well all I can say is that I respect All Clans that are well organized and play for fun. Winning is a priority but, they don't say anything like 'if my team gets in the way' -- that's selfish, but it's a game, it's not life. I do notice alot of clans have alot of confidence but you have to, you don't want to be weak then everyone takes advantage; anyway nice job.
I will now end this mastabatroy conversation from this end.

Of course I read ya post, word for word and responded to it.  I havent said it was defanatly a UK ONLY post, Im not going to try and be-little you by suggesting to read my post. Dont insult my intellagence by suggesting I don't want to learn more about this game. What do you think I mean when I say I play to win?  Of course thats going to include improving my performance.  Of course I didnt fully belive your post.  I told you that not all the points added up.  Im not going as far as calling you a liar because I know how mistakes can happen. You may not of realised your lad was in our squad listening to our squad chat?  Im not laying that at your door personally but he had your clan tag whilst all your other boys were still on the same team.

If the conversation was one way how did I manage to muster so many replies? A few from yaself. I dont expect to hear from you again now as you've laid your line down.  I dont care who they are If I think they have cheated me Im going to look into it. I can't do anything about the fact I wasn't the first  to state something about you.  I havent clicked the smurf link but may well at a later date.

I now know I will never get the peace of mind over why those incidents happened. They just did eh?? I'll accept your word that you didnt hack as there is no reason why I shouldnt.

VidSicious wrote:

After being TK'd out of the attack chopper by Nastie_Butler with the M95 on 3 different occasions, I have zero respect for anything he does.  I have never, ever Tk'd someone to get their vehicle, and if they get in before me, I try to get out the way.  If I do accidently get crushed by the vehicle I was trying unsucessfully to get into, I do not punish, and tell them sorry for the TK.

One of my sons was about to M95 a guy out of a jet the other day and I told my kids if I ever see them play with poor sportsmanship that I will unplug their computers.  I hope Butler comes to our server one day so I can get his IP and ban it.  TK'ing for vehicles is juvenille and shows poor sportsmanship.  That is the difference between Firestorm, who you can respect because he plays fair, and a jerk like Nastie_Butler, who is a selfish player.   The former should be emulated, the latter should be scorned.

I'd like to add my opinion about your post.  During some play I did about a week ago on Karkand I had a run in with Firestorm.  I spawned first and took the tank on MEC and used it for a good while.  Was up to about 50 points and in first place.  When I was killed I ran over to the tank spawn and waited for it.  Firestorm was next to me and I got the tank again.   Firestorm was in the gunner position and told me to get out of the tank.  30 seconds later I was kicked from the server by Firestorm for taking his tank.......

Enough said....

[BSF]Nexar wrote:

Every night we go from server to server (Officials and Clans) and repeatedly get removed from the clans for "playing too aggressive" and destroying the population due to pure annilahation. Nastie, nor anyone else in BSF can tell you how much we strive to win, and compete against the best. Our team loves us (and especially our commander), but the enemy will always fear us. Always.

We WILL give you a run for your money. It is up to you to either face it or return to the smurf village.
My remark (still with no intend of disrespect) is what are you good at besides teamwork and flying a Helo?

You are skilled at teamwork yes but none off your stats stick out like AraGoth, Reeltoo very good medics or Rakasan, and Volx with their C4!

Look fore and join me and Reeltoo on ONE.SE later this evening Cen. Euro time and we slug it out in the backyard up front Nexar (read individual skill).

It’s much easier to find someone there than on Wake Island!

A smurf according to my opinion is someone that’s on the Team speak all the time but doesn’t know what he is talking about. I hate to have to listen to all this talking over the voip the whole time.

People that don’t know were to go or what to do in certain situations may just lack the hours, the need more time with the game no need to call them “smurfs”.

Phyrre one off the best CS 1.6 players there was (look the name up and you see) tried to play Karkand one day but had a bit of a problem since he didn’t know were to go (still killed 13 died 8 times in his last round). Well I don’t think he would appreciate much to be called a smurf!?

We have all been new to the game sometime Butler!!
+55|6897|3 Miles west of smurf village

Qckshot wrote:

Butler check us out in the evennings, becouse we just reopened the server again due to a 500 dollor overage bill, and most of our regs donnot come on till night time, now would be the perfect time to find us on our server.
We visited your site last night.  About four or five of us played for three or so maps.  We experienced some probs.  Several of us have fps type lag going on that didn't equate with our ping.  But that happened in other servers last night.

In the middle of the third game the server semi-crashed and kicked out more than half the players.  Shortly afterward the whole thing went down.  Just thought I would give you feedback in case you are tweeking something.

Also the MEC team could not form squads.  I know this is a common prob though I dont know the reason it exists.

We will probably find our way back soon.  Most players there knew those two maps well and responded promptly when we went for key enemy areas like the factory etc so it was a challenge.
+4|6812|3 Miles East of Smurf Village

Sluggit wrote:

My remark (still with no intend of disrespect) is what are you good at besides teamwork and flying a Helo?
First of all, thats one extremely ignorant comment. Being good at teamwork is probably the most important in any players attributes. I laughed when i first read that. Flying a helo is only my secondary passtime in the game. My "real" talent lies in jets. In my eyes, all i need and want to be good at is "teamwork" and "air power". I practice with it and become the best. Would the army put a veteran apache pilot in an M1A1 tank? No. I enjoy what i do best, and thats the way i want to play the game that I bought.
Hmm…………. Don’t know were to begin, misunderstood again!

Maybe I can sum it up in one word All-round?

1.    No need to drag the army in to this, it’s a computer game (quick smile).
2.    When you play a clan-match orientated game in public with that many good players you will of course win, yes almost all the time but none of you will score that much and the rounds will end swiftly!
3.    When this happens round after round the other team will get very frustrated at you and your team-mates and Butler threads will appear here and there and every ware!
4.    Have played this way myself with *HMC*FE1F sometimes and we had to stop since people started to leave the server (read people can only take so much).
5.    The sum of it all is:

When you are practising on public servers all in the same team you will of course impress your team-mates and upset your opponents. Playing a clan orientated game on public servers with extreme precision and excellent teamwork against “smurfs” is one thing. To do that in a clan match against a good clan is something else! To join a public server and battle it out with someone good to improve you personal stats is something very different (read get into the thick off it and prove your skills).

You seem to be a good pilot Nexar, keep up the good work in the plane if that is what you like that’s fine with me!

Last but not least you must have had some rounds the 14-17 of December, SPM 7,48?


Qckshot wrote:

Butler check us out in the evennings, becouse we just reopened the server again due to a 500 dollor overage bill, and most of our regs donnot come on till night time, now would be the perfect time to find us on our server.
We visited your site last night.  About four or five of us played for three or so maps.  We experienced some probs.  Several of us have fps type lag going on that didn't equate with our ping.  But that happened in other servers last night.

In the middle of the third game the server semi-crashed and kicked out more than half the players.  Shortly afterward the whole thing went down.  Just thought I would give you feedback in case you are tweeking something.

Also the MEC team could not form squads.  I know this is a common prob though I dont know the reason it exists.

We will probably find our way back soon.  Most players there knew those two maps well and responded promptly when we went for key enemy areas like the factory etc so it was a challenge.
Yeah We get a pretty high calibar of player here our server, we like the challenge they provide, keeps us sharp for the nato-lader matches we play, u guys eep comin in, we bound to get into a firefight soon enough. yeah ill check our server logs, see what the problem is, server might be going through an upgrade, not been on in 2 days, work in the way, although i heard a new pb may be the prob im logging in right now ill look into it thanks
Thank you very much fore joining in on ONE.SE!

It was fun to play against you!!

I hope that you understood what I meant in my earlier post when I tried to explain my self.

It was tow good public rounds last night and usually the way I and Reeltoo always battle it out!

Thank you again and all the best!!!

Long live FistFullofClams!!!!!!!!
+-2|6933|U.K DURHAM
ffs i had a fast look at some posts you guys put why do you always think guys hack get a life ffs. team work is good some might like to try it 1 time. like NASTIE_BUTLER said a good squad with team play and team talk can sort the job out. hmm you play on ea uk servers think i will have a look on for a game with you guys 1 night.
+4|6812|3 Miles East of Smurf Village

Sluggit wrote:

Last but not least you must have had some rounds the 14-17 of December, SPM 7,48?
yeah i can go all night on wake island with 90-120 kills without dieing. Before i got reset a second time because EA forgot to throw away the posted note that said "Stat wipe nexar" i had a solid K/D of 56.5 for a week

nexar obviously got his stats reset .. everyone point and laugh

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